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1st International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering and Robotics Technology 2019 (ICASERT 2019)

Effects of Wave Function Penetration on Gate

Capacitance and Threshold Voltage of p-Channel
Double Gate Junction Less Field Effect Transistor
Md. Mohsinur Rahman Adnan1∗ , Mohammad Shahidur Rahman1
1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology,
Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh

Abstract—Wave function penetration phenomenon had been

studied for a p-channel Double Gate Junction Less Field Effect
Transistor in terms of Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) characteristics.
It has been found that the gate capacitance differs visibly for
the two cases (i.e. with and without penetration) in device’s
accumulation mode only. As a result, it is safe to assume that the
threshold voltage is not dependent on wave function penetration
for this device; which had been established by extracting data
from the simulated C-V curves.
Fig. 1: Wave Function Penetration (WFP) effect in Double Gate Junction Less Field
Effect Transistor (DGJLFET). The structure is basically a quantum well with 1D
Index Terms—Junction Less Field Effect Transistor, Wave confinement. Being a finite potential well, it is safe to assume some penetration into
Function, Schrödinger-Poisson Solution, Gate Capacitance, gate oxide occurs as shown in (b), instead of ideal case with infinite barriers as depicted
Threshold Voltage. in (a).

MOSFET, so there is a scarcity of such modeling for other
The need for quantum mechanical modeling of Field Effect FET devices in literature.
Transistor (FET) devices’ characteristics was first described Recently, a new FET device called the Junction Less Field
and practically implemented by Stern [1]. To model the ultra- Effect Transistor (JLFET) has been proposed [4]. While IM-
small devices with micro-to-nanometer range feature lengths, MOSFET has its carriers conducting at channel surface just be-
Stern employed self-consistent methodology which solved low the channel-oxide interface [3], the JLFET device’s carrier
Schrödinger and Poisson equations iteratively till a complete conduction mostly happens at or near the channel center [4].
description of charge distribution and potential profile inside Specially during sub-threshold and near threshold operation,
the FET structure was found. With the scaling of FET devices the bulk conduction mechanism of JLFET can not be ignored
to ever decreasing sizes, self-consistent modeling has become [4]. As a result, it is quite possible that considering wave
a popular method to model their electrostatics now-a-days. function penetration effect while self-consistently modeling
In his model, Stern assumed that the FET structures were JLFET electrostatics is not so important as in the case of IM-
quantum confined i.e. well (1D) or wire (2D) with infinite MOSFET modeling.
potential barriers surrounding the channel [1]. As a result, the Indeed, a recent study of Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) char-
carrier wave function was assumed going to zero abruptly at acteristics of n-channel Double Gate (DG) JLFET device has
channel-oxide interface. But this is not really a valid scenario demonstrated that the threshold voltage of n-JLFET remains
as the potential barrier height arising from the difference in unchanged, whether penetration is allowed or not [5]. The
band structure of channel and oxide materials’ is actually study also showed that wave function penetration phenomenon
equals to only a few electron volts [2]. As a result, assuming has effect on C-V curves only in accumulation mode of n-
carrier wave function does not penetrate into the gate oxide JLFET operation [5]. Even though definite proof of theory
of the device gives an incomplete picture of the potential now exists for n-JLFET, no such study was carried out for
profile and charge distribution inside the FET structure [2]. p-JLFET yet. As the results for deep submicron n- and p-
So, in order to obtain a more complete description of charge MOSFETs were found to be different in [2], it is necessary to
distribution, potential profile and other electrostatic properties carry out a similar study for p-JLFET. So, the present work
like gate capacitance and threshold voltage, a few previous aims to first simulate the p-DGJLFET C-V characteristics both
works [2], [3] have allowed carrier wave function to penetrate allowing and disallowing wave function penetration and then
into gate oxide. All of them studied Inversion Mode (IM) study gate capacitance and threshold voltage to find out if they

978-1-7281-3445-1/19/$31.00 2019

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and fig.5 depicts the C-V curves and | dVgate | vs Vgate curves
The chosen channel thickness values were 6, 8 and 10 nm;
and results were studied. Fig.6 and fig.7 depicts the C-V curves
and | dVgate | vs Vgate curves respectively.
The chosen oxide thickness values were 1, 1.5 and 2 nm;
and results were studied. Fig.8 and fig.9 depicts the C-V curves
and | dVgate | vs Vgate curves respectively.
The chosen doping concentration values were 1019 /cm3 , 5∗
1018 /cm3 and 1018 /cm3 ; and results were studied. Fig.10 and
Fig. 2: Self consistent solver [1]. dCgate
fig.11 depicts the C-V curves and | dVgate | vs Vgate curves
For the defined device structure, the flat-band voltage [6]
is −1.1V . In the C-V curves, saturation behavior occurs
beyond this voltage. This is also the voltage beyond which
gate capacitances differ due to penetration. So, from observing
the results it can be said that regardless of penetration the
gate capacitances are visibly matched up until accumulation
operation (i.e. saturation behavior ) [6].
Fig. 3: Double Gate Junction Less Field Effect Transistor (DGJLFET) structure. The maximum peak in the | dVgate | vs. Vgate curves occurs
at same Vgate =Vth regardless of penetration.

are as affected as in the case of n-JLFET by the occurrence IV. C ONCLUSION

of this phenomenon. In p-JLFET, initially a space charge region arising from the
acceptor doping fills up the whole body region. As the gate
II. S IMULATION D ETAILS voltage is gradually raised in positive direction, the depletion
An one-dimensional Schrödinger-Poisson solver, as de- region reduces and free holes start to gather at the channel
scribed in [1], had been designed. It simulates the C-V curves. center. With sufficient holes gathered at the channel center to
The solver’s mechanism is shown in Fig.2. JLT physics, as nullify the depletion charges, a string like path of neutral-Si
described in [6], had been incorporated in the simulator design. from source to drain is created [4]. After this condition known
The permittivity value, band gap and band offset of gate as threshold has occurred, applying a suitable drain to source
dielectric were taken form [3]. The valance band offset was voltage will make conduction possible. As channel center and
calculated by subtracting the conduction band offset from the channel-oxide interface are as far as they could be within the
bandgap offset. Degeneracy data along with DOS and Quanti- structure, it is expected that wave function penetration into
zation effective masses of holes were taken form [2]. The hole gate oxide should have minimal effect on threshold voltage,
effective mass inside gate oxide is taken as 0.5m0 , m0 being which has been established from the results of this work.
electron’s rest mass [2]. Whenever wave function penetration Moreover, no perceivable effect of wave function penetra-
had to be ignored, the valance band offset was made very high. tion on gate capacitance in full or partial depletion mode of
The threshold voltage, as suggested by [7], had been extracted device operation is observed. The gate capacitance is defined
assuming zero mobility variation. Then the threshold voltage as,
Vth is given by the position of maximum peak of | dVgate | vs. qδ(p − NA− )
Cgate =
gate dC δVgate
Vgate curve. For p-channel JLFET, absolute value | dVgate | had
been plotted to observe the change only, ignoring its direction. where, q=charge of a hole, qp=mobile charge arising from
The range of uncertainity for all reported threshold voltage holes(+ve) and qNA− =depletion charge arising from acceptors
values is limited to in between ±0.1 V. (-ve). In this equation, only the mobile charge, qp is variable.
This term is affected by wave function penetration only when
III. R ESULTS the holes are present near channel-oxide interface. Only then
The device modeled is shown in fig.3. The gate is made the probability of holes tunneling into gate oxide takes on
of n+ poly Si. The channel is of p-type Si. The oxide a moderate value. This does not happen in full or partial
is SiO2 . The used parameters are doping concentration, depletion mode of operation. Only beyond flat-band, when all
NA = 1019 /cm3 , channel thickness, tsi = 10nm, and oxide of p-JLFET channel is available for conduction [4], then the
thickness, tox = 2nm. These parameters had been maintained mobile charge term is affected by wave function penetration.
in most simulations. So, the observations in this work comply with both theoretical
To find the effect of changing oxide material, along with notions and the results for n-JLFET.
SiO2 , other gate oxides used were Hf O2 and Y2 O3 . Fig.4

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(a) SiO2 (a) Channel 10 nm thick

(b) Y2 O3 (b) Channel 8 nm thick

(c) Hf O2 (c) Channel 6 nm thick

Fig. 4: C-V characteristics allowing and not allowing penetration while oxide material Fig. 6: C-V characteristics allowing and not allowing penetration while channel thickness
is varied. is varied.

(a) Not Allowing Penetration (a) Not Allowing Penetration

(b) Allowing Penetration (b) Allowing Penetration

Fig. 5: Threshold voltage extracted allowing and not allowing penetration while oxide Fig. 7: Threshold voltage extracted allowing and not allowing penetration while channel
material is varied. The maximum peaks, regardless of penetration, occur at the same gate thickness is varied. The maximum peaks, regardless of penetration, occur at the same
voltages (Vth ) i.e. 0 V for SiO2 , −0.4 V for Y2 O3 , and −0.5 V for Hf O2 . gate voltages (Vth ) i.e. 0 V for 10 nm, −0.2 V for 8 nm, −0.4 V for 6 nm.

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(a) Oxide 1 nm thick (a) Doping concentration 1019 /cm3

(b) Oxide 1.5 nm thick (b) Doping concentration 5 ∗ 1018 /cm3

(c) Oxide 2 nm thick (c) Doping concentration 1018 /cm3

Fig. 8: Threshold voltage extracted allowing and not allowing penetration while oxide Fig. 10: Threshold voltage extracted allowing and not allowing penetration while doping
thickness is varied. concentration is varied.

(a) Not Allowing Penetration (a) Not Allowing Penetration

(b) Allowing Penetration (b) Allowing Penetration

Fig. 9: Threshold voltage extracted allowing and not allowing penetration while oxide Fig. 11: Threshold voltage extracted allowing and not allowing penetration while doping
thickness is varied. The maximum peaks, regardless of penetration,occur at the same concentration is varied. The maximum peaks, regardless of penetration, occur at the same
gate voltages (Vth ) i.e. −0.3 V for tox 1 nm, −0.2 V for tox 1.5 nm and 0 V for gate voltages (Vth ) i.e. 0 V for 1019 /cm3 , −0.4 V for 5 ∗ 1018 /cm3 and −0.7 V
tox 2 nm. for 1018 /cm3 .

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