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A craft beer without gender, FEM craft brewery.

Although the main beer consumers are men, part of the growth of the sector is due to the

incorporation of women, a segment that has not been adequately addressed by the main market

players. It will be a unique product on the market, with a completely gender-free niche proposal.

The beer will be based on the tastes and preferences launched by its potential consumers, as well

as its appearance and personality will be a reflection of the combination between women and

men of today, to achieve greater identification with the brand, we will have a master brewer. who

will be a woman (a position mainly occupied by men), who with their experience and the use of

quality ingredients, she will give life to the beer.

Porter’s 5 forces

Power of customers

Due to the large number of end customers and considering that craft beers have a high

degree of differentiation due to the characteristics of each product, we would say that the

bargaining power of customers is low. But since it is easy to change products because the offer is

varied, in addition to having well-informed consumers today and having the bargaining power of

intermediaries such as retailers, supermarkets and bottle shops, we can say that the bargaining

power is Medium-Low.

Power of suppliers

As the essential ingredients are easily accessible, and as we find various shops on the

market to find them, we would say that the bargaining power of suppliers is low. But considering

that the quality of the beer depends largely on the quality of the inputs, then the bargaining

power of the suppliers increases. Finally, the power of the suppliers will depend on the

characteristics of the ingredients to be used.

Potential of new competitors

At the level of craft beers, the entry barriers are small (low initial investment and low exit

barrier), given this, the threat of new competitors is high. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the

craft beer market is friendly and there is space for all the varieties of beers affected, in addition

there are initiatives where small producers meet and empower each other.

Threat of substitute products

Beer has various substitutes such as wine and rum among others, nowadays with the

zero-tolerance law, the trend towards drinks with lower alcohol content favors the consumption

of beer. Within the craft beer market, there are a large number of substitutes due to the massive

proliferation of small producers, in any case the success of the product depending on its

differentiating characteristics and the value proposition it presents to the market, and this is very

difficult. what you bet on.

Competition in the industry

In the craft beer market, rather than rivalry, synergies are seen, due to the unions between

small producers, there is no competition to remove market share among craft brewers, but rather

it is about presenting new products focused on removing share big players in industrial beers.

Given all the above, it looks potential for the business, since being a differentiated

product, its customers will look for it due to its unique characteristics, which are different from

any competitor product. In the case of suppliers, we will be able to count on an extensive

network, since this Beer will not be differentiated by the quality or origin of its raw materials, so

that in the face of a rise in prices, better prices can be sought with other suppliers. Currently,

there is no competition in the market that targets the same market niche, and if it appears in the

future, it will have the advantage of having been the first to exploit the female niche.

FEM beer production process

Malt grinding, grinding consists of crushing the malt grain, respecting the husk or wrap

as much as possible and causing the flour to be pulverized.

Maceration, this is one of the most important phases of the brewing process and is where

the greatest amount of extract and the best possible quality of the malt is extracted, depending on

the type of beer you want to prepare and is where the starch contained in the malt it will be

transformed into sugars, through natural enzymatic and biochemical processes.

Bagasse separation and exhaustion, having dissolved the soluble materials of the malt and

transformed the starch into sugars during the previous step, it is necessary to separate the must

from the insoluble part of the malt called bagasse.

Boil, the must obtained is boiled vigorously in the macerating pot. The purpose of boiling

is to stabilize the must enzymatically and microbiologically and to coagulate the proteins. The

sterilization of the must is obtained by simple boiling.

To clarify and distribute the must, it is necessary to separate the remains of the hops and

the solid particles generated during boiling (hot turbines) from the rest of the must. This process,

called clarification, is carried out by imparting a centrifugal movement to the must contained

within the macerator kettle. Before fermentation, it must be chilled and prepared to have the right

temperature for yeast to work well. This change is made in a double effect heat exchanger.

First fermentation, this phase, together with maceration, are the most important in our

production process. The must, cooled in the heat exchanger, is sent to one of the fermentation

tanks, while this must is oxygenated to allow the growth of the yeast, which is added to the

fermenter to start the fermentation process, which consists of transformation of the sugars in the

must into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Second fermentation and cold maturation, the yeasts that will remain in suspension in the

beer during the previous step, process some unwanted compounds for their flavors and aromas

that have been generated in the first fermentation, thus refining the characteristics of the beer and

eliminating flavors and unwanted aromas. In addition, in this step the proteins and other

compounds that precipitate in the cold are removed, so the beer also clarifies naturally.

Third fermentation and additional storage, the beer is bottled and stored in a temperature-

controlled room to produce a third fermentation that transforms the sugars from the must added

in the previous step, into carbon dioxide, responsible for the beer bubbles. This third

fermentation in the bottle, where there is still yeast, makes the beers continue their character in

the bottle and can "age" during storage.

Finished and dispatched, after the storage time has elapsed, the bottles are labeled, placed

in boxes, and shipped.


Inputs and outputs

Inputs, production equipment: to produce craft beer, it is necessary to have the necessary

basic equipment. In the case of FEM craft brewery, the production capacity will be 200-250

liters per cooking or batch, which will allow us to reach an approximate production of 2,500–

3,000 liters of beer per month. The equipment is as follows: 250-liter capacity water tank, with

built-in thermometer and stainless steel valves; 250 liter capacity maceration tank, with built-in

thermometer and stainless steel valves, stainless steel false bottom, complete recirculation

system and stainless steel recirculation pump; 1 water purifier; 3 Burners; Cooking tank of 250

liters capacity, with built-in thermometer and stainless steel valves, whirlpool system and pump

to cause swirling; 40 plate cooler; Stainless steel wort oxygenation system; 200 liter fermenter

with airlock key and lid and oxygen ingress barrier; Roller mill; Beer filter pump; Bench counter

pressure bottle filler; Bench capper.

Other inputs are water, hops, yeast, electric power, butane gas, experienced personnel,

location, bottles, bottle cap, label, packing box, capital US $ 15,000.00. Output, Fem craft beer.

Type of customer involvement

This company will have the participation of 2 types of clients, men and women, to define

the type of beer and the flavors of the product, these two types of clients will participate in the

formulation of the beer. The male customer can have a negative and positive participation, since

the craft beers focus on them, when they make a beer without genres, they feel jealous and try to

find a way to provide us with incorrect information and, therefore, the project will not have

future; On the other hand, there are many men who support genderless products, so we will have

their support and endorsement. On the part of the woman, it will be a positive participation,

because she will feel that the barrier is being broken where craft beer focuses on men, and with

this project the 2 genres will be considered.

Inventory and throughput

Critical path

Cash to cash cycle.

Product Mix

Forecasting craft beer without gender



Heizer, Render, & Munson. (2017). Principles of operations management, sustainability

and supply chain management. (10th Edition). London: Pearson.

Burrow, Kleindl, & Becraft (2017). Business management. (14th ed). MA: Cengage


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