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i) 1 ‘climlede bos birakilan doy To a large extent, the Earth's rising temperatures —- by carbon dioxide, a greenhous gas, so the more carbon —~ out of the atmosphere the better. A) were driven / kept B) drove / may be kept ©) have driven / could keep D) are driven /can be kept E) have been driven / must be kept Most often, migraine ---- of as an occasional severe headache, which -—- by strange visual effects and nausea. ‘A)_was thought / accompanied B)_has thought / may be accompanied C) thinks / will be accompanied D) has been thought / accom, E) is thought /is accompanied Many bat species are endangered because much of their habitat —- to human development and some ~~. ‘A)_ has been lost / are hunted B) had been lost / might be hunted C) lost / were hunted D) are lost /have hunted E) willbe lost / will be hunted 4. Retirees in Spain —— one of the finest climates in Europe, particularly on the Mediterranean coastal region where the weather -— by hot sunny summers and mild wintors. ‘A) have enjoyed / characterised B) enjoyed J could have characterised C) enjoy /is characterised D) will enjoy / had been characterised E) can enjoy / must be characterised 5. Itis astonishing what we ~~ from studying the prehistoric footprints that -—~ in caves by ancient humans. A) are learnt /eft B) can eam /were left ©) have leamt / willbe left D) learnt are left E) may have been leamt/ had been left 6. From its birth up until around 3.9 billion years, ‘ago, the Earth ~~ by asteroids and other debris. ‘A)_ has been bombarded B) was bombarded ©) might be bombarded D) bombarded ) had been bombarded CamScanner ile tarandt TEEN OL www.modadiLeom ‘Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKC! - Ugur ALBAYRAK 7. The government ~~ that nearly 256 districts across India, home to nearly a quarter of the population -- by the drought. A) was said / impacted B) had said / would be impacted ©) has said / may well impact 1D) says/ must be impacted E) said / were impacted 8, In order to extract the maximum amount of ‘oxygen from the water, the molly fish —-+ larger heads and gills. A) are grown B) may grow C) were grown D) have grown ) must be grown In ancient Greece, it was the highest honour to be allowed to participate in the Olympics, and only males of good character ~~ to take part in these sports events. A) were chosen 8) had chosen ©) chose D) used to choose E) have been chosen 10. n 12. By understanding what —- as beautiful in a certain place, we --- its customs and culture better. A) is perceived / can understand B) perceived / understood C) was perceived / have understood D) perceives / understand E) might be perceived / had to understand NASA’s Kepler space telescope —-- in 2009 and —- successfully for four years. ‘A) could launch / was operated B) launched / has been operated ©) was launched / operated 1D) might have launched / had operated E) had been launched / would operate People who —-- their hand or arm amputated ----a prosthetic body part to help them lift or grip objects. A) have / will use B) had / were used ©) have had /can use D) will have / have used E) are having / are used wi CamScanner ile tarandi yerlere uygun diigen sézcuk veya bulunuz. A) 8) c) b) =) Acomplete picture of the areas that the immune system -— to cause type 1 diabetes --- in the end by scientists. ‘A) attacks / has been revealed B) is attacked / will be revealed ©) has attacked / revealed D) attacked / had been revealed E) will attack / reveals ‘Thousands of people —- and many of Kathmandu’s historic sites — in the 7.8-magnitude earthquake and a number of aitershocks. A) A) killed / had destroyed B) 8) are kiled / have been destroying °) ©) have >) D) were 5) ) had been killed / would be destroyed Although the American concept of ‘Thanksgiving -—- in the colonies of New England, its roots --- back to the other side of the Atlantic. A) has developed / must have traced B) was developed / will be traced €) develops / were traced D) is developed / traced E) developed / can be traced Extinct volcanoes the seafloor. ‘could be found / is mapping have found / mapped were found / was mapping should be found /is mapped had been found / mapped 5. People who are voluntarily idle —- as unemployed because they -- for ajob. are not counted / are not searching cannot be counted / were not searching «will not be counted / would not search have not been counted / are not searched had not been counted / could not search 6. Many scientists ~-- that dinosaur extinction -— by an interstellar cloud 66 million years ‘A) agree / may have been caused B) have agreed / had caused ©) agreed / must be causing D) will agree / should have been caused E) had agreed / was caused CamScanner ile tarandt in 4,900 metres of water about 250 kilometres off the coast while a research ship i 3 5 g — —— = a= Passive Voice § ‘Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKGI - Ugur ALBAYRAK 7. Prior to the Renaissance, Europe —~ the Medioval Times, otherwise known as the Dark ‘Ages, which ~~ by war, famine, and disease. ‘A) could experience / had been characterized B) was experiencing / might be characterized C) had experienced / were characterized D) has experienced / have bean characterized E) would be experiencing / are characterized 8. Alternative sources of electrical energy - around the world to face the challenges of the 21st century, but new sources of power new levels of protection. ‘A) could have been harnessed / can require B) are hamessed / will be required ©) will have been hamessed / should require D) are being hamessed / require E) must be harnessed / required 9. The second chapter of the book —~- that the city of Rome and Venice are known — important trade centres of their times. A). suggests / to have been 8) will suggest / to be ©) is suggesting / be D) has suggested / being E) suggested / having been 40. Before the Industrial Revolution, most goods in small workshops or at home, but then mass production in factories --it possible to manufacture goods more cheaply and quickly. ‘A) had been producing / should have made B) would be produced / might make C) were produced / had to made D) could be produced / were made E) had been produced / made 11. The role of the secretary in companies --— beyond the administrative, and increasingly it -—-more strategic and compliance-focused. 1A) has evolved / was becoming 8) is evolving /is becoming ©) was evolved / has become D) will be evolving / could be becoming E) had evolved / becomes 12. The United States ---- some 37 million tons of food each year, which is a third of all the food it produces, yet just five percent of that A) must discard / should be composted B) has discarded / will be composted ) discarded / was being composted D) discards / is composted E) is discarding /is being composted w CamScanner ile tarandt 1 ws Cacao --- about 2000 to 3000 years ago by the pre-Columbian civilizations, and —- ina beverage called ‘chocolat’. ‘A) was cultivated / was used B) could have been cultivated / was being used ©) had to be cultivated / had been used D) was going to be cultivated / has been used ) must have been cultivated / might be used The new knowledge culture — as our ties to older forms of social community ~~ down. ‘A) had to be arisen / were broken B) could be arising / will break C) was arising / had been breaking D) has arisen / are breaking ) should be arisen / would break “World No Tobacco Day” —-- internationally on May 31 in order to highlight health risks that ‘with tobacco use and to advocate policies to reduce tobacco consumption. A) was marked / associated B) is marked / are associated C) has been marked / were being associated 1D) marks / have associated ) should be marked / will be associated It that Earth’s oldest civilization ancient Indonesia. A) was claimed / should be thriving B) has claimed / must have been thrived C) is claimed / could have thrives D) is being claimed / would thrive E) canbe claimed / had to thrive Agriculture —- for 70% of global water ‘consumption, which is more than twice the amount that ~-- by industry. ‘A)_ was accounted / was used B) had accounted / was being used CC) accounts /is used D) has accounted / has used ) is accounting / used to be used It may not be exactly accurate to say that Columbus —- America, since indigenous people ~- there for thousands of years prior to Columbus's arrival. ‘A)_ was being discovered / had lived B)_ was discovered / were living ©) has been discovering / lived D) had discovered / might have lived E) could have discovered / had been living CamScanner ile tarandt Passive Voice jar: E a 3 é : 5 Will ‘Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKCI - Ugur ALBAYRAK 7. Wher 2 ehistoric tribes first ~-- other tribes who did not speak intelligibly to them, they ‘A) encountered / must have been astounded B) were encountered / astounded ) had encountered / were being astounded D) encounter / wil have been astounded E) were encountering / had been astounded ‘The Industrial Revolution --- an intensive urbanization because workers -—-in one area to work the factory machines. A) has led to / may be clustered B) was leading to / clustered ) led to / had to be clustered D) could lead to / should have been clustered E) leads to/ must cluster At present, it — that more than 100 million individuals worldwide -~ to levels of inorganic arsenic in drinking water that can pose a significant threat to human health. AA) estimates / might be exposed B) has estimated / willbe exposed ©) is estimated / are exposed D) has been estimated / ought to be exposed E) was estimated / had been exposed 10. In the past decade, China 1, 12. the size of its student population while pouring vast resources into elite universities. A) was doubled B) has doubled ©) will be doubled D) has been doubled ) doubled It is expected that three thousand dollars — by the time the lottery —. ‘A)_must have been collected / had been drawn B) will be collected / draws C) had been collected / was drawn D) will have been collected / is drawn E) have been collected / has been drawn As in the past, today hundreds of species of animals, plants and insects —- and are in danger of becoming extinct. A) threaten B) will have threatened ©) wore threatened D) threatened E) are threatened ws CamScanner ile tarandt ‘sorularda, etiml uygun dgen sézcak ve bulunuz. 1. Schizophrenia, which is the most disabling and serious of mental illnesses, is believed ~~ by chemical imbalances in the brain. A) tocause B) tobe caused ©) being caused D) having caused E) tohave caused 2. The flying object which —- by some peasants ---as being metallic in appearance and triangular in shape. ‘A)_was sighted / had been described B) sighted / described C) has been sighted / has described D) had been sighted / was described E) has sighted / will be described 3. The first bicycle road race, which ~~ in 1885, was not as ambitious as the Tour de France, ‘A)_ must be organized B) was organized C)_ should have been organized D) had been organized ) organized PASSIVE VOICE 4. Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq, =--in the court that he —-- while in US custody. ‘A) states / was tortured B) had stated / tortured ©) was stated / had tortured 'D) is stated / might have been tortured E) stated / had been tortured 5. The United States, whose attractiveness = significantly in the past two years, — difficulty shaping public opinion worldwide now. A) may be declined /is having B) had declined / could have ©) has declined / has D) was dectining / has had E) will have been dectining / used to have 6. In recent decades, there has been increasing evidence that global and regional climates —, which —- different effects in different parts of the world, ‘A) are changing / produces B) have changed / willbe produced ©) changed / had produced D) were changing / were produced E) are changed / are producing | wwwmedadilcom all! | CamScanner ile tarandt Passive Voice ree § In ancient Greece, women --- to participate or watch the Olympic Games because the participants of some branches --~- naked. A) had not allowed / were performing B) were not allowed / performed ©) did not allow / were performed D) had not been allowed / had performed E) have not allowed / are performed The human population in Africa’s arid and semi-arid areas --- in the past three decades to nearly 400 million and —- to expand at a rate of 3 percent a year. ‘A)_has been doubled / has continued B) doubled / would continue C) has doubled / continues D) will be doubled / continued E) was doubled / was continuing Acombination of three gases —-a greenhouse effect on Mars 3.8 billion years ago that —— the planet warm enough for liquid water to flow across the surface. A) created / was made B) ought to create / has made C) could have created / made D) has created / is made E) was created / had made Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKGI - Ugur ALBAYRAK 10. In the next two years, the campaign against "1, 12. Privatization of Italy's cultural heritage ~-- out all over the country. A) will have carried B) may cary ©) might be carrying D) should have been carried E) willbe carried Those who —- for shoplifting -—— up with a criminal record, which can make it harder to get a job, get into college, or do the other things they want. A) were arrested / should have ended B) have been arrested / may end C) are arrested / used to end D) will arrest / might be ended E) had arrested / had to end In some societies, pork -—- a special food, while in other societies it ‘A) is considered / is forbidden B) has considered / has been forbidden C) considered / was forbidden ©) was considered / had been forbidden E) considers / has forbidden CamScanner ile tarandt ws uygun diigen sdzciik veya ifa 7 Butane. As we grow and mature, we learn what foods. ‘our society —-- acceptable and how they ‘A) is considered / must be prepared B) considers / should be prepared ©) has considered / can prepare D) was considered / must have been prepared E) will consider / had better prepare ‘Some whale species which are thought — ‘on extinction’s doorstep 25 years ago —- amazing comebacks. A) tobe / are making B) being /made ©) having been / were made D) tohave been / have made ) be /will make 3. The Phoenicians on the coast of Syria are thought --- the first to develop commerce by ‘sea around 1000 BC. A) tobe BB) having been ©) being D) tohave been E) be 4, Research has shown that by the time ‘Americans --- the age of 18, they -—- more time watching television than in school. ‘A)_ were reaching / had been spent B) reached / were spending (©) were reached I had spent D) reach /will have spent E) are reached / willbe spending 5. It-—-in the report that the magazine ~-- more than 400,000 copies since it was published in 1992. A) was mentioned I sold B) had mentioned / had been sold ) is mentioned / has sold 1D) mentions / sets E) has mentioned / will be sold 6. The climbers ~~ for a few hours when on the horizon they — the group of small hand-built boats. A) were travelling ! had spotted B) had travelled / were spotting ©) travelled / were being spotted D) will travel are spotted E) had been traveling / spotted i | i AnH | CamScanner ile tarandi 7. Since its inception in the early 1970s, breakthrough. ‘A) has been welcomed 8) wihave welcomed ©) was welcomed D) has welcomed E) had been welcomed Test-5 Passive Voice their position and correct mistakes. A) jump / allows B) jumped / was allowed ©) were jumped / allowed D) had jumped / would allow E) are jumped / wil allow example, thoy —- taxes, ‘A) are given / don't need to pay B) were given / didn't have to pay ©) had given / shouldn't have paid D) gave / didn't need to pay E) had been given / had better not pay genetic engineering —- as a major scientific 8. When parachutists —- from a plane, their height above the ground --- them to adjust In Ancient Greece, Olympic winners — many special privileges by their city-states. For 4 I ES 10. . In fact, no culture Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKGI - Ugur ALBAYRAK Buy Nothing Day —- every year since 1992 in the U.S. and 15 other countries and it — into a forum for consumer issues. A) has been observed / has evolved B) was observed / evolved ©) is being observed /is evolved D) has observed / has been evolved ) had been observed / was evolving |. Scientists —— for information that -—- to fight mosquito-bome diseases, such as dengue fever and Zika virus. |A) were looked / was exploited B) are looking / could be exploited C) have been looking / must exploit D) had looked / exploited E) were looking / must have exploited the body in its natural state, So makeup, body paint, war paint, tattoos, and body piercing -—a role in history and fashion throughout tim ‘A) has accepted / are playing B) is accepted / played C) accepts / have played D) has been accepted / play E) accepted / had been played ws CamScanner ile tarandi ‘climlede bos birakilan sézcilk veya ifadeyi ‘Some scholars --- that Shakespeare — avery vibrant period in England's history, a time both of great national confidence and of cultural activity, particularly in the theatre. A) were pointed out /had lived B) had pointed out / was living ©) point out lived D) pointed out / had been lived E)_ have pointed out / was being lived 2. Generally, the feelings of the victim — by criminals before they --- a crime. 'A) have not considered / are committed B) were not considered / had committed ) are not considered / commit D) had not considered / committed ) donot consider / are committing 3. The amount of language a chi life Is important, and scientists — programs to help parents and childcare providers. ‘A) has exposed / should create B) exposed / might create ) is being exposed / may have created D) is exposed / can create E) has been exposed / should be creating Id — to early in 4, There are many superstitions that -- with the topaz, a yellow semiprecious gemstone. A) have associated B) will be associated ©) had associated D) used to associate E) have been associated Itwas a terrible mistake. The chemicals — 0 close to the machinery. Itis not surprising that they — fire. ‘A) mustn't have been stored / had caught B) shouldn't have been stored / caught ©) might not have stored / could be caught ) ought not to store / can catch E) couldn't have stored / was caught Asskeleton of a dinosaur —-- by mistake by a five-year old child in 2006. A) had discovered 8) will have discovered ©) had been discovered D) was discovered E) has been discovered eo CamScanner ile tarand 7. Kautfeld, who died in 1974, —- many books |” about amphibians and reptiles and ~-- to have | beenan authority on the subject. A) had wiiten / considered 8) was written / was considered ©) wrote /is considered D) writes / considers E) had been writen / had considered ZAC) Test- 6 8. Until recently, Zaha Hadid — as ‘the paper architect, because his grand designs never ‘=the page to become real bui A) had known / have left B) was known / left ©) is known / leave D) knew / were leaving E) has been known / were left 9. The survey -— between 2000 and 2004 and —~ by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. A) had conducted / coordinated B) was conducted / was coordinated ) conducted / had been coordinated D) has been conducted / has coordinated E) is conducted / is coordinated 10. Until now, little ~ 1. 12. ‘Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKGI - Ugur ALBAYRAK about what — to a child's developing depressive symptoms. ‘A)_was known / was contributed B) has been known / contributes C)_ knows / is contributed D) was known / contributed E) is known / has contributed Silk — to save lives by doctors because wounds --— with the fine thread. A) was used / had stitched B) is using / should be stitched C) has used / are stitched D) must be used / may have stitched ) has been used / canbe stitched The outbreak of A/H1N1 influenza — worse, but the spread of the virus — because people distanced themselves from each other. A) should be / has reduced B) must have been / reduced C) might be / had reduced D) is tobe /is reduced ) could have been / was reduced m CamScanner ile tarandt ‘orularda, cimlede bos birakilan uygun diigen sézcik veya ifadeyi 4, It is remarkable that so many of Shakespeare's words ---- the large shifts in language between the time that they ~~ and the present day. A) survived / wrote B) have survived / were written ©) are survived / had been written D) survive /are written E) had survived / had written 2. Hookah smoking places the youth at a health risk and --- seriously as part of the larger fight against tobacco and the preventable diseases it ‘A)_ should be taken /is caused B) can take /has caused C) mustbe taken / causes 1D) ought to have been taken / caused E) Js taken / has been caused 3. The meeting ---- because the report concerning the recent earthquake was not ready. ‘A) had to be cancelled B) should be cancelled ©) must have cancelled D) will have been cancelled E) had cancelled ws 4, The drug dealers are suspected -~- in the ight club for some time, yet they -~. A) tohave operated / haven't caught B) to operate / caught ©) to have been operating / haven't been caught D) tobe operated / weren't caught E) tohave been operated / aren't caught Because more and more smart phones --~, smart phone companies —- new security measures. ‘A) were stolen / were introduced B) are being stolen / should introduce ) have stolen / must have introduced D) stole / had introduced E) had been stolen / were introducing 6. Cloth of emperors, China's secret for more than 2000 years, and then it~ Japan. ‘A) remained / reached 8) was remaining / had reached ©) remains / has reached D) had remained / was reached E) has remained / will have reached CamScanner ile tarandt Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKGI - Ugur ALBAYRAK 10, Shakespeare —-- us something in his wr that the world ---in literature befor characters with a strong personality. A) was given / did not see B) had given / was not seen C) gives /has not seen D) gave / had not seen E) is given /is not seen 7. Many Chinese -- for some time that the traditional values of harmony, respect and hard work — A) are saying / are lost B) are said / have lost C) have said / are losing D) said / had lost ) have been saying / have been lost, Test-7 Passive Voice 11. On Floreana, last year, the tor because of hunting by whalers and workers at a heating oll factory that --- on the island. ‘A)_were disappeared / was established B) have disappeared /is established C) had disappeared / established D) disappear / has been established E) disappeared / had been established 8. About one-third of the world’s population with tuberculosis, a contagious disease that = nearly 2 million deaths annually. A) infected /s caused B) is infected / causes ©) has infected / has caused D) was infected / had caused E) infects / will cause 12. European aristocrats of the 13th and 14th é z fi it centuries ---- with some of their prized 3%” ineriminal cases sincetne 10z08 oePenS belongings such as Anatolian carpets. By taveboon vod 4) pained 2 B) had used 8) must have painted Fo havebeen using ©) used to be painted oe D) used D) would paint E) were used —) should be painted II! o wt CamScanner ile tarandt sorularda, climlede bos birab yerlere uygun diigen sézcOk veya ifad bulunu: 1. It-— that by 2050, Nigeria's population that of the US, making the west African nation the third most populous country in the world. A) has predicted / will surpass B) was predicted / had been surpassed C) is predicted / will have surpassed D) predicted / surpassed E) had predicted / was surpassed 2. Indifferent cultures, yoghurt --- as a cure for insomnia, a medicine for several diseases and ‘even the fountain of youth. A) considered B) had considered ©) will be considered D) has been considered E) are considering 3. Itwas during the sixteenth century that philosophy professors at German universities =the term anthropology. A) coined B) were coined ©) have coined D) will have coined E) had eoined PASSIVE VOICE 4, Unfortunately, vaccine fears ~—-in cancer deaths that — with a simple vaccination. ‘A)_ must have resulted / might avoid 8) can result / could have been avoided C) result / have been avoided D) may result / avoid E) have resulted / should have avoided 5. The parks and playgrounds, which originally -—to keep children off tho street, -—- an integral part of neighbourhood life today. A) were designed / have become B) have designed / is becoming C) had designed / would become D) designed / became E) have been designed / become 6. The extensive valley networks on the surface of Mars ~-- by running water billions of years. ago, but the source of that water is unknown. A) created B) had been created ) should have created D) have created E) might have been created CamScanner ile tarandt Test-3 GET ENG Suat GURCAN - Ridvan GURBUZ - Ergun KABAKCI - Ugur ALBAYRAK New research —- solve the 150-million-year- old mystery—birds have an innate ability to Manoeuvre in mid-air, a talent that —- their ancestors learn to fly rather than fall from a perch. A) helped / may be helped B) is helped / has helped C) will help / must have been helped D) helps / could have helped E) has helped / will help Unless corrective action —~, climate change, environmental degradation and natural disasters increasingly unsustainable in many parts of the planet. A) has taken / are made B) takes / make C) was taken / had make 1D) took / made ) is taken / will make It-- certain that the world = new and ‘more complex patterns of displacement and migration. A) 8) c) Dd) E) is seemed / witnesses seems / will witness has seemed /is witnessed seemed / had witnessed will seem / has been witnessed 10. A study 1. 12. that birth weight of babies — by genes that are also linked to the risk of developing a range of diseases later in life. ‘A) has revealed / is influenced B) revealed / influenced ©) reveals /has influenced D) was revealed / was influenced ) will reveal / influences Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century —- over an area of 60,600 square metres in the Louvre Museum, which —- on the right bank of the Seine River. A) were exhibited / locates B) are exhibited / is located C) exhibited / was located D) have exhibited / has been located E) will be exhibited / has located ‘The inherited kidney disease which — as autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease ~-- over 600,000 people in the US, and 12 million worldwide. A) knows /is affected B) has been known / will affect ©) is known / affects D) knew / affected E) was known / was affected ws CamScanner ile tarandt

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