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Life of orange

Consuelo Soto, psychiatric 19th June 2023

“Shoving clementines and orange bacteria

Down your throat a dozen times or near” Thus begins the song called orange juice by
Melanie Martinez part of the album K12 where several controversial issues and social problems
are treated, in this song we can see reflected an TCA specifically bulimia and the behavior of
provoking vomiting reptiles times.

Currently it is happening that thousands of young people are feeling

identified with this song, eating disorders they are a mental illness
that is characterized by different behaviors with food and physical,
for example fear of eating, excessive exercise provocation of
vomiting and other related actions, the song deals with bulimia and
briefly tells how the disease is going and its video exemplifies some
of these behaviors, for example eating little and in this case only
oranges which is a "healthy" food and low calorie but still in the
video you can see as Fleur character from the movie k12 where the
album's songs are included, she vomits for fear of gaining weight
and not meeting stereotypes, this type of behavior is suffered by several adolescents who are
involved in this difficult disease which often goes unnoticed, this is happening worldwide, in
adolescent schools they vomit what they eat and in their homes and they say to see food too
much, avoiding eating more, at parties they do not eat or avoid going out, the festivities are
complicated and end up vomiting everything ingested in the day or at the same time.

This type of behavior is mostly encouraged by society where

extremely thin models are seen in commercials as the ideal, by
comments in social or television environments where it is
understood that the most beautiful people are thin and in
commercials where products are promoted to lose weight
quickly and thus have a "perfect body" or be able to look good
in certain types of clothing.

From a clinical perspective, one way to prevent this type of

disorders is to start implementing educational plans where this
type of diseases are taught and talked about so that they do not
go unnoticed, besides teaching young children that there is no perfect body, that eating correctly
is different in each person, that these actions such as provoking oneself are extremely dangerous
and can cause stomach or dental problems due to the acid of vomit, besides the psychological
discomfort, another way would also be to prohibit commercials that encourage stereotypes of a
supposed ideal body.

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