English 5th Internet and Children Under The Age of 10

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Internet and children under the age of 10

Nowadays, more and more people become addicted to their gadgets, especially to
“Internet”. They include children and babies too and this is really worrying.
In this 21st century, in century of technology that’s relevant theme among people
(parents, teachers, workers and etc.). This is normal now, but I think this is wrong.
Because I have the same problems with my little sisters and myself. For instance, my
little sister (whose 1.6 age) really addicted to television. This is partly because when
we haven’t any time to play with her, we just switch on TV to calm her down. And
then she getting used to this, and when we switched it off she starting cry. The also
problem has my second little sister (whose 8 age). Before bed time she always sitting
on her tablet, and then literally sleeps with it. She puts it down near her head. Also
when she doing her homework she is distracted to watch YouTube time to time. I
think that’s not normal for children. But besides, recently I myself began to notice
these symptoms in myself too. I began to surf the Internet more often and do my
homework more slowly.
However, we are not the only ones facing this problem. There are lots of parents
who ignore the fact that their children spent too much time on Internet. These
children than likely are: less studying, having poor eyesight, more aggressive.
Because while they watching all of this in Internet, they cannot find difference
between reality and TV fantastic. So I think that’s need a solution.
To solve this problem, we need to limit the time sitting on Internet and do more
activity with children. You can enroll your children in additional classes where they
can spend time with benefit.
In conclusion, I want to say that this is a SERIOUS problem. It is wrong not to pay
attention to the fact that the child is always on the Internet or watching cartoons.

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