Women in Solar

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Sindoor Mittal

Vice Chairperson, Avaada Group

An alumnus of Stanford Graduate
School, Sindoor started her lead-
ership journey at an early age. As
Chairperson of Avaada Group she
has led the organization to become
a key player in India’s renewable
energy space.
...Read Full Profile on Page: 08
Issue #womeninsolar


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tanya singhal
PRINTER : FOUnder & director, solar arise


18 19






SR. GRAPHICS & LAYOUT DESIGNER : lisa zhang sweety arya

RATNESH JOSHI marketing director marketing manager india
growatt new energy solis inverter

20 21


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08 09 16

ritu lal Radhika Choudhary

sindoor mittal senior vice president- institutional co-founder & director
vice chairperson, avaada relations, amplus solar freyr energy services pvt ltd

28 17 31

sneha shenoy JIGnasa Jani visaria smriti krishna

b.D. for southern region Head- Rnewable Capital Manager Business Development
l&t Renewable energy Fourth Partner Energy sb energy

Pg. 06-16
BD's, Sales
& marketing
Pg. 17-31
Human Resources
Pg. 32-35

Consultants & Advisors

Pg. 36-37
Pg. 38-39
rupam gautam marisol rodriquez
head asset management r & D leader, dupont photovoltaic Technology
cleanmax solar & Advanced materials Pg. 40-41

Ms. Tanya Singhal

Founder and Director

I was raised in a family of engineers, so it was

natural I’d pursue engineering. But, after I graduat-
ed from IIT, I joined a very non-engineering career,
consulting, at the Boston Consulting Group. This
was the first of many decisions my family found
odd, but supported nonetheless. A few years into
my career at BCG, I attended a presentation which
showed a small box on the map of India, and just
filling that small box with solar panels was suf-
ficient to power all of India! I was awestruck.
The sector was waiting and all it needed was
professionals to jump in and realise its potential.
Finally, in 2010 after 4 years in consulting, I took
the plunge. I left my stable, flourishing consulting
career and started my entrepreneurial journey to
make solar an affordable reality in India. Again, my
family offered their reluctant support. Still, I was
asked questions that I could not answer at that
(a) What work will I do and role will I play ?
(b) Why enter a new sector with so much risk?
(c) Do women have meaningful roles in Infrastruc-
Over the last decade, I have proudly answered all
these questions to the satisfaction of everyone,
especially myself.

6  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


The early years were occupied with Back in 2010, solar was a new sector with
the humongous task of raising $100 Mn many risks. The sector has taken time to ma-
of equity from global investors – from ture but is now ready to compete with conven-
making pitch decks, business plans, pre- tional power head on. Just like raising a child,
sentations and finally to actual negotia- for me, this has been a journey of persistence
tions and closing legal contracts. I dis- and patience -– there were times when things
tinctly remember that moment when my went completely off plan, we lost deals, inves-
partners and I signed our funding term tors said no… but I could never give up and I
sheet at our office , a.k.a, Starbucks, kept going.
and finally SolarArise was born ! I feel solar is re-writing the myth that In-
The next challenge was to put this frastructure is a man’s world. I have been to
business plan into action. From choos- construction sites, worn hard hats, visited Chi-
ing which PPAs to sign, where to build, nese module factories, negotiated contracts in
buying land, designing the plant, nego- rooms full of men and yet never ever felt out of
tiating contracts, raising debt to finally place!
construction management and opera- And I’m not the only one. In the next few
tions. I worked across a variety of dis- pages, you will meet many women who have
ciplines in all these activities. joined the solar business, have taken on a vari-
I still remember, being at the site of ety of roles, and are challenging what was once
my first plant on commissioning day, As a man’s world.
the first bit of power was generated and As the solar sector continues to make our
the meter's needle moved, so did my world a better place, I hope more women will
heart-beat! join to lead this journey!

Company Profile
SolarArise owns and operates large, utility-scale solar
power plant all across India. Together with partners James
Abraham and Anil Nayar, Tanya Singhal and the team are
adding new plants to the portfolio every year. Our goal is to
move India to a low-carbon development path, away from
fossil fuels. We embrace design, technology, and data sci-
ence to drive down the cost of solar power while increas-
ing its predictability and reliability. Our team is built on the
principle of empowerment, where each person’s best abili-
ties are released to our mission. And we work as a unified
team, supporting each other to meet our responsibilities at
work and at home. This is more than balance - it’s the most
enriching work and the most rewarding life.

www.EQMagPro.com EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR 7 


Ms. Sindoor Mittal

Vice Chairperson

Sindoor is an alumnus of Stanford Graduate School, she started

her leadership journey at an early age. Sindoor started her career
by working with a $500mn private equity fund and then proceed-
ing to be an entrepreneur. As Vice Chairperson of Avaada Group
she has led the organization to become a key player in India’s
renewable energy space. Apart from her business responsibilities,
she is keenly involved in the company's sustainability endeavour.
She spearheaded Equity fundraising by bringing on board insti-
tutional investors and played a key role to raise INR 1,000 Cr.
from ADB, DEG & FMO and USD 15 million from Proparco. She
successfully handled the sale of the organization’s ~1140 MW
renewable portfolio to Tata Power. Sindoor focuses on strategy,
leadership development, fundraising, and commissioning of the
large solar and wind energy capacities. In her pursuit, Sindoor has
built a high performing team and partnerships with global tech-
nology companies and system integrators from the energy sector.
Sindoor has taken the mantle to become the largest renewable
energy company in India and a leader globally.
Company Profile
Avaada is committed to delivering clean and sustainable
energy across emerging Asian and African economies. We
possess the expertise cultivated over years of building and
operating some of the largest solar and wind projects across
geographies. Avaada is now on the way to innovate and cre-
ate new benchmarks in clean energy generation. Avaada is
targeting an extensive portfolio of 5 GW solar energy projects
across Asia and Africa of which about 3.4 GW capacities are
currently either operational or under implementation. Team
Avaada has proven Engineering, Procurement & Construc-
tion (EPC) capabilities. Building complex solar and wind proj-
ects across diverse geographies is our speciality. Marquee
investors like ADB (Asian Development Bank), DEG of Ger-
many, FMO of Netherlands & Proparco had invested in our
operations. We have transformed the lives of local communi-
ties across India.

8  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Ritu Lal

Senior Vice President -
Institutional Relations

She heads the Institutional Relations division and leads Amplus’s

engagement with Industry bodies, government agencies etc. She
has previously led the Business Development portfolio. Her expe-
rience and skill sets give her a unique understanding of industry
requirements as well as business and regulatory issues. She has
over 20 years of rich and varied experience. Prior to the solar in-
dustry, she has worked in the FMCG and Pharmaceutical sectors.
Her past employers include GlaxoSmithKline and DSM. She has
diverse geographical exposure – other than India, she has worked
in Europe, and has also been responsible for managing the Asia-
Pacific, Middle-East & Africa regions. She has worked extensively
in Purchasing and Supply Chain, Sales and Business Development,
and has had substantial stints in Finance, HR, Facilities Manage-
ment and Administration. Ritu holds an MBA degree from FMS,
Delhi (1996).

Company Profile
Amplus Solar is Asia’s leading distributed energy company
providing low carbon energy solutions to industrial and com-
mercial customers. Amplus provides clean energy to its clients
by setting up both on-site solar projects (rooftop and ground-
mounted) and off-site solar farms. Amplus is a member of
Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) group, Malaysia and
is headquartered in Singapore with offices in Bangalore, Bang-
kok, Dubai, Gurugram, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai and Pune. To-
day, Amplus owns and manages a portfolio of 650+ MWp of
distributed solar assets across Asia.

www.EQMagPro.com EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR 9 


EQ in Exclusive Talk with

Ms. Ritu Lal
EQ: What motivated you to join the solar sector ? And secondly, coal and petroleum, the two biggest compo-
nents in the energy industry, have not traditionally employed
RL: There comes a stage in our lives when we begin to seri-
women in larger numbers. However, I personally feel that the
ously think about how our work is contributing for the future,
opportunities in the sector are gender agnostic and there are
and whether these contributions will have any meaningful
no real entry barriers for anyone. Over the years, I have found a
impact on society. I was going through this phase when the
larger representation of women in the solar sector. Even within
Amplus opportunity came up. I did not have any experience
my own organisation, you will now find more women employ-
in the energy sector before joining Amplus. But I knew the
ees across all functions, including technical as well as field
founding team and trusted their professionalism. I was also
operations.I encourage women to apply for jobs in solar, as this
excited by the business concept of risk-free green energy
is an exciting area to work in, with tremendous growth oppor-
which delivers savings, both financial as well as environ-
mental. Sometimes, things just have a way of falling into
place! EQ: Do you think solar is changing the misconception
that infrastructure is a man's world ?
EQ: How has the journey been for you ? RL: As you have stated in your question itself, this is a mis-
RL: There were some initial apprehensions as I didn’t have any conception. The problem lies more in how jobs as well as
prior sectoral experience, but I knew I would be working the organisations are designed – catering primarily to men.
on something meaningful - a commercial venture delivering This is not just true for solar or infrastructure, but is rampant
savings on power costs while contributing to the health of across industries. Women have been forced to “man up”
the environment. India’ solar story was just beginning and and fit themselves into this male culture. However, as the
rooftop solar in in a nascent stage at the time. The Amplus gender ratio improves and a greater percentage of women
model was an innovation - taking the utility scale power sale join the workforce, organisations and sectors are looking at
concept and adapting it for the distributed and rooftop sec- ways to make the workplace more equitable. I understand
tor. Rooftop solar as a service proved to be a game changer that within the power industry, the gender ratio in the solar
in this segment, especially for Industrial and Commercial sector is improving rapidly. I believe that for any sector or
customers. Amplus also grew from the four member start- industry, the work structure needs to be flexible and recog-
up that I had joined in March ’14 to become India’s lead- nize the changing needs of women through different stag-
ing distributed solar developer. It’s been a very exhilarating es of their lives, especially pertaining to child-bearing and
journey, all in all. child-rearing. In my experience, when a woman is given a
work environment which is not only supportive, but also re-
EQ: What challenges or opportunities did you see here, sponds to her specific personal requirements, her commit-
especially as Women ? ment to her work will be extremely strong. However, policy
creation alone is not enough here. It needs to be backed
RL: At the time when I started, I noticed that there were very by a strong and supportive work culture. Co-workers and
few women in the energy industry overall and even fewer in teams need to be sensitised and supportive as well. With
the solar sector. Some of this can be attributed to the ratio these interventions, there is no reason why the solar sector,
of men to women in our engineering institutes, as a lot of or any other sector for that matter, should not see a more
these jobs have their roots in engineering. gender inclusive, high performing and diverse workforce

10  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Vice President - Corporate Affairs
Policy And Communications
Samitla has experience in marketing strategy, pub-
lic relations and communications. She has been
a key member in taking the company to its initial
public offering on NYSE in 2016 and in building
relationships with the company’s key stakeholders
including investors, customers and media. Prior to
Azure Power, Samilta worked with Northern Trust
as Financial Analyst.
Samitla holds a Bachelor’s degree from Banga-
lore University and a Master’s degree in Business
Administration with a specialization in Marketing
from Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow
Company Profile
Azure Power Global Limited is an independent power pro-
ducer, a developer and an operator of utility and commercial
scale solar PV power plants headquartered in New Delhi, In-
dia. The company was founded in 2008 by entrepreneur In-
derpreet Wadhwa. The company sells energy to government
utilities, and independent industrial and commercial custom-
ers in India. Azure Power developed India's first utility scale
solar project in 2009 in Awan, Punjab. The company also
installed India's first megawatt scale solar rooftop project in
Gandhinagar, Gujarat which was awarded the top 10 Public
Private Partnership, 2013 by International Finance Corpora-
tion. Azure Power has a total capacity of over 3 GW in 23

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Ms. Aarthi Balan

Asst. Vice-President

After doing her MS in Electrical Engineering from US and work-

ing with AT&T, New Jersey - US, Aarthi Balan joined SWELECT
(formerly Numeric Power Systems Ltd.) to head the Process Au-
tomation team. She led a team of engineers to achieve Asset
management by bar-coding the current and non-current assets as
well as the entire work-in progress in 9 manufacturing plants and
remote monitoring. She now heads the Marketing & Communica-
tions and Channel sales at SWELECT. She was instrumental in the
launch of SOURCE Hydropanels in India - an innovative product
which delivers clean drinking water from air and sunlight.

Company Profile
SWELECT Energy Systems Ltd., a listed Company over de-
cades is a leading Solar Power Systems Company in India
with a strong presence in Indian energy market for over 30
years. SWELECT’s core strength lies in technical expertise
which is strongly backed with state-of-art manufacturing facil-
ities for Solar PV Modules (HHV ST), Solar PCUs, structural
and electrical Balance of Systems (BOS) such as Module
Mounting Structures (MMS), AJBs, etc. SWELECT has the
ability to implement solar power projects in small as well as
large scales with utmost understanding of customer require-
ments and customized solutions. SWELECT has installed
over 9000 Utility scale, Roof Top and Solar water pump proj-
ects with over 150 MW capacity across India and overseas.

12  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com



Ms. Srishti Ahuja Taneja


Srishti Ahuja Taneja is a Partner in EY India’s Investment Bank-

ing Advisory practice. In her role as an M&A banker, she has
consummated marquee renewable transactions including some of
the largest and first of its kind transactions in India. She is con-
sidered as a sector expert and brings rich transaction experience
on board for benefit of project developers and global institutional

Company Profile
At EY, our purpose is Building a better working world. The
insights and quality services we provide help build trust and
confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world
over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver
on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we
play a critical role in building a better working world for our
people, for our clients and for our communities. In a world
that’s changing faster than ever, our purpose acts as our
compass guiding our more than 260,000 people – providing
the context and meaning for the work we do every day. Our
multi-disciplinary teams help businesses build trust among all
stakeholders and create long-term value for our clients.

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Ms. Kanika Khanna

Founder and Director

Kanika has a decade of experience in distributed

energy generation, starting with her work at the
headquarters of Cummins Engine Company in In-
dianapolis. She expanded the business for BDK
Group with Sunkalp Energy- a solar EPC company
which focused specifically on roof-top solar pow-
er. She has established Sunkalp Energy’s domi-
nance in North and West India, through presence
in 7 states, a portfolio of over 200 customers and
a sustained 50% CAGR. Kanika has an MS in Engi-
neering from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology and a Bachelors from the Delhi College of
Engineering. Her work is centred on the use of data
and technology to make rooftop solar an organized
industry. She has held visiting faculty positions for
Entrepreneurship at IILM, IIT Delhi and serves on
the Board of MIT Delhi Alumni Association.
Company Profile
Sunkalp Energy has been at the fore-front of developing and
deploying technology tools to organize and aggregate the
roof-top solar industry. Our partnerships with the leading solar
equipment manufacturers and installers ensure that the sys-
tems you purchase meet the promise of quality and energy
production. Sunkalp Energy is headed by technologists from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Delhi College
of Engineering who have rich international experience in dis-
tributed energy generation, technology and analysis of the
solar industry. Sunkalp Energy has consistently given back
to community through its rural electrification projects and So-
lar for Schools competition that raises awareness amongst

14  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Anita Karnik

Vice President, Project Advisory &
Structured Finance
She spent nearly a decade covering the power sector – financing
thermal, hydro, wind & solar projects. Over this time, it has been
her privilege to witness the revolution in the Indian solar industry.
At SBICAPS she handle the renewable energy portfolio as well as
financing for climate adaptation by ECAs & Multilaterals. Some
of the unique and innovative transactions she worked on include:
SBI – World Bank Rooftop Solar line.
SBI – KfW Solar project line.
Financing for a Bhutan based hydro power project.
Equity stake sale in India’s largest power exchange.

Company Profile
SBI Capital Markets Ltd. (SBICAP), is one of India’s lead-
ing domestic Investment Bank, offering the entire gamut of
investment banking and corporate advisory services. These
services encompass Project Advisory, Structured Debt Place-
ment, Capital Markets, Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity
and Stressed Assets Resolution. We are a complete solutions
provider offering diversified financial advisory and investment
banking services, innovative ideas and unparalleled execu-
tion to our client base across all stages of the business cycle.
Our services range from venture capital advisory, project ad-
visory, buy and sell-side advisory, accessing financial markets
to raise capital and even restructuring advisory in their turn-
around phases.

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Ms. Radhika Choudhary

Co-Founder and Director

A dynamic entrepreneur with over 13 years of award-winning

work in the field of Solar Energy,Radhika Choudary is the co-
founder and Director at Freyr Energy. The resilient leaderspear-
heads the Business Development division utilizing her skills and
experience to build aplatform for making sustainable energy
solutions more accessible and affordable. With an aim to make
cleaner, safer and affordable energy available to all, Ms. Radhika
cofoundedFreyr Energy, a fully integrated solar company provid-
ing solar solutions for homeowners, businesses & communities.
Currently heading Business Development, Sales & Marketing at
Freyr, she has been instrumental in doubling business every year
for the last 5 years. Adding another feather to her cap, Ms.
Radhika was a panelist at SolarRoofsTelanagana 2019,UNIDO’s
Shakti National Convention of Women Entrepreneurs, Franchi-
seIndia/BusinessEx.com’sStartup Summit2019 and a speaker
at UBM’s RenewX (2019). In 2017,she was the recipient of
the Femina World Women Leadership Award for Excellence in
powerand energy sector, the Women Entrepreneur Quest (WEQ)
recipient and also completed a 1-year SEED Transformation
Program with Stanford Graduate School of Business. Over the
course of her career, she has worked across various roles ranging
from engineering,supply chain management, quality audit, policy
and business development in four continents.While working with
some of the world’s leading solar and wind companies such as
GE, SKF,Lanco Solar and SunEdison to name a few, she has been
instrumental in setting up and headingLanco Solar’s South India
Division across seven states and also successfully implementing
andmanaging several projects across three countries for SunEdi-
son. Radhika is an alumnus of Purdue University, USA where she
completed her MS in Nuclear Energy and has a BE in Mechanical
Engineering from Osmania University, India. The loving mother
of 2 stays with her family in Hyderabad. When away from of-
fice, she lovesrunning, cycling, swimming and travelling. During
her college, she had represented AndhraPradesh in tennis, swim-
ming, basketball & table-tennis tournaments.

Company Profile
Founded in 2014, Freyr Energy provides homeowners,
businesses & communities simple and affordable clean en-
ergy. We believe that going solar should be easy & fast. We
developed the Freyr Energy technology platform - SunPro
to provide customised solutions to our customers. We now
have footprints across India, Singapore, USA, Ghana & Ni-

16  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Jignasa Jani Visaria

Head - Renewable Capital

Jignasa is Fourth Partner Energy’s in-house financial wizard. In Mumbai’s

investors and banking circuit – she is recognized as a force to be reckoned
with, in the Renewable Energy financing realm. She heads our Corporate De-
velopment (newly christened ‘Renewable Capital’) Department. At Fourth
Partner Energy, Jignasa is responsible for evaluation and pricing formulation
for RESCO proposals, vetting of documents, ensuring risk-mitigation amongst
clientele, debt fund-raising, fund management and Forex & Credit rating. A
Thorough Taskmaster, Jignasa’s strength lies in her sheer perseverance and
attention to detail – traits she expects from each member of her team as well.
Her exposure to the Solar industry began in September 2017, when she joined
Fourth Partner Energy’s CD team in Mumbai. She brought with her over 12
years of experience in the Finance sector, having worked with eminent lenders
like Development Credit Bank, HDFC Back and Yes Bank. Jignasa has spear-
headed 4PEL’s fund-raising and debt-raising endeavours in the past 26 months;
she is also one of the youngest members of Fourth Partner Energy’s Execu-
tive leadership committee. She is an avid traveller, loves to read and enjoys
spending time with her family, especially bonding with her son. Jignasa has
also been instrumental in driving HR Policies that empower women in Fourth
Partner Energy like ensuring flexible work timings, work-from-home options,
mentorship programs and special maternity benefits. The firm ensures gender
diversity, wage parity and equal opportunity in hiring.

Company Profile
Fourth Partner Energy is India’s largest distributed solar energy firm fo-
cusing on building and financing solar projects for commercial, industrial
and government entities. We are a full-services Renewable Energy Ser-
vices Company (RESCO) that offers end-to-end capabilities including
Evaluation, Design, Planning, Procurement, Construction, Operation,
Maintenance and Financing of critical solar infrastructure. Fourth Partner
Energy is backed by TPG’s The Rise Fund which invested $70mn in the
Hyderabad headquartered firm, in June 2018. With an operational portfo-
lio of 200 MW installed capacity across 23 states currently, the firm has
now embarked on its journey to expand beyond distributed solar and into
a variety of clean energy solutions, including storage and EV charging
infrastructure. Our firm has a pan-India presence with its headquarters in
Hyderabad and offices in 10 other cities including Pune, Gurgaon, Mum-
bai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Chennai, Coimbatore, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, and
Ranchi. We have also commenced international operations in 5 South
East Asian markets this year. We have executed projects for marquee
clients like Hindustan Unilever, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Walmart, Schneider,
Skoda, Ferrero, Airtel, D-Mart and ICICI Bank. In our 9 years since incep-
tion, we have helped reduce India’s annual dependency on coal by over
1.3 lakh tons, carbon emissions by 2.8 lakh tons – an equivalent of plant-
ing around 1.3 crore trees.

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Ms. Imaan Javan

Director of Operations
Asia Pacific
Imaan Javan, Director of Operations, the Asia Pacific at Suntuity, was born
and raised in Mumbai. After completing her Junior College from the city’s
premier institute Sophia College, she successfully pursued a Bachelors in
Life Sciences from Jai Hind College, Mumbai. She further enhanced her aca-
demic understanding with a Diploma in Forensic Science from St. Xavier’s
College, Mumbai. Imaan joined GeoPeak Energy as a Business Developer in
Mumbai, sharpening her understanding of not just the industry but also the
changing demand patterns of the world. Imaan then worked closely with
Mumbai Police for a year as a Forensic Scientist, helping them on an array
of hugely interesting cases regarding forensic evidence handling. In 2011,
Imaan started Suntuity REI, which marked the beginning of a long and in-
strumental association. Suntuity is one of the fastest-growing companies in
the world that develops, finances, builds, owns and operates best-in-class
residential, commercial and utility-scale renewable energy solutions around
the world. Imaan managed different departments such as Business Devel-
opment, Project management and Operations which gave her a 360-degree
understanding of the world of sustainable energy. She gradually climbed
the ladder to her present position of Director of Operations – Asia Pacific.
Imaan sincerely believes that renewable energy is the future of the world.
In the light of depleting non-renewable resources, increased carbon foot-
prints and negative environmental impact, she has been leading Suntuity’s
operations with a strong belief in the work that the company is doing for
the world. Under her, Suntuity has worked with over 100 clients, partners
and affiliates across a multitude of industries such as agriculture, energy,
infrastructure, public safety, disaster relief, telecom, real estate and media.
With her leadership, Imaan has led Suntuity to become one of the top brands
in the Asia Pacific region. Having garnered ample experience, Imaan felt the
need to go back to the classroom to widen her worldview. Which is when
she went to the prestigious Cardiff University and completed her Masters
in Business Administration in 2017. She is now an enriched professional,
who has had her robust work experience amply supported by one of the
best management programs in the world. Imaan has a vision for Suntuity
REI to join the ranks of Fortune 500 companies and works every day in that
direction. She takes inspiration from her mother, who always taught her to
take challenges head-on and keep her calm while doing so. Imaan believes in
equal opportunities and ensuresit is followed by her team and the organiza-
Company Profile
Suntuity (India) is a part of Suntuity Group, one of the fastest-growing re-
newable energy companies in the US and abroad. Suntuity is a trusted
name in renewable energy solutions, driven by the need to make a dif-
ference in the lives of people globally. We have a penchant for not just
setting big goals and bold visions, but also achieving them. Operating with
a culture of innovation and forward thinking, Suntuity has developed over
250 MW of solar projects worldwide.

18  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Cynthia Li
Marketing Director

Cynthia was major in Economics and Trade. She has over 10 years
in the power sector in marketing and leadership roles and has
been associated with Sungrow for more than 4 years. She is par-
ticipating in the Company's extension of international markets
and has extensive experience in brand operations, marketing and
public relations.

Company Profile
Sungrow is the world's most bankable inverter brand with over
87 GW installed worldwide as of June 2019. Founded in 1997
by University Professor Cao Renxian, Sungrow is a leader
in the research and development of solar inverters, with the
largest dedicated R&D team in the industry and a broad prod-
uct portfolio offering PV inverter solutions and energy storage
systems for utility-scale, commercial, and residential applica-
tions, as well as internationally recognized floating PV plant
solutions. With a strong 22-year track record in the PV space,
Sungrow products power installations in over 60 countries,
maintaining a worldwide market share of over 15%.

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Ms. Lisa Zhang

Marketing Director

She was graduated from one of China’s leading colleges, Nan-

jing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and majored
in Information Science and Technology. Zhang joined the PV
industry after graduation and was one of the pioneering engi-
neers in solar R&D of China. Zhang joined Growatt in 2011 and
started her career in marketing of the industry. Under the lead
of Zhang, Growatt has been established as one of the world’s
leading inverter brands and its PV solutions are popular in over
100 countries.

Company Profile
Growatt is a new energy enterprise dedicated to the R&D
and manufacturing of PV inverters including on-grid, off-grid
and storage inverters, and user side smart energy man-
agement solutions as well. The power capacity of Growatt
on-grid inverters ranges from 1 kW to 100 kW, meanwhile
its off-grid and storage inverters cover a power range from
1 kW to 630 kW. Growatt inverters are extensively used
worldwide for applications in residential, commercial, PV
poverty alleviation, utility-scale scenarios as well as other
storage power station projects.

20  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Sweety Arya

Marketing Manager India

From last 2 years she is working in the renewable energy indus-

try. In these two year there is a wonderful mindset found in most
people, who are working in this sector, she said. People working
in solar have lots of good messages to share when they are work-
ing. With almost 8 billion people on earth, we need to recognize
that there is a lot at stake. Time is of the essence and we need to
support the people making a difference! Be the change! Strength-
ening the role of women in renewable energy through better edu-
cation so that they can their voices for others, she added.

Company Profile
Established in 2005, Ginlong Solis(Stock Code: 300763.SZ)
is one of the oldest and largest global string inverter special-
ists, that manufactures string inverters for converting DC to
AC power and interacting with utility grid, which help reduce
the carbon footprint of human society. Residential, commer-
cial and utility scale solar market include home owners, busi-
ness owners, utilities, solar developers and investors benefit
from a complete product line of ultra-reliable, bankable, cost
effective and innovative string inverter technologies, selling
under Ginlong Solis brands. These products are installed
globally, optimzied for local markets and serviced by local
experienced teams, to deliver significant long-term return on
investment for stakeholders and accelerate the transition to
a more sustainable future.

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Ms. Grace Sun

Marketing & Sales Vice President

She is the Marketing & Sales Vice President of Hangzhou First Ap-
plied Material Co Ltd., devoted in to Solar PV market since 2006.
During these 13 years, she led HZ First EVA film, POE film and
backsheet into all over the world and building the brand F.RST@
as a global famous encapsulant brand. In India, HZ First has built
long term relationship with top lier solar company.
EQ: What motivated you to join the EQ: What challenges or opportunities did
solar sector ? you see in solar sector, especially as Women ?
GS: When i travel to all of over the GS: There are high potential in this indus-
world, i can many see lots of tries, you can learn much knowledge
solar panels in roof top or in about the energy, chemical, physics
ground. I feel honours about it. etc.and also you have more opportuni-
ties to make contribution to world better
EQ: What were your thoughts on environment.
what the solar sector will offer
EQ: What kind of work do you do ?
before entering in and how has the
journey been for you ? GS: Global Marketing and business devel-
GS: Before entering in, i don;t have
EQ: Do you think solar is changing the
any idea about solar energy or
misconception that infrastructure is a man's
may my idea is only for solar
thermal system (hot water),
world ?
factually i don't believe normal GS: Yes, I think so.
people can use solar energy to EQ: What is your vision for yourself ?
make electricity, but after, i un- GS: To be a peaceful elegant and wis-
derstand gradually that the so- dom lady, just like my name-Grace,
lar energy will be and could be and devotes for world's better en-
a most popular energy on day. vironment, looking forward for your
confirmation soon.

Company Profile
First was founded in 2003, located in Lin' an, the western
suburbs of Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province, the com-
pany has reached 522.60 million CNY in registered capital,
and is a High-tech Enterprise which focuses on design, de-
velopment, manufacturing and sales of new materials. On
September 5th 2014, the Company successfully listed on
the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The stock code is "603806"
First has 9 sub companies in Thailand, Hong Kong, Hang-
zhou, Jiangshu, etc, and for each focused on the business
of research, development and production of new materi-
als, solar electricity station, international trade, intelligent
equipment, etc.

22  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Monika Rathi

Head Business Development

She is the Head Business development – Utility Solar for Mahindra

Susten for domestic and SEA markets. A technology savvy person
with commercial acumen and diverse experience in energy sector,
she has 15+ yrs of experience in different businesses within GE
and at Mahindra. She has experience ranging from developing
next generation technologies for Renewable sector to process ex-
cellence to handling the operations and quality for Wind India to
Bidding for Solar Projects, Winning through Techno-Commercial
Negotiations and Project execution for Solar Projects . Monika
holds 3 US patent applications, 10+ international publications
and has one trade secret to her credit. She is also a certified TRIZ
level 1 expert, Certified Black Belt, and LRQA Auditor. She holds
B.Tech degree from National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra,
and Master’s Degree in Power Electronics & Controls from Indian
Institute of Technology, Kanpur. She was also conferred with
Young Achiever Award by my alma mater NITK in 2015 & Women
Leader of the year in India Solar week 2019.

Company Profile
Mahindra Susten Pvt. Ltd., formerly Mahindra EPC Servic-
es Pvt. Ltd., is part of the USD 19 billion Mahindra Group.
A portfolio company under the Cleantech arm of Mahindra
Partners, they offer solar solutions[buzzword] spanning
On-Grid solutions[buzzword], EPC (Engineering, Procure-
ment and Construction) and Off-Grid Product solutions. In
April 2013, Mahindra EPC had its 20 MW solar power proj-
ect at Bikaner enlisted in the Ministry of New and Renew-
able Energy's - MNRE (India) merit list for early commis-
sioning for Phase I, Batch II of the National Solar Mission.
On 2 February 2015, the company was renamed Mahindra
Susten. Susten is derived from the words - Sustainability
and Enabler.

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The Challenges of Being Women

in the Workplace BY MONIKA RATHI

Work-Life Prioritization for working women who dare to dream big

martly dressed in a business suit to Elegantly dressed 2. Create your own boundaries for time and space: My work
in a suit-salwar managing people; Moving into requires a lot of travel. There are weeks, where I am liter-
meetings with an aura around her to managing daily ally living out of a bag. However, there are some rules I have
activities at home; Suggesting changes to business created to bring some semblance of normalcy into work-life
plans to suggesting what needs to be purchased for the on those days. When in town, I am usually the first person
house; Making decisions & fighting for what’s right to making to be in office to maximize my work, and mostly the first
chapatis & agreeing to family requests; Handling client problems person to leave the office, so that I can be at home to spend
& working out a solution to handling homework for the child & quality time with family.On days that I am traveling for work,
working out the next fancy-dress costume; Redoing Power point as much as possible, travel schedules are early morning to
presentations for a perfect idea pitch to the CEO to redoing home late at night. Many women feel scared traveling late nights,
décor for showing off a spick and span home. It’s not easy being but I believe a little presence of mind is all that’s needed to
working women juggling all the activities. To top it all, here are ensure safe travels. Keeping maps ON during travels to know
some more: God provided women the power to bring a new life about areas is a must! Company car for late night travels and
into the world but forgot to give them the additional time to take trusting intuition (Only women have this) when in doubt are
care of that new life. God remembered to give women the power good tools. Once while returning home around 10 pm, when I
of love but forgot to tell others to treat her with care. God gave boarded the cab, I wasn’t comfortable with the driver. I called
women monthly cycles but forgot to delete from memory all the my hubby and spoke to him in Hindi over phone telling him
painful days. The list is endless, and so are the demands for time my whereabouts and telling him that I have sent the track-
on a working woman’s schedule. The truth is that 24 hours in a ing details and would be home within 40 mins. My hubby
day is all we have and must do everything in that limited time. had not picked the phone, but I continued talking for some
We could either blame it on God, or on society or on ourselves, time. It was important for me to relay this information to the
or we decide to balance it all. If you are proud of being a woman, driver, so that he was aware that someone is tracking him.
and want to learn how to balance 24 hours, so that it seems 42, to In another incident, I got down at a known location & asked
have the perfect work life balance, read on! someone to pick me up from there. I still travel late nights as
it helps optimize the day, and leaves space for being with the
Work-Life balance in some respect is a misnomer, a better family the next day. Note: I’m saying that this is my personal
word for the same would be work-life prioritization. There preference and in no way suggesting or encouraging others
will be days when your work needs 100% from you, and to do something that they may not be comfortable with!Few
some days when your family needs you 100%. And then other tips: Utilize commute time to finish calls, personal and
there will be days where it is balanced with a tolerance limit professional, so that mobile is not a nuisance when at home. If
of +/-10%. A perfect balance however is created over time, not urgent, late evening or weekend phones can be answered
when we learn prioritization of the different aspects at the at a convenient time or converted to WhatsApp chat, so that it
doesn’t interfere with your family time.
right time, and with the right attitude.
3. Communication is the key ingredient: Authentic communi-
My friends and colleagues have always wanted to know how I
cation is not always easy, but it is the basis for real effective-
have been able to manage this. Some have even questioned the
ness at work and successful relationships at home. A career
way in which I manage both my personal and professional life,
defining moment for me was, when I was taking up the opera-
some have quizzed me on the possibility of extra secret hours that
tions leader role, and at a time when my daughter was just 3
I have. I wish I had those, wish I was a time traveler.
months. During the interview itself, I made it absolutely clear
Through this blog, I am trying to share tips and tricks that I would need to go home every day for lunch for about
that I have learnt over time and recipes that have 2 hrs. I would not be able to travel for ~6 months and might
worked well for me. need to work from home on some days. The manager agreed
and asked me to create a 30-60-90 days plan and ensure no
1. A substitute for hard work hasn’t been found yet: In these
slippages. This communication helped set clear expectations,
modern times the meaning of hard work has taken a new defi-
and each one of us delivered on our promises. Ever since,
nition, smart work, but the “WORK” part remains. Truth is,
whenever there are role changes, an earnest communication
whether we want to be successful or want to have a balanced
has helped me calibrate work expectations.The same spirit
life, it does need a lot of work, believe me, IT IS A LOT OF
is followed at home, where quality conversations with my
WORK! Whether it’s in a board meeting or at home, unless
spouse have helped navigate through the most difficult of
we put the time and effort smartly, the result won’t be amaz-
times. If it wasn’t for the support of my husband, I wouldn’t
ing. Remember the rule of 1.01 vs 0.99, doing a little bit more
have been in this position at work nor would have been
everyday would yield compounded results and take you closer
writing this blog. He agreed to relocate when I found a good
to your dreams. It’s like having your cake and eating it too.
opportunity in a different city. He agrees to take care of our
home and our daughter when I am traveling, sometimes for
more than a week, and sometimes every alternate day. Eve-
ning walks, exercising together, shopping or even WhatsApp
chat, there are so many opportunities that can be utilized for
heart to heart conversations, to develop a deeper understand-
ing and mutual respect for each other’s work.Colleagues and
friends always provide a shoulder to lean on, but we should
build the atmosphere by having honest communication and
you will be surprised to see help coming from unknown areas.

24  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


4. Learn the art of saying “NO”: let’s accept that superwomen are You must be wondering why we are talking about this in work-life
present only in the magical movie world. In the real world, wom- balance? Truth is, if we stop making excuses for predictable, control-
en need to adapt to the idea of trade-offs. All of us are dealing at lable days, then for those erratic times when you need to attend the
their own level, different constraints, that is life. Attempting to annual day of your child or need to take off as your hubby is sick, it
maximize our usefulness based on parameters like career, kids, would be a lot easier. The bosses and colleagues around would know
relationships, etc., and doing our best to allocate time to all these it’s a genuine ask. Moreover, even if at home when someone is sick,
resources is what differentiates us from others who are also run- the family doesn’t need you 100% & hence you can always finish
ning the same race.Therefore, on days when something is already remaining work and earn more brownie points for yourself. Bosses
planned for, saying yes to more work or activities would not these days, want work done, irrespective of where & when it’s be-
only lead to more stress, but also to flawed work output. Imagine ing done from. The moment you own this, striving balance would
agreeing to attend a conference on a day, when it also happens to become easier, as you are your own boss and you can divide time
be your child’s annual day. Or preparing for a presentation, when between work & personal demands more efficiently.
an evening out was already planned with family. In both cases
the work output would be impacted, as the mind is not 100% 7. ME time is not a fad: There’s nothing harder than finding time
present in each of the activities at that time. Serenity would have in your busy day for yourself. However, unless you pamper your-
prevailed if the conference could have been attended by some- self with some ME time (for your own hobby or gym or relax-
one else or the outing postponed by a day. Hence, saying NO at ation), exhaustion is bound to set in. This is an area where most of
the right time, planning for an alternative and distinguishing the us compromise and give up our own goals or hobbies due to lack
difference between urgent and important is an art that needs to of time. Instead of giving up goals, rethinking time is a solution.
be mastered overtime to reduce stress. A word of caution, a NO The secret is to create “Multipliers”—activities that help fulfill
should always be followed by an alternative and overindulgence multiple goals at the same time. Here are some examples:
in the same should be refrained. a. Fit in your exercise schedule during the time your child is busy
at one of the activity classes
5. Find a Genie – a real one: We have not been fortunate enough
b. Carry your shoes along and walk whenever time permits, to
to have a genie in our lives, one who would say “your wish is
stay fit. It’s easy to clock in almost 5000 steps through walking,
my command, master”. But can we create one? One to whom
while waiting at the airport
we could outsource some work that we consider non-essential or
c. Read your favorite book while asking your child to read theirs
work that is not as important to realize the bigger dream that we
d. Joining the same activity as dance, tennis, badminton or paint-
have for ourselves. Cleaning the house so that no-one can even
ing along with the child or spouse will not only help you bond
spot a dust particle, washing clothes, washing utensils, picking
together better, but also provide you the time to let your creativity
fresh fruits & veggies, cooking all three meals, hot and with vari-
ety in each – it’s time we learn both, the art of outsourcing and the
e. This may sound difficult but not impossible, with a little plan-
art of letting go. The benefits are manifold, from more time for
ning you can do twice as much!
family to time for exercise and relaxation. But getting the right
help just like any other resource also requires hard work.Initially, 8. Passion is the secret sauce: Be it success in your profession or
you will be required to spend time supervising/training, but the harmony at home, passion for both is what will bring in balance.
benefits on this time investment is huge. In the corporate world, We can all feel the power that comes from focusing on what ex-
we all have heard the word “delegate”, it’s time we apply those cites us. This power is the passion, and when repeated over time,
principles to our homes. Find your genie and declutter your lives. it gives us the endless energy to work & balance both sides of our
My genie at home is my maid, who stays with us and pretty much world. Scientifically also, Energy = Power*Time. If we replace the
does all the work at home, so that I can focus on things that really power with the passion and continue following our passion both
matter to me. My genie at office are my colleagues with whom I for work and family, we would get the energy to balance both over
have built relationships to manage those distressing moments. time. Passion is the secret sauce which distinguishes moderate
from excellent. So, keep that fire burning within your belly!Last
6. No excuses, please: Men are from Mars and women from Venus. but not the least, be ready to experiment. Discover the potion that
Let’s’ accept we are wired differently; our brains work differently works best for you to bring in harmony in your work & personal
and so are our strengths and weaknesses. However, underestimat- life. Take risks, calculated ones which will be both rewarding
ing this fact is a recipe for failure. The most common excuse of and, ultimately, empowering. Most importantly, do not forget to
stomach ache is way overused. Have we ever canceled a picnic applaud yourself and give yourself credit for managing both sides
or a trip, just because our hormones are behaving differently on equally well. Always remember, you have within you the strength,
those days? Then why use it as an excuse to skip work? All of us patience, and passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
have those tough days, and it’s totally understandable, but there So, it’s time we stop wishing and start doing!
are remedies available which help ease things.
Source: mahindrasusten.com

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Ms. Vinelle Vaz

Manager Marketing &
Vinelle leads marketing – communications at RenewSys, where
she combines her flair for communication and design with her
commitment to social impact. She has been instrumental in es-
tablishing brand presence for RenewSys, as it realises its position
as a leader in PV manufacturing. Vinelle champions the adoption
of solar power and emphasizes the significance of quality PV
products for a successful solar industry. A digital native and a
proponent of inclusive sustainability, her work philosophy is de-
rived from an exposure to diverse industries like Energy, FMCG,
and Social Action over the past decade. Vinelle is a double major
with honours in Micro Biology – Biochemistry, a post-graduate in
Social Communications Media (SCM), and has completed courses
on management, colour trends and design aesthetics.

Company Profile
RenewSys is the first integrated manufacturer of Solar PV
Modules and its key components - Encapsulants (EVA &
POE), Backsheets and Solar PV Cells. RenewSys is the re-
newable energy arm of the Enpee Group, a diversified global
conglomerate with a heritage of nearly 60 years of manufac-
turing excellence. RenewSys has its presence across India,
Mauritius, Nigeria, South Africa, Singapore, UAE, China and
representative offices in Europe, USA, and Mexico; and an
evolving distributor network.

26  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Echo Yao

Sales Director Asia

She has made a significant contribution to boosting the solar mar-

ket with her more than 5 years working time in solar field across
the world, Not to mention the 2000 residential roofs project in
South Asia and 1500 roofs in Europe she worked with last year,
she is also the first one to introduce Hoymiles microinverterinto
the Indian market, working with local solar players to drive the
transformation of Indian solar industry with more affordable and
high-quality solar microinverter. Echo Yao is very passionate and
is a woman who inspires other young women to enter and make
their contribution to solar energy too.

Company Profile
Established in 2012, Scorpius Trackers Pvt Ltd is an inventive
and proactive end-to-end single axis solar tracking solution
provider. We develop hardware, tracker controller, controller
software and algorithms and innovative structure designs.
Keeping a pulse of the changing requirements and the need
of the IPC and PP’s to scrutinize technology solutions for supe-
rior generation with existing set ups to boost returns. Currently
, Scorpius is one of India’s largest supplier of single axis track-
ers and aims to be the world’s premier solar tracking solutions
provider by 2020.

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Ms. Rajni Bhandari

DGM- Marketing & BD- Distributed
She has been involved in India’s solar energy sector since its
infancy and over the last decade has managed business devel-
opment, client relationship management, public relations and
marketing across utility and non-utility segments. Prior to AMP
Energy Rajni has worked with Azure Power and Amplus Energy.
Rajni holds an MBA degree in Power Management from the Uni-
versity of Petroleum and Energy Studies and Bachelor’s degree in
Chemistry (Hons) from Delhi University.

Company Profile
AMP Energy India, a part of the global AMP Energy Group,
is one of the fastest growing integrated renewable energy
power producers in India focused on delivering green en-
ergy to large corporates. It opportunistically addresses op-
portunities in the government utility segment also. Within
a short time it has built a portfolio of nearly 500 MW with
presence across 15 states and supplying green energy to
40+ leading corporates across various industries and govt
institutions. It is a One Stop Shop to minimize their carbon
footprint and energy costs. AMP Energy India is well on
track to create a GW scale triple play and a leader in its
market segment.

28  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Sireesha Y
Head Commercial department

Sireesha, began her career in Solar over two decades ago; a meticulous plan-
ner – she is responsible for invoicing, accounts and banking-related functions
at the firm. Sireesha can be described best as a silent, Solar powerhouse.
She began her career in this industry over 2 decades ago, with Photon Energy
systems as a Quality Control technician; Over the years, she took on respon-
sibilities on the shop floor, as a production manager and store manager. In
2002, she joined NEST – Noble Energy Solar Technologies to perform cross-
functional roles across the R&D spectrum. Sireesha Y was part of Fourth
Partner Energy’s founding team in 2010, after a short sabbatical following
the birth of her son. The return to the Solar sector was homecoming to a
lady whose career path traced the industry’s growth path in India. At 4PEL,
she took on the role of Assistant Manager, Operations after which she moved
into the Finance & Accounting to head the firm’s Commercial department.
A woman who dons many responsibilities – she loves spending time with
her family and son; and her favourite pastime is cooking and feeding hungry
mouths. Head over to 4PEL’s Hyderabad office for a chat with this dynamo or
to sample her mouth-watering homemade ‘pulusu’.

Company Profile
Fourth Partner Energy is India’s largest distributed solar energy firm fo-
cusing on building and financing solar projects for commercial, industrial
and government entities. We are a full-services Renewable Energy Ser-
vices Company (RESCO) that offers end-to-end capabilities including
Evaluation, Design, Planning, Procurement, Construction, Operation,
Maintenance and Financing of critical solar infrastructure. Fourth Partner
Energy is backed by TPG’s The Rise Fund which invested $70mn in the
Hyderabad headquartered firm, in June 2018. With an operational portfo-
lio of 200 MW installed capacity across 23 states currently, the firm has
now embarked on its journey to expand beyond distributed solar and into
a variety of clean energy solutions, including storage and EV charging
infrastructure. Our firm has a pan-India presence with its headquarters in
Hyderabad and offices in 10 other cities including Pune, Gurgaon, Mum-
bai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Chennai, Coimbatore, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, and
Ranchi. We have also commenced international operations in 5 South
East Asian markets this year. We have executed projects for marquee
clients like Hindustan Unilever, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Walmart, Schneider,
Skoda, Ferrero, Airtel, D-Mart and ICICI Bank. In our 9 years since incep-
tion, we have helped reduce India’s annual dependency on coal by over
1.3 lakh tons, carbon emissions by 2.8 lakh tons – an equivalent of plant-
ing around 1.3 crore trees.

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Ms. Sneha Shenoy

Business Development for
Southern region
In her 5yrs of professional career, Sneha Shenoy has contrib-
uted to the Design andOperations of Solar PV systems and is
currently leading Business Development for Southern region for
L&T Renewable Energy Business. Early in her career, she was se-
lected for the prestigious Build India Scholarship program through
which she pursued her master’s in Construction Technology and
Management from IIT Madras. She was also instrumental in inte-
gration of Building Information Modelling (BIM) tool on a Digital
Platform for the design and planning of Solar Projects. Also, in
her current role she is responsible for bringing in Business leads
and order conversion for the Southern Market in India for Utility
scale Solar PV Projects.

Company Profile
Conventional energy is finite. To light up tomorrow's world you
need imaginative, innovative solutions. L&T Construction has
developed the capability to provide solutions for every chal-
lenge under the sun. L&T is one of the leading players in Solar
PV installations and has a track record that includes execu-
tion of some of the largest solar plants in the country. L&T has
proven EPC capabilities in offering economically viable and
technically superior solutions for solar power plants. The com-
prehensive range of design and construction services include::

Grid Connected PV (Utility Scale)

Energy Storage Systems

Microgrid and Distributed Generation

Rooftop Solar PV

L&T is committed to playing a significant role in the arena of

renewable energy by spearheading the green revolution in In-
dia. Over the years, L&T has gained expertise in different solar
technologies to design and execute solar power plants includ-
ing financing assistance for solar projects of different capaci-

30  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Ambika Paliwal

Marketing Manager

Ambika Paliwal has been a part of the renewable energy indus-

try for over 3 years now. Currently working with ReNew Power
Limited, she is responsible for marketing and branding activities
for the company. During this tenure, she has had the exposure of
working on a full spectrum of activities and processes associ-
ated withmarketing and branding aspects of the distributed solar
business. Prior to joining ReNew Power, Ambika was associated
with Vedanta Resources Limited, where she hasworked in pro-
files like sales, market development and government advocacy
for commodity business, specifically Zinc, Lead and Silver, with
an exposure of both national and international market. Ambika
has completed Master of Business Administration from Institute
of Management Technology, Ghaziabad. She has graduated in En-
gineering in Computer Science from Birla Institute of Technology,

Company Profile
ReNew Power is the largest renewable energy IPP in India in
terms of total energy generation capacity. Since commencing
operations with a 25.2 MW wind project in Jasdan, Gujarat,
the company has grown exponentially, and has a current re-
newable asset base of over 7 GW, of which more than 4 GW
is operational. ReNew Power develops, builds, owns and
operates utility scale wind and solar energy projects as well
as distributed solar energy projects that generate energy for
commercial and industrial customers. It today operates more
than 100 utility scale projects spread across 8 states in India,
generating 1% of India’s total electricity and helping to miti-
gate 0.5% of India’s total carbon emissions.

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Ms. Nidhi Sharma

Asst. General Manager

With more than 10 years of experience now in field of sales,

marketing and project management of solar manufacturing and
power generation projects as well as administration, She is now
a core member of Bergen Solar Power and Energy Limited (BS-
PEL). She has gone through lot of technical trainings on vari-
ous products of solar manufacturing as well as vacuum coating
products. Her achievements includes in important function in on-
site implementation of India’s largest solar cell manufacturing
project as well as setting up of internal project management
in the organisation. She is currently working on setting up of a
sales and marketing department in BSPEL which includes mar-
ket research, formulating sales plan and implementing them and
thereby mentoring and helping colleagues of her departments
Qualifications: B.Tech. (Electrical &Electronics) and MBA in
Professionally Affiliated to: SESI (Solar Energy Society of
Major PV Projects Executed : Adani – 700MW of Solar Cell
Manufacturing on Turnkey Basis.
Jupiter – 300 MW of Solar Cell Manufacturing .
Tata Power – 130MW of Solar Cell Manufacturing.
Websol – Upgrdation of PSG lines.

Company Profile
Since 1983, Bergen Group has set up a benchmark every
year in setting up high standards & cost effective solutions
for the Indian Electronics, Automotive, Education and Solar
industry to name a few. Started humble beginning in 1983
as only a sales & service organisation as a single company,
today it has evolved into a multi company, multi location
& multi activity based group. While best services for the
customer satisfaction is always a focus, this helped group
today to reach a customer base from educational institutes
to small/medium volume organisation to a large multi-billion
dollars organisations as well.

32  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Smriti Krishna

Manager Business Development

Smriti works closely with the company’s Chief Commercial Of-

ficer in identifying large scale Solar PV opportunities, both Grid-
connected and in the captive domain. Her role requires deep un-
derstanding of renewable business and nuances of the bidding
dynamics, including technical & connectivity, regulatory and
compliance. She tracks the progress and challenges of ongoing
projects and mitigates through communications with regulatory
and licensing authorities. Prior to SB Energy, Smriti has exten-
sive experience in consulting at EY and CRISIL where she worked
closely with power utilities, helping them realize their strategic
vision and explore new opportunities.
Company Profile
SB Energy is a part of the SoftBank Group and is committed
to develop, operate and maintain large scale utility and com-
mercial solar PV and wind power projects across India and
globally. The company was established in 2015 and in just
4 years has developed an operational capacity of 1.4 GWp,
with an extensive pipeline of 3.6 GWp in India and 1.7 GWp
in the US. The company is known to be the first to develop
solar-wind hybrid power plant.

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Ms. Shalini Naagar

Senior Vice President –
Human Resources
Shalini has experience working in the HR industry across sec-
tors including IT, ITES, Pharmaceuticals and Retail. Prior to
Azure Power, Shalini has served as Head of Human Resources
at Marks and Spencer and Novartis Vaccines JV. She has also
served companies such as Computer Science Corporation, Tele
Atlas India Pvt Ltd. and Fortune Park Group Hotel. Shalini is a
Certified Fellow from CIPD (Fellowship of Chartered Institute of
Personnel Development, UK) and a Certified Gallup Strengths
Coach. She holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration
with specialization in Human Resources from Jaipuria Institute
of Management.
Company Profile
Azure Power Global Limited is an independent power pro-
ducer, a developer and an operator of utility and commercial
scale solar PV power plants headquartered in New Delhi, In-
dia. The company was founded in 2008 by entrepreneur In-
derpreet Wadhwa. The company sells energy to government
utilities, and independent industrial and commercial custom-
ers in India. Azure Power developed India's first utility scale
solar project in 2009 in Awan, Punjab. The company also
installed India's first megawatt scale solar rooftop project in
Gandhinagar, Gujarat which was awarded the top 10 Public
Private Partnership, 2013 by International Finance Corpora-
tion. Azure Power has a total capacity of over 3 GW in 23

34  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Anita Virnave

HR Manager

She is HR Manager of SMA Solar India Pvt. Ltd.,

a 100% subsidiary of SMA Solar Technology AG.
SMA India was established in October, 2010. The
Indian operations Head Quartered in Mumbai of-
fers world class comprehensive sales cum services
to Indian customers including service line support
and hands-on training. Anita, a MBA in HR and
Marketing by profession, has almost 12 years of
experience in Human Resource Management, with
expertise in recruitment & selection, employee rela-
tions, employee engagement, PMS, payroll process
and retention activities. She is working with SMA
Solar India Pvt Ltd. as an HR Manager since last
June’2012. She is a focused and reliable person-
ality with strong people management, leadership,
analytical and coordination skills. Having Abilities
of reviewing processes and suggesting ways for
improving the same. Abilities to work in demanding
situations and meet the required deadline. Being a
person who loves new challenges she have also
delved into Policy Making, Talent Mapping, Attri-
tion and retention programs, headcount manage-
ment and delivered all to perfection.
Company Profile
In 1996, one of the first large solar PV plant was powered
with SMA central inverter in India. SMA opened its Indian
subsidiary at an opportune time in October 2010 with Mr
Rakesh Khanna joining as Country Head, when the market
was about to expand rapidly. The SMA India team has also
grown to spread across 6 locations.

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Ms. Mamita Bhattacharjee

HR Manager

She is a seasoned HR professional with over 14+ years of expe-

rience in supporting multinational teams in a fast-paced matrix
environment having expertise in Power Electronics, VLSI, IT soft-
ware domain. She is a people’s person and trusted HR partner
for managers. Robust experience working with global teams;
contributed in worldwide HR projects distinguished by her com-
mendable performance and proven results. Being a challenging
personality she is experienced in a wide range of services as HR
Business Partner, Talent Acquisition specialist, HR Generalist,
Employee engagement, Benefits, R&R, HR Operations, Compli-
ance, Comp & Ben, OD interventions and Performance Manage-
ment. She has pursued Executive Program in Human Resource
from IIM, Calcutta and Masters in Business Management from
ICFAI, University and is also Toastmasters International Certified
Competent Communicator.
Company Profile
Delta Group in India is operating since 2003. Delta Elec-
tronics India Private Limited, is a group entity and a leading
Power and Energy management company. It is a 100% sub-
sidiary under the ultimate control of Delta Electronics (Thai-
land) PCL.Delta operates in three business categories: Pow-
er Electronics, Automation and Infrastructure. It has a legacy
of operating in India with market leadership in Telecom Power
Solutions, Renewable Energy Solutions (Solar Inverters) and
Display Solutions (Video walls). It is also a leading provider
of Industrial Automation Solutions, UPS & Datacenter Solu-
tions, EV Charging Solutions, Rail Transportation Solutions,
Energy Storage Solutions, DC Fans & Blowers, and Com-
ponents. With sixteen regional offices, three manufacturing
facilities (Rudrapur, Gurgaon and Hosur) and two R&D cen-
tres (Gurgaon and Bengaluru), Delta has a strong presence
across India with more than 200 channel partners.

36  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Gurmeet Chadha
Vice President & Head
of Human Resources
Gurmeet Chadha has joined Ayana as Vice Presi-
dent and Head of Human Resources. Gurmeet has
an overall work experience of more than 17 years.
Prior to joining Ayana, she has worked as head of
HR for companies like Sembcorp Green Infra Lim-
ited, Caparo Automotive Systems, where she was
responsible for establishing and executing com-
petitive HR systems and processes that encourage
employee absorption; growth and retention. She
also worked for Delphi Automotive systems where
she was part of Asia Pacific team in driving HR and
Learning and Development initiatives for the Asia
Pacific region. She holds a Masters Degree in Busi-
ness Studies from Bhartiya Vidyapeeth Deemed
University, Pune and Bachelors of Commerce from
Punjab University.
Company Profile
Ayana Renewable Power is an Indian renewable energy plat-
for. Ayana Renewable Power has been set up by CDC Group
Plc. to develop significant megawatts (MWs) of renewable
energy generation capacities in India and its neighbouring
countries in South Asia, namely Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan,
Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

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Ms. Rupam Gautam

Head-Asset Management
(North & East India)
Rupam leads the Asset Management activities for CleanMax So-
lar, leading Solar developer of India. She has 9+ years’ experience
with strong hold in Asset Management, Business development, En-
gineering, Projectmanagement, Fund raising ,Due diligence activi-
ties with the likes of KPMG and Laisioning with central and state
nodal agencies like SECI, MNRE, UPNEDA, HAREDA etc. She is a
Certified level 2 Value Engineer from SAVE, USA. Post her B-Tech
and PGDM from IMT Ghaziabad, she has worked for L&T - MHI
Boilers and Fourth Partner EnergyPvt. Ltd. where she was heading
the Design and Business development respectively. She has worked
in different capacities throughout the project cycle to service the
clients and investors requirements for high generation and revenue.
She is a Visiting/Guest faculty atvarious institutes like IMT Ghazi-
abad, GN group, Invertis University, ITS group and a keynote speak-
er and panelist at numerous events for the power sector organized
by firms like Honeywell, NTPC,EQ Solar, Power line etc. Had acted
as senior inhouse trainer on topics like DCS, Business development,
personality development and project management.

Company Profile
CleanMax Solar is India’s leading solar company pioneering
the ‘Energy Sale’ model in rooftop solar in 2012. CleanMax
Solar has successfully installed 470+ projects for 130+ cor-
porates, with a total rooftop solar operating capacity of 200+
MW. CleanMax Solar also operates 350+ MW of large-scale
solar farms in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, for supply to its cor-
porate customers. With clientele spanning sectors such as Au-
tomotive, Education, Pharmaceuticals, FMCG, and Informa-
tion Technology, the company develops projects on a turnkey
basis, providing power on a per-kWh basis, under long-term
Power Purchase Agreements, at rates cheaper than prevailing
grid tariffs. CleanMax develops projects on a turnkey basis,
providing cheaper-than-grid solar power without any upfront
investment from its customers. CleanMax is a highly skilled
and professional team spread across 6 offices in India and the
Middle East. CleanMax Solar was the first Indian company to
win the prestigious Transformational Business Awards 2018
by Financial Times (FT) and International Finance Corporation
(IFC) in Achievement in ‘Transformational Infrastructure’ cat-
egory. CleanMax Solar has been recognized by the Ministry of
New Renewable Energy (Government of India) with National
Excellence Awards for the Rooftop Solar Developer and Roof-
top Solar EPC Player in 2016.

38  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Tanya Batra

Assistant Manager,
Public Sector
I have worked in the Solar Sector for around 6 years. In my few
years of experience, I was able to gain experience in a range of
profiles. I have worked in
a. Business Development in Solar EPC.
b. Contributed in conceptualization of an online solar marketplace
model in the B2B space.
c. Policy analyses which were published in various industry pub-
d. Contributed in conceptualizing solar kits for homes.
e. Worked on a concept paper for peer to peer energy trading
using blockchain.
Each of these experiences, taught me about another aspect of
the industry bringing to me a more holistic view of it. While some
of these ideas might be ahead of their time, I really hope to see its
application soon in the industry even if I am not privileged enough
to be a part of it.

Company Profile
Founded on six guiding principles, it advocates the impact
each person can make by being passionately involved in
their community. Many inspiring people from Grant Thornton
across the globe are already providing innovative, generous
and resourceful services to the communities they work and
live in, see the videos below for examples of how our people
are making a difference. One thread recurs through all our
work with communities – helping young people to unlock
their potential through education. Across many of our mem-
ber firms, our people are using their skills and experience to
help young people to thrive.

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Ms. Aditi Khadilkar

Admin and Accounts Manager

Aditi started her stint in SOLAR by joining SCORPIUS TRACKERS

(World’s fastest growing solar-tracker company). Along with her
core fields of interest (Administration & Accounts), she got the
opportunity to work with Research, Engineering and Logistics De-
partments. This helped her gain in-depth knowledge of the indus-
try and meeting daily operations and HR requirements of a fast
growing R&D company. A senior position in a global organisation
needed understanding of complex taxation, legal compliances &
financing - met by Aditi along with her highly motivated team. As
the company continues to grow globally, Aditi is fully prepared to
meet all challenges

Company Profile
Established in 2012, Scorpius Trackers Pvt Ltd is an inventive
and proactive end-to-end single axis solar tracking solution
provider. We develop hardware, tracker controller, controller
software and algorithms and innovative structure designs.
Keeping a pulse of the changing requirements and the need
of the IPC and PP’s to scrutinize technology solutions for supe-
rior generation with existing set ups to boost returns. Currently
, Scorpius is one of India’s largest supplier of single axis track-
ers and aims to be the world’s premier solar tracking solutions
provider by 2020.

40  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Pooja Arora

Head of Admin and Workflows

Pooja joined SB Energy - SoftBank Group as one of the first 5 em-

ployees and has been pivotal in providing world leading technology
and infrastructure tools to her workplace. This has helped create
an intuitive, intelligent and collaborative experience among employ-
ees across SoftBank’s project sites and corporate offices. She be-
lieves the power of technology and thoughtful logistics can create
a win-win for both the team and our environment. Whether it is
working in corporate to strengthen the core business functions or
supporting complex Solar Project Sites, Pooja has been an inspira-
tion for women in the sector and has had fascinating journey. Pooja
feels that it is the joint responsibility of the women to seek out
experiences and development that can help them lead and succeed,
and for organizations to create an environment where women feel
empowered to progress in their careers at all levels.
“Personally I think, once you set the tone by being a competent
professional and establish yourself as someone qualified to get the
job done, your work speaks for itself.” Pooja has spearheaded the
company in all aspects of Infrastructure, Facilities and IT require-
ments for Projects. She was actively involved in designing and
bringing up the State of the Art, infrastructure of the Corporate
Office of SB Energy which has been a great success and makes
SB Energy a great place to work with. Driven by entrepreneurial
zeal Pooja believes in the adage: “When you believe, your mind will
find a way to do”. The solution can be small-scale to begin with,
but think large, think globally. If you don’t think you can change the
world, you never will.

Company Profile
SB Energy is a part of the SoftBank Group and is committed
to develop, operate and maintain large scale utility and com-
mercial solar PV and wind power projects across India and
globally. The company was established in 2015 and in just
4 years has developed an operational capacity of 1.4 GWp,
with an extensive pipeline of 3.6 GWp in India and 1.7 GWp
in the US. The company is known to be the first to develop
solar-wind hybrid power plant.

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DuPont Photovoltaic and
Advanced Materials

Ms. Marisol Rodriquez

R&D Leader

Dr. Marisol Rodriguez is a Technical Manager in the DuPont Pho-

tovoltaic and Advanced Materials business. She leads the Tedlar®
Research & Development organization working on new product
development, application development and technical service for
the photovoltaic, aircraft and industrial market segments. Her
role includes strategic technology direction and planning, execu-
tion of development and commercialization projects for new and
improved products and strengthening and renewing the global
technical organization. Marisol earned a bachelor’s degree in
chemistry at the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras, Puerto
Rico and a PhD in analytical chemistry at the University of Texas,

Company Profile
DuPont Photovoltaic and Advanced Materials (PVAM) rep-
resents a portfolio of product solutions with over 40+ years
of service to the solar, aerospace, automotive industries and
many others. DuPont products deliver proven power and last-
ing value for the fast-growing photovoltaics sector, including
DuPont™ Solamet® metallization pastes, DuPont™ Tedlar®
films as well as DuPont™ Fortasun™ solar silicones. The
growing portfolio of DuPont Advanced Materials thick film
compositions are used in a variety of electronic applications
in the automotive, biomedical, industrial, military, telecommu-
nications and electronic wearables markets. The company is
committed to continuing to innovate through time-tested sci-
ence and engineering to solve today’s challenges.

42  EQ WOMEN IN SOLAR www.EQMagPro.com


Ms. Taral Ajmera

Senior Legal Counsel and
Compliance Officer
Taral Ajmera has led Cleantech Solar’s legal and compliance divi-
sion in India since the past three years. She has been instrumental
in framework creation of internal policies and commercial agree-
ments while advising the board on key legalities, and strategic
mergers and acquisitions during this period of swift growth. Ms.
Ajmera has driven negotiations for 100+ Power Purchase Agree-
ments (PPA) with counter parties originating from myriad indus-
tries including coal, oil & gas, cement, textile, infrastructure, Phar-
ma, FMCG, automotive etc., keeping in mind the regulatory and
commercial intricacies of each business. Her efforts have resulted
in increased client retention, resolution of disputes with counter
parties and incorporation of several strategic alliances through
JVs setup across India. On the company’s fundraising transaction
front, she has navigated end to end processes from negotiation
to execution. Ms. Ajmera offers a wealth of expertise in due dili-
gence, inbound & outbound investment structuring, litigation man-
agement and corporate structuring to Cleantech Solar. She was
entrusted by International Financial Law Review (IFLR) India M&A
Forum 2019 to represent the due diligence and shareholder activ-
ism cause for India. Amongst her other accolades, Ms. Ajmera was
chosen to represent International Energy Agency (IEA) for the gen-
der diversity cause in solar space to promote a new diverse culture
of leadership. In 2018, IEA featured her as one of the “strongest
women leaders in Indian Solar Power Market” in its first report on
women in the rooftop solar market in India. Ms. Ajmera is certified
in Energy Law and Management from National Law School of India
University (Bangalore). She received her Company Secretary from
Institute of Company Secretary of India (ICSI), LLB from Jitendra
Chauhan College of Law (Mumbai University) and Bachelor’s in
Commerce from Mumbai University.”

Company Profile
Cleantech Solar has established itself with a successful track
record of over 200 solar power plants as a leading solar devel-
oper in Asia that invests, owns and operates solar projects, spe-
cializing in the Commercial and Industrial (C&I) sector. Through
long-term partnerships, Cleantech Solar allows its customers to
enjoy clean solar energy at reduced costs without investing any
upfront capital, while simultaneously helping them meet their
sustainability goals.

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