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Senior High School Department

S.Y 2022-2023
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion | Ms. Junalyn P. Balcac

Grade Group number: Date of submission:

G12 HUMSS A Group 3 February 10, 2023

Name of Document: Background of the Study DECAGON 1

General topic: The Cyberspace
Proposed title: The Impact of The Cyberspace to the KCP Grade
12 Students’ Lives

Background of the Study

The Cyberspace is the virtual world in which digital technology

users occupy. The internet is its most known example, but it also

includes video games, telephones, and any technology that creates

a virtual place in which people can use and interact with.

Although the Cyberspace is not a physical space to gather in,

technology grants people the ability to connect with one another

through the use of Cyberspace platforms as a channel of

communication and information.

Currently the most popular platforms in the Cyberspace are

Facebook, which has almost three billion users worldwide, and

under the same company the messaging platforms Messenger and

Whatsapp, and the photo and video sharing platform Instagram.

Other platforms include video sharing platform YouTube,

multimedia messaging platform Snapchat, and messaging platform

Telegram. In recent times we have also seen the surge in

population for the video sharing platform TikTok.

In this digital age wherein technology is everywhere in the form

of computers, smart phones, tablets, and other devices which

today’s generation is surrounded with, almost all young people

nowadays are technology users. Technology allows much access to

connectivity in the Cyberspace which is grounds for various

Senior High School Department
S.Y 2022-2023
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion | Ms. Junalyn P. Balcac
communication, information sharing, and entertainment, among many

other activities which often puts emphasis on being social, as it

promotes engagement with others, and being creative, as it

promotes the making of content. It is essential to build a social

network, especially in these times of social isolation, as it has

been demonstrated to improve mental and overall wellbeing.

Students are able to engage with peers who share their interests,

overcoming temporal and geographic barriers. Youth from

disadvantaged minorities, who may have a hard time finding people

who look like them, may find this to be very helpful.

According to Akende and Bamise (2017), Yesilyurt et al. (2014)

and Sun et al. (2016) , using computers and having access to

online resources are relatively crucial for students as it

improves students’ academic performance and self-learning skills.

Siraj et al. (2015) asserts that students perceive the internet

as a supplement for learning while Aitokhuehi et al. (2014)

states that computer literate students perform better and thus

contribute to higher academic performance.

But as its users spend more and more time using technology to

access various Cyberspace platforms, they are exposed to cyber

risks such as online bullying, inappropriate content, and digital


Evidence abound that excessive internet use has been associated

with problems of maintaining daily routines, academic

achievement, and family relationships (Rickert, 2001).

Senior High School Department
S.Y 2022-2023
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion | Ms. Junalyn P. Balcac

Grade Group number: Date of submission:

G12 HUMSS A Group 3 February 10, 2023
Name of Document: Statement of the
General topic:
Proposed title: The Impact of the Cyberspace to the KCP Grade
12 Students’ Lives

Statement of the Problem/Objective

SOP1: What are the most used Cyberspace platforms preferred by

KCP Grade 12 students?
SOP2: What are the common effects of using Cyberspace platforms
that impact the holistic wellbeing and academic habits of KCP
Grade 12 students?
SOP3: What are the common advantages and disadvantages of using
Cyberspace platforms that affect the KCP Grade 12 students?

Objective O1: Determine the most used Cyberspace platforms

preferred by KCP Grade 12 students.
Objective O2: Determine the common effects of using Cyberspace
platforms that impact the holistic wellbeing and academic habits
of KCP Grade 12 students.
Objective 03: Determine the common advantages and disadvantages
of using Cyberspace platforms that affect the KCP Grade 12

Grade Group number: Date of submission:

G12 HUMSS A Group 3 February 10, 2023

Name of Document: Scope and delimitation DECAGON 3

General topic: Cyberspace
Proposed title: The Impact of the Cyberspace to the KCP Grade
12 Students’ Lives just a proposal

Scope and delimitation

Senior High School Department
S.Y 2022-2023
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion | Ms. Junalyn P. Balcac
This study is about how the Cyberspace affects KCP Grade 12
students. The "Cyberspace" is the virtual world in which digital
technology users occupy; and the study is about how the usage of
these Cyberspace platforms affect the hollistic wellbeing and
academic habits of the student respondents. This study will be
conducted at the private institution of King's College of the
Philippines, La Trinidad with a limited time frame and limited
local resources. Since the researchers have a time limit to
conduct this study, the respondents will only be the Grade 12
students here at King’s College of the Philippines. And also
because local resources are difficult to access since there is
not much available, the researchers will use global resources
such as search engines and online publications in order to
support this study.

Group 3 February 10, 2023

Name of Document: Paradigm of the Study DECAGON 5
General topic: Cyberspace
Proposed title: The Impact of the Cyberspace to the KCP Grade
12 Students’ Lives just a proposal

The paradigm of the Study


- To determine the METHOD: -Determined the most

most used Cyberspace -QUANTITATIVE used Cyberspace
platforms preferred platforms preferred
by KCP Grade 12 by KCP Grade 12
students students

- To determine the -SURVEY -Determined the

common effects of QUESTIONNAIRE common effects of
using Cyberspace using Cyberspace
platforms that platforms that
impact the holistic impact the holistic
wellbeing and wellbeing and
academic habits of academic habits of
KCP Grade 12 KCP Grade 12
students students
- To determine the -Determined the
common advantages common advantages
and disadvantages of and disadvantages of
using Cyberspace using Cyberspace
platforms that platforms that
affect the KCP Grade affect the KCP Grade
Senior High School Department
S.Y 2022-2023
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion | Ms. Junalyn P. Balcac
12 students 12 students

Grade Group number: Date of submission:

G12 HUMSS A Group 3 February 10, 2023

Name of Document: Research Design DECAGON 6

General topic: Cyberspace
Proposed title: The Impact of the Cyberspace to the KCP Grade
12 Students’ Lives just a proposal

Research Design
The study will be Quantitative in order to collect the needed
data to determine the impact of the Cyberspace to the KCP Grade
12 students. The researchers will be conducting a survey
questionnaire which contains close-ended questions that measure
how strongly the student respondents agree or disagree with
certain statements and indicate which of the predetermined
answers apply to the student respondents.

Grade Group number: Date of submission:

G12 HUMSS A Group 3 February 10, 2023
Name of Document: Population and Local of
the Study
General topic: Cyberspace
Proposed title: The Impact of the Cyberspace to the KCP Grade
12 Students’ Lives

Population and Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at the private institution of King's

College of the Philippines at La Trinidad, Benguet. This study
Senior High School Department
S.Y 2022-2023
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion | Ms. Junalyn P. Balcac
will be implemented on the KCP Grade 12 students from the
academic tracks of Science, Technology, Engineering, &
Mathematics; Humanities & Social Sciences; Accountancy, Business,
& Management; and also the technical-vocational-livelihood tracks
of Home Economics (Tourism Promotion Services NC II, Cookery NC
II, and Commercial Cooking NC II); Information & Communication
Technology (Computer System Servicing NC II); and Industrial Arts
(Automotive Servicing NC I and NC II). This study will be
implemented inside of the premises of the institution.

Grade Group number: Date of submission:

G12 HUMSS-A Group 3 February 10, 2023

Name of Document: Data Gathering Tool DECAGON 8

General topic: Cyberspace
Proposed title: The Impact of the Cyberspace to the KCP Grade
12 Students’ Lives just a proposal

Data Gathering Tool

In order to gather the data needed for this study, a survey

questionnaire will be encoded and then printed to present to the
student respondents. The survey questionnaire will include close-
ended questions which will yield quantitative data.

Grade Group number: Date of submission:

G12 HUMSS A Group 3 February 10, 2023
Name of Document: Data Gathering
Senior High School Department
S.Y 2022-2023
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion | Ms. Junalyn P. Balcac
General topic: Cyberspace
Proposed title: The Impact of the Cyberspace to the KCP Grade
12 Students’ Lives just a proposal

Data Gathering Procedure

This study will be conducted at the private institution of King’s

College of The Philippines at Pico Road, La Trinidad, Benguet.

The researchers will firstly write a letter addressed to the

school principal ma’am Dina Teresita P. Balaan asking for

permission to proceed with the study. Once the school principal

permits it, the researchers will then ask for the consent of the

student respondents and their class advisors through letters

containing the necessary information concerning what the study is

about, its purpose, and how the data gathered from the

respondents will be used by the researchers. It is important to

indicate that the data the researchers will be gathering will

only be used within the institution of KCP La Trinidad and will

not be shared with outside sources. In order to gather this data,

if the class advisors permits it, a survey questionnaire which

contains close-ended questions will be then distributed among the

student respondents. In the same day that they are given the

survey questionnaire to answer, they will also pass it to the

researchers only within that time frame.

Grade Group number: Date of submission:

Senior High School Department
S.Y 2022-2023
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion | Ms. Junalyn P. Balcac
G12 HUMSS A Group 3 February 10, 2023

Name of Document: Treatment of Data DECAGON 10

General topic: Cyberspace
Proposed title: The Impact of the Cyberspace to the KCP Grade
12 Students’ Lives just a proposal

Treatment Data

The collected data from the KCP Grade 12 student respondents will

be subject to statistical analysis intended to find the mean or

average which summarizes the collected data and its overall

value. The data will only be utilised within the private

insitution of King’s College of the Philippines, La Trinidad and

will not be shared with outside sources. The data will be

strictly used for research purposes only. The responses gathered

will be confidential, only subject to the researchers’ inquiry

and examination. There will be no involvement of other parties in

analyzing the collected data. The responses gathered will not be

manipulated in anyway to satisfy a conclusion the researchers

hope for, the responses should be gathered as is to yield an

accurate and honest outcome.

Senior High School Department
S.Y 2022-2023
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion | Ms. Junalyn P. Balcac
Vedantu. (2023, February 04). Introduction to Cyberspace.

Techopedia. (2022, May 30). Cyberspace.

Ray, M. (2009, January 29). Social network | Definition,

Examples, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Suler, J. (2004). Computer and Cyberspace Addiction. True Center


Panhans et al. (2022, September 21). Why Children Are Unsafe in

Cyberspace. Boston Consulting Group.


Foreign Service Institute of the Republic of the Philippines.

(n.d.) Addressing Cyberspace Vulnerability: The ASEAN and the


vulnerability-the-asean-and-the-philippines/ (2023, February 9). ADVANTAGES AND



Group number: Group 3

Senior High School Department
S.Y 2022-2023
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion | Ms. Junalyn P. Balcac
Grade/Strand/Section: 12 HUMSS-A

Members (Family name, Given Name, Middle name)

Name Score:
1. Abubo, Melanie Dopiawon
2. Babate, Fiona Degway
3. Calde, Ayn Gabrielle Bayedbed
4. Edeco, Zendrick Zinger Maliones
5. Fermin, Joshua Budong
6. Gudaren, Vincent Guinaowa
7. Laruan, Kyle Grant Sumcad
8. Lobbonan, Khetly Cagay-an

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