2.YKS-DİL Grammar Yaprak Testleri (Modals)

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3. ws ‘sorularda, cilmlede bos bi Newborn babies --- among the most vulnerable to the toxic chemicals, since ‘organic pollutants -- high concentrations in breast milk. ‘A) could be / had reached B) must be / will have reached ©) may be/ reach D) ought to have been / have reached E) would be / could be reaching We are so thankful to the women who — part in the trial and their families, as we — this important research without them. A) have taken / needn't have done 8) take//didn’t have to do ©) took / couldn't have done D) will take / shouldn't have done E) had taken / mustn't do U-M Life Sciences Institute was created to bring together researchers with different sets of expertise to collaborate on problems they + individually. A) mustn't solve B) couldn't solve ) were not to have solved 1D) had better not solve E) shouldn't have solved MODALS ‘Since no one had ever seen a mastodon or mammoth alive, these creatures ~-- extinct. ‘A) may go BB) were supposed to go ) had to. go D) could go E) must have gone Itis possible that a combination of a huge asteroid and the earthquakes and lava flows that it set off --- the dinosaurs. A) might have killed B) hadtokill ©) must kill D) should have killed ) were supposed to kill Clearly there occurred a mistak checking account, but instead savings account. ‘A)_ might have deposited / am depositing 'B) should have deposited / deposited ©) might deposit / had deposited 1D) must have deposited / have deposited E) ought to deposit / was depositing Ito my itinto the i ; CamScanner ile tarandt 7. The students — finals last week, but with the ‘snow, all classes — A) had to start / used to be cancelled B) could start / must have been cancelled ©) would rather start / managed to be cancelled D) were supposed to start / had to be cancelled E) should have started / might be cancelled 8, You a lot about people by the shoes they ~~, whether they like sneakers or they wear classics. A) could have told / have worn B) have to tell/ wear ©) can tell / are wearing 1D) would rather tell had worn E) should be telling / will be wearing ‘To pass the English-language section, you — both subtests, but the two subtests —-at the ‘same test administration and can be taken separately. AA). must pass / do not have to be passed B) can pass / could not be passed C) have to pass / had better not be passed D) might pass / might not be passed E) are to pass / should not be passed www.modadil.com Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKCI - Ugur ALBAYRAK 10. The decision to become a firefighter is one that -- careful consideration; you ~~ very dedicated to the choice you make. ‘A)_ may take / should have been B) has to take / must be ©) could take / had to be D) might have taken / used to be E) can take / must have been 11. It —~a long time to develop and share photos, too, but new technology reduces that process to seconds. A) would rather take B) is able to take ©) used to take D) should have taken ) must take 12. The airline offered in-flight breakfast and lunch so we --~- any food for ourselves as we ‘had more than enough food throughout the flight. ‘A) needn't have prepared B) had better not prepare ©) can’t have prepared D) weren't ikely to prepare E) couldn't prepare ws CamScanner ile tarandt yt a sorularda, climlede bog birakilan gyertere uygun digen sozcuk veya Hadeyl bulunuz, ‘Though the rainfall from this storm ‘enough water to end the drought, it did bring some relief. A). shouldn't have supplied B) might not supply C) didn’t need to supply D) could not supply E) won't have to supply Itis a big and fair idea that the poor ~~ tax on things they must buy to survive, A) couldn't pay B) shouldn't have to pay ©) haven't had to pay D) wasn't able to play E) might not have paid Engineers --- several design problems before airbags a reality. A) solved / had become B) could solve / are becoming C) were able to solve / has become D) should have solved / were becoming E) had to solve / became 6. MODALS 4, Foods like sweets, chocolate, cakes and biscuits —- too often as they usually contain high amounts of sugar and fat. ‘A) should not be eaten B) could not be eaten ©) do not have to be eaten D) would not have been eaten ) should not have been eaten ‘Those who think animal testing ~~ be banned claim that products --- tested on animals first to make sure that they are safe for use by humans. A) may not / had to be B) didn’t use to / might be C) might not / should have been 1D) should not / must be E) could not / will be Itturned out that the accused -—-in the armed robbery because he was already in prison during the whole time. ‘A)_ mustn't be involved B) didn't have to be involved ©) can't have been involved D) shouldn't have been involved E) might not be involved ANT | CamScanner ile tarandt 7. People with high IQs -~- able to solve the most complicated mathematical formula but they usually ---- to be at a bit of a loss when it comes to understanding how to behave in company. A) may be / tend B) should be / tended C) must have been / have tended D) will be / may have tended E) are to be / need to tend By observing the colours a person chooses or rejects, a therapist —- about his psychological state. A) should learn B) can lean ©) might have learnt 1D) was to have learnt E) could have learnt We do not know how life arose on this Particular world, or whether it —— elsewhere in the universe in some similar-or very different- form. A) must appear B) was going to appear C) used to appear D) might have appeared E) should have appeared 12, Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKGI - Ugur ALBAYRAK 10. Five years ago, thousands of suffering Zimbabweans ---- home to seek a better life in other countries. A) could have abandoned B) had to abandon C) would abandon D) may need to abandon E) had better abandon 11. Music --- moods In a rapidly and powerfully way that other means —. A) can set / cannot achieve B) should set / couldn't achieve ©) had better set / must not have achieved D) ought to set / didn't use to achieve E) must set / shouldn't have achieved ‘Sometimes, international students experience some cultural differences in family life and there ---- some misunderstanding between them and host families. ‘A) should have been B) might be ©) mustbe D) was supposed to be E) had better be ws CamScanner ile tarand Ws 1 1. - 12. sorularda, cimlede bos bt yerlere uygun diigen sézciik veys bulunuz. Doctors recommend that people with diabetes their lives as usual, but — a well-balanced and healthy diet. ‘A)_must continue / are to follow B) can continue / should follow ©) may continue / used to follow D) had better continue / might follow ) could continue J had to fokow New findings suggest that genetics —-a key role in schizophrenia, and that people who develop schizophrenia -- with brains with a different structure. ‘A) can play / may have been bom B) must play / might be born ) Is supposed to play / must have been born D) should play / ought to be born E) could have played / had to be born Music — a form of non-verbal communication whose message —- in words. A) used to provide / shouldn't be expressed B) had to provide / couldn't be expressed C) may provide / cannot be expressed D) must provide / wasn't to be expressed ) can provide / shouldn't have been expressed 4 Scientists developed many different theories, but unfortunately they --- any of these. A) ought not to prove B) must not prove ©) should not have proved D) need not have proved E) could not prove In the past, farmers —- corn by hand, whereas they now use huge machines for this purpose. ‘A)_ should have picked B) might pick C) had better pick D) used to pick )_ must pick { Children who watch a lot of TV —~ their ability to focus on a subject or an educational activity for more than ten to fifteen minutes. A) ought to have lost B) had to lose C) mustlose D) would lose E) may lose ‘www.modadil.com CamScanner ile tarand! E q i z 3 g Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKC! - Ugur ALBAYRAK Vegetarians --- aware of the fact that their diet lacks some essential vitamins, and thus they ~~ daily supplementary vitamin pills. A) had to be / must take B) could be / ought to have taken ©) had better be / had to take D) should be / should take E) are supposed to be / might have taken ‘The Mayor announced that they --- the public transport fares in order to compensate for the unexpected rise in fuel prices. ‘A)_ may increase B) had to increase C) must have increased D) will increase ) are supposed to increase Itis recommended that we --- at regular times in order not to stop our body clock from working normally. A) may have slept B) had to sleep ) should sleep 1D) ought to have slept E) were to sleep 10. 1. 12. Patients with neurological disorders who —~ are often able to sing, and sometimes even dance, to music. ‘A)_ shouldn't talk B) cannot talk C) needn't have talked D) are not to talk £) mustn't talk ‘Americans now recycle far more waste than they —- two decades ago because they have realized that they produce more rubbish than other countries. A) had better ©) may B) should D) might E) used to Some argue that cigarette advertising — because it mainly targets teenagers by ‘showing young beautiful people smoking and having fun. ‘A)_ must have been discouraged B) could be discouraged ©) should be discouraged D) might be discouraged E) may have been discouraged vw CamScanner ile tarandi ws In the old days, potatoes and carrots were preferred, for people --- them all winter long before the introduction of refrigerators. A) had to store B) could store ) should store D) must have stored E) were supposed to store Most people —-- that in order to be healthy they — eight hours of sleep every night. A) believed / may have B) might believe / had to have C) would believe / should have D) believe / must have E) had believed / would have With the help of certain cells under its skin, the frog changes colour so that it — into its surroundings and fool a nearby enemy. A) should blend B) had to blend ©) would blend ) can blend E) had better blend We -- cautious when revealing our research findings as any misunderstanding a panicky situation. A) ought to be / used to create B) might be / should have created ©) have to be / may create 1D) may have been / might create E) must have been / had better create Turkish law —- that all guesthouses and "dormitories for elementary school children — by the state. ‘A) will require / may be established B) has required / must have been established C) requires / should be established D) had required / could be established ) might require / had to be established In England during the Middle Ages, priests and monks — of the opinion that people — football. A) have been / couldn't play B) are / should not play C) used to be / didn't have to play D) were / must not play E) had been / needn't have played CamScanner ile tarandi 5 & i : 3 2 § 2 3 i : ONLI Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKG! - Ugur ALBAYRAK 7. James will have to spend the afternoon ‘shopping with his mother-in-law, and to be honest, he -—- almost anything else you can think of than walk around shops with her. A) used todo B) might be doing C) may have done D) should have done E) would rather do 8. This Is a very busy month for summer resorts. ‘You ~-- your rooms well in advance if you do not want to face accommodation problems. A) ought to have booked B) must book ©) must have booked D) should be booking E) were supposed to book 2 Luckily, the suntan lotion Bill took on holiday with him lasted for the whole two weeks, so he ——any more. A). mustn't have bought B) didn't have to buy ©) didn’t use to buy D) needn't have bought ) shouldn't have bought 10. In 1999, Betty announced that her husband had throat cancer, so she —-a break to spend more time at home. A) must take B) had better take ©) might take D) had to take E) could take 11. Natalie --- the contract immediately, but the ‘company does not promise to reserve the job for her. ‘A) should not sign B) does not have to sign ©) had better not sign D) may not have signed E) needn't have signed 12. As well as limiting the amount of toxin that enters their body, the molly fish — the hydrogen sulphide once it ~~ their system. A) are able to detoxify / has entered B) could have detoxified / entered ©) may detoxity /is entering D) must have detoxified / enters E) are supposed to detoxify / will enter ws CamScanner ile tarandt nA 1ygun digen sézcUk veya ifadeyi ‘Some scientists are concerned that excessive use of salt ~~ asthma and kidney disease. A) should have caused B) must cause C) may cause D) would cause E) ought to cause To understand and respect each other and give others the right to be different, we -=- more tolerant of each other’s traditions. AA). should have been 8) must be ©) might have been D) used tobe £) may have been Sports stars --- to be role models in all aspects of their lives because kids look up to them and want to be like them. ‘A)_ might be trying B) must have tried ©) would be trying D) should try E) used to try MODALS ‘You --- a new jacket just for one interview. I would have lent you one of mine if you'd mentioned it to me. A) didn’t need to buy B) mustn't have bought ©) can't have bought D) neede't have bought ) couldn't buy applications is in three weeks’ time. A) canttreply B) mustn't have replied ©) needn't reply D) shouldn't reply E) couldn't have replied ‘We had been warned that our flight —- this morning, but the pilot ~-- despite heavy fog. A) must be delayed / could take off B) should have been delayed / used to take off ©)_may be delayed / had to take off D) would be delayed / ought to take off ) might be delayed / was able to take off CamScanner ile tarandt i i 3 : i ANT ‘Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKC! - Ugur ALBAYRAK If food manufacturers —- to diminish the amount of salt in food, the blood pressure of the entire population will shift downwards, which ~~ in considerable health benefits. A) decide / may result B) had decided / might be resulting ©) must decide / could result 1D) can decide / had to result ) decided / should result We —- London because the surroundings are looking more and more urban. AA) mustbe approaching B) should have approached C) had better approach 1D) would be approaching E) used to approach If the sun is as hot as it is today, people with fair skin --- to stay in the shade ‘A) could have tried B) used to try C) were supposed to try D) should try ) might have tried 10. We know that we —-a positive result from the negotiations, but still we —- the meeting. n. 12, A) B) °) Dd) —) shouldn't get /had better attend didn't use to get / would attend can't get / will attend may not get / should have attended mustn't get / may be attending Hopefully, with cooperation among countries around the world, elephants --- to live, and everyone —- these fascinating giants of the Earth. A) may continue / can see 8) °) D) 5) had to continue / might see used to continue / should sea should continue / had to see might continue / were to see Itis really hard to understand why they now hate each other so much, while they — very close friends. A) B) c) D) gE) must have been used to be ought to have been ,N CamScanner ile tarandt A 3. wi bos birakilan igen sézcikk veya ifadeyi yerlere uygun bulunu; In order to perform well, an athlete —-a number of different abilities and ——- excellent physical skills. A) needs to have / used to demonstrate B) should have / may have demonstrated C) used to have / would demonstrate D) had to have / might demonstrate E) must have / should demonstrate Leonardo --~ to JC Henry Bull School in 2003 because it wasn't founded until 2005. A). ought not to have gone B) would rather not have gone C) may not be going D) can'thave gone ) must not be going No student of a foreign language -~ that ‘grammar is complex. By changing word Sequences and by adding a range of auxiliary verbs and suffixes, we -= tiny variations in meaning. A) used to be told / could communicate B) needs to be told / are able to communicate C) had to be told / were to communicate 1D) has been told / can communicate ) must be told / would communicate MODALS When they both lost their jobs during the economic crisis, they ~~ to a cheaper house and cut down on some of their luxuries. A) must move B) should be moving ) might move D) need to move E) had to move Fortunately, despite several obstacles, the family encountered on the way, they = at their destination before it got dark. ‘A) were able to arrive B) had to arrive ©) might be arriving D) could arrive E) must have arrived Clearly, people -~- a certain amount of time sleeping or relaxing. That is important to good. health. A) must have spent B) would be spending ) used to spend D) could have spent ) should spend CamScanner ile tarand i 3 3 é 2 5 ‘Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKCI - Ugur ALBAYRAK Alot of wildflowers —~ along the side of the field, but we no longer see any, A) should grow B) used to grow C) must be growing D)_may have grown E) had to grow ‘The Japanese say that food before it —- with the mouth. A) should have been tasted / was tasted B) has to be tasted / has been tasted C) might be tasted / will be tasted D) must be tasted /is tasted E) could be tasted / might have been tasted - with the eyes. Although some of the moons that revolve around Saturn and Jupiter have conditions. that —~ life, the evidence contradicts this possibility. A) used to support B) must have supported C)_ might support D) are to support E) should support 10, If men and women -—~ that many of their differences are cultural, not personal, they — their relationships. ‘A)_may have understood / must have improved B) could understand / must be improving C) might be understanding / were able to improve D) can understand / may be able to improve ) have to understand / need to improve 11. Itwas only after the hurricane hit that officials realized the city sports hall and other large buildings ---- to shelter people who ~~ the city. ‘A)_ should have been equipped / could not escape B) will have been equipped / are not escaping ©) must have equinped / hadn't escaped D) have been equipped / cannot escape E) could be equipped / needn't have escaped 12. Emperor penguins —— as tall as 1.15 m an« as much as 40 kg and they are the largest of the 17 penguin speci A) must be / should weigh B) used to be / must weigh C) could be / ought to weigh D) had to be / are supposed to weigh E) may be / can weigh w CamScanner ile tarandt 1 ws So far many journalists ~-- any reliable information about the extent of food Poisoning on the campus. A) couldn't have got B) might be getting C) haven't been able to get D) will not have got E) might not have got If the eye of the storm passes over a weather station, the instruments which measure wind speeds and pressure -- these huge winds. A) may not be able to withstand B) cannot have withstood ) shouldn't withstand D) were not to have withstood E) didn't use to withstand According to a recent study, Hurricane Irene, which --- several cities three years ago, —-- Virginia Earthquake aftershocks. A) had struck / will be triggering B) has struck / must trigger C) struck / might have triggered D) must have struck / has triggered E) strikes / will have triggered ufo} YN ES If we move or travel to a new place with a different culture, generally we -—- our favourite meals, 50 we -—- food that is, different to us. A). shouldn't find / might eat B) mustn't find / should be eating ©) couldn't find / need to eat D) don't need to find / must eat E) cennot find / may have to eat ‘When we ---- happy-looking and not-so-thin Italians, it -- hard to believe that their diet is healthy, but it is, and delicious too. A) observed / ought to have been B) are observing / might have been ©) may observe / could be D) observe / may be E) have observed / should have been ‘The mountaineers were so happy when they --— the summit despite all the bad weather conditions. A) could reach B) used to reach C) had to reach 1D) must have reached E) were able to reach CamScanner ile tarand § 4 3 i www.modadil.com Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKCI- Ugur ALBAYRAK Mexican cuisine is an excellent source of Vitamins A and C, both of which —~ you fight a cold, asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis. ‘A) are supposed to help B) must be helping ©) may help D) used to help E) have tohelp Robert -- a translator on his business trips ‘to Germany, but now his own German is good enough for him to manage on his own. A) ought to have needed 8) has needed ©) might be needing D) will have needed E) used to need An elephant ~~ signs of old age at 50 years and it--- 60 years or more, but there are no examples of 100-year-old individuals. A) will be showing / should live B) must show / will ive C) used to show / could have lived D) shows / may live E)_ might show /has to live 10. The job of a hostess —-- very impressive, yet in reality, they --- long and unsociable hours ‘A)_ seems / might have worked B)_may seem /have to work C) must seem / may be working D) has seemed / used to work E) might have seemed / are to be working 11. The Neanderthals ~-- wooden toothpicks to pick or rub their teeth, as some apes and monkeys ~- today. ‘A)_ may be using / have done B) had better use / would do C)_-must have used / are doing D) would use / did E) could have been using / do 412. The government ~-- education for children. without charging them money, and the children ---- school. A) must provide / are required to attend B) had to provide / may be attending ©) should be providing / were supposed to attend D) might have provided / will attend E) used to provide / might have attended ws CamScanner ile tarandi MODALS jorularda, climlede bos birakilan yerlere uygun diigen s6zcik veya ifadeyi bulunuz. 4. Tokyo and three neighbouring towns —- an excess of 3.43 million tons of garbage by 2030, and -—- it elsewhere. ‘A) could be having / should have shipped B) might have had / had to ship C) used to have / will have to ship D) will have had / may have to ship ) would have had / might be shipping 2. Inthe future, scientists --- human genes into pigs or other animals, and farmers -~ animals for the purpose of organ transplants for humans. ‘A)_ might put /have to raise B) willbe putting / are to raise ©) may put / may raise 1D) should put / must have raised ) must put / might be raising 3. According to the law, anyone over 40, of, Algerian birth and a Muslim, —-as president of Algeria. A) should be elected 1B) must have been elected C) used to be elected D) would have been elected E) canbe elected A El What conservationists —- in order to protect endangered species -~ by governments to succeed. A) do/ should be supported B) had done / will be supported ©) ate doing / had to be supported D) did / may have been supported E) have done / must have been supported Aperson ~~ dizzy for a while after this vaccination, so doctors suggest that they — down for haif an hour. ‘A)_ should feel / must have sit B) may feel / could be sitting ©) might feel / should sit D) ought to feel / may sit, E) had better feet / has to sit The fire which destroyed the whole building --- on purpose; otherwise, it couldn't have caused so much damage. A) should have been started B)_must have been started C) had to be started D) used to be started E) was supposed to be started |. wewmmodaditcom | ANI | CamScanner ile tarandi UT ‘Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKC! - Ugur ALBAYRAK ‘The human resources department —-- a new clerk by now, yet nobody replied to their advertisement and they will have to advertise the position again. A) must have hired B) will be hiring ©) can hire D) used to hire E) should have hired Some drugs which doctors ---- for hyperactive children ---- physical growth and make a child vulnerable to liver ailments. ‘A)_have prescribed / should retard B) prescribed / may have retarded ©) will prescribe / must retard D) prescribe / can retard E)_may prescribe / had to retard Roney by boredom, makes us feel awake by stretching the muscles ‘surrounding the lungs or bringing more ‘oxygen to the brain. A) must be caused B) should be caused ©) may be caused D) will have been caused E) had to be caused 10. 1, 12. ‘Some years ago, the Argentina government ~-- compulsory military service, so young men no longer -—-a period in the country's army. A) had ended / may spend B) ended / have to spend C)_ was to end / might spend D) has ended / were to have spent E) could end / had to spend ‘person who ~~ in an accident and then suffers back or neck pain -— his or her spine. A) had been involved / may injure B) has been involved / might have injured ©) Is involved / must injure D) could be involved / was to injure E) will be involved / needs to injure Although it looks quite Western, Japan is still in many ways very oriental, For example, whenever you go into a house, you ~— off your shoes. A) had to take B) should have taken ©) must have taken D) must take E) might have taken CamScanner ile tarandi ‘\)

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