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dessert recipes from le champignon sauvage david everitt-matthias foreword by eee blumenthal dessert Reena le champignon sauvage CEs ase tester tae lt en soe KeSas Moby heston blumenthal Absolute Press First published in Great Britain in 2009 by Absolute Press Scarborough House B fares Stet Wese Bach BAL 2BT. Phone 44/(0) 1225 316013 Fax 44 (0) 1225 445836 E-mail Website: Reprinted 2009 (© David Everite-Matthias, 2009 Photography copyright one Foreword copyright (© Heston Blumenthal Publisher Jon Croke Commissioning Editor Meg Avene Editor Jane Middleton Designer Matt Inwood Design Asitane Claire Sigge Indexer wailed Andres O'Connor Photographer LycaBarr Photography Assistants Hilary Knox and Nee! Kamil to be identified as the author ofthis ‘work have been asserted by him in fecordance with the Copyright Designs and Parents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No pare of this Publication may be reproduced, Stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form of by any mean tronic or otherwise Absolute Brew. catalogue record of this book is available trom the British Library ISBN 13: 9781906650032 Printed and bound by Printer Trento, Italy Anote about the text ‘This book is set in Sabon MT. Sahom was designed by Jan ‘eho 1964, Th oan Garamond, wheres the italic design bsed on types by Robert bp Jacket image Strawherry and hibiscus jelly with lemon verhena custard and blackeurrant sorbet (page 48) contents foreword by heston blumenthal 7 introduction 8 how to use my book 11 a note on ingredients 12 foundations 16 chocolate and nut 22 fruit 46 vegetable 70 roots, pods, seeds and bark 90 wild 112 petits fours 136 glossary 144 my suppliers 148 index 150 acknowledgements 158 foreword by heston blumenthal “The world of cooking has changed in so many ways We ae now more exposed to other fod cultures than ever before. Ai ave, Stelite television and she internet have expanded he clinary foalbox no en Te growth of important international chef conferences where chefs demonstrate cei techniques to the general publ, eheit industry peers, colleagues and the worlds press, have mane that A wthole new range of exciting rechniques ave aow atthe young hel dsp Theres however 3 potential danger al ofthis ei ncrediby limportae that chefs wt embracing his ne exiting worl, dl not lose sight of the importance ofthe clssia foundation of ‘poking = in esence the nuts and bolts nesded to build tong, framework. Also, with the exeting potential of the wide rane of exotic ingredients now aval, more nporene than evee te champion and suppor local produce So, how does this relate to David? Dedication to his craft and an impresive lst of achievements hae ‘stablshed David ss ane ofthe very best Brith chet ever to cook inthis counery He ia shining Hight co professional and amateur ‘cooks alike, David will embrace cechnology, but never lett get inthe way’ of his craft He respects tration, but yl move things on when he feos cha there are genuine improvements to he made He has heen quel foraging and championing no only Brissh bout local Trish produce for yes Allin all, David Everite Mattias isthe epitome of what tay treat mavdern day chet shouldbe anda this hook he shares bit “teat, nowedge for his ra, techniques and diverse use of nlce, sme of which might even be lrking atthe end of Sour garden “This san exciting, informative and truly delicous buok, Heston Bhaental ray, February 2009 7 dessert foreword introduction 140 enjoy finishing a meal with a good desert use ee ‘complete without one. Whether i light summer dessert Iextie morecomforing winer pid, the most importa hing shoei should be full favour, as palates can lag towards the end of eal 1 find dessersimmenssy eweding esate, parsclaly a8 you fam take more time with the composition and presentation than ‘vith ee parts of the meal. Yet drain 3 «pase chet ad Ihave lrgly had co teach mel When I tated my are tthe Inn on che Pat, in London, spent five happy yeats covering ‘vegetables, zosts and grills sates, fa an the larder seston ‘rsa in so many Tare esaurane kitchens, the psy section renin elusive. fe was quite separate from the rest ofthe kitchen nd was no considered part of ches apprenticeship. Much lar when Lopened Le Chaimpgnon Sauvage 1 wa ery conscious ofthe gap is my knowles There was only myself a ‘one other person working ete to begin with,so the eso of us had to cover every ten of the kitchen Kees feo this post chat Tearing began | read books and experimented endlesly | had ne preconceptions, so the more I found eu the more began to ase questions what would happen iT used diferente lou forth ferent ugar for that, what would happen if Laded things, suberacted hing "applied the same logic to desserts 381 di to the eet 0 9 ooking, As the years progressed my knowledge about ingredients increased, and I now draw upon a uch more varie leet. (My dssets repertoire has opened up with wld Foods pees and even vgetabien Twenty-two yeas afer Le Champignon Sauvage ‘pened stl get a eal buzz from bringing new favours the ‘desert able, and experimenting vith ingress such 8 Jerusalem artichokes, white asparagus and soerel, panda leaves, reen tea an pose flowers ‘Tread books and experimented endle: more | found out, the more | began to {a 1996 our efforts were rewarded when Twas named Dessert Chef tf the earn a competition run bythe Egon Ronay Guide ~ an fswatd Iwas honoured eo recive, as there were sl nthe 0 ‘of usin che kichen and ve had beaten some ofthe top Michelin Stoered resturants with their own paste departments Now Ihave 8 bigger brigade, bt Teil don't employ a pastry chef, Ineread she chal who werk here go through she pasty section along with ll ‘he others no they cam tem their hap tony pat ofthe kitchen, Thaler its very imporsant thatthe head chet syle and plate fren evidence fromm the starters nd tain courses Fight through te deter snd peis four, Otherwise, there wil he 3 break inthe ‘onrinuty of the mesl David Evert Mahi hatenban Febrary 2009 sly, | had no preconceptions, so the sk questions: what would happen if L used a different flour for this, a different sugar for that, what would happen if | added things, subtracted things? | applied the same log desserts as | did to the rest of my cook 9 dessert ing. introduction 11 dessert introduction Jess. introduction foundations Hece ae some ofthe things we keep on hand 10 add to out esreres pls fer basin such as sweet pastry and brioche ‘They are used regularly throughout the Book and can be adapted ro sue your own recipes, marinated prunes in armagnac “These prns are so addictive, and wo easy Thy igen prnes “The nextday remove the tea bags from to prepare You can experiment with many 5 Engi rastfat ta bags lene misture nd pour in che Aemmaanae diferent spices and flavourings juices, 250m! Armagnac Mix carefully to dstabute the Aeagnae ‘wines and spirits o enliven them. For ms, vel Store in Kier ja fr mc the best way to cat marinated prunes ees the ae off the orange an mon in long before uae = if you eam watt, ‘with warm ce pudding with les of fresh rps then sguere out te juice Place the anil init leceminds meof schooldays, ex and aie water sugar, tala ard bor mach hetero course ‘Sinnamon in tpan lege enough 2 hold the prunes and bing 0 the bol, ting 1 orange to dole the sugae Lemon 250d ster Simmer for § mina shen ad the panes 200 caster agar ‘and place the tea gs ontop. Remove 1 vanilla pod ftom she at an leave to mscerste 1 ciao tick rer white port and verjus syrup Jost a simple wo make asthe Maury Syrup, 2 Bote of bie pore ‘opposite this hava Mesh swe and sour ‘ire vere flavour fewas once made with tarzemb—25¢ Demerara sugar apples bur these days veri sour grape iuice) is more pepe es very good with Pla dheingredonts in heaey based ‘white chocolate, peaches apricots nd pan and bring to he bail Sinner slvely ksapes Fora mote honeyed taste, ty mead tn reduced to 300m, then sain through Inatead of white port, Shine seve and leave 10 cool. Kes in a Sanall squeey bottle, ready for use 1s essence foundations maury syrup Maury wine comes from the Rowsillon res of France and i valle ard and a Ieser known white. The ed powerful seven wh god he lame and “This syrup wail keep for avery ang se Jus roe ir in a small bore inthe fds ‘nd iis ready to une. leas a wonder ‘ep flavour that goes wel with warm ‘pices, such as eianamon an coves. Kes also a perfect natch for figs, chocolate and citrus s0 you cet a bit of a al rounds, and well worth making 2 bottles of re Maury wine 1 bottle of red wine, suc a8 9 Rone small handed of glen raisins 2g Demerane sigan Pace all the ingredients in a heayy-ased pan ad vig to the bol Simmer slowly nel reduced to 27S, then strain dough 2 fine seve and lave wo cool Keepin Small scery bot, ready ors orange powder “This is a must for the sore cupboard Temas 2 great finish fora dessert = sprinkled on rop of pati, fr example, Sr mixed with» Lele erage ro rest an ice erin oe sorbet on Yo can sso use ie te flavour ie ream oF ad i tothe Pat ‘when sauting fra I goes particsly ‘vel with iqgorice ginger and urdock and can give a zing to anything. Why not {ey ei emo ov line ad? 4 ne wravtated sag hal water Remove the zest fom he oranges with a ‘eget pecler ring to avoid the white pith lace the sugar and water in 9 cepa and bing othe oi, ing 0 Uscolve the sega Simmer for 2 minutes, thon ad the orange ast and cook gently for 15 minutes Remove fom the hes nd leave to co. Drain ff dhe exces syrup and scatter the Strips forage rest over ange Baking thet fins wth aking parchment, making Sore they ave’ rushing exch other Pace ina oven preheated to 120°C/Gas Mark Mand lave for I-1s hours ti completly din the should not be oloared all Lee to coo then rind to powder ina spice grinder Store na sale art a oar fl keep fort month, wv essence foundations salted lemons “These lemons ate quick and easy to prepare, although they do have toe kept {ora while ro soften before use. Popular ia ‘Moroccan cooking, they haves very lng shelf ie and add s0 mock flavour and freshness 1 dsher Although they are commonly used in savoury cooking they fate great with chocolate, bh bite and white acting as ot eu he echnes. You could inelede 3 few stalks of lemongrass or afew ime leaves with them ‘Why nor replace the lemons with oranges tor mes and add some crs coriander seeds and eardamom pods? 12 lemons, cu bt ot gute Locgtlesy ty quarters, lemon juice. The lemons should be wel al the way tng covered wit fice If rece, od ene st ‘lise cil to cover this wil form seal that 2 bay leaves the aie cannot penetrate: Wipe the neck of 2000 omc ice the jae clean and seal Leave for at least abot 200m oie oil month before te, 0 the peck will wate Sprinkle the inside ofthe lemons with the Tose the pecs unt uch Te foie cam be esc 39 3m the pul. salt and poek a thid of them intos large, old rennin water fest ‘widenecked jar Add the bay leaves and ‘Sprinkle with lle more sal Posh down well eo vlease the juices, Repeat with ‘nother third af the mons, pushing down, twll Ad dhe final third and pour inthe cardamom yoghurt (Of course, you dont have to make your ‘oven yophore, ur we do atthe reveuran: Ti takes so litle ume and you ean be sre of injecting your own personal ast ito it You can ercae so many layouts: coriander, vanilla, coffee, iquvice, oh T could go on nd on, But one of my favourites jt hav to be cardamom: The sight aciiy of the $oahure and the almost ctus tang ofthe ardamom ast seem to be made foreach ‘other. 1 use for adding a ight touch to ‘esses It can help eut the reine of| chocolate and i great aecompaninent to ‘anything crus. Soa small yoghurt maker iecasental in cur Kitchen If you want eo ‘make pais yoghurt, jane omit the edamom from tis recipe 10 cantar pods ite well 2100 naa lve yoatrt Pace the cardamom andi ina saucepan and fom the beat ring tothe boi Remove tin cool down 0 39°C Pass rough» Rise ive, eben mix in the live yoghurt nd pace a yoghurt make Leave lor 8-10 hous, chen store inthe ‘de ul needed If you want a thicker youhure, add 353 of Are skimmed mull ponder to the mak fore beng lve yoshury Nr the initial se of ough ou ca use 200g of your on homemade yoghurt forthe nest hatch. Is essence storecupboard sweet pastry I dewised this sect pastry when Ie in the National Chef of the Yea compton and wanted something that would be very {ick to prepare and woul’ shins ‘was cooked without resting fist. Ground pistachios o walnuts could be tse instead of almonds, oF vou could Sustate Demerara sugae for icing sae to give a completely diferent ate puff pastry lf poser one of those things that kes ges fo make bt i slays 0 rewarding Wwhea finshed and yo are eatin the Featherlight results, You could ad kon and oeange 2s 0.0 ose With spheres and servis, a ad file ‘Shnamon of ground ginger. Alternatively, {ry inclading some proud wateceds or ted acors, or simpy eplce a litle of the flose with biter coca power 9 make hocolate pu sts white or crns nat tod Date 270 pla flow 150g old sao butter Sig ground alnonds of {lomo or Vonage nL vola pad 1 egg solk Sie ehe fou and se nr a ove. Dice 1003 ofthe butter, advo the flour and rub icin the misre esembls brederums [a the lemon juice oF vinceae to dhe tvater and gradually sti into the Ror and Tce uni the misare forms smooch all Weap ining im sn place inthe Fede to tla for 30 manus. San the remaining butter by puting ie etn 2 sheets of cling los and ng i ‘wth ling pin ing sarfl no 1 te the ling fi. Turn fever ad repeat Pst the hue bac into the centre ofthe cling fl and repeat ance more Take the pastry ft ofthe Figo ad untap it The pases 8nd hurer shou he the same temperatue el he dowgh out wa 20 30m rectangle Rollout the Daten sl wrapped it he ling i, to 18% 25cm, Unwrap te Iter place tom ome hal ofthe pasty Place all the iaredionts excepe the egg and ‘xg yolk in a food processor and pulse Unt he erature seats breadcrumbs. Ada the egg and yolk and paise uni the tmixeure start to form a bal, Tort ou on {0-3 loured surface and Knead 3s Uihtly 38 possible, just ani smooth For into 2 ball Hatten then ssp in cling lm Sed cil for leet 3 hours betore we. “This pasty i suitable for freezing hate fo 24 ours inthe Fides. and fold the other half over, pressing the ges together well o sea inthe buses Now thnk of your pastry a.a hook and turn che Jough so you have the spine tothe lee and the page othe right. Rll ou eo 5 times its original sis, One ofthe keys to the nucers of good puff pastry tha the omnes and edges must be level and neat at Memes, 0 if hey ae oot ily seer "he paste to shape an ey to keep thie perfec rectangle, Fold the dough into 3, keeping the edges seat: Place inthe fridge or 30 minute 0 Fela. Thon ell outs second time, Koei the sine to the left and pages ta the ih. Fold into 3 again, making sre thatthe ‘edges are inline and neat. Return to the Fridge for 30 minutes. Remove from the feidge and repeat the rolling proses for 2 thi ime, Wrap an place hack inthe feadge unl nce. 19 essence storecupboard ‘Wonderflly light and ic, lroche asl sors of uses in desserts ether whole or in crumbs made into French tons, schich 1 then ike 0 0p ith in slice of marzipan and flash under the for a srt of see Welsh rate Pu the warm water in a small Bowl and mixin che yeas and sugar unl dissolved Leave for 2-3 mites, tl fothy. Place the flour in an electri miner and ad he yeast mix lowly pour inthe epzs and beat for 2 minutes on lowe sped, ating the sal withthe ges Ad the burr bit by bit wang wnt each pose hasbeen Incorporated before ding the next Makes 2 loaves Divide the miso ia al, Bucer 2 lat tins and ie the bases wth king parchment Puc he dough inthe in, coer tvth a damp cloth and eave vo prove at faily acm oom temperature (26°C) for 45-60 mines, until doubled in size Spiced bread is very verntie snd can he 10h il served with afternoon ten or tae eo 2g ees hon flavour ie cents, partats and mousmes. 1505 ne flow Temakes great Franch toast and oc, 130g pla shite flow perfectly with roasted apples and pears. 75g Demerma sy 254 baking ponder Mode into breaderambs and then dried in 73g unsalted Iter, diced the oven it adds texture toa dish “ sprinled on top of a parfait for example. afl cx of 1 onmge Diced and fred it provides «contrasting rated set of iy lomo texture for poached fats such as cherries, SO candied ong pel fly diced optional) Sg candid angelica, finely diced (optional) storecupboard Lightly brush the top ofthe lnaves with a Te mille and place im an oven preheated to 180°C Mak 4. Bake foe 48 mites tml the hrache ¥en amd sounds hollow when tapped underneath sol inthe ts f th fmtoa wre rack an lave to coo! You could keep ome Tosti wrapped. ‘Warm the mu snd dissolve the honey ini then Ieave to con Place both the loses, the Demerara si Iking poster and died burer in the bow! ofan electric mixer. Mix an alow speed until the texture resem Breadcrumbs, then athe exes and dhe honey msture and beat wnt srt Aad all the remaining ingredients na mi well Poe nso 2 grenadine Ioan abet 20 7.5% 7-Som Bake in an oven prised 160"CGas Mark 3 for 45-50 minutes, til deep golden anal firm wo the uch {eave to col inthe tn for 20 ainute, thet tara out om ta a wite rack ta cel completly ast had co give these wo ingredients a chapter o themselves, They are certally popular and there are myriad poses for using there. As a combination, they were nde for each ether ‘The favour of chocolate is normal determined by the aunt of eocon mass or eocoa soli The popular confectionery that we eatin the Foye of ars stwets, Easter eg et tends comin a lowe proportion ‘ofthis massy and dhenefore less choeolte. The higher you go up the ‘nas laden the ore chocolave and lw sugar iz med, unl yo peo 10 percent cocoa many, which very savoury indeed. When we have 2 ‘pew member of stall the restaurant, we pet them to tate al the varies, fd percentages of chocolate that we happen to ae i and very Fe ke the 100 percent For thi book Ihave used main the two hat are most readily nbrsinable: 64 and 71 per ent cocoa sold, All good chocolate has is own characteristic: some ate fom site ‘states, ke wine, a have lr rity and ply tres, ve bac notes lve wo ad paweral avours toi after ll, with methine Fich snd eomples ae thi thre te no pone being Fainteared. So many flavourings work with chocolate ~ fom herbs wich as rose thyme, hay and verbena to apices ike star ame, cinnamon, ‘ardamom, liquorice and even cumin plas eddies such a ili rohaceo Sd etroot. There all tad up eo the choclate and play with You palate. {Nip Tor melting choclate nt microwaves Ihave fund that i you chop tupplce tied of iin the icone and welt completely, hen athe Femaiing o-thieds, puri hack in the microwave for 30 second remove ieand si ni meted wil come ou beauty shiny. So many flavourings work with chocolate ~ from hel [Nats make wonderful descr. They all have their on unig Havour and texture, which ean he changed by roasting or caramelicing, When Broun, thy can he une to make fangipan a ces lf a lie coarec the ‘work well in pastries such a Palas, They can be ase frst ad $OUn Cary almonds, for example with their cstmy tae and texture. are perfect witha lte-sommer fruit soup or delicate white peaches Suton, biter nuts suchas walnuts go well with all the autumnal frat ‘When composing a dish, cs worth paving around with around nuts ~substitating pstachion oF walnuts for aon for example to ceate 2 liferene efx, bs such as rosemary lavender, thyme, bay and verbena to spices like star anise, cirmamo coriane tobacco and beetroot. k Nuts make wonderful des texture, which can be changed by roasting or carant cardamom, liquorice and even cumin, plus oddities such « . They all have their own unique flavour and lising. chocolate yoghurt with prune “The wet and sour axe ofthe prame Parée makes ica perfect partner for hocoate, while the act sid in he ouhuet helps cot the richness cet 2 igh desert Hf you wane something lie sches simply Jouble the amex of chocolate Yu could replace te pane Pte wih a hanana one and the choclate ‘with chick earamel You cl ao comsdr Flavoring she yogurt wth dferene spices, bot | do like to se cardamom in this deer, you have problems finding the gre de acon, jst eat lil ofthe bers ‘hocolte you ean find ontop. fe won't have the stme crunch but twill ast Serves 8 asa predesse for the chocolate yoghurt for the prae purse cla yoghurt Paase the chopped chocolate in a howl and lt vera pan of simmering water or in A ncrowave (ace page 23), Die the ¢aedaniom yoghurt is half and pour one Porson on tote warm melted chose, ‘ohisking al terme, St aside a room ‘erpeatire uni nosed. Keep the ‘emaning cardamom yoghurt in the Fide re pane Remove the stones rom the prunes, Mace the rane ina idee wth she gu and blend wil smooth [yer some of he chocolae yoghurt, prune pure and catdamom yoghurt in 8 Repeat an th lass ae lot ul Sprinkle over the roe deca, You ci, ‘you wish, kep them i he edge a his stage ul pede. Just remove fom the Fridge 20 minutes before serving 24 dessert. chocolate and nut pistachio and dried apricot tart “This is one of my favourite tarts Inthe pistachio frame Sprinkle withthe shopped pistachios restau, we wie the very gren Scan ‘Cream the butter and sugar spether and place it an oven preheted £0 160°C/ Pistachios, which costa litle more but the ual pale and laf. Sie ehe flour, ground Gas Mark 3. Bake for 40-50 mines, und flavour and colour are so much beer. almonds and pistachios int a how! the top i golden and a knife inserted in he Walnuts macadamia nuts and almonds Ina separate bow, beat the egas until center comes out clean. Leave wo rf would aiso work well and the walnut pale. Add ede egg vo the butter miscure, 15 minutes Nersion is parsculiy good made with eating all he tie, thon aide of the id is flour misgore, Repeat antl all he our ering snd eugs have heen wsdl. The miseure Carefully unmoldehe rare al dus i with You could use fresh apricot in the tart but shoul be ight, creamy and smooth icing sugar Cu ingo 10-12 sls and serve, [preter dhe sight caramel favour of crit) Keep i col place unt needed Any leftovers are great the nex dav child ‘ones, where the job of removing any excess ‘or warmed through, ‘water has aleady been done. Great with fart Pistachio ee Cream (se page 31} oran Rollout the pastry on lightly loured apeieot sort or even bth, work setace std ase 0 ine 3 butered Tove hortamed eae tn, 22cm in dismetee Serves 10-12 land 3-3 Sm dsp, Chil for 40-50 minute, then prick the be with a fork. Line the the pistachio fuanipane pastry eave with baking parchment and Fil with ice or baking beans lace on a baking shee in an oven prebested t T80°CrGas Mark and bake blind for 1-15 mines, until er ight coloured. Carefully romove the paper and Beans tn qu the pasty ease co the oven for minutes to dey ua ie, for the Tagua nf Secet Pasty Pace the apricot apricot brandy easter Pig dred apricn Sgag water and vanilla pon saucepan in apricot brandy tin! Bring tothe bo, stiing to dsslve the sua Ten she est doven toa simmer trad cook gently for 10 minutes. Remove C from the heat and put aside fora couple ope ft ours so the apecors pap op. Pace a quarter ofthe apricots in a Tiger and blend o 2 smooth purée, ting a tle ofthe coking syrup to ein it lowe. The consintney should be ike soe inter Spread this miata evenly over the bse ofthe pastry casei will mae avery thn layer Newt add third of che pistachio Feangipane and spread c evenly over the peor pure. Place the ee the Feige tl he ing bas Semed up, then aeange the soaked apricots cael ontop. Cover tithe remaining fransipane, seothing the surface wt pete 27 dessert chocolate and nut pink praline tart with white chocolate sorbet ax dessert chocolate and nut hazelnut cake with pistachio ice cream and toasted almond cream n dessert chocolate and nut walnut and semolina tourte with roasted figs, honeycomb and iced yoghurt ‘Walnus and honey are avery common combination in Turkish and Geek dese, ‘whether made ito a cake or dmply served Sih youhure gor theses for ei recipe ‘while eating aa Tend’ restaurant “Turkey where we ad fig stuf with walnuts and poached ins honey syrup that twas rather wo sweet foe my eae atked for some yoghurt with its the acidity would cut the serness, and when Fame home Idevned this dich [hve oped for the use of fresh honeyenmb here Besse Frade a diferent extre ving the doh svother dimension Serves 10-12 {or the walnut and semolne toute rested Dt, melted for the ced yoghurt Wt lit uc mage 18, itn he card forthe roactd figs 2 dessert seal and semolineturte ‘Mix the ground wal semolin, owe tnd baking powder together ad seaside ‘Whisk the eggs and ener sa tometer si sik and pe then ad the meted borer in thin nvm a f making mayonnaise, whisking constantly Fol the semolina misar, followed by the ‘range juice and rt nd te broken tral Transfer the ture toa buttered Tied sound 23cm sprnglorm cake tn ad ‘ce in an oven peated to 160°C! {Gar Maik 3. Bake for 40 minutes; the eke ‘Souk sl be slghlyunderdone i the midl othe contig proces wil Bish it ‘tl low to cool inte for 1D nutes, then trn cue on toa wie rack to cool comple Das withing sugar iced yoghurt Soak the glatine in cold water for about S mint unt soe an pliable, hen vers out all the wate or ebe double ‘Sens glasses seer gars 3 Sepa and bring eo the bal, teing to dine the wapae Remove fom the hear and ad the elcine serine Alsslved: Leave to cool for S minutes, ‘ut the yoghurt in bowl and whisk in he cream mature Pas through fine see then lace mam eccam machine ad Frszeaconding othe manulacorer’ instructions, Transfer to the fide soften slighty about 10 ste Before serving. roasted fie Girth sry top ff the figs them cut them Iorzonaly in hall try to make them near the sane sie as pose Hat the butter ina eas-rom pan, When it is fmings au the figs, cota dwt and suk ver « yoda high heat for 225 minutes ext Ine colour Remove the figs trom the pan an sot ase, Add the ‘inatecinnanon and Inoney to the pan and ook foe 3-4 minutes unl syrups Return thes fava ehe pan cutie up. el spon 1 Title wf the aprup over eal ones Tranter the pan ws an wen prcheated eo ISOC? Gay Mark 4 and ook for 5 anne, spuiming the syrup over the Ris 2 3 times, Gitte wake inte 10-12 slices and pace tcch ame om seri plate with 2 pieces of Foasted fg, pouring s lle syeup ater each reoddd plese of Homeptar uid 8 Soop of iced poghure I there are any Juices lake Fro the fas, so ca ae thew around the p chocolate and nut semifreddo of macadamia nuts with passion fruit and star anise sorbet A semifredo is a ight, partially frozen ‘deaert,porculrly sable fer serving on lazy summer evening. Here, he sharpness {OF the passion frat halances the whole thing prec You could change the typeof net, mabe using alenonds and pechaps add sme {round lquorice rage or even ll ell to the sorbet instead ofthe star anise ‘The passion frit syrup could be favoured with Temongrase or ime leaves = anyching, {o keep the freshness ofthe dish Serves 10 forthe nongatine 126 mec mats Son wate forthe somite of macadamia wuts nice amd grated sest of ¥ line ste ys 1S double econ 12S eral ging oppes for te pasion fruit syrup fice of nang ao 1000 30 water Tipe ft for the passionfruit and sta anise sorbet Date calge ace Stil ig gcose elt lower Sint passin fade mngetine ‘Corte macadamia nis on 0 baking tra place in a oven prteated 0 200°C. {Grr Mork 6 and yas for aboot 5 mainte, tl geld fon: Remove From the oven a eave ro ook Pc he water and saga ina heaytased pa snd het gent, ting dole the supe ong eo the boi and cook withow ssn ti he rap rams ino ach, golden ‘savant ed the ats usin hey ae wal coated in he rel. Tip the mitre otf the pan on {lam oe king she, spread eet ite Sd Kave to col When cold and set Hace iin Bown sad ough with the {nd of a ral pi, beng cael ao or ino pode Store nom sight conaner tt need serif of macadamia nts Tar Dap i coser sir ina here bse nth hiner a wer st” uy string odie te ese Ras he exchenge bo and eok without Storing tl eahes 12°C o tar Themomer =the pr soul st he Sorting change cou Meanie, pe thr ge elke na fesranding ete mer nd kon high ped wl hick nd pale ‘When he saga sya reaches the correst temperate, pour iron the gg yon feta stra whisking al the tine Xpvtshing wl the mitre 00k Should he cre rie and very tick tna separate bow whisk the og whites th the ne ace ol oth. Add 258 ofthe sce saa isk oso pk Add he Femaining sugar and bot wel, dessert Whip the cream toa lighenibbon tage ‘lowing paren so form and elds Shape bue being careful no to oerwhip i Fold the cream into chee ole mate, thos fold ithe eas whites. Final ol in the nougatin an the crystallised singe Divide the mixture berren 10 dail ‘moulds, 120m in capaci apping them ‘enly to semove any aie pockes that Might fave formed, Frocte for alse 8 hours sion fit yup Place the orange jice supa water and the pulp irom 8 of the passion fain 1 Sshcepan. Bring to te bol rine To daslve the sugar: then simmer for {© minutes Pst through 2 fine seve, ‘Wale the syeup is tl ware, whi i the pulp from the remaining passion fut Leave 10 cool, then store inthe fdas. passion fit and star anise covbet Place the orange joe, caster sus Anse and glass in» saucepan and bring ro the Boi string to dissolve the suas LEowee the hea and sine for 4 mines ‘Meanwhile, soak the elaine in old water for about $ minis nl soft and phabe Remove the pan from the heat. Squeeze ll the water out of the gelatine, then ad the fslstine tothe pan and se nl dssleed ave wo eool ar in the passion fait juice And pase the mixture through a fine seve, Freeze in an icecream machine according to the mantener instustions “Transfer othe fridge to ster sighly ature 10 mines store srg Remove che semifed from the feezes, dip the oats in hot wer for 2-3 seconds ‘nd then turnout on o ering plates ‘Coat complete sei the posson rat tp ‘and were witha coop of sorbet on top chocolate and nut This is one of ehose extremely rch desserts the you fel very naughty about eating alter the dee The mas give the ping 4 Tele este, When chooring ches hones for the ce cream, please us the Best year can find, realy ce makes “itr The nice thing about this desert eta i cam be eaten warm or cold = my preference Serves 10-12 pudding wit Pur the mil, erenm and chestnut honey in s hey hased saucepan and being gel 10 just below the bod AMesnwb, wise de ‘es yolk, milk powder and sugatrogether ple and creamy. Pour al he male tnixtre on t the a, whisking Ue Combine hon poe Back ito the pa. ‘Cook iver ages hes, eng constantly ‘with a wooden spoon, gl the maare Uhckens enough to cont the back ofthe Spoon Gi shouldegister about 83°C we {agar thermometer- Stain immediately through a fine seve nos lrge ove to hp stop the cooking, When coo, Freeze ina iecream machine according othe ‘manuficrrer' inactions. Teanser to the {age to soien slightly about 10 eines, before serving Place al the ingrediens in 3 bowl and teat well Cover an place he fridge for 253 hoes 0st te Spread the mincure out on set of king potchesen sn 2 an tips Tramct soa ined baking shee lace i a8 ‘ven preeated to 180°CIGas Marke # and Bake for § minutes, ul goken, Remove From the oven a ieve to ool on the Baking ser, Store im an sith contain Peal she bananas and sce each oe across into H-12 pies Lay thems on a baking Sheet anal ds ih he sar Mel the Saar on eich sce with 3 Mowe until ‘esp aden brown, then Have to coo ite chocolate, banana and t bread stnut honey ice cream Por the double ccam into susepan. Bring eothe boll and then remove fram he Feat Add te peamot hatter, whisking ut Alisared. Leave to cool fora couple of ‘motes then pour the mince on to 550g ofthe chopped chocolate. Sen all the chocolate hos mele hen cal Hox the buster n a eying pon uni foaming. then add the Demerara sugar and ‘Sok for 2-3 minutes. Ald the hananae Sd cook until golden, Remove from the heat and leave to cool Whisk dhe sand egg ys ogee then pour inthe chocolate eears mis whisking {ntl combined Stain through 2 fine seve into bowl add the ded brad sd mix trl Pat to one sie for about 20 minutes {othe bread can absorb the custard “Then carefully mis nthe remaining chopped hovolate the hananas and two-thirds ff se pest. Place the mistre i 3 tstered ined 30’ 20 Sem baking try and sprinkle the remaining peanuts over the top. Put the tray ina lenge ronstng tiny ‘hen pour enough hor seaer nto the tn fo come hall way up theses ofthe ty. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C/ Gas Mark 4 and cook for 30-40 mines, ti the mixture golden an feels Bem to the thy a fe inserted in the centre "should come out clean, Remove fom the roasting in and cool for minute bore Cut the warn bread! paling ino portions and serve with 2 scp of ce creamy couple of puses of caramel anana Sod a bene ra chocolate and nut chocolate brownies “hiss a dish that has evolved overtime Originally eas use he brownie base served slightly underdone ao ie was sil {ooey i the cenee. To refine we added chocolate cream, I local based on Chocolate bre that we make sometimes, SSnd you could frou ike if i with Fone geranium or lavender fora subaly ‘ferent favour Finally come the rich laze, ropped with crisp choclate earamel Strands to add texte ~ and thas how our ‘hocolate brownie was created 1 serve ion een, bo if 08 wold prefer am accompaniment Sichuan Deppetcar ce creaen or even qui ie ream would bein keeping with the dark Favours ofthis dessre {forthe chocolate brownies 150 amssled bate, melted ieee eae i) fney chopped for the chocolate ream O04 bitter chacolae (71 percent cocoa Js copped for the choclate glaze 150m! 5 ber cor poreder Se do solids) copped or the chocolat strand 1000 guid glucose 100 toma taal ‘ge 188 and ale heated shops chocolate brownies ‘Whisk the og ad sar tothor unl thik and pal, P the fpr sent cholate ina lage bowl and mele over pan of page 23) Sir nthe mcked bucer and then fold nthe egg mitre, Sift Togeter the cao powder, baking powder tn flout a fll oe into ed he ots and chopped chocolat then tans the mitre toa peas and lined 12 36 xem baking tay a place in am oven prceated ro 180°CiGae Mark 4 Bake for 20-25 minutes, uni as cooked bur sill ice sft inthe middle: Remove fom the coven and lene o cool while you make the ‘hocolte eran chocolate eran Bing the cream an mi ro the boi i hheey-baedsatcepan, then remove From the hea. Whsk the os yolks and sugar topster then pour om the cream, whisking ro combine, Rerun the mistre to the Saucepan and cok gealy fo 2 minutes dessert ut the chopped chaxelae in a buns and pour on th cream mistre, whiskang nil the chocolate hav diwolved. Pass throug afine sieve, Pew the eae of the rie again he sides ofthe tin Gr make sre there arent any saps then inmate pour on the warm chovolate creas avin 2 2rm ap atthe topo he ofr te le Pace se inn an ten pra 0 1° Gas Mark 2 so on fre 20-25 sinus, beeping your eye en it.The cream shall be just st ad woth very sin im the imide. Reanove Iron the sven allow to ‘ool for 3-4 msn and then stretch # Powe of cling in eer the tn his ill chocolate glaze Pur the water and easter sugar ina saucepan and ring to the I seeing (0 ssoive dhe sugar Whisk inthe coxa rer ad crea, brine the Boi Soak the gelatine in cold water for about ‘ural the water Remo the pan from heat and add he pslatine tering el dissolved. Leave to cool for 3-8 mines then pour on ro the shopped chocolate ‘hisking unt has mtn. Pase thro “Soothing the surface soi is feel wth the top of the tin. Return tothe fridge to 3 chocolate and nut chocolate strands Place she fondant, ghicose and soma & heaeyrhased sauccpan ie well and bring to the ho Cook unt on Before the suase {8 saring co tu colour (160-16S°C on 8 Sugar thermometer). Remove Irom the testcadd the chocolate and stir until Alaslved. Pour auton to an eld baking tray and onl slighty Whale tf sil ery trav lowly pull off Ul pieces they howl form strands about 4c long Snip them of with sisoes and lay them ‘oma ray until nesdeds be careful they wil te very brit. you are keping them for any length of tne, store in an aise ontiner Any leftover pits can be round t0 3 power in food processor and Kept in a smal ja. Then when Fou ‘ee ste, you can speine the poder Crenly over lined baking tray and place in the oven comet Yu can then mat move steands ot place piece of biking % 7 dessert parchment on top rol ut the mitre as thinly as pouible and then cat yo le ‘ool and break ir ira uneven shapes Cretly remove the hrownie from the in and cut it int portions, esing a warm wet Ene Place on serving plates and arrange chocolate and nut chocolate and nut tanzanian chocolate ga Jhite coocolate Mousse This is a relatively easy dessert ro prepare withthe ingredients left asa blank canvas {othe flavours cing toe have used floral ute and is wonderflly rick Ifyou hye or Tne with the dak chocolate one and black pepe, see, he white chovolaee {or the white chocolate mousse cee ils for the Tanzanian chocolate ganache #00 Tacanian chocolate, chop for he dark chocolate shapes sols), chopped tohite chocolate mouate ‘Whip 300ml ofthe double cream wnt i forms sof ribbons onthe surface. Putco Place the cag yolks and sugar ina bow and strove 8 pon of simmering water, taking sure the water docs toach she base of the bow, Whisk until hick and Soak the gelatine in cold water for about $minarencuntl sof and pile Remove nnd squeeze a al the water. Bring the remaining cream to toe bail ina small Sicepan then remove from the heat and nd the gelatine, stirring ntl doled Mek he white chocolate a howl se over 3 pan of simmering wate rina misroweare [ate ge 23) Sir in the eam a gelatine Init hen fold in the egg ole nacre Alone coo itl th lute creamy thind at atime. Cover and ikaw in he tae fora leat 4 hows, e with dark chocolate shapes ae the chops chocolate inh ang Imicroweave (ce page 23), When neatly ‘eked remove from the best ad allow 10 tele completly Sin the walt el "hind at rime, Pour the chocolate onto Piece of shiny acetate about 30cm squire ead it ver evenly hon leave vo cool. you dons have any avctate, a piece of Black thsi ner will doy along stretched the When the chocolate has st it nto forthe top af the white chocolate mouse place til meded. 3 ganache in piping bag aud pipe in ines on 12 of ee chocolat trtangles, Make 6 pet by stacking theme om top of exch oer then place the remaining plate, cop witha scoop of white chocolate tancanin chocolate ganache You could melt litle ofthe ganache £0 Poche double cream ina saucepan, bring brush on co he plates, asin the picture to he bois then remove from the hes. {Whisk inte barter uni dsslve, hen pour thi sure on to the chocolate in Fowl and stir ul mtd, Leave to 00 When col place inthe fridge for about TO minates then roe and hea ell shouldbe sill enoush 0 pipe bu no 0 des chocolate and nut warm chocolate mousse with espresso-soaked sponge and amaretto sabayon ‘while the phorosraphy was being done for saan chocolate mouse this ook, a fetnd called Via, who runs Pur the double crear, il and water na Hor Pepper Jelly cafe just down the road heavy-hased saucepan bring to the boi fom the vestautant, supplied us with vast and then remove from the heat Mix the Amounts of fantatic hot chocolate spiced canter sugar carragean powder and locust, ‘ith cl wean during thi ime ean gm tether and whisk into the ‘ceursed to me that it might he fin toda cream mix Return vo te heat and sinmer {earm chocolate mousse, s0 thank you, for 3 minutes Remo fom the heat a Vind. ve kept the Hlowours stright here allow to nol for 3 minutes then pour on but you could add chili staranis or tothe chopped chocolate and tr unt ‘orange sett the chocolate mousse 9¢__ aaved. Pass chrough a fine sieve and tse Coinrens or Marsal inthe sabavon. pour ito ans cream whippe see Note fm page 88), Charge ith 2 ga eyinders When you ea this make sure you go 10 and keep wat at approximately 70°C in thevery bottom of the glee peta litle baum marc unl need of everything. expresso-soaked sponge Serves 8 Breakup the sponge fingers and divide ‘tween # Ish cofee losses Pour on the for the warm chocolate moe For epreso so hat it soak theough the $m double cream sponge: “oma me 100mm water samaretosabayon 25g easter agar Pca the ingredients i 2 round-bottomed 445g carmgcom poredor bowl and whisk unt fot, Pace the howl 1g locust boos gum availble fom MSK, over a pan of meting wate, making see page 148) Sure the water docs ouch thease of she 250g biter chocolate (7S pr cont cocoa bow Whisk with a handheld electric solids) chopped tester uni the sabayon wry thick fn ecamy and has doubled sn vue. {for the espresso-suaked sponge Use medic Sponge Fingers lace page 131) Otol but, trang express efor serving ‘Shake the cream whipper and sui she [or the Amaretto sabayon mousse into the glasses filing them egg yolks ‘hid fall Top with she sabayon and gate 4 caster gar ‘over the 100 pe cent chocolat Som Amaretto SaronnoIguene Sing ery biter chocolate (100 percent cocne sola) 4o dessert chocolate and nut raisin and chocolate financiers with rum and raisin ice cream “Those are lovely litle warm chocolate ales “not wath a runny mide they have been done tenth, hat nce and ihe Sith an intense chocolate ate. The ris Ilda dogp Mlseaefutines, but could Just av ealy be placed by chopped Dranes or eranberri We have even wed Anke eine mules that Tone Brought ‘bck from a marker in Tukey The ram and tsi ice ees matches the ‘aisns i the financiers, but an almond ‘range or brown ter ie cre cold Teed ro good effect as wel. Serves 10 forthe rum and raisin ice cream Sg nn 150i water amt googly dark rn ‘0d dead crea Sti mile exe ys Sil gud nse for the ris ad ebocoate financiers Sig olden non, roghy copped 25h darks 250 wale hater diced Sg plan 754 coxa ponder 125g ground anode pmb of salt 28g exe whites 7-8 whites) Sig estat honey Sg biter chocolate (71 per com coco ode, oh huppd Dotter cocina pose ana ings for ‘esting “ am en aioe eres Grease 10 retanlar moulds 10 $x 3em Place the sins, water and hal the rum inv the mare ere the moulds 4 sncepan and bring to te boil Remove’ filling them sod al hen place 28 from she heat, cover and leave uti ehe oven preheated 0 IS0°CIGas MaKe ad ‘ns pap. bake for 10 mines una skewer inserted inthe centre comes oat clea Meanie, bring the cream and mi 10 Remove from the oven and coo or 3 the bol ina heaey-hased pan then remove couple of minutes, then tr the cakes OOF Irom the hese. Whisk the eqs yolk enter” ofthe moulds, Dust with coon ponder sgar and glucose gether ina bowl Pour and then dust lighaly with eng ugar ‘om hall theese, ekg Sinstanty then pour he misrore ack no seri the pan. Cook over love hes tiring all” Serve the financiers ascompanig by & the tie with a wooden spoon, antl the scuop of ke cream mature thikens enough to coat the hack ‘the spoon shoul register aboot 84°C ‘a sugar drome) Sain mediately through tine sew tn = owl and eave tocol Ashe remaining rams and then ‘tet ite utes om the raisins: Freeze ina icecream machine according tothe manufacturer’ insrustons, addin the aki jus fre fis ead Tratrtothe Frage to soften sgly about 10 minutes, telore seve usin ad cole fanciers Pre the ase and rnin small sscepan ‘and heat ge Remove fom the best “ingrand eave unt the raisins lamp up. Pace se bate in fying pan over tmadium heat a cook unl goen brown. ‘Cool quickly and then poor through a fine sieve int a ov. Set aie, Sif the flour and ovoa power in a aoa the ground almonds and sale and vw tly mi he ea whites with te supa, ‘hm al th oan mitre, seeing well Mix in ee bute and honey allowed by the choppot chocolat, raisins and any Jes th are le Cover and Teave ithe rg osernihe. dessert chocolate and nut “emphasising the fut of the lve. Ths devant minutes, Remove frm the heat and eave 3 16 x 20cm rectangle. Place im an aver tswoming afavourte wh our eatomers, tovoul tore ina sealed container exernight, precated to 2N"Ciae Mark @ anni hos Ti you dont hike the Men ofthe olive they” Goneed withthe syrup, Before use Iicked and formed single shows of caramel ould be lef outs ry plese. Remove fre the aver, leave to oe nd, Feel ee ease jest before tots, cut i into eqatersl serves 8 Pete mill cream and fennel in a heasy~ tags with em ses ses to quickly fase saucepan and bring gently ast) return st eo the ven unl just soft aga for the sugared black olives teow the boil Remove from the heat and Kae to infxe for hous even one Any lei er ca be eps a airtight omeainee for fuute wn Ie lovely fled CGonly bring to the boil again. Mesnveile, through an ie ee f sined and whi he egy ys with the sygae and [incose wee pale and creamy. Pour Half she bitter chocolate tarts site iamarcon othe emg whisking to Place the chopped chocolate in Combine then pour bak nia the sacepan. mle over a pan o Cook over gene heat stsing conseanlyanerowave Gee ‘witha ooden spoon, nt the mute thik nog cot de ack Fhe a els rc Jon Whisk dhe butter int the warm chocolate aeeheulstegrer farC ona thermomeer?, it by bt waiting until each piewe as been Saree oe thc hess, punk throughs fine amalgamated belore adding she next. Them " Reed ets conk Sein he Pend, gradually whisk in the olive oi. This stage Tee according to che manufacturers pate chocolate, bucter and oil tthe for the olive tiles FRecactons: Tensor the fridges soften bowl all ar once and heat together, or the i “ ighly about 10 minute before serving. care wont ne a8 well, sive tiles Sift inthe flour and cocoa powder and heat et sugared ois overa baking sheet ll, Then shin The eas With the sg TeyTaktaling and Leweimanoven just to break chem down 2 hele, and mix a SOE forthe lowest possible ther ie the chocolate. Finally mix inthe fs ma) for 3-1 hours, eh ‘hoppot olives. biter chocolate and black olive tats look ded out and wizened, Cool and sore re between # fined loose hortomedl ar ins, Sem fn diameter and Place the lone, oat and waterin heavy: Sem deep. filling them to within 23mm of bpncd seacepen and dssohe aver a gentle. the wp. Place on 3 haking sheet and hake Feats Bring t the boll and cook without wen preheated co TRO*CHGas Mark 4 ‘iting uml coramelied should be a tints, The tarts shoul he slighty {olden amber colo I nd the underdane inthe centre. Remy hopped black lve and pour the mixture oven ad lave ev ret fo 2 iin ‘evan ened faking tay. Put tone side unmoulding Ail old and ery esp eak the caramel tps ploc ina food prosesor and puke toa serving Chie ponder Soe ina aright container Unmould the arts, dust with water and lemon and carefully pi fice n'a large saucepan and rin the sugared black olives dessert chocolate and nut chocolate délice with salted caramel and malted barley ice cream “This has now become a bic of a casi a the resaurent. featured in my Rrst book, Esse (Albaolte Pres, 2006), but ays fecsives such rave reviews from customers thar I decided to inlade iin his one a. ll eis fuse one of those deserts that Spor on. “The caramel could be replaced with 2 flavoured pastey ceca ling a rose sranium one works fry well Just Fernemer to looeen your pasty cer a Te o give the consistency ofa thick custard Serves § forthe melted barley ice cream for the sesame wafers for the salted caramel 44 dessert for the chocolat dtce mated barley ic ersame Spats dn pean harey owe on a aking nd place ian oven preted so 180°C! Gas Mae 4 Tons for about 5 nutes th golden brown he cai nd pt ai od hte wed ana he od io han a a Re em sree oa a nes cer Beck ea on sear anda ei oe, ee ero eee eet oes aamiee iosace "jm Do to te unt lees ‘Seg nieces bd ad Lan onl Purine sgn a fee acorn at mantcrrt treo Taner ae ten Sih att rarest seat wafers Par the gol serap and Deaerara sugar in ama pan and Bat gay unl the saga ie ised Add the mule Kose tr ola Hil Sls nthe tor: round Simonds an sesame eel, Plage the Feng for 30 sna, (iirad slope; we creme ransom jopee salted Pan ahe o Path iar ater nha ad Mos dso Raine th hea and won shoo tren ail che deep een arama solvated. being care wot rake ittoo fare a will be Iter The moment ware happy withthe colour remove the pan from the heat and pon m the double scam ite hy ites take wre, vt wil Spit Whisk ul the caramel hae deol Coot lighten whisk inthe bot a heat time. Addl ibe salt to your tastes Stor uff with a pinch and rad Inereae tani nt achieve sae salines Lense teal completely chocolate and nut chocolate dice Pace she 800g chopped chocolae ins howl and melt over 9 pan of simmering seater or in mieonave foc page 23) Stiri he hates then place the how 2 ‘one side, keeping it wate, Soak the gelatine in cold water for about 5 mints tl of snd pliable. Pu the hoe ‘water 3 small howl Squeeze out al the ‘water from the gelatine ad a othe hoe water stirring unl disoved. Set soe Whisk the ope ys ogther and i the cocoa povider. Slowly drizle in the olive fil eat eine, whisking consent os if aking mayonnaise, Sir nthe plane water al thn cet al she mist the chocolate, Whisk the eps whites brie use to freak them dowen (hey should nae Ine white and frothy, then caret fold them into the chovolate mature, Pour the ‘misture nto 8 metal ngs, Som in diameter fe Sem high filing thom hide fl CCl for 2 hours nee Keep the temainng chocote mistre atroon ‘When the chocolate has et, push twp the sides ofthe moulds sith your fingers 50 9 vel is formed inthe cette Pur the Salted caval to jst helo the tp oF the ‘onl Place a chocolate dite ontop ad over withthe remaining chocolate mine Rear tthe fae wt esl, They il keep for 04 a as dessert hovolte disc Mele the ext 1253 chocolate as described hove, Spr taut on a shoot of Ssllophane yu can ever ase 3 Black bie ig and leave to st, Cat ito cin ern dues witha metal cuter UUnmonld the chocolate dice citer by Asahing «Blowtorch quickly oer the Fngs ‘or by rolling hem inthe heat of Your ands oelese the mouse, Iver onto Sacrving pts, Place a soop of ie cream fn eh plate an td wih a sesame water chocolate and nut 0 EOEOESS Qe TE eee nn — ae chocolate délice with salted caramel and ‘This has now become a bio casi at the restaurant. Ife nm in sk Essence (Absolute Press, 2006), but always recrtes Such ave rvows fom etme, thar I devied eo incu nts one sve I jas one of those der tats The caramel could be replaced witha Aavoured pastry eran ling one eraniu one works vey well fs femember to loo your pst team Bice to gine che conse of a thick conan Senses § {for he malted barley ee eam malted barley ice cream 44 dessert forthe chocolate delice mated bare ice rem ‘Spend the pet barky out ona king tay and plas ina ote rcs TMC! (Gis Mak 4 Taw fr about 8 miuts ‘a ce bro, Put th cream mi a pit vis po taco ear bse pan a ee oases avy and ing eo he Rene fo ‘hebest and ene tif for 30-10 ‘nue Mace back on he heat a ing ack othe fide ee og el, cater Sugar and male cnc osm ale ‘hen poem bal the rile whining continu Kerr the mire {othe pan an ck am ow hea sing Eonstay ith evo spon inl he ‘re hicks enn tsa he hack of the spon boul eter aot 84°C 8 thermorety B a ee boil el. econe arable Immediately ssi ‘rough sine sve ne a lad Bove tocol Pour ino an erm achine Frese scoring othe amufactrer® ination Theme othe tie wo oon sligly abou 10 mints bore serving india Able lh aad ave als Airy he ft: round the Spc he cure a ah Il wt a portent keen {ig coming: Babe we pr tia golden been, Resove trom de oe Sin ave eo soul Canals Break wo the Bra shapes ne reste radon ied Dives Stove nt wale cnmamer unt Incas the water am Be made Sot tgs salted eamemel Fhe sue ana water a easy ase pa snd glean nel he ea Fs diol Ras the ea amd eke ‘sith srving ont chs dep sen Same seats sng cel mo 0 ake iow farrell hs fete. The moment Jaane happy with she cal remove dhe pa in the eat so pou the ble rent title by oe ake sage, aie wll Shor Whisk unl the caramel fas disso: Coot slighty thon sshish In he butter Tk ar mes Al the al eyo ste Star off wha pin soa seal Increase w nn ene achieves le Shines, Lance sw sol cnn chocolate and nut chocolate dice Place the $004 chopped chocolate ina hotel and mele over 9p of immesing Stirin the bute then ple the sto ‘one ses ein it wat Soak the gelatine in cold water fr about Sines, int soft and pls. Pat he hot wearer in small ho, Scere one al he Sater ram he elie al ad str the hon water sing ant dssoved, St aie, Whisk the guys gtr and isin the cc poser Slowly dle i the ove fll teats risking conta a i making mayonnaise, Si the alain water ad the carefay add the mist the chocolare- Whisk the exs whites itl user bck hen den (hey boul mot Be whive aa ry hem earful fold them into the chocolate mistore,Pour the Inisture into meal rings Sern ameter Sind Ser high ling the oe ied al {Chil for 2 hours nel a. Keep the emai cholate mistre3¢r00m ‘When the chocolate hs se, push ep the sides of the moulds sith your fngers no = swells formed inthe centre Pour inthe Sed caval tose below the tp ofthe ‘mould Place chocolate dis om top sid ‘over with the remaining chocolate mix Rerun to the fie ul ec They will beep tor 3-4 ay 45 dessert chocolate dis Malthe extra 125g chocolate as desceibed hose. Spread itout on a shee of ‘Sllopane you ca even ue a lack bia fo and eave vane Cut ira eg dem dines with a met ute, UUnmoatd the chocolate die ether by Aashing a owoveh quickly over the rings ‘or by roling them in the hea of or Ronde elas the mousse, Ist nto ‘revi plats Pace a soop of ee era ‘om each pate and sud ih same wales chocolate and nut “Theresa hounifl supply of fui grown in the UK: greengagss damsons, thubwrb, the hes strawberries inthe word, ps apples, pers ad plu flor. Thave chosen to concentrate om my particular favourites hie ‘hapecr. Always remenber that Frat tt best hem in nesons tere are Iuigy peaches, apricots and rl, aromatic strate sume, pln [eats and apples lor warm, confor descr insur and winter Te Tine poi in using raspberries, for example that have been grown out of sean and haven't heen warmed by the sun, which helps develop theie Aatueal gars and make them more lvomrvom. there are juicy peaches, apricots and red, aromatic strawberries in summer, plums, pears and apples for warm, comforting desserts in autumn and winter’ strawberry and hibiscus jelly with lemon verbena custard and blackcurrant sorbet Wei to serve ti a eds in summer We te the pes Emp States snd st hem i ly made vith dia hibiscus ower loc are deep ub rad and have aut wah ne ‘of thabar aad oper hemo ‘erbna custard and black oibet ave al, palate deaming cc “This desserniasraed othe book ashe Serves 10 a8 preadstest for thesraubery and titizes jelly Jade of Tonge Ince of emo 25g dred ies (valle roo some elon sap 75g castor ager 3 elt les 2g seabed forthe lemon serena ented Sig lemon verbena eases, rah coped 2b amon ce 550ml double ram 100ml mile 2 gelatine ewer 100g caster gir forthe blackenrat sorbet 750g bicker 200 ctr sor 2S gd gcse late Ist we of Memon tthe orange and emo uc i 9 Imestring a ad add enough water to limonene Imake ie up tose Pour 2 Stan ene ‘Succ ad the hibiwn and cntee sar et nd Win 0 then sing Theswane Simm lor Tm ere the ua wie Macken emo frm the het alesse to ines wine ae for 0 minus, Meaney sk the sling nol wate for abot 8 inutes, Soak she yslarne sel Wate ft abou Su sot and pla Stee unt ont el pable ther Shimer ata the aoe Mis the wtened tla nts the blackeest urge and Teor gc aa env Bing the ibicus micutehik the then remove ro ths heat. cr al he seater oat ofthe platine, Wh he Isluin no heb ear ti Ssoed; then pss trough sf is Pushing such the ace hin Mace the dsl trnbres inverse serving hss fling the aed alah ad) Plc te Hao ‘ough tus ly ut ener Picea with nye sea tes Top eth ASS thet for abot & urs et fontals sn satan with spr oF Wacker sore and serve sesh 8 lemon verbena exstanh hee the eens a lemon juice 8 meio saucepan an int hl ‘A he cream and mle nd inst the bes agin hen remove fom the hose Teves eT hou Soak the gli aes in cold water shou 5 es ont uf and phe, then gues on lhe wate: Mae the pan bck omg he and al the Sora and elite Wha nt they have ‘Sct, Shen srin he re song 3 Bese ino hl ping 4 sh {bec on he ves hog nou When the bcs ay seep i with the kon verbena aad wo hat the ses are rts al hen Fearn 19 the ridge ose Arh sta hey cam be Ie ove ax dessert. — fruit damson and orange clafoutis with damson kernel ice cream “This Fron dese i radiconally made swith chersos Burt ike ose lo Clams The kee ca be exeacted {rom the stones to make a ce eres their biter alewnd favour complements the ssvectclfouts perfec you eat get ‘Samos, yout could se apricots ceggcs or plas intend, Or you could {ie fign and prve the cant wth fig ee cream: Ifyou dont want to make ‘arm hr cram abo a poo! almonds 254 pla hn pls ext for dating uted set of I wranse vst 1 cer gor Sil vole essen Sante feng agi For ating {or the damn heme ce erm {10nd double eeane Soa one 15 dann Bert fm te damaons for the laf, cna ase itcace xtc be heme rom the stones) Ho easter snr ont tga ahcoe 13 ofa tones fr the lo earns Spread the ground almonds out on a baking tayplace in an oven preheated 0 TAO-CIGxe Mai 4 and ake for 3 rinates tory them outs lit, Remove fom the ‘ove and ave 0 col Pace the almonds in mixing hovel wich the our orange zest sal snd Sate SOR [Add he cggean yoles and whisk ‘Sombie then athe crear al ail Sad wh ell go make s smooth Barter Tears ro fora nat 6 bows, preferably overigh, em straight sided tare sins fn line ee bse and sides wth aking iy de the danas ih 2 He Howe fad then shake of al the excens ell fas co be fre she Finest of cigs: Divide the damm berwen the sr nm pour verte bnec and then plage the baking Shoe and tar ine in the oven at 180°C) Cos Mar Rake for about 15 minutes, tnt he soft have risen and set Remove fram the oven, leave to coo i thetin for 2-3 minutes then form oot cee cream ilk and damson kernel ‘avy haved saneepa. Gently ring to just Blow boiling pon then semove From the hear ad lave fo fas for hours or ren overght Gonly bring eo jas else Foi point apa, Meanie, ei the ee yolk, lk powder sugar ad glacone together a bowl wl pale and team ally pour half hei mintare on Tore og elk, whisking to incorporate, ‘hen pow the hack fa the cep so dessert fruit Cook over gente heat, ming constanely ‘with a wooden spoon, unl the misare thickens enough to cost the Rack ofthe ‘Spoon (ir should register about 84°C on {hermometer). Remove fom the Rea ahd lnnmeday rain through 9 fine ee large bowl this helps stop the cooking prove. Leave to cook then po io 38 ‘Recream mucine nd freeze according 0 fhe manufacturers instrictons. Tranter © ‘fridge ro soften sigh abou 10 minutes betore serving. Dost the clafouti with cing sugar and Kee cream on rp.

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