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MESS sae TASK 1: Listen to the text and for each question mark the correct answer A, B,C or D. You now have 30 seconds to look through the task. You will then hear the recording twice. (8 points) 1. Stephene Breitweiser hid the stolen paintings from the museum... ‘A. under the bag. B. under his coat. C. in the bedroom. D. in the ground. 2. Altogether Mireille destroyed art worth A. two hundred. B, two thousand, C. two billion. D. one million. 3. Stephene Breitweiser was the greatest... A. painter. B, museum worker. C. painter. D. art thief. 4, Mireille, 53, was Stephene! Som A. aunt. B. sister. CC. mother. D. mother-in-law. s lle was angry to Stephene s A. she cut the paintings into small pieces. B. she did not know that Stephene stole paintings. C. she thought that Stephene worked at the police Station. D. she left him forever 6. One day while they were having supper, the police arrived and took him to the police station becaUsesrnnne A. he killed the owner of the museum. B. his neighbours complained on him to the police. C. robbed the bank. D. he stole 239 paintings from museums. 7. Stephene Breitweiser filled his.. A. bedroom. B. study. C. living room. D. kitchen. 8. When did Stephene went into the museums to steal paintings. A. there were many people. B. the museums were just closing. C. the museum's door was unlocked. D. there were no visitors in the museum, jth priceless works of art. TASK 2: Read the questions (1-8) and try to find the answers to them in the paragraph (A-F) of the text. Some paragraphs correspond to more than one question. (8 points) Which paragraph... 1. Describes how football went around the world? 2. Refers to a brighter future for British sport? 3. Could have the title “Britain: the home of sport”? 4. Explains how a schoolboy changed the game of football? 5. Tells us about the origins of modern football? 6. Answer the question how tennis developed? 7. Could have the title “All Champions were English.”? 8, Names the countries where the football game was first taken to? ‘A.__ Maybe the English are not world champions any more but they invented some of the world’s ‘most popular sports. The modern games of football, tennis and rugby all started in England. Then others learned to play — and beat the English at their own game... B.__A form of football was played in China more than 2,500 years ago; the people in Florence have played a variation of football known as calcio storico since the sixteenth century. Three hundred years later, in 1848, two football players from Cambridge University first wrote down the rules of Football. The first organized football club was Sheffield F.C. — it started in 1857 and is still in action today. C.__British sailors took football with them to the ports of Italy, Brazil and Argentina where the game quickly found new fans. A number of famous clubs in Spain, Italy and Argentina were founded by Englishmen. But while the rest of the world developed its football skills, England didn’t even play in the first three World Cups. When they finally entered for the first time in 1950, they lost their most important match — to the United States! D.__ Like football, the game of rugby developed in England. According to legend, the game started when William Webb Ellis, a schoolboy at Rugby school, picked the ball up and ran with it, Again, it wasn’t long before the game spread abroad... and again, England started losing. New Zealand, South ‘Africa and Australia have won the Rugby World Cup five times between them... England has won it just once! E.__A game called jew de paume was played in France nearly 800 years ago. It was similar to tennis but players used their hands instead of a tennis racquet and the ball was made of leather. It was so hard that it could cause injury, or even death! Then in the 1870s, an English army officer developed the rules of modern lawn tennis. The game was played with racquets, and a lighter ball, made of rubber. Wimbledon Tennis Club held the first lawn tennis championship in 1877, and first seven champions were all English. Then the good news ended for English tennis. The last English tennis player to win Wimbledon was Virginia Wade in... 1977! F.__But perhaps things were changing. In 2013 and 2016 Andy Murrey, the famous tennis player; won Wimbledon, although he always points out that he is Scottish, not English. The 2012 Olympics took place in London. The British team won 65 medals. It was a record for the Great Britain and Northern Ireland team to win 67 medals at the Brazil Olympics in 2016. So hopes for the future Olympic Games which were to be held in 2020 in Japan were high! TASK 3: Read the text and the questions which follow. For each question mark the correct answer: A, B,C or D. (8 points) Some kids are allergic to peanuts. Should schools be nut-free zones? When Nicholas Pave was three- years-old, he ate a piece of brownie at a party. Within seconds, his throat was itching and his nose was running. An hour later, he started throwing up. Says Nicholas now: “It was scary.” How can one bite of one brownie make someone so sick? Nicholas was having an allergic reaction to peanut-butter chips in the brownie, His mom quickly called the doctor and gave Nicholas some ‘medicine, Without the medicine, he might have stopped breathing. Some people allergic to peanuts, have died after eating them. People who are allergic to peanuts must avoid anything containing a peanut or its oil. Sometimes just smelling or touching peanut oil or peanut dust causes an allergic reaction. That can tum a school cafeteria into a danger zone! ‘Now some schools have decided not to take any chances. They’re cracking down on peanut products to protect allergic kids. In some school cafeterias, peanutfree tables are being set aside. In other schools, no one is allowed to bring any “peanutty” foods at all. 14 Banning peanut butter creates some sticky problems. Peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches are popular. They are a nutritious, affordable food for most families. However, there are many choices for a healthful lunch. School cafeterias can provide a wide choice of foods that are safe for all kids. They can even send home suggestions for bag lunches that don’t include peanuts. People should be willing to sacrifice a particular food if it might save a child’s life. All schools should ban peanuts and peanut products. Even if all schools don’t ban peanuts, Ann Munoz-Furlong of the Food Allergy Network points out that teachers and students should have an emergency plan to deal with any allergy attack. Allergic kids should always wash their hands before eating and should never trade foods with other kids. Kids should feel safe in the classroom and the cafeteria. 1. What symptoms did Nicholas have that indicated he had an allergy? A. His hands were sweaty. B. He began running a fever. C. He had an itchy throat and hives. D, He had an itchy throat, a runny nose, and began throwing up. 2. Without medicine, what could have happened to Nicholas? ‘A. He could have eaten too many peanuts. B. He could have thrown up his food. C. He could have stopped breathing or even died. D. He could have eaten more brownies. 3. In some schools, students are not allowed to bring what types of foods? A. “peanutty” foods. B. foods that have walnuts. C. video games. D. popcom and peanuts. 4, Other than just peanuts, what else can cause an allergic reaction? ‘A. smelling or touching peanut oil or peanut dust. B. dust mites. C. peanuts and walnuts. D. none of the above. 5. What are some schools doing as a result of peanut allergies? A. sending home suggestions for students with allergies. B. enlisting volunteers to watch for allergic students. . banning “peanutty” products. D. serving a choice of brownies with peanuts or without peanuts. 6. Which of the following statements is an opinion? A. People can be allergic to peanuts. B. Schools should ban all peanut products. C. Peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches are nutritious. D. People allergic to peanuts should avoid peanut oil as well. 7. The Food Allergy Network suggests that teachers should be prepared with...... ‘A. an emergency plan in case someone haan allergic reaction. B. plenty of peanut butter. C. a list of suggestions for different types of sandwiches. D. information to give parents about allergies 8. What tips should students with peanut allergies remember? ‘A. Eatall of your lunch. B. Drink milk with sandwiches. C. Share food with only people you know. D. Wash hands before eating and never trade food TASK 4: Read the text and fill the gaps with the words given (A-N). Use each word only once. ‘Two words are extra. (12 points) (A) allowed (F) impression (K) early (B) smokers (G) coloured (heels (© help (H) opens (M) hair (D) leather (surprising (N) personally (E) meat (uniform 15 As you can imagine, the people here are quite fashion conscious. I guess, that’s why they like working for a company like this. Most people wear black. It’s a bit like a [1] in the fashion industry, everyone wears black. Um, black blouses, polar neck jumpers, black trousers, black [2] Jackets, and that is just the girls! The men are usually more imaginative, which is not a really they are all very extroverted. They normally wear brightly [4] shirts and ties. There is one guy here who even colours his [5] to match his ties! Completely mad! This week his hair is green, I think, or blue. [6] = Tlike a more elegant look, dark suits and high [7] . A lot of the models who come in here are [8] . It’s amazing how many models smoke, but they are not [9] to smoke in the building so they have to go outside, and they can’t be near the entrance because it gives a bad [10] » $0 they are usually around the back.The office [11] at eight, but hours here are flexible, which means people can arrive anytime up to about ten o’clock. I usually get here [12] because I like to go home early to miss the rush hour. We get free coffee all day, but we can’t bring food into the office. It’s ok, no one here eats anything anyway! TASK 5: Read the text and mark the correct choice A, B, C or D. (12 points) Long ago, there was [1] old man who had three grown sons. The man had toiled all his life and had spent his earnings to send his sons [2] school. Now he was too old [3] frail to work, and he had no money. His sons, [4] were no help to him, They rarely visited him, and they did not care [5] he was hungry and lonely.The old man was afraid he would starve, So, he had a neighbor fill a wooden chest [6] broken glass, and he padlocked the chest. He summoned his sons and told them, “In this chest is my life savings. Of course, you, my sons, are my real riches. When I die, each of you will get what he deserves.” From that moment, [7] sons competed for the old man’s favor. They gave him money, cooked him delicious meals, and visited him every day. When the old man died, his will revealed [8] ____ he had split his “fortune” equally among the three. [9] when. they opened the chest, they learned the truth about the old man’s treasure. “Oh, yes, father has made us rich!” cried the oldest son when he saw the broken glass. “This is poor payment [10] our trouble!”[L1] the youngest son said, “He didn’t say we would be rich. He said we would get what we deserved, [12] we did.” 1 [A the C. that Dea [2 Tain B. for 3._[ A. but Cor D. and 4._[ A. however B. but Con D. after 5._[ A. which B. that C. what D. where 6._[A.on C..with 7._[A. the Bia Cian 8._| A. when B. what Con D. that 9. [Aon B. but Cif D.or 10. [A. for B. in C. after D. under HA. if, B. when C. but 12. A. after B. and C. when D. however TASK 6: Complete the conversation. For questions 1-6, mark the correct letter A-H. Two sentences are extra. (6 points) 16 River: Hey dad, mind telling me where we are going today? Mrs Carsba:) (02) 23the daa River: Cool, where are we going to eat? Mr. Carveniihc.icxsons 03 «ea Q) River: Yeah, I can see it. Mr. Carson: . River: Sweet, I'l have a burger with a side of fries! Mr. Carson: (4) River: So, how far away is the museum? at son) River: Let’s go ask for some directions then in the fast food restaurant. ©). A. There should be a nearby fast food place around the comer, you see that big building over there? B. Hey! Wait up! Be careful when crossing the road, you have to make sure you look both ways. C. First we will go to get something to eat, then we are going to the local arts museum to help with your studies. D. And I will get some fried chicken. E, It’s just across the next street, I'll show you the way. F, That’s the City bank, the fast food place is just opposite of it. G. That’s a good idea. H. I’m not sure, it’s been a long time since I’ve last gone there. ‘TASK 7: Read the essay task and write between 120-170 words. (16 points) “Physical exercise should be a mandatory part of a person’s life.” 7 TASK 1: Listen to the text and for each question mark the correct answer A, B, C or D. ‘You now have 30 seconds to look through the task. You will then hear the recording twice. (8 points) 1. What was the reason of Tom's and his uncle's meeting? A. It was Tom's annual visit. B. Because of uncle's illness. C. Uncle Philip loved Tom very much. D. Tom missed his uncle. 2. Why did Uncle Philip leave this box to Tom? ‘A. He wanted Tom to remember his Uncle. B. He wanted to help Tom. C. He wanted Tom to become rich. D. He wanted him to kill Tom. 3. The Uncle's box also contains. A. advice. B. money. C. dynamite. D. sugar. 4. Uncle Philip carried out his research i ‘A. Medicine. B, Physics. C. History. D. Chemistry. 5, What did Uncle Philip ask Tom to do before opening the box? ‘A. To make a career. B, To read the letter. C. To work a lot. D. To have a good meal. 6. What was Uncle Philip's achievement in this field? A. No achievements at all. B. Received the Oscar. C. Received the Nobel Prize. D. He became a millionaire. 7. What did Tom do with great fortune? A. Tom could think of nothing but the iron box. B. Tom could think of nothing but the box and the fortune. C. Tom could think of nothing but box and dynamite. D. Tom spent all fortune in the box. 8. What did he decide to leave to Tom? A. Allhis love. B. Allhis prize. C. All his debts. D. Allhis fortune. TASK 2: Read the questions (1-8) and try to find the answers to them in the paragraph (A-F) of the text. Some paragraphs correspond to more than one question. (8 points) Which paragraph... 1. Could have the title “Appearance matters for career success" ? 18 Answers the question “Who do we call fashion victims“? Has information about the reason for men to be fashionable? Could have the title ,,The advice to wear stylishly“? Speaks about a sensible advice on Shopping? Could answer the question “Which fashionable items can cause health problems"? Tells us what fashion mean? Mentions the reasons of allergies? era aw ‘A._Wearing too much of one thing is never a good idea whether it is jewellery, make up, designer clothes or perfume. The right style tactic is to create a single focal point. It might be a designer T- shirt or some unusual boots or pethaps a trendy jacket. If you wear them all at once, they just complete for attention. Wear one fashion item at a time and keep the rest simple. B,_Fashion does not just depend on one person's idea of a new or a different look, but on something much wider. It expresses a feeling for what is going on in the world around. It is a mirror in which are reflected the events, ideas and interests of an entire era. Dress designers, the artists of the fashion world, try to interpret these influences and express them in the fashions they produce. C._Following the latest fashion trends can be unhealthy. Things we wear can lead to stomach problems, rashes, backache and painful feet. Very tight clothes can prevent people moving naturally. If you wear trousers or skirts that are too tight around the waist, this can cause stomachache. Rashes can be caused by an allergic reaction to synthetic material. And last, but not least - wearing shoes with high heels can lead to foot and back problems. D.__There are some people who take a fashion trend and follow it slavishly. They don't care whether it looks good on them or not, whether it is appropriate or whether they are wearing it in excess. For these people fashion sense is more important than common sense. They will go out in the latest spring fashions even if it is snowing or wear high-heeled shoes to a picnic in the woods. E.__A heightened awareness of the role that image plays nowadays means that many men today also buy fashion magazines, and spend hours Shopping and going to the hairdressers. This is not because they find these activities enjoyable. It is because they realise that the way they look has an influence on professional success. Of course, it does play a role, and this can be a cause of anxiety for many men as well as women. F.__There are people who buy a completely new wardrobe every season. This is fine if you have a lot of money, of course. However, this costs them a fortune and makes it obvious to everyone else that they have fallen to an obsession with fashion. Instead, look critically at your clothes and follow the trends that really suit you. Buy cheap, wear often and invest in classic items that never go out of fashion, That will save your money and you won't run the risk of becoming a fashion victim. TASK 3: Read the text and the questions which follow. For each question mark the correct answer: A,B, C or D. (8 points) Jazzy new signs in subway stations have been catching the eyes of commuters in Washington, D.C. Instead of rushing to board a train, people pause to read poems written by kids. The lighted posters, called “Metro Muse,” appeared at 10 train stops in the busy city. On display: 12 thoughtful compositions to celebrate kids’ creativity and to promote reading, Writer Laurie Stroblas began the District Lines Poetry Project in 1994, hoping to give bus riders something better to stare at than ads or graffiti. She had been leading poetry workshops in public schools, so she asked her students to lend a hand. “The response was incredible,” says Stroblas. Later, she decided to transfer her ideas to the buses and picked new poems with the advice of 150 students. ‘Organizations donated enough money to keep Metro Muse in subway stations all winter. In spring, a new crop of poems sprouted on city buses. What were the poems about? Snow falling, the arrival of a new year, love, fear, and peace. Cindy Rosales, a sixth grader at Oyster Elementary School, was inspired by her favorite type of music: “Kindness is the jazz,” she wrote. “Bring the big jazz in. The big, whole jazz.” 19 Like most poets, the kids had mixed feelings about letting the public read their private thoughts. “I ‘would feel glad that someone read my poem,” one girl said. “But I would feel sad if they missed their train.” 1. Where are the poems posted? ‘A. subway stations and trains B. subway stations and buses C. on the school grounds D. in the classroom 2. What is the occupation of Laurie Stroblas? A. adoctor B. a teacher C. apolitician D. awriter and a teacher 3. What are some of the topics of the poems? A. death, hatred, and war B. love, fear, and peace C. school, tests, and fighting D. hope, fear, and rain 4. The District Lines Poetry Project was. A. started in 1995. B. initiated by Laurie Stroblas. C. ordered to begin by the President. D first for the parents and now for the kids. 5. What is the purpose of the Poetry Project? A. It promotes reading and spotlights, children’s creativity. B. It keeps children out of gangs. C. It supports the school’s after schoo! programs. D. It is the first ofits kind to include the writings of teachers. 6. Select a new title that best fits the information in this article. ‘A. The Poetry Pizza B. Kids First ~ Poetry Second C. Here Comes the Bus! D. The Metro Muse 7. Students have received inspiration for the poetry from... A. ideas brainstormed as a class. B. other poems posted in the subway. C. music, personal thoughts, and experiences. D. poetry books. 8. How do the students feel about letting others read their poems? A. There are mixed feelings. B. All the kids are excited. C. The kids don’t want the public to read their poems. D. none of the above TASK 4: Read the text and fill the gaps with the words given (A-N). Use each word only once. ‘Two words are extra. (12 points) (A) screaming (F) beginning (K) homesick (B) decisions (G) lying (L) friendly (©) disaster (H) hurricane (M) some (D) underground (D) collect (N) valuable (©) human (J) weekend Can you imagine what itis like when a [1] comes? Well, I can tell you because I have just been through one. I hope the worst is already over. But, let me start from the [2] My mum did not want me to come home from College one [3] . But as usual, I did not listen to her. As a freshman I felt really [4] so I wanted to come home and spend time with my family. What I didn’t know was that there might be a massive [5] moving towards us. On Sunday morning, [woke up early and heard my mum [6] hysterically. We sat down for a ‘family talk’ and my father told us to [7] only what was most important for us. It was one of the most difficult [8] in my life. I couldn’t decide what to take and What to leave in John’s [9] garage. John is a friend living next door. So, we took our most (10] things and went on our way. We tried to get to Baton Rouge where some friends of the family have a house. All the way my cat Minnie, who normally does not like anybody 20 at all, was (11] ‘on my lap. She was so frightened... And it was really amazing ~ all our animals travelling together in the van were so [12] to one another while normally they ‘weren't. TASK 5: Read the text and mark the correct choice A, B, C or D. (12 points) Lady Diana Spencer was born [1] an aristocratic English family. Her parents, {2} lived in an enormous house, were very rich, [3] their marriage was not happy. At Christmas 1967, Diana’s mother left her father. He employed nannies to look [4] the children. When Diana was nine, he sent her [5] a boarding school. It ‘was a sad childhood. The queen had a house near [6] Spensers’. Diana first met Prince Charles, the Queen’s eldest son, in the countryside near her home. She was sixteen. They were married on the 29th of July 1981 — it was [7] perfect, romantic wedding. The couple had two boys, William [8] Harry. Diana loved her sons very much, [9] the marriage was not good. On the 28th of August 1996, Charles and Diana were divorced. The following, year, Diana was on holiday in the Mediterranean [10] her new friend, Dodi Al Fayed. There were photographs of them in all the newspapers. She looked very happy, but just a few days later, she was dead. She died suddenly on the 31st of August in [11] car accident in Paris, and Dodi Al Fayed died [12] her. Her beautiful face is still one of the most famous faces in the world. 1, [A after B.into Cabove 2._[ A. which B. what C. who 3._| A.and B.of C. but 4, | A. after Con 5. | C.of 6 [Aa C. the 7._[ B. the Cand 8._[A.or B. for 9. [ A. but Band C. with 10. [ A. before B.with C. against 11. | A. after B. for Ca 12. [A. up B. upon, C. although TASK 6: Complete the conversation. For questions 1-6, mark the correct letter A-H. Two sentences are extra. (6 points) Desk clerk: Alboe Lake hotel, how may I help you? Dallas: . oe @ Desk clerk: ae sir. Could you tell me your arrival and departure dates? Dallas: . --Q) Desk clerk: We have a Double room available with a wonderful view of the Alboe Lake. Would that be OK for you? Dallas: cic ces gigas. eee 6) Desk clerk: The room is about 79 dollars a night. The room comes with a bathroom. There is also a a mini fridge, Coffee machine and a Television opposite the bed. Dallas: dw @) Desk Clerk: Yes, all of our rooms have a working internet connection. Dallas +6) Desk Clerk: The hotel includes breakfast in the price. All guests have a choice of an English breakfast or an international breakfast. Dallas: +6) A. Excellent, does the hotel serve any breakfast? B. Yes, that would be perfect. How much per night is the room? C. That is all great, but does the room have a stable internet connection? D, That's a pity, the price is too high. E, Wonderful, I am ready to book the room now. F, We will be staying from Wednesday this week to next weeks Monday. G. I would like to book a room for myself please. H. I would like to book a room for two please. TASK 7: Read the essay task and write between 120-170 words. (16 points) “Should school start before 8 o’clock in the morning?” 2

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