Yes! Unit 1-BK - Permission

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2. Imagine you want permission to do the things in the following situations. Write questions using can, could or may. Example Your cousins are going camping. You wi to go with them. You ask your parents camping with my cousins? ssing permission a) g about permission use can/can't and be (not) allowed to (infinitive) to about things that are permitted or not permitted. _| parents say | can ave a car if go back are allowed to talk to boys at schoo! .. but I can't se @ boy alone.) “re not allowed to decide for ourselves 1 You need to leave the lesson early today. You ask your teacher, Mr Evans ‘__! You want to borrow a friend’s mini-dise player. You ask your friend ‘__ 3. One of your friends is going to an all-night party You ask your parents “_ 4. You need to borrow some change to make a phone call, You ask an old woman in the street king for permission use can (and the more polite could, and more formal to ask for permission. Ihaven't got any homework to do. Can I go out this evening? Could | have 2 look at your magazine? ay | ask you a personal question? 5 Yous want to paint your bedroom red. You ask your parents * A tet ‘We also use the verb let when talking about permission. ‘We use can or may to give permission (but not could), I sithere? Yes, of course you can. ‘My parents don't let me stay out late. id borrow your dictionary? Yes, of course you can/may. “= My parents don't alow me to stay out late. = /'m not allowed to stay out late. te true sentences about what you can or do at home using can/can’t or be (not) d to. 3. Complete the text using the correct form of can, 5 be allowed to or let. Sometimes more than one Se answer is possible. she weel It’s a hard life! ) 1 __@ __ to do anything interesting! I _ go to pop concerts, 1__@___go camping with my friends and 1_@__ to stay out after half past eleven! Well, i's true that I_©)__ to go to clubs, that my parents _(©__ me go on school trips and that |__@)__ to get home later on special E BE = far meals days. Actually, they even _®)___ me take Kid spend hours on the phone language courses in England in the summer, but stay up till 1am on weekdas have parties at home go abroad in the summer with friends that's not enough!

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