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Scribd pseudo class notes – where in the terms does it explain what qualifies?

July 17, 2023

These are not actual class notes but I am confused as to what is needed to download as my poem was
turned down. So maybe this actually helps someone?


1) If this was a class on Poetry, would my poem be an acceptable download?

2) What makes a document acceptable or not?

3) Where are the detailed explanations?

4) I cannot locate any,

A) What constitutes class notes?

B) Is a poem not good enough?

6) Does this need to be a cetain length? If so, what length? Does it have to exceed 100 words? 200
words? 300? 500? Does it have to be a full page or more than a page.

I have no idea how many words are on this page but below was the poem that was not accepted
originally which made me feel quite sad.

7) Do I need to have a date on top?

It says I have to upload one of my own,

So I am writing an original home from my home

It’s not very good but if you understood, you would leave my prose alone

These are not actual class notes but I am confused as to what is needed to download as my poem was
turned down. So maybe this actually helps someone?


1) If this was a class on Poetry, would my poem be an acceptable download?

2) What makes a document acceptable or not?

3) Where are the detailed explanations?

4) I cannot locate any,

A) What constitutes class notes?

B) Is a poem not good enough?

6) Does this need to be a cetain length? If so, what length? Does it have to exceed 100 words? 200
words? 300? 500? Does it have to be a full page or more than a page.

I have no idea how many words are on this page but below was the poem that was not accepted
originally which made me feel quite sad.

7) Do I need to have a date on top?

It says I have to upload one of my own,

So I am writing an original home from my home

It’s not very good but if you understood, you would leave my prose alone

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