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A Company of Dhani Group

Payslip for the month of July 2022 for Gourav Sharma

Emp ID 00298142 DOJ 05.08.2021 Group DOJ 05.08.2021
DOB 16.06.1995 PAN ISRPS4012R Leave Availed 0.00
Designation Customer Care Officer PF NO. LOP 0.00
Location NOIDA-SEC 65 UAN NO.P
Department CON CEN ESI NO.
Mode of Payment Bank transfer SAL TRANS DATE 31.07.2022
Bank Account 3813074879 Gender Male

Earnings Deductions Perks/Other income/Exceptions/Rebates

Basic Pay 15,050.00
HRA 753.00
Supplementary Allowance 4,664.00
Other Bonus 583.00

Total 21,050.00 Total

Net Pay 21,050.00

Wallet Transfer from Net Pay 2,105.00

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