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“Glossary of therms”


Acosta Jorge, Farid Angello

Antón Valverde, Felita Jazmin
Coral Amaringo, Clavel
Quezada Yactayo, Pedro Alonso
Valladares Dulanto, Camila Tais


Clara Zenovia Balbuena Caballero

Lima Norte - Perú


1. Cognitive development: Cognitive development is the process by which human

beings acquire knowledge through learning and experience.

2. Cognitive repression: It means displacing or preventing (repression) the access

to consciousness of a content that is unacceptable.

3. Dichotomy: it is the division of a concept or a theoretical matter into two aspects,

especially when they are opposed or very different from each other.

4. Enduring: That lasts or can last a long time

5. Epistemology: It is a branch of philosophy that deals with all the elements that
seek the acquisition of knowledge and investigates the foundations, limits, methods
and validity of it.

6. Grasp: It is the action or power to understand, capture, justify or express what is

presented in any aspect of life.

7. Grasp of consciousness:.The first and most widely used, refers to the capture,
recognition of the meaning and relevance of any aspect of reality or of oneself.

8. Inferences: It is the process of deducing or drawing a conclusion from previous

information or premises, whether explicit or implicit, true or false, through logic or
interpretation of the context.

9. Interactionist: It is an approach to educational psychology that combines ideas

from cognitive psychology and those of humanism.

10. Isomorphism: It consists of the application of a similar law because there is no

specific one or also the comparison of a biological system with a social system.

11. Neuroscience: It is a scientific discipline that studies the nervous system and all
its aspects: for example, structure, function, ontogenetic and phylogenetic
development, biochemistry, pharmacology and pathology, and how its different
elements interact, giving rise to the biological bases of cognition and conduct.

12. Pedagogical innovation: Pedagogical innovation refers to three aspects: The

introduction and experimentation of new teaching strategies or new teaching
resources that promote more active and motivating teaching.
13. Phenomenology: Study of phenomena as experienced by the individual, with an
emphasis on the exact way that a phenomenon reveals itself to the person who is
experiencing it, in all its specificity and concreteness.

14. Phenomenon: Something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc.,
especially something unusual or interesting.

15. Physical: Relating to things you can see or touch, or relating to the laws of
16. Physicochemical: It is a science that studies the reciprocal relationships
between physical and chemical phenomena.

17. Possibilities of understanding: It is a logical product of thought that is

expressed through language, be it a common or formalized language, when it takes
the form of a grammatical sentence, or symbolic, when it is expressed through signs
or symbols of a formal language.

18. Semiotic: Study of symbols and signs, and the way humans create them. A sign
is anything that communicates a message, which must be interpreted by the

19. Solidarity: Unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals

with a common interest; mutual support within a group.

20. Synthesis: It is an abbreviated explanation of some concept or ideas of a text.

This study technique is used to extract ideas from books, scientific articles, movies,
among others. This word from the Greek synthesis means arrangement or

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