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Ovarian, breast, and metabolic

changes induced by androgen

treatment in transgender men
Paul Pirtea, M.D.,a Jean Marc Ayoubi, M.D., Ph.D.,a Stephanie Desmedt, M.D., Ph.D.,b
and Guy T’Sjoen, M.D., Ph.D.c
 de Medicine Paris Ouest
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, Hospital Foch – Faculte
(UVSQ), Suresnes, France; b Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; and
Department of Endocrinology and Center for Sexology and Gender, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium

Gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) is often provided to transgender people. In this review of the literature, the current knowl-
edge of ovarian, breast, and metabolic changes (body composition, insulin resistance, bone density, cardiovascular risk factors such as
lipids, blood pressure, and hematocrit) observed following GAHT in adult transgender men is discussed.
A body of literature concurs to describe that long-term androgen therapy in transgender men exerts atrophic effects on the breast.
There is currently no evidence of an increased risk of breast cancer. Long-term testosterone treatment induces ovarian effects that
become visible after 6 months of therapy. These changes consist of both macroscopic and microscopic alterations of ovarian
morphology that mimic the typical ovarian aspect encountered in women with polycystic ovary syndrome but without an effect on
antral follicle count. Metabolic effects of long-term androgen treatment in transgender men put them at par with cisgender men in terms
of lipid profile, insulin resistance, and overall mortality. Body composition changes as desired after testosterone administration in most
transgender men, and insulin resistance decreases with virilization. There are no detrimental effects on bone mineral density. Cardio-
metabolic risk and morbidity data are currently reassuring, even if certain studies show conflicting results. An increase in blood pressure
and a decrease in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol have been reported as risk factors, whereas polycythemia is rare and treatable.
Most available data are observational and based on biochemical markers instead of the more direct measures of cardiovascular damage.
An explanation for these observed changes is mostly lacking. Psychological stress and lifestyle factors are often forgotten in a much
needed integrated approach. (Fertil SterilÒ 2021;116:936–42. Ó2021 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
Key Words: Androgen treatment, gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT), gender-affirming surgery (GAS), metabolic changes

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ender dysphoria, a dissociation apy as a part of GAHT on ovaries, breast include all research articles addressing
between the sex assigned at tissue, and metabolism. the possible differences in results. The
birth and an inner conviction research database scanned the headers,
of belonging to another particular METHODS abstracts, and main texts for the key
gender, is encountered in approxi- This was a narrative review of published words. Moreover, a manual investiga-
mately 0.6% of individuals worldwide data on the ovarian, breast, and meta- tion of the references cited in the selected
(1). Gender-affirming measures, such bolic changes induced by androgen articles was thoroughly conducted.
as gender-affirming hormone therapy treatment in transgender men. The liter- The literature search was per-
(GAHT) and gender-affirming surgery ature search was conducted on May 21, formed independently by all four au-
(GAS), are available for those undergo- 2021, via PubMed, covering all publica- thors (P.P., J.M.A., S.D., and G.T.) and
ing a transition process. In the present tions in the English language. We used then cross-checked. All authors read
article on transgender men, we have ‘‘transgender men’’ and ‘‘gender affirm- the full text of all relevant articles and
discussed the effects of androgen ther- ing hormone therapy’’ as key words to produced a list of eligible articles that
was further reduced to those included
in the present review.
Received July 5, 2021; revised July 27, 2021; accepted July 28, 2021; published online September 2, Specific exclusion criteria were
P.P. has nothing to disclose. J.M.A. has nothing to disclose. S.D. has nothing to disclose. G.T. has studies not written in English. Book
nothing to disclose. chapters, case series, review articles,
Correspondence: Paul Pirtea, M.D., Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Med-
 de Medicine Paris Ouest (UVSQ), 82 rue de grenelle, Suresnes 92150,
icine, Hospital Foch – Faculte and abstracts were excluded. Refer-
Paris, France (E-mail: ences were handled using the Endnote
program (version X9 for MacOS, New
Fertility and Sterility® Vol. 116, No. 4, October 2021 0015-0282/$36.00
Copyright ©2021 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc. York, NY).

936 VOL. 116 NO. 4 / OCTOBER 2021

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RESULTS PCOS-like ovaries (13). Studying the texture profile of ovaries

Ovarian Effects of GAHT of transgender men, De Roo et al. (14) documented a stiffer
ovarian cortex in ovaries exposed to GAHT. Several reports
On average, the ovaries produce 0.7 mg of testosterone per 24
support the concept that long-term exposure to high doses
hours in women during the reproductive years. This is more
of exogenous testosterone induces morphologic features of
than the production of estradiol—0.05–0.5 mg/24 h, depend-
PCOS (15). These findings generated the concept that andro-
ing on the phases of the menstrual cycle—but 10 times less
gens may constitute the primary cause of ovarian alteration
than the production of testosterone observed in adult cisgen-
encountered in PCOS (15, 16).
der men. Ovarian androgens stimulate the growth and devel-
More recently, however, Ikeda et al. (17) challenged this
opment of follicles (2, 3). Several animal studies have
view on the effect of GAHT and its role in inducing PCOS-
suggested that androgens influence folliculogenesis by hav-
like effects on the ovaries. These authors indicated that
ing proatretic effects on growing follicles and antiapoptotic
high-dose androgen therapy causes pathognomonic changes
action on granulosa cells (4–6).
to the ovarian cortex and stroma that resemble Stein-
The relationship between polycystic ovary syndrome
Leventhal syndrome but does not induce full polycystic ovary
(PCOS)—a common functional ovarian disorder—and andro-
morphology (17). Compared with controls, cycling women
gens is complex. First, androgen excess has long been recog-
receiving no hormone therapy, the ovaries of treated trans-
nized as an emblematic feature of PCOS and the associated
gender men had a thicker ovarian cortex, more hyperplastic
disorder of polycystic ovary morphology (7, 8). Second,
collagen, ovarian stromal hyperplasia, and stromal luteiniza-
ovarian wedge resection, a procedure known to restore men-
tion. Yet, the number of primordial, early follicles—primary,
strual cyclicity by removing a fragment of ovarian tissue in
preantral, and early antral—was similar in the two groups,
women with PCOS, is associated with a sharp decline in circu-
contrary to the emblematic findings made in polycystic
lating testosterone levels (9). Conversely, 3-month treatment
ovaries (17).
with a long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist,
According to a recent report, 50% of transgender men
which completely blocks the ovarian production of testos-
who were questioned before GAHT expressed the desire to
terone, does not restore ovarian cyclicity (10). Hence, ovarian
have children (18) and, according to another study, 76%
factors other than testosterone are involved in the pathophys-
had thought about preserving their fertility before undergoing
iology of PCOS.
the transition process (19). These considerations led to
The impact of high doses of testosterone treatment
questions regarding whether oocyte quality is affected by
administered as a part of GAHT in transgender men has
prolonged testosterone treatment. A recent retrospective
been studied by different investigators. In a seminal study
case-control study reported unaltered assisted reproductive
in 1991, Pache et al. (11) reported an extensive analysis of
technology outcomes in transgender men who had received
ovarian morphology observed in 17 transgender men taking
(and stopped) testosterone therapy, despite the fact that
GAHT for 21 months on average before undergoing GAS.
higher total doses of gonadotropins were needed during the
All but 4 transgender men—13 in total—had regular cycles
ovarian stimulation process (20). In line with these findings,
prior to taking hormone therapy. Thirteen cisgender women
a recent study on ovarian histology and morphology of
undergoing surgery for nonendocrine reasons served as con-
cumulus-oocyte complexes in transgender men revealed
trols. In both groups, ovaries were measured and bisected and
normal morphology of follicular complexes (21), which
their appearance was analyzed. Microscopically, ovaries were
were similar to that previously reported in fertile, cisgender
assessed for collagenization and thickness of the cortex, the
women (22). Moreover, these authors also reported a good
presence of primordial follicles, the number and size of antral
in vitro maturation rate of approximately 34% in cumulus-
follicles, and stromal morphology—hyperplasia and luteiniza-
oocyte complexes retrieved from transgender men, a finding
tion (11). Macroscopically, one thirds of the ovaries of trans-
similar to that reported by De Roo et al. (23) in cisgender
gender men appeared grossly enlarged. The mean ovarian
volume was 7.6  3.6 mL, which was significantly larger
than that of controls (2.7  1.4 mL; P< .0001) (11). Micro-
scopically, all but one ovary in transgender men exhibited a
thickened, collagenized cortex. The mean thickness was 817 Breast Effects of GAHT
 300 mm, which was significantly larger (P< .001) than Studies on breast tissue exposed to long-term androgen ther-
that of controls (241  85 mm) (11). The number of antral fol- apy have reported generally fibrous transformation. These al-
licles found in transgender men (27  13) was larger than that terations range from intralobular fibrous transformation of
found in controls (11  5). Moreover, multiple cystic atretic the stroma to extralobular fibrous alteration of the stroma
follicles were seen in the ovaries of transgender men. and lobular atrophy (24–26). Burgess and Shousha (24)
Other investigators looking at ovarian histology in trans- reported no specific effect of long-term androgen administra-
gender men receiving GAHT confirmed the findings reported tion on breast tissue but rather a marked reduction of glan-
by Pache et al. (11) by describing ovarian architecture as hav- dular tissue and an extension of fibrous connective tissue in
ing macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of polycystic 93% of the studied cases. Other modifications reported in
ovaries (12). Moreover, androgenized in vivo models, such as the breast tissue of transgender men included involuted lobu-
those encountered in patients with congenital adrenal hyper- loalveolar structures embedded in dense, hyalinized fibrous
plasia or virilizing tumors, have also been reported to exhibit tissue. In addition, severe lobular atrophy was observed in

VOL. 116 NO. 4 / OCTOBER 2021 937


7% of the cases, with mildly atrophic or stromal changes showed a reduction of approximately 30% in body fat with
noted in 86% and 7% of cases, respectively (12). Fibrocystic GAHT and an approximately 10% increase in lean body
lesions were reported in 34 participants, and 2 adenofibromas mass compared with cisgender female controls after a mean
were observed. None of the cases had atypical hyperplasia, in follow-up of 9.9 years (37). A randomized trial by Pelusi
situ breast carcinomas, or features of gynecomastia. No intra- et al. (43) showed a significant increase in lean body mass
ductal papilloma or papillomatosis was observed. measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, with a signif-
Some authors reported a link between testosterone levels icant increase in body weight and BMI after 54 weeks of treat-
and the risk of developing breast cancer in postmenopausal ment. There was no difference among the various testosterone
women (27, 28). Recent findings have shown that epithelial preparations used.
hyperplasia was associated with increased androgen concen- However, in an observational cohort subanalysis within
trations; however, no significant increase in the incidence of the ENIGI study, 19 (20.2%) of the 94 transgender men
breast carcinoma was found (29). These findings are consis- showed no change in lean body mass at 24 months of
tent with those of reports emanating from women with hyper- follow-up. The lack of change in lean body mass was associ-
androgenism, as it is notably the case in patients with PCOS or ated with an increase in mean luteinizing hormone levels and
women affected by virilizing tumors. Thus, androgen therapy lower serum testosterone levels. This finding suggested a
given to transgender men as a part of their GAHT does not dose-response effect, with the failure of clinical change in
appear to increase the risk of developing malignant lesions body composition likely being the reflection of insufficient
of the breast (30). hormone therapy dosages. Hence, GAHT should be individu-
alized on the basis of its effects rather than by simply applying
standardized dosing of testosterone therapy (47).
Body Composition
Androgen treatment is used to induce virilization in trans-
gender men, including changing their physical contours Insulin Resistance
with increased muscle mass (31). Gender-affirming hormone The effect of sex hormones on insulin sensitivity in cisgender
therapy commonly overshoots the effects on muscle mass people is not yet fully understood. Increased levels of testos-
commonly seen in cisgender men with a significant increase terone in cisgender women, such as in cases of PCOS, are
in creatinine levels compared with cisgender men. This in- associated with increased insulin resistance. However,
crease in creatinine levels directly correlates with serum increased insulin resistance is also observed in men with hy-
testosterone levels and reflects the increase in muscle mass pogonadism. In these men, testosterone substitution is associ-
(32, 33). A significant increase in muscle mass observed in ated with a slight improvement in the degree of insulin
transgender men receiving GAHT results in a 15% increase sensitivity (48, 49). Polderman et al. (50) investigated the
in thigh volume (34). effect of testosterone treatment in transgender men in the
An Australian cross-sectional study compared trans- early 1990s. Glucose utilization decreased with physiologic
gender men (n ¼ 43) receiving intramuscular testosterone un- levels of insulin during a three-step hyper insulinemic-
decanoate with age-matched cisgender women (n ¼ 30). In euglycemic clamp with stable endogenous glucose
this study, transgender men had a mean gain in lean mass production. The authors concluded that insulin resistance
of 7.8 kg (P< .001; confidence interval [CI], 4.0–11.5) with a increases with testosterone therapy (50).
significantly higher android-to-gynoid fat ratio (35). Insulin sensitivity is addressed by the homeostatic model
Similarly, an increase in waist-to-hip ratio was observed in assessment of insulin resistance formula using the product of
the Belgian European Network for the Investigation of Gender fasting glucose and insulin levels. Auer et al. (45) found a
Incongruence (ENIGI) cohort of 53 transgender men who reduction in fasting insulin levels in transgender men with
received testosterone undecanoate every 3 months. Similar a decrease in homeostatic model assessment of insulin resis-
results were observed in another cross-sectional study of 50 tance. These findings were confirmed in an observational
transgender men receiving long-term testosterone treatment cohort study of 35 transgender men within the ENIGI trial
after GAS (36, 37). (45, 46). A trend toward decreasing fasting glucose levels
There was no difference in insulin resistance and over- was observed in 11 transgender men treated in Italy with
all fat mass observed in transgender men (n ¼ 43) receiving testosterone esters every 2–4 weeks (P ¼ .06; n ¼ 11) (32).
GAHT and age-matched cisgender women (35). An increase This was also confirmed in a Dutch cohort of 17 transgender
in lean mass without an increase in body mass index men treated with intramuscular testosterone esters (250 mg)
(BMI) was also observed in the Belgian cohort described every 2 weeks. After 12 months of treatment, fasting glucose
by Auer et al. (38). Suppakitjanusant et al. (39) confirmed levels decreased compared with baseline levels (5.0  0.5
that the BMI remained stable during androgen therapy mmol/L vs. 4.6  0.3 mmol/L) (51).
but did not describe lean body mass. Other studies found Compared with cisgender women, there was no differ-
an increase in BMI, attributed to an increase in muscle ence in insulin resistance in transgender men with GAHT
mass (33, 40–43). Overall, an increase in lean mass is (35, 52, 53). These findings are consistent with those of the
observed with testosterone therapy with a reduction in study by Shadid et al. (46), in which no difference in incretin
body fat (31, 36, 40, 43–46). response was observed in transgender men after 12 months
Long-term changes in body composition seem to persist. of GAHT. In a Belgian cohort of 20 transgender men, fasting
A cohort of 50 transgender men who had undergone GAS glucose and insulin levels remained stable with GAHT (38).

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Likewise, there was no significant change in glycated hemo- In a prospective, observational study conducted in 53
globin levels (54). transgender men (ENIGI), triglycerides (36.9%; 95% CI,
Berra et al. (55) and Auer et al. (45) found a significant 29.8–44.1), total cholesterol (4.1%; 95% CI, 1.5–6.6),
decrease in adiponectin levels in transgender men after 6 and LDL cholesterol (13.0%; 95% CI, 9.2–16.8) levels
months of testosterone therapy. An Italian observational increased after 1 year of intramuscular testosterone therapy.
study detected significantly lower adiponectin levels in trans- Likewise, HDL cholesterol levels decreased (10.8%; 95%
gender men than that in transgender women. However, there CI, 14.0 to 7.6) (36). Similar trends were observed in
was no difference between adiponectin levels in transgender retrospective analyses, with a variable impact on triglyceride
men and matched cisgender women (53). A decrease in adipo- levels (33, 36, 41, 45, 61, 62). Overall, a meta-analysis by
nectin level may be associated with increased cardiovascular Makara et al. that included 20 studies (n ¼ 1500) confirmed
risk, as adiponectin is involved in the pathogenesis of athero- the increase in LDL cholesterol and triglycerides levels and
sclerosis. Further studies are needed to investigate the role of the decrease in HDL cholesterol level with GAHT compared
GAHT in adiponectin levels. Ghrelin and leptin levels were not with the respective baseline levels (63).
different in transgender men compared with transgender There is firm evidence that increasing levels of LDL
women and control groups (cisgender men and women) (53). cholesterol are associated with increased cardiovascular
risk. Therefore, if LDL levels increase with GAHT, transgender
men may be at higher risk of cardiovascular disease. A recent,
Bone Density multicenter, prospective trial comprising 165 transgender
Contrary to earlier beliefs, we now know that estrogens pro- men (ENIGI) investigated the impact of initiating GAHT on
duced by the aromatization of androgens are the primary cardiovascular risk using the 30-year Framingham cardiovas-
regulator of bone homeostasis in adult men. Testosterone cular disease (CVD) risk estimate. After the initiation of
and estradiol levels must decline substantially to impact the testosterone treatment, the risk of hard CVD events based
skeleton (56). In transgender men, bone metabolism transito- on the Framingham risk calculation increased (þ0.68%;
rily increases at the initiation of testosterone therapy; howev- 95% CI, 0.21–1.16) after 2 years. Notably, transgender men
er, no major changes are ultimately found in bone density already had a higher long-term CVD risk at inclusion
(57). Following long-term testosterone therapy, larger cortical compared with the estimated optimal CVD risk in the control
bone size was observed in transgender men compared with group (cisgender women) (62). Nota et al. (64) found a signif-
that in age-matched cisgender women (57). Short-term and icantly higher occurrence of myocardial infarction in trans-
long-term studies have shown that hormonal treatment gender men undergoing testosterone treatment than that in
does not have detrimental effects on bone mineral density cisgender women (standardized incidence ratio, 3.69; 95%
in transgender men (58). As mentioned earlier, bone mineral CI, 1.94–6.42) without a significant increase in venous throm-
density is maintained by the positive effect of estradiol pro- boembolism or stroke occurrence. The risk of myocardial
duced by the aromatization of testosterone, together with infarction in transgender men was not increased compared
the effects of testosterone on body composition (59). In addi- with that in cisgender men. Unfortunately, there was no
tion, a more recent study concluded that bone mineral density adjustment for smoking or psychological stressors (64).
increased in transgender persons after 1 year of hormonal Further research in larger cohorts with a longer follow-up is
treatment. needed to establish the cardiovascular risk in transgender
In most cohorts, no difference in blood pressure was
Cardiovascular Risk Factors observed, and there was no significant impact of hormone
Lipid parameters differ between genders. It is well-known that levels on blood pressure (33, 40, 45). However, diastolic blood
the male gender is associated with higher levels of total pressure slightly increased with GAHT (2.5%; 95% CI, 0.6–
cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) 4.4) in a prospective, observational study within ENIGI.
cholesterol and lower levels of high-density lipoprotein Observational data in 35 transgender men showed a signifi-
(HDL) cholesterol. Testosterone substitution therapy in cant increase in diastolic and systolic blood pressure after
testosterone-deficient men tends to decrease blood pressure the initiation of long-acting testosterone undecanoate every
and improve the lipid profile (60). However, in transgender 3 months (41, 65). This was clinically relevant in two patients
men, supplemental testosterone is given in nonhypogonadal in whom testosterone treatment had to be temporarily inter-
patients. rupted (41). The change in systolic and diastolic blood pres-
The effect of testosterone therapy on lipid profile and sure was clinically relevant in two female-to-male
blood pressure in transgender men has been studied in multi- transsexuals, who discontinued testosterone administration
ple cohorts. Lipid levels were not affected by testosterone because hypertension developed in them after the first injec-
therapy (1000 mg of testosterone undecanoate every 3 tion, although they had shown no hypertension at baseline.
months) in a Belgian observational study (38). Similar find- Similar results were observed in a Japanese cohort after initi-
ings were observed in other observational studies with stable ation of biweekly intramuscular injections of testosterone es-
triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels with variable doses ters with an increase in systolic blood pressure (110.4  9.4
and length of testosterone treatment (40, 54). mm Hg vs. 117.4  10.2 mm Hg; P< .01) and diastolic blood

VOL. 116 NO. 4 / OCTOBER 2021 939


pressure (64.6  6.9 mm Hg vs. 68.6  8.4 mm Hg; P< .02) in often forgotten in most available studies, a fact that under-
transgender men undergoing testosterone treatment (n ¼ 48) scores the much needed integrated approach.
compared with those in untreated transgender men (n ¼ 63)
(66). A rise in hematocrit levels was seen in a large cohort DIALOG: You can discuss this article with its authors and
(n ¼ 192) of transgender men within ENIGI after 3 months other readers at
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