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Quito, Pichincha

Quito's Historic center.

The historic center of Quito is a wonderful place located in
the center of the capital.

It is a very beautiful place to learn about the country's

history, it has museums, libraries, churches and finally, it
has an infrastructure close to the past.
It is beautiful because it is a unique place in the world, the
people who pass by are very friendly and to highlight the art
it is everywhere, the pigeons fly over and are found in high

It is a very commercial area for bakeries, cafeterias,

libraries, ice cream, shoe stores, tailors. There are many
things. Of all the places in the world to visit, I choose the
historic center.

Places to visit in the historic center:

The Museum of San Francisco, manifests artistic works and
varied techniques, especially from the Quito School of Art,
which was born precisely in this place.
The Plaza de San Francisco: for years it supplied water
from its central fountain; It has functioned as a popular
market, as a space for military and political concentrations,
and as a place for social meeting and recreation.
La Estampería Quiteña, is a chalcographic engraving
workshop that opened its doors to the artistic community in
March 1998, with the purpose of generating spaces for
expression, rapprochement and learning of the engraving
arts, and promoting the development and dissemination of
graphic art. in the country.

The Casa del Alabado-Museum of Pre-Columbian Art,

brings together some of the most representative pieces of
pre-Columbian art of present-day Ecuador.
The Manuelita Sáenz Museum is located on the corner of
Junín and Montufar. On a tour of the museum you can learn
about the life of the Quito heroine intertwined with the great
heroes of independence, Bolívar and Sucre.
The Casa de las Artes La Ronda, is located in one of the
traditional neighborhoods of Quito, called "La Ronda",
hence its name.

Museum of the Metropolitan Cathedral, from 2004 to 2006,

the ground floor was adapted to establish the Museo de
Iglesia Catedral Primada de Quito, through which the
general public can historically remember the evangelization
processes of the Christian people through paintings ,
images and objects of sacred art with which the faithful
have expressed their faith, their devotion and their gratitude
to God, the Supreme Maker of all things and to the Blessed
Virgin Mary and other Saints of popular devotion, and thus
value the work of the missionaries and popular artists, the
great love and gratitude of God's people.

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