4to Año EXAMEN 3

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Student’s name: Nina Gazcon

Year: 4th Section: U Date: 30/11/2020

English test # 3
Part I: Complete the sentences with the correct words from the parentheses:

a. There are not many options. (much - many - some - few)

b. How much money do you have? (much - many - some - any)
c. There is few butter in the fridge. (few - many - some - any)
d. We don't have much time. (many - some - a little - much)
e. Do you have a few milk? (many - any - a few - some)
f. Amy has a lot of friends. (a lot of - much - any - a little)
g. Do you have a little money I could borrow? (a few - a little - a lot - many)
h. There are some oranges in the kitchen. (any - some - much - a little)
i. How many books do you have? (much - many - any - some)
j. Liz bought a beautiful dress. Why isn’t she wearing them? (I – they - she - he) (us – it – her -them)

Part II: Write meaningful sentences with the following words according to the parentheses:

a.- Fly / Monday (negative – Past Continuous tense)

I wasn't flying the monday

b.- Run / Garden (interrogative – Present Continuous tense)

Are you running in the garden?

c.- Go / dress (affirmative – Past Continuous tense)

I was going to try that dress

d.- Sell / morning (interrogative – Past Continuous tense)

Were you selling your bike in the morning?

e.- Repair / computer (negative – Present Continuous tense)

I’m not repairing the computer

e.- Paint / those (affirmative – Present Continuous tense)

We are painting on those walls

Part III: Arrange the words and write the correct sentences.

a.- Students / the / teacher / listening / during / the / not / the / to / class / are.

The students are not listening the teacher during to the class

b.- Cooking / friends / arrived / was / Mary / when / her / lunch.

Maria arrived when her friends cooking lunch

c.- Bus / long / girls / how / were / there / the / for / waiting / the / ?

How were the girls waiting long for the bus?

d.- Noise / while / reading / was / newspaper / the /he / heard / a / he

He was heard noise while he reading the a newspaper

e.- doing / what / now / and / home / you / are / at / right / Tom?

What are you doing and right now at home tom?

Part IV: Change the tenses of the following sentences according to the parentheses

a.- Where do you usually have lunch? (Present Continuous tense)

Are you where usuallying have lunch

b.- Laura and her friends didn’t solve the exercises well. (Past Continuous tense)

Laura and her friends weren't solving the exercises well

c.- The dogs are playing in front of the house. (Past Continuous tense)

The dogs was playing in front of the house.

d.- Paul doesn’t go home by bus. (Present Continuous tense)

Paul are not going home by bus.

c.- Billy and Jenny work with Mr. Johnson on weekdays. (Past Continuous tense)

Billy and Jenny was working with Mr. Johnson on weekdays

d.- The boys study in the library every afternoon. (Present Continuous tense)

The boys are studying in the library every afternoon.

Part V: Read the following text and answer the questions. Then, translate it into Spanish.

The Gift
One windy day in March, Mary Miller was on her way to school when she looked in a store window.
She saw lovely red apples. "Oh", she said, “If only Mamma could have one!" Mary’s mother was very poor, but
now she had become sick. When school was dismissed, Mary started home, when she saw a man in front
of her drop his wallet. Running quickly forward she picked it up. How I wish I could keep it. Then I could buy
Mamma a red apple. She knew this would not be right, so she hurried after the man. She said, "Please, Sir, you
dropped your wallet." "Thank you," said the man taking the wallet. He said, "Why did you not keep the
wallet?" "Because that would be stealing," replied Mary. He smiled and said, "You are a good little girl to
return my wallet. I would like to give you a present." He handed her a dollar. Mary was so surprised that she
ran to the store. The store owner quickly picked out the biggest and reddest apple he could find. He
said, "Would you like this one?"She took the apple and gave him the dollar. No charge, he said. She thanked
him. He smiled and gave her another. “For you, too,” he said. When Mary reached home with her treasures
she put the apples and dollar on a plate. When Mrs. Miller was told the wonderful story; she kissed her little
daughter and said, "You see, dear, it always pays to be honest and truthful."

Answer the Questions.

1. What did Mary Miller see in a store window?

Mary saw lovely red apples
2. What did Mary get on her way to home?
She geting a dollar
3. Why did she not keep the wallet?
She knew this would not be right
4. What did the man give to Mary?
The man give to one dollar a Mary
5. How many apples did the shopkeeper give to Mary?
The shopkeeper give two apples to mary
6. What did Mrs. Miller say to Mary?
Mrs. Miller say to Mary always pays to be honest and truthful.

Part VI: Translate the paragraph into Spanish:

El don
Un día ventoso de marzo, Mary Miller se dirigía a la escuela cuando miró por el escaparate de una tienda.
Vio hermosas manzanas rojas. "Oh", dijo, "¡Si mamá pudiera tener uno!" La madre de Mary era muy pobre,
pero ahora se había enfermado. Cuando terminaron las clases, Mary se fue a casa, cuando vio a un hombre
frente a ella soltar su billetera . Corrió rápidamente hacia adelante y la recogió. Cómo me gustaría poder
quedármela. Entonces podría comprarle a mamá una manzana roja. Sabía que esto no estaría bien, así que
corrió tras el hombre. Dijo: "Por favor, señor, usted dejó caer su billetera. "" Gracias ", dijo el hombre que
tomó la billetera. Él dijo:" ¿Por qué no se quedó con la billetera? "" Porque eso sería robar ", respondió
Mary. Él sonrió y dijo:" Eres un buena niña para devolver mi billetera. Me gustaría darte un regalo " . Le
entregó un dólar. Mary estaba tan sorprendida que corrió a la tienda. El dueño de la tienda rápidamente
escogió la manzana más grande y roja que pudo encontrar. Él dijo:" ¿Te gustaría esto? ¿Una? "Ella tomó la
manzana y le dio el dólar. Sin cargo, dijo. Ella le dio las gracias. Él sonrió y le dio otra." Para ti también ",
dijo. Cuando Mary llegó a casa con sus tesoros, puso las manzanas y dólar en un plato. Cuando le contaron
la maravillosa historia a la Sra. Miller, besó a su pequeña hija y dijo: "Verás, querida, siempre vale la pena
ser honesta y veraz".

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