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[center][b][size=150][color=#005db9]Police Officer Exam[/color][/size][/b][/center]

[block=1,black][block=15,white][size=150]Instructions to the Applicant[/size]

The Liberty City Police Officer Exam is administered to applicants who have progressed in
their application process for the position of police officer. The exam is issued, and graded, by
the handling Candidate Assessment Division Investigator. Applicants must thoroughly
answer all questions located within this packet. While passing the written test is mandatory, it
is not a guarantee of an appointment to the position of police officer.

[ooc] You have 48 hours to complete the exam, starting from when you originally opened this
private message. Use the BBCode in the code block above to copy the written test. Answer
all questions thoroughly and truthfully and reply to this private message with the completed
test. Plagiarism, or receiving assistance from any outside party, is strictly prohibited; the
contents of this written test must stay between your handling Candidate Assessment
Division Investigator and yourself. If you use any sources (websites, books, articles, etc.) to
help you answer any question, you must add the source(s) to the bibliography. Realistically,
you would take this examination in a controlled and supervised environment.

Upon completion, you [b]must[/b] send your completed exam to the [b]TB: Candidate
Assessment Division[/b] forum usergroup.[/ooc]

[center][size=120][b][i]BOTTOM LINE: You are responsible for providing complete, accurate,

and truthful responses.[/i][/b][/size][/center][/block][/block]


[block=1,#202a44][block=5,#202a44][color=#FFFFFF][b][size=100]1. PERSONAL

[b]1. FULL NAME.[/b]
[list=none]Leonardo Belotti[/list]

[b]2. DATE.[/b]
[list=none]Month: 09
Date: 07
Year: 1999[/list]

[list=none] L.Belotti (Instagram), Leonardo Belotti (Facebrowser) [/list]
[right][size=85][b]PROCEED TO NEXT PAGE[/b][/size][/right]


I, the undersigned, do herein agree that the information aforementioned is true and complete
to the best of my knowledge and belief. Furthermore, I agree that the falsification of any
information on this application is grounds for disqualification. I understand that any
misrepresentation or omission of facts upon this application will be sufficient cause for
cancellation and/or separation from service if I have been employed.

[b]4. SIGNATURE.[/b]
[list=none]Leonardo Belotti[/list]

[b]5. DATE.[/b]
[list=none]Month: 10
Date: 10
Year: 2022[/list]

[right][size=85][b]PROCEED TO NEXT PAGE[/b][/size][/right]



ENGLISH AND GRAMMAR MULTIPLE CHOICE[/size][/b][/color][/block]
[b]NOTE[/b]: Clearly mark your answer with an X.
[sq=6. Which sentence is grammatically correct?|||normal]
[ ] The baseball player plays good in important games.
[X] The baseball player plays well in important games.

[sq=7. My father spoke to me ________ when he heard about my test grades.|||normal]

[ ] angry
[X] angrily

[sq=8. Two car thieves _______________ by the police last night.|||normal]

[ ] is arrested
[ ] are arrested
[X] were arrested
[ ] was arrested

[sq=9. Is Michael taller ____ Chris?|||normal]

[X] than
[ ] then

[right][size=85][b]PROCEED TO NEXT PAGE[/b][/size][/right]



[padding=10,10][block=1,#202a44][block=5,#202a44][color=#FFFFFF][b][size=100]4. LAW

[b]NOTE[/b]: Clearly mark your answer with an X.
[sq=10. Police Officer Johnson captures a bank robber in the act of holding up a bank. To
show appreciation, the bank manager gives the officer a check for $100.00. Officer Johnson
accepts the check. Officer Johnson’s action in accepting the $100.00 is:|||normal]
[ ] Proper, because the money was given for performance of a brave act.

[ ] Improper, because the capture of the bank robber was not a meritorious act deserving of a

[ ] Proper, because the money was given as a substitute for Departmental recognition.

[X] Improper, because a police officer is not allowed to accept a reward from a bank for
performance of his duties.

[sq=11. A police officer may have to evacuate people from a dangerous area. From which
one of the following areas should a police officer evacuate people?|||normal]
[ ] A crowded subway station.

[ ] A crowded nightclub.

[X] A building where gas is leaking.

[ ] A parking lot where a minor traffic incident has occurred.

[sq=12. A police officer may be called upon to help settle disputes. Which one of the
following situations should the officer help settle?|||normal]
[ ] Two men talking about sports outside a bar.

[X] A shopkeeper arguing with a customer over an unpaid bill.

[ ] Four teenagers discussing fashion with a shopkeeper.

[ ] A man and a woman running for political office having a debate.


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[padding=10,10][block=1,#202a44][block=5,#202a44][color=#FFFFFF][b][size=100](( 5.
OUT-OF-CHARACTER QUESTIONS ))[/size][/b][/color][/block]

[sq=13. Give us a history of your character. Be sure to describe your character's

development up until now, including their quirks, motivations, flaws, goals, etc. Be as
thorough as you feel is needed. |||normal]
Leonardo Belotti was born and raised with both of his parents in the neighborhood of Hove
Beach, Liberty City. He was born at the Schlotterl Medical Center on the 7th of September, it was
11:07 PM and the birth was unproblematic and it went well. His mother was a lawyer and his
father owned a corner store in Hove Beach back then, his family always upheld a high standard
when it came to Leonardo since he was an infant. Teaching him good manners, proper etiquette,
and making the right decisions from a young, his parents wanted to prepare him for the real

Through his adolescent years, Leonardo never caused much trouble and was mostly quiet and
minded his own business, unlike others. He attended High school in Brokerl and was mostly
known as a good kid, he attended all his classes, did his course work, and even participated in
extra-curricular activities in school such as playing Baseball. Leonardo was known as a kind,
charismatic and hard-working kid, which made his life easy. In 2017, he graduated High school
with a 3.1 GPA which was a good stepping stone for his future endeavors.

After High school, Leonardo was unsure of what path he would take, therefore instead of being
confused and lost. He applied and then enrolled into University of Liberty City, where he studied
Criminology and Sociology for four years, landing him a Bachelor’s degree. Shortly after
graduating, Leonardo has issues in finding a job but has always had a keen eye into Law
enforcement, Then one day, Leonardo was out and about running some errands and he comes
across a poster for the Leonardo, he picked it up, and being unemployed at the time, he thought
he might as well give it a sho. The very next day, Leonardo applies to become a Police Officer
Recruit. Finally giving him a chance to give back to the community that raised him.

[sq=14. You're frisking a suspect and you find a pistol in his waistband. The suspect then
PMs you and says that the firearm is ICly in his vehicle, and that he forgot to store it
scriptwise. How do you proceed?|||normal]
In this situation, it’s important to be fair to both sides and not play to win in this scenario. If
the suspect claims that he stashed the firearm in the vehicle, I’d quickly ask for a log of a
/me or something that indicated him doing so roleplay-wise. But if he cannot provide logs
and forgot to stash it into the vehicle, then I’d roleplay finding the firearm. Even though, it’s
important to show a bit of leeway with other players

[sq=15. While patrolling alone, you find yourself in a situation where two bystanders rush you
and begin attacking you while you're detaining a suspect. How do you proceed? |||normal]
Firstly, I find this situation already very hard to believe, personally I don’t think an officer that
is patrolling alone should be detaining suspects without any fellow officers on the scene. I
would deem it unsafe, but If I were to somehow end up in this situation. I would definitely
withdraw my taser and take a step back from the three people infront of me. My life is more
important than arresting a suspect and that is how it should be. If I get rushed, I will instantly
step off to the side or even run a few steps back before calling assistance and regaining
control of the situation.

[sq=16. How do you plan on roleplaying your OOC assets and wealth as a police
I plan to roleplay a middle class, hard working man when it comes to my assets, just
because you make a good chunk of money script-wise doesn’t mean you should roleplay it
one to one. I plan to use the real life counterpart of the LCPD, the NYPD; to properly roleplay
how much money I can spend on vehicles, housing, etc. This is very important and is looked
over in some cases.

[sq=17. While patrolling alone, you come across a massive brawl of 7-8 people. How do you
proceed? |||normal]
First of all, most people’s instinct would be to pull over and instantly jump into the brawl or try
to take control of the situation by going all out with tasers, batons etc. Personally, I would pull
over on the side of the road, not exactly next to the brawl but a safe distance away and call
backup, when me and my fellow officers feel we have enough numbers to contain the
situation, we will then most likely try and disperse the crowd and work from there.

[sq=18. Do you have any issues with encountering or participating in potentially disturbing or
problematic roleplay (including exposure to bodily fluids, racist characters, violent crimes,
corruption, etc.)?|||normal]
No, I do not have any issues with these types of roleplay at all since I believe it’s apart of
roleplay a police officer.

[right][size=85][b]STOP — END OF EXAM[/b][/size][/right]


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