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Name: Hamizatulwafaa

Matric Number: 78011

Group Number: 7

Task 1:

Description of any of any 5 directories in the root directory.

Bin: Can be used by both system administrators and users when no other file system is mounted.

Boot: contains files that are not used by the operating system, but by its bootloader.

Cdrom: Disks can be mounted in any empty directory of your preference.

Dev: It is a unique file that includes information on every file and directory housed within it.The files in
the dev directory represent the devices that are connected to the local system.

Etc: Consists of system configuration information.

Task 2:

Try the uptime, free, ps, df, fdisk, sudo, lsblk, top, and htop commands by following the steps in the
video. Screenshot all your works in the terminal emulator and paste them in your report.
Task 3:

Description of the use of these commands in your own words: ifconfig, and ip.

Ifconfig: use to displays a network interface’s current configuration when no optional parameters are

Ip: use to assign an address to a network interface and configure network interface parameters on Linux
Operating Systems.

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