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Forests are the lungs of the earth.

Destruction of the world's forests amounts to death of the

world we currently know.

Did you know that forests act as the lungs of the planet? Many times, traveling, we pass for miles covered
with trees. "How green!" It is the phrase that usually comes to mind. Without considering that without
them life would not be possible. These tree masses that can be made up of different species and occupying
different regions of the planet, share the same characteristic, the importance they have for the planet and
the organisms that inhabit them.

I agree that the destruction of the world's forests is tantamount to the death of the world as we know it
today, and this is for the following reasons: First, forests cover a third of all the planet's soil, providing vital
organic infrastructure for some of the densest and most diverse forms of life. They support countless
species, along with 1.6 billion people. And yet, we are responsible for the deforestation of nearly 13 million
hectares annually. Jungles and forests have traditionally been considered the lungs of the planet. But these
lungs are different from ours because, instead of breathing oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide (CO2), they
do the opposite. Therefore, forests contribute to reducing pollution by greenhouse gases, such as CO2, in
the atmosphere. The CO2 absorbed by forests is critical to the good health of seas and oceans around the
globe. The excess CO2 we are experiencing now is producing an acidification of the oceans. So too, forests
clean up air pollution on a much larger scale than the plants we have in our homes. Not only do they absorb
CO2, but they also trap a large number of airborne pollutants, including carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide
and nitrogen dioxide. Life abounds in the forests. They are home to millions of insects and worms that fill
soils with nutrients, bees and birds that spread pollen and seeds, and keystone species such as wolves and
big cats, as well as fungi, lichens and hundreds of species. In addition, forests are home to many species
and life forms.

Second, forests and jungles are home to hundreds of indigenous tribes, the main humans who help
maintain biodiversity on the planet. Approximately 300 million people live in forests around the world,
including an estimated population of 60 million indigenous people whose survival depends almost entirely
on native forests. These native peoples have developed over the years agricultural techniques that adapt to
extreme environments, such as the high altitudes of the Andes, the dry grasslands of Kenya or the extreme
cold of northern Canada. These time-tested techniques, such as creating terraces, which stops soil erosion,
or floating gardens, which make use of flooded fields, mean that indigenous peoples have built systems
that are appropriate for the increasingly intense weather events and temperature changes that climate
change brings.

Finally, forests prevent soil erosion. The soil is a source of nutrients, allows the roots of trees to penetrate
the earth's crust to sustain themselves and also provides the habitat of other communities of living beings.
The trees of the forests and jungles cause the force of the water to decrease when it rains, also prevents
strong torrents and reduces the effect of floods and floods of rivers thus avoiding soil loss. The human
being probably could not live without them, but it is up to us that we never have to try. The more we care
for and understand about forests, the better we will preserve life.

Over the past 50 years, about half of the world's forest cover has been lost to weaken our soil; causing
floods, droughts, migrations, extinction of species; Trees retain and store water, which harbors wildlife, and
regulates the climate. The main cause of deforestation is humans and their growing needs. Forests are the
lungs of the earth. Protecting those lungs is crucial if we are to defend the planet's biodiversity and fight
global warming.
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