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The gentleman shown above, peering into something he ealls an " Introspection Machine, " is a 26-year-old,Moroccan-born, French architectural stud.ent, draftsman, and inventor of highly improbable objects. Frangois Dallegret is now a resident of Paris, where he attends the Ec6le des Beaux Arts. In his spare time he d.raws fantastic automobiles Q$g- the one shown on his letterhead, reproduced above), fantasti-c-iiructures (like the Space City, overleaf ), and fantastic machines (like the "electronic literature" device, Iast page). His drawings have the detailed precision of steel engravings, and seem to have been prep4red with hypodermic needles fitled with India ink. The explanations printed next to M. Dallegret's d.rawings'are his own, deliver:ed,deadpan, in the rather spe-i.--^-


Electronic machine for the re-invention of literature, using languages, styles, techniques,phonetics, etc. Single operator in motorized armchair carriecl on rails, working with earphonesand TV screen simultaneously, and with electronic memories and brains. Choice of one or several simultaneous operating methods. Initial image is the subject; self-propelling words form thought. Words can be divided, reunited or rearranged to create ne\ry ones.Outbursts of words produce renewal of language. Final results printed on cards. (P.S. : cards are legible only to other machines.)


gears). camskafts (d,esmod,romic mounted,in V-formation.4 double otterhead" cyli,n,cl,ers, 32 Loytg-stroke


driut Presswrized, ignition. Skort etkausts on si,des. and, electroni,c and, Sarne eng.ineas aboae, entencl,ed, reinf orced, chassis.Cormpressor


J t tgnititn-4 rnagnetos. taltes per cAlinder. 11000HP at 31000rytm.

)E \-IEW



SIXTH STAGE:Iaorg tower.

FIFTH STAGE: Ion-ltowered, satellite for aduenture o,nd enpl,oration. Capacitg : 500 ad,ults,2 ckdld,ren,

FouRrH STAGE: 31000firstclass suites1 swimming ytool, theater, moai,ehousel 4 ggros c o g t i c e l e c t r o n , i cr o c k e t s t o simul at e ear tb-g r aa,itg,

T H I R D S T A G E : 5,000 second,cl,ass cabins; 6 atomi,c rockets,

ti SECOND LGE:30 pi,Lot S't cabdns I 72 gymnasiurnsl Laser bearnsl energg cells.

Projeet for a city of 7,000, to be shot to Mars (and return), for the purpose of studying the reactions of younger generations to conditions of extreme crowding in relation to speed, to aceeleration, to ehanges in atmospheric pressures, temperatures, ete., etc. O\IEBALIJHEIGHT z 732 meters (appron. 2,400 f eet-i,.e., tuice E m.pire State Building ). THausr t 7,248,000tons. DEPARTURE aertical,, : STAGES:7. POPUIJATION :71000. ROUTE; E arth-Mars-E artk. ESTIMATED cosr :,pZbi,l,ldon.

FIRST STAGE: 160 Large-rad,ius inLand,ing gear;40 stawlt,eel,s bili,zing skock absorbers 8 fins I to control trajectorg I entrance to Citg by means of eaterdo!-- _ eneleaators nuclear-gtowered 1 gi,nes witk 16 fuel, r'eseraoirsl powered, enter16 electrical,l,g gencg rockets for escayte.

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