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How to prevent

and handle natural


Avoid driving on flooded or affected streets.
Find out about evacuation sites and elevated
sites. Always have an emergency backpack
ready with a flashlight, radio, documents and
telephone. If there is a risk of water entering
homes, cut off the power supply.

Stay away from doors and windows. Have a
battery-powered lamp with you. Keep an
eye on the water level near your home at all
times. Do not go out until the local
authorities tell you to.

If possible, stay calm and stay indoors during
the earthquake. Drop, Cover, and Hold On!
Take only steps that allow you to get under a
safe place, such as a sturdy desk or table.
Once there, hold on to one leg with both

Seek shelter indoors, if you can't find it, try to
breathe through a cloth moistened with
water or vinegar, this prevents the passage
of gases and volcanic dust. Protect your eyes
by closing them as much as possible.

Avoid outdoor activities. It provides for an
additional reserve of food and drinking
water; In case you leave your home, cut off
the power and gas. Ventilate vehicles and
homes to avoid accumulation of carbon

If you are outside when a tornado
approaches, seek shelter immediately. If
there is no shelter nearby, go to a low
area such as a ditch or ravine and lie on
the ground. Protect your head and neck
with an object or with your arms. Avoid
areas with lots of trees.

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