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Mobile App Reverse


Get started with discovering, analyzing, and

exploring the internals of Android and iOS apps

Abhinav Mishra

Mobile App Reverse Engineering
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Dedicated to the late Rajendra Singh, a passionate teacher, accomplished
author, and learner who inspired many, like me, to seek knowledge above
everything else. To my wife, Kanika Singh, for being the support I have
always needed. And to my mother and father, for being role models to me
and for motivating me.
About the author
Abhinav Mishra is the founder and director of Enciphers, a cybersecurity consulting
and training company. Abhinav has over a decade of extensive experience in finding and
fixing security issues in web, mobile, and infrastructure applications. He has performed
penetration tests on more than 500 mobile applications and has discovered thousands of
critical vulnerabilities.
Abhinav completed his engineering degree in 2011 and since then has been involved
in penetration testing and securing applications and infrastructure. Prior to founding
Enciphers, Abhinav worked with Fortune 500 and giant tech companies as part of their
security teams. In his spare time, he is a traveler, adventure seeker, and drone hobbyist.

I would like to thank Manoj Jain, a skilled Android developer with almost
a decade of experience, and Mohammad Haroon, who is a passionate iOS
developer with 12+ years of experience in developing Swift/Objective and
C/C++/C apps. Both of them assisted in developing the SecureStorage app,
used in the book. Their contribution to this book is highly appreciated.
About the reviewer
Anant Shrivastava is the founder of a research firm named Cyfinoid Research. His last
job was as a technical director for NotSoSecure Global Services. He has been active in
the Android security field since the early days of Android development (2011). He has
been a trainer and speaker at various international conferences (Black Hat – USA, Asia,
EU, Nullcon, c0c0n, and many more). Anant also leads the open source projects Android
Tamer and Code Vigilant. He also maintains the archive portal named Hacking Archives
of India. In his spare time, he likes to take part in open communities geared to spreading
information security knowledge, including the null community, Garage4hackers, Hasgeek,
and OWASP.

I truly believe all of us in the technical world are standing on the shoulders
of giants. The giants for me are the open communities, such as null,
Garage4hackers, Hasgeek, and OWASP, where access to information is
unrestricted and people are interested in helping one another. I am deeply
indebted to all the communities and the people running these communities.
I am also thankful to my whole family for providing all the support and
tolerating my busy schedule and still standing by my side. I would also like
to do a special shout-out to my son, Aarush, whose smile gives me a reason
to keep going.
Table of Contents


Section 1: Basics of Mobile App

Reverse Engineering, Common Tools
and Techniques, and Setting up the
Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure
of Mobile Apps
Technical requirements 4 Android application fundamentals7
Reverse engineering iOS application fundamentals 12
fundamentals5 Summary20

Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment
Using Modern Tools
Technical requirements 22 smali/baksmali29
Tools for the reverse strings30
engineering of mobile Ghidra31
applications23 Radare33
apktool25 Mobexler virtual machine 34
JADX – Dex-to-Java decompiler 27 Summary36
viii Table of Contents

Section 2: Mobile Application Reverse

Engineering Methodology and Approach
Reverse Engineering an Android Application
Technical requirements 40 Reverse engineering and
Android application penetration testing 52
development  40 Modifying and recompiling
The reverse engineering of the application 59
Android applications 43 Code obfuscation in
Extracting the Java source code 47 Android apps 59
Converting DEX files to smali 48 Summary62

Reverse Engineering an iOS Application
Technical requirements 64 Disassembling the application binary 71
iOS app development  64 Manually reviewing the disassembled
binary for security issues 81
Understanding the binary
Using Mac-only tools for iOS app
format  65 reverse engineering 85
Reverse engineering an iOS app 66
Extracting strings from the binary 69 Summary 86

Reverse Engineering an iOS Application
(Developed Using Swift)
Technical requirements 88 Reverse engineering a Swift
Understanding the difference application95
between Objective C and Swift Installing the Radare2 framework 96
applications  88 Using the Radare2 framework to
The difference between Objective C reverse engineer a Swift application 97
and Swift from a reverse engineering
Table of Contents ix

Section 3: Automating Some Parts of the

Reverse Engineering Process
Open Source and Commercial Reverse Engineering Tools
Technical requirements 114 Case study – reverse
Tools for mobile application engineering during
reverse engineering  114 a penetration test  118
Open source mobile application Case study – reverse
reverse engineering tools 115 engineering during malware
Commercial mobile application analysis120
reverse engineering tools 115 Summary121

Automating the Reverse Engineering Process
Technical requirements 124 Case study one – automating
Automated static analysis of reverse engineering tasks 131
mobile applications  124 Case study two – automating
MobSF125 test cases to find
Performing a static scan on security issues 132
SecureStorage129 Summary134

Excelling in Android application Utilizing reverse engineering
reverse engineering – the skills  137
way forward  136 Exposing unreleased features in
Excelling in iOS application an application through reverse
reverse engineering – the engineering 138
way forward  136 Summary 138
Other Books You May Enjoy
Mobile application reverse engineering is an important skill for penetration testers,
malware analysts, and application security professionals in general. This book talks
about how Android and iOS applications are developed, how to reverse engineer them,
different case studies of security issues discovered through reverse engineering, and how
to automate the reverse engineering and analysis part.
The book helps in understanding the internals of modern Android and iOS apps and how
you can reverse engineer application packages (APK and IPA). Here, you can start your
journey of creating a reverse engineering mobile application.

Who this book is for

This book is for cybersecurity professionals, security analysts, mobile application security
enthusiasts, and penetration testers interested in understanding the internals of iOS and
Android apps through reverse engineering. Basic knowledge of reverse engineering as
well as an understanding of mobile operating systems such as iOS and Android and how
mobile applications work on them are required.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps,
talks about the reverse engineering fundamentals, common terminologies, and Android
and iOS application fundamentals.
Chapter 2, Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools,
gets you familiar with the tools used in the reverse engineering of mobile (Android and
iOS) applications, and then sets up an environment for reverse engineering by installing
the same tools in a virtual machine. The chapter also mentions Mobexler, a mobile
application penetration-testing platform.
Chapter 3, Reverse Engineering an Android Application, deep-dives into how Android apps
are developed, their internal components, structure, format, and binary details, and finally,
how to reverse an Android application package to extract the Java as and smali code.
xii Preface

Chapter 4, Reverse Engineering an iOS Application, discusses how iOS apps are developed,
understanding the iOS executable format, exploring more iOS app reverse engineering
tools and their usage, and finally, reverse engineering an iOS application package.
Chapter 5, Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift), details the
difference between Objective-C and Swift applications from a developer's perspective
and also explains the process of reverse engineering a Swift application using the Radare2
reverse engineering tool.
Chapter 6, Open Source and Commercial Reverse Engineering Tools, discusses some
common open source as well as commercial (closed source) tools for reverse engineering,
together with real-world case studies for reverse engineering and the required capabilities
in a reverse engineering tool.
Chapter 7, Automating the Reverse Engineering Process, explains when it might be a good
idea to automate some parts of reverse engineering, and how to do that. This chapter
also looks at some case studies to explain how automation can be performed for some
test cases.
Chapter 8, Conclusion, talks about what to do next, and what other skills might be good to
learn if you want to continue this journey of reverse engineering.

To get the most out of this book

What not to expect from the book

The book is about getting started with mobile application reverse engineering. It should
not be treated as a book to become a reverse engineering expert. The book specifically
talks about how to reverse engineer mobile apps; the basics of binary reversing is not
really covered in the book.
Preface xiii

Download the color images

We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used
in this book. You can download it here:

Conventions used
There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.
Code in text: This indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names,
filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles.
Here is an example: "To analyze the function in visual mode or a more visual presentation,
we can use the visual mode, using the VV command."
A block of code is set as follows:

-(void)loginInAppUsing :(NSString*) userName and : (NSString*)


NSString* str1 = userName;

NSString* str2 = password;

Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

# ./ghidraRun

Bold: This indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen – for
example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example:
"This will open the Ghidra project window. We can choose the Tools | CodeBrowser
option to open the code browser utility."

Tips or Important Notes

Appear like this.
xiv Preface

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not use any information from the book if you do not have written permission from the
owner of the equipment. If you perform illegal actions, you are likely to be arrested and
prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Neither Packt Publishing nor the author of this book
takes any responsibility if you misuse any of the information contained within the book.
The information herein must only be used while testing environments with proper written
authorization from the appropriate persons responsible.

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Preface xv

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Section 1:
Basics of Mobile App
Reverse Engineering,
Common Tools and
Techniques, and Setting
up the Environment

This section explains from scratch the reverse engineering fundamentals, terminologies,
the tools used, and setting up an environment using these tools. The chapters will also
explain some basic uses for those tools and the structure of mobile apps.
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

• Chapter 1, Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of

Mobile Apps
• Chapter 2, Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using
Modern Tools
Basics of Reverse
Engineering –
the Structure of
Mobile Apps
All of us use cell phones in our daily lives now, and their usage has grown to such a crucial
level that people frequently name cell phones as one of the three things you can't live
without, after food and water. Cell phones handle almost every task, from managing funds
in bank accounts and investments to travel bookings, shopping, and health appointments.
To perform these tasks, cell phones have mobile apps. These apps handle a majority of
your data and help you perform tasks.
As these modern mobile apps handle sensitive user information, perform critical tasks,
and provide access to a huge array of resources on the internet, the security of the data
being handled and the operations performed on it also need to be improved.
4 Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps

A mobile application penetration tester tests the security of mobile applications in order
to find vulnerabilities. To find the vulnerabilities, the tester is required to understand
the internal working and logics of the application. These details can be found in the
source code of the application. However, the penetration testers do not always have the
source code to hand, as in the case of a black-box penetration test. During a black-box
penetration test, all that the penetration tester has is the application package, that is, the
Android Application Package (APK) or iOS App Store Package (IPA) file. In such a
case, to understand the working of the app, they need to unpack the application package
and get the source code.
Reverse engineering is the technique of dismantling an object to study its internal
designs, code, logic, and so on. Reverse engineering mobile applications is the process of
disassembling/dismantling an app to reveal its code and internal logic, components,
and so on.
In this chapter, we're going to cover the following main topics:

• Reverse engineering fundamentals

• Android application fundamentals
• iOS application fundamentals

We will learn about the basics of reverse engineering and how mobile applications are
built. These fundamentals are important to understand before we can jump into the actual
task of reverse engineering modern apps.

Technical requirements
Android Studio and Xcode are required to complete the relevant hands-on exercises.
Xcode is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE) for macOS, used to
develop software for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Android Studio is the
official IDE for Google's Android operating system. An Apple laptop/desktop (Mac) can
install and run both Xcode and Android Studio, whereas other laptops/desktops running
Windows or Linux will only be able to support Android Studio.
For more information, please refer to the following links:

• Android Studio:

• Xcode:
Reverse engineering fundamentals 5

Reverse engineering fundamentals

Let's first understand the fundamentals of reverse engineering, why it is needed, and what
steps are involved.
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, reverse engineering is the technique of dismantling
an object to study its internal designs, code, and logic.
When a developer builds a mobile app, they choose a programming language (according
to the targeted platform – Android, iOS, or both), write the code for the functionalities
they want, and add resources such as images, certificates, and so on. Then the code is
compiled to create the application package.
While reverse engineering the same app, the reverse engineer dismantles the application
package to the components and code.
Some of the frequently used terms in reverse engineering are the following:

• Decompilation: This is the process of translating a file from a low-level language

to a higher level language. The tool used to perform decompilation is called a
decompiler. A decompiler takes a binary program file and changes this program
into a higher-level structured language. The following diagram illustrates the
decompilation process:

Figure 1.1 – Diagram of the decompilation process

• Disassembling: This is the process of transforming machine code (in an object
code binary file) into a human-readable mnemonic representation called assembly
language. The tool used to perform disassembly is called a disassembler as it
does the opposite of what an assembler does. The following diagram illustrates the
disassembly process:

Figure 1.2 – Diagram of the disassembly process

6 Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps

A simple binary disassembled in a disassembling tool, Hopper, looks as follows:

Figure 1.3 – Disassembled binary in Hopper

• Debugging: This is a technique that allows the user to view and modify the state of
a program at runtime. The following diagram illustrates the debugging process:

Figure 1.4 – Diagram of the debugging process

Understanding the different methodologies and approaches used in reverse
engineering is very important. We will be using all these concepts in further
chapters of this book.
Now that we have seen the fundamentals of reverse engineering, let's explore how mobile
applications, that is, Android and iOS apps, are developed. We will now be looking into
the components, structure, and concepts behind the mobile application fundamentals.
Android application fundamentals 7

Android application fundamentals

Native Android applications are written mainly in Java or Kotlin. The Android SDK
tools compile the code along with any data and resource files into an APK or an Android
App Bundle. The compiled application is in a specific format, specified by the extension
.apk. That is, an Android package is an archive file containing multiple application files
and metadata.

Fun Fact
Rename the file extension of an APK to .zip and use unzip to open. You will
be able to see its contents.

The following are the major components of an APK:

• AndroidManifest.xml: The application manifest file containing app details

such as the name, version, referenced libraries, and component details in XML
format. The Android operating system relies on the presence of this file to identify
relevant information about the application and related files.
• Dalvik executable files (classes.dex files).

‚ MANIFEST.MF (manifest file)

‚ CERT.RSA (certificate of the application)
‚ CERT.SF (list of resources with SHA-1 digest of the corresponding lines in the

• lib: This contains the compiled code that is specific to a selection of processors, as

‚ armeabi: Compiled code for all ARM-based processors

‚ armeabi-v7a: Compiled code for all processors based on ARMv7 and above
‚ x86: Compiled code for x86 processors
‚ mips: Compiled code for MIPS processors
• res: Resources that are not compiled into resources.arsc.
• assets: Contains application assets.
• resources.arsc: Pre-compiled resources.
8 Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps

Important Note
Java code in Android devices does not run in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
Rather, it is compiled in the Dalvik Executable (DEX) bytecode format. A
DEX file contains code that is ultimately executed by Android Runtime.

Let's see how to create a simple hello world application for Android and then unzip it to
look at its components:

1. Android apps are developed using Android Studio. Download and install the
latest version of Android Studio from

Figure 1.5 – Creating a new project in Android Studio

2. Let's choose the New Project option and select the Empty Activity option:
Android application fundamentals 9

Figure 1.6 – Selecting project type

3. On the next screen, fill in all the details as shown in the following screenshot. You
can choose the name as you please:

Figure 1.7 – Project details

10 Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps

4. Once you click Finish, a new project will be created for a default activity/screen app.
5. You can now try to run the app on any attached Android device, or the virtual
Android emulator. For the latter, create a virtual Android device from the AVD
6. Once the app runs successfully, we will try to extract the application package for this
app from Android Studio:

Figure 1.8 – Running the app on the emulator

7. To get the APK from Android Studio, go to the Build | Build Bundle(s)/APK(s) |
Build APK(s) menu option. Once generated, navigate to the folder mentioned in
the Locate option and copy the APK.
8. Once the APK is copied, change the extension of the file to .zip:

Figure 1.9 – Diagram of rename process

Android application fundamentals 11

9. Use any archive tool to unzip the file and extract its contents:
# unzip

For reference, the result is as follows:

Figure 1.10 – Extracting the content of the APK, after renaming it to .zip
10. Let's analyze the components inside the APK and compare it with the list here
(Android application fundamentals):

Figure 1.11 – Extracted content of the APK

12 Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps

The following diagram shows the processes of forward and reverse engineering an
Android application:

Figure 1.12 – The forward and reverse engineering processes with an Android application
Android applications are mainly developed using Java and Kotlin. The internals of an
Android package are the same whether it is based on Java or Kotlin. Therefore, the
approach to reverse engineer the application is also the same.
We've now learned about the fundamentals of Android applications. iOS apps are also
packaged into a specific format and have a specific structure. Let's look into the iOS
application fundamentals now.

iOS application fundamentals

Similar to Android, iOS applications also come in a specific zipped format called IPA, or
an iOS App Store Package. iOS application packages can also be renamed by changing
the extension to ZIP and then the components can be extracted, though the components
of an iOS application package differ from those of an Android one.
iOS apps are mainly built using Objective-C and Swift, both of which can be disassembled
using a disassembler such as Hopper or Ghidra. In Objective-C applications, methods
are called via dynamic function pointers, which are resolved by name during runtime.
These names are stored intact in the binary, making the disassembled code more readable.
Unlike Android, in iOS, the application code is compiled to machine code that can be
analyzed using a disassembler.
iOS application fundamentals 13

The following are the major components of an iOS application package:

• Info.plist: Similar to the Android manifest file in an APK, this information

property list file contains key-value pairs that specify essential runtime-
configuration information for the application. The iOS operating system relies on
the presence of this file to identify relevant information about the application and
related files.
• Executable: The file that runs on the device, containing the application's main entry
point and code that was statically linked to the application target.
• Resource files: Files that are required by the executable file, and are required for
the application to properly run. This may contain images, nib files, string files, and
configuration files.

The following diagram illustrates the iOS architecture overview:

Figure 1.13 – iOS architecture

14 Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps

Let's see how to create a simple hello world application for iOS and then unzip it and look
at its components:

1. iOS apps are developed using Xcode. Download the latest version of Xcode from the
App Store on Mac.

Figure 1.14 – Creating an Xcode project

2. On the next screen, choose the default App template for your new project:
iOS application fundamentals 15

Figure 1.15 – Selecting the project template

3. On the next screen, provide a product name (any name you like), select a team, and
provide an organization identifier. To create and export an IPA from Xcode, you
need to have an Apple Developer license:

Figure 1.16 – Providing project details

16 Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps

4. Select a location to save the project on your computer.

Xcode will now create a simple hello world application and you will see the following
default code in the Xcode window:

Figure 1.17 – Project details

5. Now you can try and run this app on one of the built-in iOS simulators. To do so,
select one of the available simulators (just click on the name of simulator from top
bar, and a list will open) as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 1.18 – Selecting a simulator

iOS application fundamentals 17

The app should run on the selected simulator:

Figure 1.19 – App running on the simulator

6. Now, let's export the IPA from this Xcode project. To do so, select the Any iOS
Device (arm64) option from the simulator options.
18 Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps

7. Then, go to Product | Archive and select the Distribute App option:

Figure 1.20 – Exporting the application package

8. On the next screen, select Development and leave the options on the subsequent
screens at their defaults.
9. Finally, you will be able to export the IPA together with some other compiled
project files:
iOS application fundamentals 19

Figure 1.21 – Exporting the application package (cont.)

10. Once the IPA is exported, simply change the extension of the file to .zip:

Figure 1.22 – Diagram explaining the application (IPA) extraction process via renaming
11. Use any tool to unzip the file and extract its contents:
# unzip

The following screenshot shows the results for reference:

Figure 1.23 – Extracting the content of the IPA after renaming it to ZIP
20 Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps

12. Go into the Payload directory and then inside the MobileAppReverseEngg- file:

# cd Payload
# cd

13. Let's analyze the components inside the IPA and compare it with the list here (iOS
application fundamentals):

Figure 1.24 – Extracted content of the IPA

The following diagram illustrates the process of reverse engineering an iOS

Figure 1.25 – Overview of the reverse engineering process of an IPA

Have a look at Figure 1.3 to understand how a disassembled binary looks in Hopper

The concepts and processes of reverse engineering are very interesting. Through this
chapter, you have learned the fundamentals of reverse engineering both Android and iOS
applications. The concepts explored will help your understanding in the later chapters of
this book as we begin to look at reverse engineering in depth.
In the next chapter, we will learn more about the modern tools used to reverse engineer
iOS and Android apps.
Setting Up a Mobile
App Reverse
Environment Using
Modern Tools
As you already understand the fundamentals of reverse engineering, let's start exploring
some modern reverse engineering tools that can be used for mobile applications.
In order to reverse engineer mobile apps, we need specialized tools and utilities. Some of
those tools are paid and some are open source. We will try to use the open source tools
and utilities as much as possible, but will also provide you with a commercial alternative,
wherever applicable.
22 Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools

Before we start setting up the tools in our newly created Ubuntu virtual machine, it is
important to understand that some of the tools work for both iOS and Android apps,
while some of them only work on one. For each tool explained, you will find a Use case
example section. This section will provide information about what platform this tool will
work on, that is, iOS/Android or both.
At the end of the chapter, you will also be provided with details about a customized
virtual machine platform for penetration testing and the reverse engineering of mobile
applications, Mobexler.
This chapter talks about some of the fun little utilities, as well as commercial tools, that
can be used for reverse engineering.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

• Tools for the reverse engineering of mobile (Android and iOS) applications
• Setting up an environment for reverse engineering
• Installing and setting up the tools for reverse engineering
• Setting up Mobexler (a mobile application penetration testing platform)

Technical requirements
Download and set up a virtual machine (at the time of writing this book, Ubuntu 20.04.3
LTS is the latest version, and we will be using that) using any virtualization software, such
as VirtualBox or VMware. You can download Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (Ubuntu desktop) at
For virtualization, you can use the open source VirtualBox (https://www. or the commercially available version (as well as the free version)
of VMware Workstation Player (
workstation-player.html) for Windows, or VMware Player Fusion (https:// for Mac.
The steps to download and set up a virtual machine are not covered, as it is a
straightforward and easy-to-do task. Following any good article/blog post on how to set
up an Ubuntu virtual machine should provide all necessary information. Here is a post
from the VirtualBox official website about creating a Windows-based virtual machine:
Tools for the reverse engineering of mobile applications 23

Tools for the reverse engineering of mobile

We learned in the last chapter that Android apps, as well as iOS apps, come in a specific
format (APK or IPA), which is nothing but a compressed (.zip) version of all the
application files and most importantly the compiled binary file.
When we start with the reverse engineering of mobile apps, the primary goal is to
understand the internals of the application, including its features and implemented
security controls, and reconstruct as much original code as possible. To do this in a mobile
application, the first step is to decompress or, more specifically, decompile the application
package itself.
When you start, the first step is to get the application package (APK or IPA) and
decompress it. To do that, you need a simple utility that decompresses a compressed file
(.zip). Some such utilities come preinstalled with most Linux operating systems.
Just start your newly created Ubuntu virtual machine and start Terminal.
To use the unzip utility, type the following in Terminal:

# unzip --help

The preceding command should result in running the unzip utility and showing you all
the different options available.
Now, let's try and unpack an APK file. Simply take the APK file we created in the previous
chapter and try to unpack it using the unzip utility. Make sure the APK file is saved in
the Desktop folder, or create a new folder and save the file in that folder. Once the file
is saved, open Terminal in that folder by right-clicking somewhere inside it and selecting
Open in Terminal.

1. Rename the APK file to ZIP:

#mv app-debug.apk

2. Extract the files from the ZIP file using the unzip utility:
24 Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools

The extracted files are as follows:

Figure 2.1 – Running the unzip utility to unzip an APK file

Even though you can unzip the APK/IPA and explore the files inside it, for Android, this
is not the correct way to start with reverse engineering. For example, once extracted, if you
try and view the AndroidManifest.xml file, it will not be readable. This is because at
this point, you have simply inflated compiled sources, and editing or viewing a compiled
file is not that easy.
This is where the use of the apktool tool comes into play. To start with the reverse
engineering of an Android application, the correct approach is by using apktool, which
can properly decode APK resources to almost the original form and rebuild them after
making some modifications. The decode option in apktool will convert important files,
such as config and resources, to XMLs.
As we just saw, the reverse engineering of iOS and Android apps requires very specific
modern tools. So, let's look at some of those tools and set them up in a virtual machine
environment. After the installation and setup of all these tools, we will have a fresh,
ready-to-use environment for the reverse engineering of mobile apps (both Android and
iOS apps).
Tools for the reverse engineering of mobile applications 25

Tool: apktool
About: A tool for reverse engineering Android apps
Used for: Android apps
Here are the instructions to install apktool (in Ubuntu):

1. Download the Linux wrapper script (right-click and select Save Link As apktool)

from this link:


2. Download apktool-2 (find the current version, 2.6.0): https://bitbucket.

3. Rename the downloaded JAR to apktool.jar.
4. Move both files (apktool.jar and apktool) to /usr/local/bin (root
5. Make sure both files are executable (chmod +x).
6. Try running apktool via the CLI:

Figure 2.2 – Setting up apktool

26 Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools

If you see an error related to Java, it might be possible that Java is not installed. In that
case, please install Java with the following command:

#sudo apt install default-jdk

#sudo apt install default-jre

Use case example

apktool is probably the first tool you will use when starting to reverse engineer an
Android application package. apktool is used to first decode the original Android
package and extracts all the files from inside it together with the dex files.
Let's have a look at how it can be used to decode an APK and get all its components:

1. Once installed, we will simply start Terminal and type the following command:
#apktool d <APK Path>

Here, d stands for decode.

Here is the snippet for reference:

Figure 2.3 – Using apktool

2. When the decoding completes, all the components of the APK will be saved inside a
folder with the same name as the package:
Tools for the reverse engineering of mobile applications 27

Figure 2.4 – Decoded application components

JADX – Dex-to-Java decompiler

Tool: JADX – Dex-to-Java decompiler
About: Command line and GUI tools for producing Java source code from Android dex
and APK files
Used for: Android apps
Follow these instructions to install it (in Ubuntu):

1. Download the latest available version of the tool from

2. The downloaded file will be a ZIP; extract it to a folder.
3. Navigate to the folder where you have extracted the file and go inside the bin
4. To use the GUI version of the application, run the following:
28 Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools

The result is as follows:

Figure 2.5 – Running jadx-gui

Use case example

JADX is a great tool, as it takes an Android package (APK) as the input and then provides
the Java source code as the output. It takes care of decoding the APK and then converting
the dex files to JAR files, which are then interpreted in the reader.
Let's load the APK we created directly into the jadx-gui application and look at
the output:
Tools for the reverse engineering of mobile applications 29

Figure 2.6 – JADX showing the Java source code from the APK

Tool: smali/baksmali
About: An assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by Dalvik
Used for: Android apps
Follow these instructions to install it (in Ubuntu):

1. Download and save the latest stable version of the tool from https://
2. Use Java to run either of the apps. For example, run baksmali as shown in the
following figure:

Figure 2.7 – Using baksmali to disassemble an APK

30 Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools

Tool: strings
About: The Linux strings command is primarily used for finding string characters
in files. It focuses on determining the contents of, and extracting text from, binary files
(non-text files). Different operating systems might have different arguments.
Used for: Android and iOS apps
To install it (in Ubuntu), run the following command in Terminal:

#sudo apt-get install binutils

The screenshot for reference is as follows:

Figure 2.8 – Running strings

Use case example

The strings utility is very helpful when you are trying to find a static string in the
application binary. Just pass the binary as input to the strings utility and it will extract
all the strings from it. Looking at the extracted strings is very helpful, as it can provide the
class names, method names, static text, and hardcoded information, for example.
Let's zip extract (change the extension to .zip and extract using any zip extractor tool)
the APK file we have, and then run strings on the classes.dex file. This should
extract all the strings inside the dex file.
Run the $strings classes.dex command and it will extract all the strings. You
can also save all the extracted strings by using output redirection with $strings
classes.dex >> extracted_strings.txt.
Tools for the reverse engineering of mobile applications 31

Tool: Ghidra
About: A software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools developed by the NSA's
Research Directorate
Used for: Primarily iOS apps
Follow these instructions to install it (in Ubuntu):

1. Download the latest release from

2. Extract the ZIP file to any folder.
3. Navigate to the folder where the ZIP file was extracted and run the following
command in Terminal:

The screenshot for reference is as follows:

Figure 2.9 – Running Ghidra

32 Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools

4. Once you start Ghidra, create a project and then choose one of the tools to run, as
shown here:

Figure 2.10 – Starting the CodeBrowser Ghidra tool

The CodeBrowser tool helps in disassembling binary files. You can import the classes.
dex file (just drag and drop) and the tool will show the disassembled code.

Figure 2.11– Starting the CodeBrowser Ghidra tool

Tools for the reverse engineering of mobile applications 33

Tool: Radare
About: Disassembling (and assembling) many different architectures
Used for: Primarily iOS apps
Follow these instructions to install it (in Ubuntu):

1. Run the following commands in Terminal:

#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get install radare2

2. Once installed, run the following command to confirm:

#radare2 –version

The screenshot for reference is as follows:

Figure 2.12 – Running radare2

So far, we have completed the installation and setup of all the main tools required for the
reverse engineering of mobile apps, although some more tools might be needed in the
chapters ahead. We will install those utilities/tools when required.
Installing and updating the various tools and utilities that are required for reverse
engineering can be a big task. Penetration testers and reverse engineers need a proper
setup for their work every day. What if there was a customized, well-set-up, and prebuilt
platform for the security testing and reverse engineering of mobile apps? Well, here comes
Mobexler, a mobile application penetration testing platform.
Mobexler comes preinstalled with all the necessary tools and utilities that are required
by penetration testers and reverse engineers. Mobexler is specifically made to help in the
security testing of Android apps as well as iOS apps.
However, when starting with any new topic, it is always best to spend some extra time and
set up everything manually. We will be using the Ubuntu virtual machine environment for
the rest of the book, but once you are comfortable with all the tools and understand their
usage, feel free to use a pre-set-up environment, such as Mobexler.
34 Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools

Mobexler virtual machine

About: A mobile application penetration testing platform that comes preinstalled with all
the tools required for the reverse engineering and penetration testing of Android and iOS
Used for: Android and iOS
Follow these instructions to set it up:

1. Download the latest image (ova) file from the Mobexler website: https://
2. Import the downloaded virtual machine image in virtualization software, such as
VirtualBox or VMware.
3. You can also follow the step-by-step guide on the Mobexler website: https://
4. Once imported as a virtual machine, log in to the virtual machine using the
password mentioned in the virtual machine description.

To learn more about the tools installed inside Mobexler, you can visit the Mobexler page

Use case example

As mentioned, Mobexler comes preinstalled with all the main tools you need. So, it can
be used for almost all kinds of mobile apps, such as Java, Kotlin, Swift, and Objective C.
For example, let's take the same APK we created in the last chapter and try to use different
tools from within Mobexler.
In the following image, we are going to run apktool, which is preinstalled in Mobexler,
and decode an APK file. The APK file used is the same sample APK created in the
previous section of this book. You can use the same command to decompile any other
APK as well.
The command is as follows:

#apktool d [apk_nam/path]

Here, d stands for decode.

Tools for the reverse engineering of mobile applications 35

The screenshot for reference is as follows:

Figure 2.13 – Using apktool in Mobexler to decode an APK

Similarly, you can use other more advanced tools, such as radare2, right from the
Mobexler Terminal:

Figure 2.14 – Using apktool in Mobexler

36 Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools

Now that we have got the environment fully set up for the reverse engineering of mobile
apps, we will start working on some exercises in which we will reverse engineer real-world
mobile apps. In order to help you understand the concepts better, we will be providing
the source code (as well as the application package) of a real-world application. This
application will be available in multiple formats, that is, Java and Kotlin for Android
applications, and Swift and Objective C for iOS apps.

In this chapter, we looked at some of the awesome utilities and tools that can be used for
the purpose of reverse engineering Android and iOS applications. Knowing how to use
these tools and when to use them helps in properly reverse engineering apps. As you have
a reverse engineering environment ready with all the tools, either using an Ubuntu virtual
machine or using Mobexler, we can now proceed to actually use these tools and reverse
engineer a real Android or iOS application.
In the next chapter, we will start with a more in-depth analysis of a Java-based Android
application, where we will try to reverse engineer the application, look inside the source
code, and understand its different features.
For the purpose of this book, we have created an Android, as well as an iOS, version of an
app called SecureStorage. In the next chapter, let's look at what the SecureStorage app is
about and how we can reverse engineer it.
Section 2:
Mobile Application
Reverse Engineering
Methodology and

This section covers Android and iOS apps one by one in separate chapters to look
into how those apps are developed, exploring the internals of the apps and the process
to reverse engineer them. This section covers Android apps, iOS apps built using
Objective-C, and iOS apps built using Swift, ranging from unzipping application packages
to extracting content, as well as binaries. We will look into the process of how to
reverse engineer an application's binary and understand the workings of an application(s).
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

• Chapter 3, Reverse Engineering an Android Application

• Chapter 4, Reverse Engineering an iOS Application
• Chapter 5, Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)
Reverse Engineering
an Android
In the last two chapters, you learned about the basics of reverse engineering and looked
into some of the tools used and their installation. You should now be able to create an
Ubuntu-based virtual machine environment (or have already done so). Then, you learned
how to install and run the reverse engineering tools listed in Chapter 2, Setting Up
a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools (only some of the
basic operation of the tools was covered, not all the features).
In this chapter, we will be covering the following:

• Android application development

• The reverse engineering of Android applications
• Extracting Java source code
• Converting .dex files to smali
• Reverse engineering and penetration testing
• Code obfuscation in Android apps
40 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

Technical requirements
This chapter has the following technical requirements:

• An Ubuntu virtual machine with the tools listed in Chapter 2, Setting Up a Mobile
App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools (only Android-specific
• Download the SecureStorage Android application source code from this link:

Android application development

Before we get into reverse engineering, it is important to understand how the forward-
engineering process happens and how an application is developed. In order to create an
application, the developer chooses a programming language according to the operating
system on which the application is supposed to run. For example, in the case of Android
applications, generally, a developer may choose to develop their application using Java,
Kotlin, or C++ (using other languages is also possible). Kotlin is the official language
for Android applications. Android Studio is the official development environment for
building Android apps. We already used Android Studio in the Android application
fundamentals section of Chapter 1, Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the
Structure of Mobile Apps. Android Studio contains a comprehensive set of development
tools, such as Android Debug Bridge (ADB), fastboot, and the Native Development Kit
(NDK). The Android software development kit (SDK) is fully integrated with Android
Studio and can be easily installed using the SDK Manager. However, we can also use the
Android SDK independently without Android Studio. Refer to the following screenshot,
which shows the Android SDK as a part of Android Studio:
Android application development 41

Figure 3.1 – SDK Manager in Android Studio

The developer writes the required code for all the functionalities of the application, its
user interface, and the logic for data processing. Together with the code, all the required
resource files, configuration files, and images are also added as a part of the project in
Android Studio. Then, this code (together with the resources) is compiled using the SDK.
Let's say that the code is written in Java. It will be compiled by the Java compiler (javac)
into Java bytecode files (class files). Then, these Java bytecode files are sent to a Java
Virtual Machine (JVM), which converts them into machine code using a just-in-time
(JIT) compiler and runs them on the device.
42 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

Important Note
What is bytecode?
To run a Java program on a computer, we need to convert the high-level code
(source code or program code) to machine code. The compiler converts the
code from a high-level language to a low-level language; the output of the
compilation process is bytecode. Bytecode is the low-level code, which is
mainly the instruction set for software interpreters or virtual machines (such as
JVM). Finally, the bytecode is translated by an interpreter into machine code.

If the code is written in Kotlin, Java-compatible bytecode can be generated using a

compiler, such as kotlinc. Bytecode is nothing but a form of an instruction set executed
by a software interpreter.
Previously, Android versions 1.0 to 4.4 had a Dalvik virtual machine to run the apps. In
Android 4.4, Google added Android Runtime (ART) together with the Dalvik virtual
machine. The Dalvik virtual machine runs an optimized bytecode format called Dalvik
bytecodes. In the compilation process, the .class files and .jar libraries are converted
into classes.dex files containing Dalvik bytecode. The ART environment also executes
.dex files.
Let's summarize this as follows:

1. The developer writes the application code (such as Java or Kotlin) in the Android
development environment, Android Studio.
2. The written code is compiled to Dalvik executable (.dex) files using DEX
compilers, which will run in the ART environment (as well as the Dalvik virtual
3. The compilers in Android Studio will also compile the other resource files, JAR
libraries, and other libraries (if any).
4. The compiled .dex files and the compiled resources will be packed together to
create the Android Package (APK).

Important Note
For an Android application developed using Java, the code is compiled to DEX
bytecode. The reverse engineering process works in the opposite direction –
extract the .dex files from the APK and convert them to Java code.
The reverse engineering of Android applications 43

The final application package (meaning the APK) will contain the following important
files and folders, together with other entities:

• Resource files in the res folder

• AndroidManifest.xml
• A resources.arsc file, which contains all meta-information
• .dex files

In Chapter 2, Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern

Tools, when we simply extracted all the content of an APK file by changing its extension
to zip, we found the files listed in the preceding list. Refer to Chapter 2, Figure 2.1 –
Running the unzip utility to unzip an APK file.
The Android operating system requires that all apps be digitally signed with a certificate
before they can be installed. During the installation process, the Android operating
system uses the Package Manager to verify that the APK has been properly signed with the
certificate included in that APK. Developers can use self-signed certificates for signing the
applications that they develop. A developer generates a certificate and uses it to sign the
application before a release build is generated. The certificate file is also a part of the APK.

The reverse engineering of Android

Let's now look at the ways to reverse engineer Android applications and study the bits that
can be extracted from a compiled application package.
In this section, we will be using a specially built application called SecureStorage. You can
download the different builds of the application from the following GitHub links:

• The debug build of SecureStorage (

• The release build of SecureStorage (

SecureStorage is a simple Android application that can be used to store credit card
information on the device. A user will have to sign in with the correct password to be able
to access the stored information.
44 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

You can install the downloaded application on the Android virtual device to see how it
works. Some of the screens look as follows:

Figure 3.2 – Home screen of the SecureStorage app

The reverse engineering of Android applications 45

If the user does not have an account in the app, they can create an account from the Join
Today screen, which looks as follows:

Figure 3.3 – Join Today screen of the SecureStorage app

46 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

Once logged in, users get multiple options to save a credit card, modify an already stored
card, and view previously added cards. The following screen shows all those options:

Figure 3.4 – Saved details screen in the SecureStorage app

Important Points on the SecureStorage App

The application works fully on the client side, which means there is no backend
or server side for this application.
As the name suggests, SecureStorage tries to securely store data in the user's
device storage.

So far, we have looked into details of how Android apps are developed and run on
a device, and their internal components, and have also installed an app (SecureStorage).
Now, let's move forward to start reverse engineering the app and look at what's
hidden inside.
Extracting the Java source code 47

Extracting the Java source code

The first objective of reverse engineering is to get the original source code with maximum
accuracy. As we have the application package downloaded on our Ubuntu virtual
machine, let's use the JADX tool to get the Java code.
However, it might also be a good idea to simply unzip the APK and extract its contents to
see what's inside:

Figure 3.5 – Extracted contents of the APK

In order to use the JADX tool, open the directory where you extracted the JADX .zip
file (as explained in Chapter 2, Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment
Using Modern Tools). Once in the directory, right-click to select the Open in Terminal
option. In the opened Terminal window, type the following command to run JADX:

# cd bin/
# ./jadx-gui

In the JADX window, open the APK file you just downloaded. Refer to Chapter 2, Setting Up
a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools, to see how to do this:

Figure 3.6 – Decompiled Java source code of the application

In the majority of applications, it is possible to reverse engineer the application package
to the decompiled Java source code. However, in some cases, it is possible that the
decompiled Java code does not look very clear, or multiple parts of the Java code are not
readable at all in the Java decompilers.
48 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

Important Note
The decompiled Java code from JADX is generally not recompilable.

When code is highly obfuscated, or the Java code is difficult to obtain, we can convert
the .dex files (Dalvik bytecode) to smali. The .dex files contain the binary Dalvik
bytecode, which is not at all easy to read or modify, so it is useful to convert that bytecode
into a more human-readable format, smali. So, it is an approach to understand the code
through the decompiled code from JADX and use the smali version to edit any part of
it and then recompile it. A pair of tools called smali and baksmali, which are technically
an assembler and a disassembler, can be used to convert the smali code to .dex format,
and .dex to smali, respectively.

Converting DEX files to smali

Let's try to convert the same APK to smali files, using another tool we used in Chapter 2,
Setting Up a Mobile App Reverse Engineering Environment Using Modern Tools.
In order to decompile the APK, run the following command:

# apktool d app-debug.apk

apktool uses smali/baksmali internally, while decompiling an APK file. The

following figure shows that apktool is decoding the app-debug.apk file provided:

Figure 3.7 – Using apktool to decompile the application

Converting DEX files to smali 49

Once the APK has been decompiled, navigate to the folder created (in this case
app-debug), and you will find several subfolders inside it with the name smali*. These
folders contain the converted smali files from the .dex files in the APK:

Figure 3.8 – Decompiled content from apktool

Opening any of the smali files will show the respective version of the code. Let's look
at the content of the smali files for the classes5.dex file. To do so, we will need to
navigate to the smali_classes5/com/example/securestorage/adapter

# cd smali_classes5/com/example/securestorage/adapter

The following figure shows the list of smali files in the directory:

Figure 3.9 – smali files for classes4.dex

Now, we can read the content of the smali file using the cat utility:

# cat CardDetailsAdapter.smali
50 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

The screenshot for reference is as follows:

Figure 3.10 – Reading the smali file for classes4.dex

It would also be a good exercise to compare the code in JADX and smali for the same
section of the application, CardDetailsAdapter.
The following figure shows a comparison between the Java source code obtained using
JADX and the respective smali code for the same section:

Figure 3.11 – Comparing the code in JADX and smali

Converting DEX files to smali 51

Let's summarize what we have done so far:

• Extracted the content of the APK, by using a tool such as unzip. This is not the
decompiling of the APK but a simple extraction of contents, following the unarchive
process. That's why the compiled resources such as AndroidManifest.xml will
not be readable. (Refer to Figure 3.5.)
• Used the JADX tool to get the decompiled Java source code from the APK. It is
easier to use this decompiled code in JADX to understand the functionalities of
the application and different classes, for example. However, if we needed to modify
any of the content of this source code, it would be very difficult to recompile it.
Also, JADX might not be able to convert all the .dex files properly to Java code (in
readable format). (Refer to Figure 3.6.)
• Decompiled the APK using apktool, which also resulted in getting the smali
version of the code. The smali format is comparatively easy to modify and
recompile. (Refer to Figure 3.7.)

We can also use the smali/baksmali tools independently to convert the .dex files
to smali code, and vice versa. To do so, we can take any of the .dex files from ZIP
extracted contents and run baksmali on them.
Let's take the classes4.dex file and copy it to the folder where the smali/baksmali
tools are saved:

Figure 3.12 – Copying the classes4.dex file to the smali tool folder
52 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

Now, open the Terminal window in the same folder by right-clicking and selecting the
Open in Terminal option. In the Terminal window, run the following command:

# java -jar baksmali-2.5.2.jar disassemble classes4.dex -o app

You will see a new directory created with the name app and it will have the smali files
located at app/com/example/securestorage/adapter:

Figure 3.13 – smali file for classes4.dex

Often, reverse engineering is used to find the solution to a specific question, for example,
How is this application storing the user information? or How is the application implementing
root detection? Let's have a look at a similar case and understand when we can use reverse
engineering to find security issues during a penetration test.

Reverse engineering and penetration testing

As we have successfully reverse engineered an APK to the Java source code, it is now
important to understand why reverse engineering is very important and might be
required during penetration testing. Often in a penetration testing engagement (black
box), all that is available to the penetration tester is the name of the application. The
penetration tester downloads the application on a device and extracts the APK.
There might be several cases when it is not evident how certain functions of the
application are implemented just by using the app. In order to find vulnerabilities in
the application, it is required to understand how it works. Reverse engineering helps to
answer some of these questions.
Let's take an example. Imagine you are given a banking application to test (penetration
testing). While using the application, you notice that the application implements a
security control that encrypts all the user-submitted data values before sending them as a
part of an HTTP request to the backend server.
For example, a login request (HTTP), when captured, might look as follows:

POST api/login HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/json
Reverse engineering and penetration testing 53

"email":" 41ZEyV2TFKvkjJwulP7I4hY8qEZaYagik2R6BHJFrPg= ",

In this case, it is important to understand how the values of the email and the password
are being encrypted to create ciphertext that is being sent as a part of the HTTP request.
The answer to this question might be found by reverse engineering the application and
exploring the source code to understand the classes where the encryption of input values
is being done.
Similarly, there could be other examples in which different functionalities of the app
have a complicated implementation. In all such cases, reverse engineering the application
generally helps in understanding the logic.
As well as that, there are other cases where the reverse engineering of the application can
be very much required during a penetration test. Some of the cases are as follows:

• Finding the API calls, or endpoints that the application is making to the backend.
• Understanding the way some security controls are implemented in order to bypass
them. For example, certificate pinning is a security control implemented in a
lot of mobile applications to ensure that an application only establishes the TLS
connection using the certificate inside the package, and no external user-installed or
system-installed TLS certificate is trusted. To implement this, the application code
verifies that the TLS certificate presented during the SSL handshake is the same as
the one stored inside the application package.
One of the common tests performed during root detection is to verify whether an
application with the name SuperUser is installed on the device or not. By reverse
engineering the application, a penetration tester can find these types of tests that
are being done by the app. Then, they can modify the corresponding smali file to
return a false result and therefore bypass the root detection.
• Finding hardcoded sensitive information inside the application code, such as
backdoor accounts, API keys and secret, unpublished backend endpoints, and
hidden menus.
• Finding interesting strings in the code.
• Finding points of encryption and obfuscation, so that they can be decrypted and
54 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

Reverse engineering also helps in learning more about the important components of an
application. A penetration tester would be able to find details of the following components
through reverse engineering:

• Activities: Components that provide a screen with which users can interact.
For example, Figure 3.2, Figure 3.3, and Figure 3.4 show the activities of the
SecureStorage application.
• Broadcast receivers: Components that receive and respond to broadcast messages
from other apps or from the operating system.
• Services: Components that perform operations in the background.

The majority of these components are listed in the AndroidMinfest.xml file, and the
same components can be read/explored from the JADX code or smali files. Let's look at
the AndroidManifest.xml file of the SecureStorage app:

Figure 3.14 – AndroidManifest.xml file content

Reverse engineering and penetration testing 55

The AndroidManifest.xml file mentions that there are five activities in this app:
• com.example.securestorage.activity.LoginActivity
• com.example.securestorage.activity.HomeActivity
• com.example.securestorage.activity.SignupActivity
• com.example.securestorage.activity.SaveCardInfoActivity
• com.example.securestorage.activity.CardDetailsActivity

We can further explore the implementation of any of these activity components as shown
in the following figure in the respective section in JADX:

Figure 3.15 – Exploring application activities in JADX

56 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

We can select an activity and look at the code. Let's see how SaveCardInfoActivity
is implemented:

Figure 3.16 – SaveCardInfoActivity

Interestingly, if you look at the following section of code, you can see that the application
performs some kind of encryption before saving the card details on the device. It might
be interesting to find out how the application encrypts the data submitted and if possible,
find a weakness in that section:

private void updateCardInfo() {

CardInfo cardInfo = new CardInfo();
Reverse engineering and penetration testing 57

SaveDataUtils.updateCardInfo(cardInfo, this.
CommonUtils.showToast(this, "Card Details Edit

/* access modifiers changed from: private */

/* access modifiers changed from: public */
private void saveCardInfo() {
toString(), this.etExpirationDate.getText().toString(), this.
etCVV.getText().toString(), this.etCardHolderName.getText().
CommonUtils.showToast(this, "Card Details Saved

It should also be noted that there is an EncrytionUtils inside the utils section.
EncryptionUtils is called via the getEncryptedData function (inside

public class EncryptionUtils {

public static final String password = "qkjll5@2md3gs5Q@";

public static SecretKey generateKey() {

return new SecretKeySpec(password.getBytes(), "AES");

public static byte[] encryptMsg(String message)

throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException,
InvalidKeyException, IllegalBlockSizeException,
BadPaddingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
58 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

SecretKey secret = generateKey();

Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/
cipher.init(1, secret);
return cipher.doFinal(message.getBytes("UTF-8"));

public static String decryptMsg(byte[] cipherText)

throws NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingException,
IllegalBlockSizeException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
SecretKey secret = generateKey();
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/
cipher.init(2, secret);
return new String(cipher.doFinal(cipherText), "UTF-8");

From the preceding code, we can see that the application seems to be performing
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption on the data before saving it on the
device. The encryption is a symmetric encryption, which uses the same key to encrypt and
decrypt the data. The key is also a part of the decompiled source code.
That's a security issue – hardcoding the encryption/decryption key in the application code
itself. The key is mentioned in the following line:

public static final String password = "qkjll5@2md3gs5Q@";

There are several different types of vulnerability that can be discovered by analyzing the
reverse engineered code. For example, you can find arbitrary code execution if a section
of application code allows code from other apps to run. This type of issue could be
discovered by reverse engineering the application and analyzing its code.
So far, we have been working on a debug release of the application. A debug release does
not always contain all the security controls that the release build of the application has.
One of the most important things missing in the debug release is often code obfuscation.
Modifying and recompiling the application 59

Modifying and recompiling the application

Often, it is necessary to not just reverse engineer the application, but also change
something, and then repack it. To create a modified APK, you will need to recompile the
modified code and then sign the APK again.
Let's say we want to modify the encryption key in the application and then recompile it.
To do so, you will need to perform the following steps:

1. Decompile the APK. We have already decompiled the SecureStorage application

using apktool, with the #apktool d app-debug.apk command.
2. The decompilation process will provide us with the required smali files. So, let's
open the EncryptionUtils.smali file.
3. In this smali file, we can change the value of the encryption key to something else,
such as abcdef12345.
4. To recompile the application, we can again use apktool. Run the #apktool
b command. Ensure that this command runs in the same directory where the
application was extracted. It will compile the new APK inside the dist folder.

Important Note
To install this modified APK on a device, we will need to sign in with a key.
You can generate a key using the keytool tool and then use jarsigner to
sign the application again.

Making smaller changes, such as modifying strings or changing a few static elements
of the application, is easier and can be done simply by following the preceding steps.
However, to recompile the application after big changes in the smali code, you will need
to follow some more recommendations.

Code obfuscation in Android apps

Code obfuscation is a process of modifying the code to protect intellectual property
and to make it difficult to reverse engineer. Code obfuscation only modifies the method
instructions or metadata; it does not change the logic/flow or the output of the code
Android malware is also known to utilize obfuscation techniques to hide its malicious
behavior. However, obfuscation can also be defeated. A skilled reverse engineer would be
able to defy the obfuscation techniques implemented and still find the interesting bits in
the application code.
60 Reverse Engineering an Android Application

Developers may use the default obfuscation tool ProGuard, available in Android Studio,
or also use a third-party obfuscation tool available in the market. Depending upon the
type of obfuscation used, the de-obfuscation technique should be changed. ProGuard is an
open source command-line tool that can be used to obfuscate Java code.
One of the ways to de-obfuscate the DEX bytecode is by identifying and using the
de-obfuscation methods in the application. This can be done by running the Java code
of de-obfuscation methods (the de-obfuscation method code implemented) on the other
classes that you want to de-obfuscate.
To understand better, download the release build of the SecureStorage application from
the following link:

• SecureStorage (Release Build):

app-release.apk. This release build has a basic level of obfuscation
implemented on it using ProGuard. Let's decompile it using JADX. Follow the same
steps as followed in the Extracting the Java source code section.

Figure 3.17 – ProGuard obfuscation

Code obfuscation in Android apps 61

You can see that the class names have been modified to random letters. On further
analysis, you will notice that the utils section no longer seems to have classes other than
CommonUtils. But, for the app to function, the encryption class and the key have to be
there in the code itself.
It is possible to further explore the reverse engineered source code to find the correct
place where the EncryptionUtils class is:

Figure 3.18 – Obfuscated code of the encryption class

We can note that the encryption key being used in the application is still the same, even
after the code has been obfuscated. This is because obfuscation is performed in such a way
that the functioning of the application is not changed at all.
The preceding obfuscated code is a result of ProGuard obfuscation, based on the following

# class:
#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.
webview {
# public *;
62 Reverse Engineering an Android Application


# Uncomment this to preserve the line number information for

# debugging stack traces.
#-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable

# If you keep the line number information, uncomment this to

# hide the original source file name.
#-renamesourcefileattribute SourceFile

-keep class com.example.securestorage.utils.CommonUtils { *; }

The ProGuard rule states that com.example.securestorage.utils.

CommonUtils should be kept as it is, and the rest of the application code should be
obfuscated. This is exactly what you see in the JADX decompiled code for the release build
of the application.
While performing penetration testing, it is not always necessary to de-obfuscate the
whole code. Often, you will only need to understand the code logic, or just de-obfuscate
some part of the code. There are also de-obfuscation tools available, which sometimes
can be useful if you are really stuck with some part of the application code, although I
would like to recommend a manual analysis of the code to understand it better; only use a
de-obfuscation tool as the last resort.

This chapter explained how Android applications are developed, compiled, and packed.
We learned how to perform reverse engineering on Android applications to create the
original Java source code. Once the Java source code is decompiled from the APK, we
learned what to look for in the app and how to find security issues. Obfuscation and
de-obfuscation are also important parts of reverse engineering, and we learned how
a developer may implement some basic ProGuard obfuscation on the application code
before creating the release build. However, it is not always required that the whole
decompiled application code is de-obfuscated as well.
In the next chapter, we are going to have a closer look at reverse engineering an iOS
application. We will explore the tools used for that and will also learn how to enumerate
interesting bits in the decompiled application binary of an iOS application.
Reverse Engineering
an iOS Application
In comparison to Android apps, reverse engineering an iOS application is a bit more
complicated. This is mainly due to the security controls that are implemented by iOS and
the way Apple manages application installation and verification across all iOS devices.
For example, to get the iOS App Store Package (IPA) from a device running on the
application, you can't simply extract the IPA and install it on another iOS device. This is
because all the applications that are installed from the Apple App Store are encrypted on
the device. Here, you would be required to extract a decrypted IPA and then sign it again
to be able to run it on another iOS device.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

• Learning more about how iOS apps are developed

• Understanding the iOS executable format
• Exploring more about iOS app reverse engineering tools and their usage
• Reverse engineering the SecureStorage iOS application
64 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

Technical requirements
We will be using the same virtual machine setup for Ubuntu that we used in the previous
chapter. However, it might be useful if you have a Mac laptop or computer and an
iOS device.
For this chapter, the following tools need to be installed:

• Hopper Disassembler ( – the free version

should be good to get started with)
• Ghidra (

iOS app development

iOS apps are commonly developed using the Swift or Objective-C languages. Objective-C is
a general-purpose programming language with object-oriented capabilities and a dynamic
runtime. Until 2014, Objective-C was the official language for iOS app development.
Apple launched Swift in 2014, a general-purpose, high-level programming language
designed to develop apps for Apple's operating systems. Initially, it was a proprietary
language, but version 2.2 was made open source under Apache License 2.0.
For iOS application development, Xcode is the official integrated development
environment (IDE). Developers also have the option of choosing other IDEs, such
as AppCode or Visual Studio Code from Microsoft, but these IDEs also need Xcode
underneath to work properly. Xcode includes the required software development kits
(SDKs), tools, compilers APIs, and so on. Xcode uses the swiftc compiler for Swift and
the clang compiler for Objective-C code.
The following diagram illustrates how the source code (in Swift) is processed and
compiled using Xcode's build system:

Figure 4.1 – Xcode's build system

Understanding the binary format 65

Once the compilation process has been completed, the IDE creates the final package
– that is, the IPA. The IPA contains all the necessary resources, certificates, assets, and
binary files. Before we start reversing, it is important to learn about the structure of the
executable binary.

Understanding the binary format

For systems that are based on the Mach Kernel, such as macOS and iOS, Mach-O is the
format that's used for the executable files and shared libraries. Mach-O stands for Mach
object file format. The applications are expected to run on different processor types,
for the most part. Owing to this, the executable code should be native to different
instruction sets.
Depending on the instruction sets it contains, a binary file is called a thin binary if it
contains a single executable file for one architecture; it's called a fat binary if it contains
code for different CPU instruction sets in a single file – that is, it has been fattened (or
Each binary file begins with a header (called a mach header) that contains a magic
number that can be used to identify it. For a thin binary file, the header contains one
magic number; however, for a fat binary, the header is a fat header. The fat header contains
the locations of the mach headers of the other executables in it.

As we dive deeper into the binary structure and reverse it, we'll use a sample application
and perform the same steps. Here, we will be using the iOS version of the SecureStorage
application. The iOS application has two variants – one that's developed using Objective-C
and another that's been developed using Swift. In this chapter, we will be working with the
Objective-C version of the app.
You can download the Objective-C version of the application from the following
GitHub link:

• The SecureStorage (Objective-C version) application package (https://github.

66 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

IDEs for iOS apps in Xcode can only run on Mac-based systems. However, since we are
working on reverse engineering the application, we do not need the Xcode IDE. The
only thing we need to start is the application package – that is, the IPA – and this can be
downloaded from the link mentioned previously. The iOS version of the application also
looks the same as the Android version. The following are some of the screenshots of the
SecureStorage application running on iOS:

Figure 4.2 – The SecureStorage application (iOS version)

With that, we have discussed the basics of binary formats and have an understanding of
the SecureStorage app as well. Now, let's learn about the process of reverse engineering
these apps and the binaries inside them.

Reverse engineering an iOS app

In a "black box" penetration test, it is the job of the penetration tester to somehow extract
the application package (IPA) from a device. When an application is installed from the
Apple App Store, it is protected by Digital Rights Management (DRM). The application
binary file is encrypted when it is stored on the iOS device. That's why simply extracting
the binary from the device and reverse engineering it is not going to work.
Extracting an unencrypted application from an iOS device can be done using tools such
as frida-ios-dump (
and frida-ipa-dump (
dump). The steps to extract the unencrypted IPA won't be covered in this book since that
is part of the penetration testing process. However, to learn more about how to extract
the unencrypted IPA, it is recommended to follow the steps given on the GitHub page for
frida-ios-dump (or frida-ipa-dump).
Reverse engineering an iOS app 67

Important Note
To extract the unencrypted IPA, we need a jailbroken iOS device running
the target application. When the app runs in the device memory (process
memory), it is in an unencrypted state. Utilities such as frida-ios-dump
and frida-ipa-dump extract all the unencrypted application files from
memory and combine them in the IPA. Reverse engineering can then be
performed on the extracted IPA, but to reinstall that IPA on another device,
it would need to be signed by an Apple developer certificate. Another utility
( can be used to sign the IPA.

For now, let's download the package from the GitHub link mentioned previously
download/0.1/SecureStorageObjC.ipa) and save it in a directory called iOS
on our virtual machine environment's desktop. As we already know, the IPA is also a
compressed (ZIP) file containing different assets and files. So, let's unzip the file directly
using the unzip utility in Linux.

Figure 4.3 – Unzipping the IPA

68 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

As shown in the preceding screenshot, once the file has been unzipped, a new folder
will be created called Payload. All the iOS packages contain a Payload folder. This
Payload folder contains a .app file, which often has the same name as the binary
(application). In this case, if you navigate inside the Payload folder, you will find the
.app file – that is,

Figure 4.4 – Locating the .app file

The .app file is shown as a package file on the Mac operating system, and right-clicking it
will show the Show Package Contents option.

Figure 4.5 – Navigating inside the Payload folder (on Mac)

On our Ubuntu virtual machine, we can simply run the following command to navigate
inside the .app file.
Reverse engineering an iOS app 69

Figure 4.6 – Navigating inside the Payload folder (on Linux)

This .app file contains all the assets of the application, such as the images, certificates,
and supportive components that are required for the app to work. One of the important
files here is the Info.plist file. This is similar to the AndroidManifest.xml
file in Android applications. The Info.plist file contains information related to the
configuration and components of the application, such as the bundle's name, transport
layer security configuration, URL schemes, and MinimumOSVersion.
To understand the application in more depth, we should start by analyzing all these
resource files. Some of the interesting files to look into are the .plist files, configuration
files, and so on. All these files may contain interesting information.
Along with the supportive files, there is also an executable file with the same name as that
of the app. This is the app's binary file.
This executable file is what we will be reverse engineering to extract useful information.
We will utilize different tools to reverse engineer the binary.

Extracting strings from the binary

The first step is to gather information about the different app components. For this
purpose, we can use the strings tool to dump all the strings that are hardcoded in the
To run the strings utility on the binary and save all the extracted strings in a separate file
(strings.txt), use the following command after navigating inside the app directory:

# ls -l (To list all the contents of the directory)

# strings SecureStorageObjC >> strings.txt
70 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

The following screenshot shows the output of these commands:

Figure 4.7 – Running strings on the binary

Once all the strings have been stored in the strings.txt file, we can open the text file
to read its contents.

Figure 4.8 – Extracted strings

Reverse engineering an iOS app 71

Analyzing all the strings in the application binary is very important while testing the
application for any sensitive hardcoded information inside the application code. Several
interesting things might be hardcoded in the application, such as an internal IP address,
internal application URL, hardcoded key and secret, encryption keys, and more.
We now have all the strings of the binary. At this point, we can analyze them to find
interesting hardcoded details.
While developing the iOS applications, all the application code is compiled into machine
code. That is why, to analyze the iOS application's binary, we would need a disassembler.
So, let's move on and disassemble the binary using a more advanced reverse engineering
tool, Ghidra.

Disassembling the application binary

In this section, we'll learn how to disassemble the application binary using tools such as
Ghidra and Hopper.

Using Ghidra
In Chapter 1, Basics of Reverse Engineering – Understanding the Structure of Mobile Apps,
you learned how to install Ghidra on our virtual machine environment. Now, let's use the
same installation steps and disassemble the binary:

1. To start Ghidra, open a "terminal" and navigate to the directory where Ghidra was
downloaded. This directory should contain a file named ghidraRun.

Figure 4.9 – Ghidra directory files

72 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

2. To run it, simply run the following command in the Terminal window:
# ./ghidraRun

3. This will open the Ghidra project window. Choose the Tools | CodeBrowser option
to open the code browser utility. (Refer to Chapter 2, Figure 2.5.1 – Starting Ghidra
4. In the CodeBrowser window, you can drag and drop the binary file to start
disassembling it. When the binary file has been dropped in the CodeBrowser
window, it will automatically find the format and architecture of the binary.

Figure 4.10 – Disassembling a binary using Ghidra CodeBrowser

5. Once you click OK in the CodeBrowser window, the binary will be imported and
disassembled. While this is being done, the Ghidra tool may also prompt you with
an automated analysis option, where it will analyze the file for opcodes and other

Important Note
Operation code (opcode) is also known as instruction code/syllable/parcel or
opstring code. It is the section of a machine language instruction that explains
what operation is to be performed.
Reverse engineering an iOS app 73

Figure 4.11 – Analyzing the file using Ghidra

74 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

6. Once you click Yes, Ghidra will show all the available Analysis Options, as shown
in the following screenshot:

Figure 4.12 – Analysis Options in Ghidra

7. The default settings are good to start with, but you can select and deselect the
analyzers from the list as required. Clicking the Analyze button will start the
automated analysis process and show the file results.
Reverse engineering an iOS app 75

Figure 4.13 – Disassembled binary

Important Note
The auto analysis process may show some warnings at the end. Generally, these
warnings can be ignored as they are not interesting from a reverse engineering
76 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

Previously in this chapter, we discussed that each binary file begins with a header (called
a mach header), which contains a magic number that can be used to identify it. The mach
header for this binary is visible on the pane in the center, as shown in the following

Figure 4.14 – Mach header

The mach header contains load commands that have an 8-byte structure and specifies the
logical structure of the file, paths to linked libraries, the code's structure, and the layout of
the file in memory.
In the disassembled binary, we can now navigate to various points and sections. For
example, let's navigate to Functions | entry. This is the first function, which is called
at runtime.
Reverse engineering an iOS app 77

Figure 4.15 – The entry function

When the entry function is selected, Ghidra automatically shows us some approximate
code (pseudocode). It is easier to read this code and understand the functionality of the
During reverse engineering, you are either searching for an answer to a specific question,
such as what type of encryption is being used, or you are interested in understanding
how the application is working in the background. Once you have successfully extracted
the application package and strings, you will be able to get a lot of information about
the application. With the disassembled binary in a tool such as Ghidra, you can navigate
across different functions, labels, and so on, and then read the pseudocode to figure out
how the app is working. Ghidra is also useful in obtaining cross-references; simply right-
click the desired function and select Show References.
78 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

For the SecureStorage application, you might be interested in finding whether the
application encrypts the data, and if it does, then you will want to find out what type of
encryption is being used and where the encryption key is.
So far, we have reverse engineered the application using different tools and analyzed it.
It is also important to understand how to manually review the disassembled application
binaries to find what you are looking for.

Using Hopper Disassembler

Ghidra is a great tool for reverse engineering iOS applications (and a lot of other binaries
too). Hopper Disassembler is another tool that can be used for disassembling iOS app
binaries. It can be used to disassemble, decompile, and debug applications. Hopper
Disassembler is a paid tool but also comes with a limited demo license with some
Using Hopper over Ghidra is a personal choice. For example, I like the interface of Hopper
a lot more than Ghidra. Installing Hopper Disassembler is very straightforward:

1. Go to the Hopper Disassembler website at

2. Click the Try It Free button to go to
3. Download the .deb file in the Linux section.
4. Once the .deb file has been downloaded inside the virtual machine, run the
following command to install it:
# sudo dpkg -i Hopper-v4-5.3.0-Linux-demo.deb
(Replace the deb file name with the correct one you have)

5. Once installed, run the application from the application directory.

Reverse engineering an iOS app 79

When Hopper Disassembler is run for the first time, it will ask for a License File, but as
we are only going to use the demo, click the Try the Demo button.

Figure 4.16 – Running Hopper Disassembler

80 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

After that, simply drag and drop the application binary into the Hopper Disassembler's
middle pane. Similar to Ghidra, Hopper will also provide the details of the binary it is
importing. Click on OK, without changing any of the other options for checks (unless you
are sure about what you are doing).

Figure 4.17 – Importing the binary in Hopper Disassembler

Once the binary has been imported, you will see a screen similar to the following:

Figure 4.18 – Disassembled binary in Hopper

Reverse engineering an iOS app 81

The tabs on the left pane of Hopper are interesting to start with. The most important tabs
are Labels, Strs, and Procs. The Labels tab contains different memory addresses, along
with their associated names and instruction sets. The Strs tab shows all the strings in the
binary (similar to what we extracted using the strings utility). All the methods that were
used in the application can be found in the Procs tab. Hopper also shows the pseudocode
for a specific part/function when it's selected. To view the pseudocode for any section,
select the section and then click on the Show Pseudo Code of Procedure button on the
toolbar. The following screenshot shows the pseudocode for the +[GeneralUtilssave:]

Figure 4.19 – Pseudocode for a label

So far, we have reverse engineered the application using different tools and analyzed it.
It is also important to understand how to manually review the disassembled application
binaries to find what you are looking for.

Manually reviewing the disassembled binary for

security issues
So far, we have disassembled the binary using Gidra as well as Hopper, and we've
also extracted a lot of interesting information from the application package. During a
penetration test, the reverse engineered code is manually reviewed to find any security
issues. One of the interesting things with regard to the SecureStorage app is finding the
type of encryption that's being done and, if possible, the encryption key.
82 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

Let's search the Strs tab in the disassembled app in Hopper for anything related to the
encrypt keyword:

Figure 4.20 – Searching the strings

Out of all the results, the encrypt:Key:IV: string looks interesting. We can also
inspect all the references to and from this string that are made by the application. To
do so, select the string and, on the middle pane, right-click the string and chose the
References to "aEncryptKeyiv" option:
Reverse engineering an iOS app 83

Figure 4.21 – Inspecting all the references

This will result in Hopper showing us all the references to the aEncryptKeyiv keyword.
Select the first reference from the list.

Figure 4.22 – Hopper showing all the references to the aEncryptKeyiv keyword
84 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

Looking closely at the selected reference, you will notice a long integer right above it, as
shown in the following screenshot. This is the encryption key that's being used.

Figure 4.23 – The encryption key in the disassembled code

As this is a static hardcoded key inside the application code, it should also be part of
the extracted strings. Let's verify the same by using the following command on the
secrets.txt file (we are reading through all the secrets and grepping for a part of the
encryption key).

#cat secrets.txt | grep 2D4A614E6352665

You will find that the encryption key was part of the originally extracted secrets. However,
it might be difficult to figure out what this key is being used for if we did not have the
disassembled binary to analyze.

Figure 4.24 – The encryption key in the string

This was just one example of how reverse engineering the iOS application binary can help
you find security issues, as well as understand the functionalities of the application.
To further analyze the application's disassembled code, we must understand the
Objective-C runtime. It is also helpful to analyze the disassembled native code, but
that would also require having a good understanding of the calling conventions and
instructions that are used by the underlying platform. To learn that, you must understand
the ARM architecture and ARM assembly basics.
Some Mac-specific tools can be used during the reverse engineering process to provide
you with useful information. Let's have a look at these in the next section.
Reverse engineering an iOS app 85

Using Mac-only tools for iOS app reverse engineering

Along with the tools we have used to reverse engineer the application binary, there are
some other useful tools available that primarily work on Mac systems only. Let's have a
look at those tools and how they can help in the reverse engineering process:

• otool: This is used to dump different libraries and find any deprecated libraries that
are being used. The following command can be used to list all the libraries being
used in the SecureStorage application:
#otool -L [path to binary file]

The following screenshot shows the output of otool for the SecureStorage app:

Figure 4.25 – Finding libraries with otool

• codesign: This tool is used to analyze signatures, verify entitlements, and so on. One
of the common uses of codesign in reverse engineering is to find app entitlements
and configurations. To dump the entitlements of the SecureStorage app, run the
following command:
#codesign -d --entitlements - [path to .app file]

The following screenshot shows the dumped entitlements for the SecureStorage app
when using codesign:

Figure 4.26 – Dumping entitlements

86 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application

Having access to a Mac and being able to run Mac utilities while you're reverse
engineering iOS apps can be helpful. However, tools such as strings, Hopper, and Ghidra
allow Linux users to perform almost all the necessary tasks.

In this chapter, you learned how iOS applications are developed, compiled, and packed.
Then, you learned how to reverse engineer iOS apps and disassemble the binary. The
reverse engineering process can go even further and help you analyze the disassembled
native code and libraries. Reviewing the disassembled or reverse engineered code requires
knowing the relevant architecture and instructions. During a penetration test, reverse
engineering can help you find several security issues.
In the next chapter, we are going to look at reverse engineering an iOS application that's
been developed in Swift. We will look at the differences between reverse engineering a
Swift-based application and an Objective-C application.
Reverse Engineering
an iOS Application
(Developed Using
In the last chapter, we discussed how iOS applications, developed using the Objective C
programming language, can be reverse engineered and disassembled to extract useful
information from the binary.
Swift is now (at the time of writing – December 2021) the official language for iOS
application development. The majority of the modern iOS applications are developed
using Swift, as it provides some great benefits, such as better code readability. Swift
generates a compiler error as you write code so that issues can be fixed right away, and it
has better memory management, less code (in comparison with Objective C), support for
dynamic libraries, and so on.
88 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

In this chapter, we will be covering the following topics:

• Understanding the difference between Objective C and Swift applications

• Reverse engineering a Swift application

Let's dive in!

Technical requirements
We will be using the Ubuntu virtual machine setup, which we used in the previous
chapter. This chapter will need the following tools to be installed:

• Radare2 (
• Ghidra (

Understanding the difference between

Objective C and Swift applications
Swift is a static, strongly typed, high-level programming language that was introduced
in 2014. Before Swift, Objective C was primarily the programming language for iOS
application development.
For now, you can download the full source code of our Swift application (SecureStorage)
or the application package from the following links:

• The GitHub repository (for full source code) of SecureStorage application (the Swift
• The link to download the application package (the SecureStorage Swift version):
Understanding the difference between Objective C and Swift applications 89

Let's have a look at how the code looks for the same application (SecureStorage) in Swift
and Objective C, respectively:

Figure 5.1 – The Swift code of the SecureStorage app (LoginViewController)

90 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

This is the Objective C code of the SecureStorage app:

Figure 5.2 – The Objective C code of the SecureStorage app (LoginViewController)

In both screenshots (Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2), some of the visible differences are
as follows:

• For each class, the Objective C project (Figure 5.2) has a header (a .h file) and an
implementation file (a .m file), also known as a compilation unit. However, in Swift,
the header is not mentioned separately.
• In general, Swift requires fewer lines of code than Objective C for the same task. The
lines of code in both projects can be calculated by using the following command in
the terminal when it is running in the same directory as the project:
# find . "(" -name "*.m" -or -name "*.mm" -or -name "*.h"
-or -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.swift" ")" -print0 | xargs
-0 wc -l
Understanding the difference between Objective C and Swift applications 91

The preceding command will search for all file formats matching .m, .h, .swift,
and so on, recursively in all folders, and will then find the number of lines in those
files, finally giving a count of the total lines of code.
The following screenshot shows the number of lines of code in Swift:

Figure 5.3 – Swift lines of code

In comparison to Swift, the following screenshot shows the lines of code for the same
functionality when written in Objective C:

Figure 5.4 – Objective C lines of code

92 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

Apart from the visible differences in the projects, there are some other differences too,
such as the following:

• Swift only has classes, whereas Objective C has both classes and structs.
• Swift is comparatively faster in compilation than Objective C.
• Swift is an Apache-licensed open source project.
• Dynamic libraries are supported in Swift but not in Objective C.

In order to further understand how the two languages differ from a reverse engineering
point of view, we will analyze the code snippet, which does the same task, in both

The difference between Objective C and Swift from

a reverse engineering perspective
We just looked at some of the major differences between Objective C and Swift from
a programming perspective. Let's also analyze the difference from a reverse engineering
point of view. The following code snippets are from mobile apps doing the same task,
using Objective C and Swift:

Swift code
func loginWithUserName(userName : String, password : String){
let str1 = userName
let str2 = password

UserDefaults.standard.set(str1, forKey: "userNameForLogin")

UserDefaults.standard.set(str2, forKey: "passwordForLogin")

let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Login here", message:

"Login Successful", preferredStyle: .alert)

alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .default,

handler: { _ in

self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
Understanding the difference between Objective C and Swift applications 93

Objective C code
-(void)loginInAppUsing :(NSString*) userName and : (NSString*)

NSString* str1 = userName;

NSString* str2 = password;

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:str1

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:str2

UIAlertController *alert=[ UIAlertController

alertControllerWithTitle:@"Login here" message:@"Login
Successful" preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet];
UIAlertAction *cancelaction=[UIAlertAction
actionWithTitle:@"Ok" style:UIAlertActionStyleDestructive
[alert addAction:cancelaction];
[self presentViewController:alert animated:YES

When the binaries storing the preceding code are disassembled using a tool such as
Ghidra, we get the following results.
94 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

Disassembled Swift code (entry function):

Figure 5.5 – The disassembled code of the binary with Swift code
Disassembled Objective C code (entry function):

Figure 5.6 – The disassembled code of the binary with Objective C code
Reverse engineering a Swift application 95

From the preceding decompiled code, we can see that the Swift version of the code is
comparatively more difficult to read or analyze than the Objective C version. For simpler
tasks, such as extracting class information and finding strings in the binary, it is possible
to use the same tools that we use for Objective C. However, the same tools might not give
the desired output a lot of the time with Swift binaries.
In the next section of this chapter, we will use an advanced reverse engineering framework
known as Radare2, or r2. You can find the official GitHub repository of Radare2 here: The Radare2 framework contains
multiple tools/utilities that can be used to perform different tasks such as extracting
information from executable binaries, debugging apps, assembling, and disassembling.
In the next section, we will install the Radare2 framework on our Ubuntu virtual machine
and look into its use for reverse engineering a Swift-based application.

Reverse engineering a Swift application

Before we get into reverse engineering the Swift application, here's just a reminder that in
order to extract the unencrypted application from an iOS device, we will need tools such
as frida-ios-dump (
and frida-ipa-dump (
dump). You can read more about how to use them to extract encrypted applications from
iOS devices in their respective GitHub repositories.

Important Note
Together with Frida-based tools such as frida-ios-dump and frida-
ipa-dump, there are several other applications available for jailbroken
devices that can help to extract an unencrypted application from the device.
Most of these applications can be downloaded on a jailbroken device using
Cydia (a third-party application installer for jailbroken iOS devices).

Once the application is downloaded, please follow the steps to extract the application
binary from the package by unarchiving it (refer to the Reverse engineering the iOS app
section of Chapter 4, Reverse Engineering an iOS Application).
We will create a directory named swift on our Ubuntu virtual machine and save the
extracted Swift binary in that directory.
As mentioned before, to reverse engineer the Swift binary, we will be using the Radare2
96 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

Installing the Radare2 framework

The official GitHub repository of Radare2 is located at
radareorg/radare2. You can follow any of the given steps to install the framework.
We will be installing it using the pip utility. This is because the version of the tool
available in the apt (or other package manager such as yum) package might not be
the latest:

1. To install the Radare2 framework using pip, we first need to install the pip utility
by running the following command:
# sudo apt install python3-pip

The following screenshot shows the result of the preceding command:

Figure 5.7 – Installing pip

2. Once pip has been successfully installed, run the following code to install Radare2:
# pip install r2env

Here's the output:

Reverse engineering a Swift application 97

Figure 5.8 – Installing r2env

3. Once installed successfully, you can verify it by running the following command:
# r2 -v

This will show the installed version of r2:

Figure 5.9 – Verifying the r2 version

Once Radare2 is installed on your virtual machine, let's use the tool to reverse engineer
the Swift application SecureStorage.

Using the Radare2 framework to reverse engineer

a Swift application
The Radare2 framework contains different tools for different purposes. Some of these
tools are as follows:

• radare2: This is the main tool of the whole framework, and its main purpose is
to perform disassembling, binary patching, data comparison, and more on several
different types of input/output sources and files.
• rabin2: A tool to extract information from executable binaries, such as Mach-O.
• rasm2: An assembler and disassembler for different architectures.

You can read more about the other tools of the framework in the official documentation:
98 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

We will be using the tools of the Radare2 framework to extract information from the
binaries as well as to find any sensitive data stored.
To start with, we can analyze the metadata of a Swift binary file. Analyzing the metadata
can help in identifying the binary architecture, finding out whether the binary is stripped,
or an ELF type, whether there are binary protections, and more. Once you download the
SecureStorage IPA file (
iOSApp/releases/download/0.1/SecureStorage.ipa), extract the binary
from it and then run the following command to analyze the binary using r2:

# r2 SecureStorage
# i

The following screenshot shows the result of the preceding command:

Figure 5.10 – Using r2 to extract metadata

Reverse engineering a Swift application 99

In the preceding code snippet, with r2 SecureStorage, we run Radare2 on the Swift
binary of the SecureStorage application, and then with the i command, we extract the
information about the binary. The extracted information has some interesting details
about the binary, such as architecture, format, and protections (NX, canary, and relocs
(indicates that the binary performs runtime relocation)).

Extracting strings from the binary using rabin2

You can also extract other interesting information, such as symbols and strings, from the
binary using the different utilities in the Radare2 framework, such as rabin2:

# rabin2 -zzz SecureStorage

Here, –zzz stands for show strings (like a gnu "strings" utility does).
The following screenshot displays the output:

Figure 5.11 – Using rabin2 to extract strings

100 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

Extracting strings from the binary using r2

Next, let's look at the r2 utility:

# iz

Here's the result:

Figure 5.12 – Using r2 to extract strings

Extracting symbols from the binary

Next, let's learn how to extract symbols:

# is
Reverse engineering a Swift application 101

The following screenshot shows the result of the preceding command:

Figure 5.13 – Using r2 to extract symbols

Similarly, we can also extract all the functions being used in the binary by using the
afl command. But before doing that, we need to run the aaa command to analyze all
referenced code:

Figure 5.14 – Analyzing the binary file

102 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

Once the binary file has been analyzed, we can then run the afl command to extract all
the functions. Refer to the following screenshot for the same:

Figure 5.15 – Finding all the functions in the binary

Once you have some details about the binary, the next step is to find the entry point and
the main function. Both of these can be found by the ie and iM commands, respectively
(refer to the following screenshot):

Figure 5.16 – Finding the entry point and the main address
Reverse engineering a Swift application 103

Let's say we are interested in finding where a specific string in the binary is being
referenced. One of the extracted strings is a very long string.

Figure 5.17 – An interesting string extracted

Let's find out where this string is present in the binary. To do so, we will run the following

# /

Here's the output:

Figure 5.18 – Finding the string reference

The search resulted in four addresses where the string is present. The axt command can
be used to find where this string is being referenced by providing the address of the string
(shown in the preceding screenshots) – that is, 0x1000186c0. But before running the
axt command, we need to run the aaa command (if it has not been done already) to
analyze all referenced code:

# aaa
104 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

The following screenshot shows the result of the preceding command:

Figure 5.19 – Analyzing all referenced code

Once the analysis is done, we can use the axt command to search for all the places where
the specific string (0x1000186c0) is being referenced:

# axt 0x1000186c0

Here's the result:

Figure 5.20 – The string references

To further reverse engineer the binary and analyze the disassembled code, we can start
with disassembling the main function by running the following command(s):

# s main
# pdf
Reverse engineering a Swift application 105

The following screenshot shows all these commands being run on the binary:

Figure 5.21 – Disassembling the main function

In order to understand the preceding disassembled code further, we can also use the pdfs
command to show a summary of this function.

Figure 5.22 – A function summary

106 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

To analyze a function in visual mode or with a more visual presentation, we can use
visual mode, using the VV command. To do so, you first need to move the pointer to the
function and then run the VV command.
It is a good idea to run the afl command first and list the functions.

Figure 5.23 – Extracting functions

Once we have the list of functions, we can choose a function and then move the pointer to
that specific function:
# s sym.func.100005ac0 (here, we are moving the pointer to the function)
# VV (starting visual mode for that specific function)
Reverse engineering a Swift application 107

Here's the output:

Figure 5.24 – Analyzing the disassembled function in visual mode

108 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

We can scroll further down to see the flow of logic and understand the function better.

Figure 5.25 – Analyzing the disassembled function in visual mode

The preceding steps can be used to further disassemble different functions and methods in
the application binary and then look for interesting parts. Radare2 has numerous options
to allow us to play more with functions, methods, classes, and so on. Some interesting
things to check, from a security perspective, could be the following:

• Finding whether the binary has position-independent code: # i~pic.

Important Note
Position-independent code is the machine code that can execute properly (if in
the primary memory) regardless of its absolute address and can be executed at
any memory address without modification.

• Checking for a non-executable stack: # i~nx

Summary 109

Important Note
Non-Executable Stack (NX) is virtual memory protection implemented to
block code injection by restricting a particular memory and implementing the
NX bit.

• Checking for a stack canary: # i~canary

Important Note
A stack canary is a defense against memory corruption attacks. It is a value on
the stack that will be overwritten by a stack buffer that overflows to the return
address. When the function returns, the integrity of the canary can be verified
to detect any overflow.

Figure 5.26 shows the result of executing the previous commands:

Figure 5.26 – Finding interesting bits

Radare2 can also be used for more advanced tasks during a penetration test, such as
binary patching and dynamic analysis.

This chapter explained Swift programming and Swift-based iOS applications (binaries). To
reverse engineer a Swift-based application binary, we can use previously used tools such
as Hopper or Ghidra. But in this chapter, we saw how to use the Radare2 framework and
explore the internals of the binary, extract useful information, and navigate to the code
110 Reverse Engineering an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift)

As we saw that the iOS applications have compiled binaries, which are used during
reverse engineering, to analyze the binaries further, we would need the knowledge of
binary reverse engineering as well as how the processor instructions work. Generally, the
reverse engineering of mobile applications is done during a penetration test, malware
analysis, and so on. Understanding the assembly instructions and different architecture is
very much a prerequisite for advanced reverse engineering. The more you explore these
fantastic tools and perform reverse engineering of different types of applications, the more
you will end up learning. Different applications are built with different logic and program
flow; that's why there is never a set of steps or a checklist to follow while analyzing
applications for security issues. However, a lot of answers can be discovered by diving
deeper into the analysis through reverse engineering.
In the next chapter, we will look into the open source and commercially available tools for
reverse engineering (specifically for mobile applications). We will also look into the details
of the features that an open source reverse engineering framework might lack.
Section 3:
Automating Some
Parts of the Reverse
Engineering Process

This section talks about different open source and commercial reverse engineering tools,
ways to automate some parts of reverse engineering, and vulnerability discovery in mobile
apps. This section also presents some case studies for when automating a process could
be very helpful. Finally, we will end the book with details on topics to learn further and
a path to diving deeper into binary analysis and mobile application reverse engineering.
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:

• Chapter 6, Open Source and Commercial Reverse Engineering Tools

• Chapter 7, Automating the Reverse Engineering Process
• Chapter 8, Conclusion
Open Source and
Commercial Reverse
Engineering Tools
In the chapters so far, we have discussed reverse engineering iOS and Android
applications. We mainly used open source tools, with one exception – Hopper
Disassembler. Once you start reverse engineering real-world mobile applications, on both
Android and iOS, you might find some alternative tools as well. Those alternatives can
also be open source or commercial (closed source).
All the open source tools we have used so far, such as APKTool, Ghidra, and Radare2,
are all free to use, and the closed source one, Hopper Disassembler, is commercially
available. So, for the remaining part of the chapter, let's consider what we mean by closed
source when we are talking about commercially available tools.
114 Open Source and Commercial Reverse Engineering Tools

Different reverse engineering tools offer different (and unique) features. It also often
becomes a personal choice of which tool you want to use, and for what purpose. For
example, I prefer using Hopper Disassembler for all iOS binary reverse engineering over
Ghidra. This is primarily because I feel more comfortable working with Hopper than
Ghidra. Another reason for someone to prefer Radare2 over Ghidra could be that they like
working on a command-line interface rather than a graphical user interface, or the visual
mode of Radare2 looks cleaner than having all the disassembled code in one window.
There is a lot of similarity between the features and support that these tools offer, but
there are crucial differences, which might make one tool more suitable for a particular job
over another.
To help you understand the pros and cons of one tool over another, in this chapter, we will
be covering the following topics:

• Some common open source tools for reverse engineering

• Some common commercial (closed source) tools for reverse engineering
• A case study for reverse engineering and the required capabilities of a reverse
engineering tool

Technical requirements
We will be using the Ubuntu virtual machine setup that we used in the previous chapter.
This chapter does not have any additional technical requirements.

Tools for mobile application reverse

There are several options when it comes to choosing a reverse engineering tool for
mobile applications. Mobile applications have dex or Mach-O (OS-x) binary files, which
are generally the prime focus during reverse engineering. A tool that supports mobile
device architectures and can decompile, disassemble, and patch a mobile application
would be the right choice of tool for penetration testing. However, sometimes, there are
more complex problems that need to be solved, some advance obfuscation performed,
and external library files also need to be reverse engineered. In such cases, the reverse
engineering tool would need to have these advanced capabilities.
Let's have a look at some of the commonly used open source and commercially available
reverse engineering tools, which can be used for mobile applications.
Tools for mobile application reverse engineering 115

Open source mobile application reverse engineering

Open source tools have their source code publicly available for others to inspect, modify,
and enhance. The following list gives information on some of the common open source
tools used for reverse engineering:

• Ghidra: Probably the most common and advanced open source and free reverse
engineering tool used for mobile application reverse engineering. Some of the key
capabilities of Ghidra include assembly, disassembly, and decompilation. Ghidra
supports a wide variety of processor instruction sets and executable formats.
The official GitHub repository can be found here:
• The Radare2 framework: A multi-architecture and multi-platform tool, capable of
assembling and disassembling executables, which it can also perform binary diffing
with graphs and extract information. A more detailed capability list can be found on
the official Radare2 page:
The official GitHub repository can be found here:
• JADX (only for Android apps): Unlike the iOS binary, it is comparatively easier
to reverse engineer Android apps. This is mainly because the dex file can easily
be converted to Java code. One of the most common tools used for this purpose is
JADX. This is basically a Java decompiler; it can decompile Dalvik bytecode to Java
classes from APK, dex, aar, aab, and more.
The official GitHub repository can be found here:
Next, let's look at commercial tools.

Commercial mobile application reverse engineering

There are a lot of very useful and advanced reverse engineering tools available as
commercial tools. These are generally closed source and have different licensing models.
Let's have a look at some of the famous, commercial reverse engineering tools.
116 Open Source and Commercial Reverse Engineering Tools

The following list gives information about some of the commonly used closed source tools
for reverse engineering:

• Hopper: A reverse engineering tool to disassemble, decompile, and debug iOS

(ARM) executables (and multiple other executables/binaries as well). Hopper
Disassembler comes in a free version as well, with a time restriction of usage. At the
time of writing this chapter, a personal license can be purchased from the official
website, at a cost of $99–$129, depending upon the time of the licensing model you
chose. Having a cheaper and personal license makes this tool very popular among
mobile application penetration testers.
The official website can be found here:
• IDA: A widely used reverse engineering tool, with the capabilities of a disassembler
and a debugger. The professional version (IDA PRO) is one of the most advanced
and capable reverse engineering tools available. There are some other versions of
IDA available, such as IDA Home and IDA Free. The main difference between IDA
Pro and IDA Home is in supported processors and debuggers. A detailed list of
differences between all the versions of IDA can be found on the official website:
IDA Free is a binary code analysis tool with some basic IDA functionalities.
IDA comes in three types of licenses – named license, computer license, and
floating license. More details on IDA license types can be found here: https://
The price details of all IDA tools and licenses can also be found on the official
IDA Pro supports a huge number of processor types and binary formats but comes
with a costly license model. This makes it more preferable for advanced reverse
engineering needs. The official website can be found here: https://hex-rays.
• Binary Ninja: An interactive disassembler, decompiler, and binary analysis
platform. This is another very popular tool among penetration testers and reverse
engineers. It also comes with a demo/trial version, with limitations. The license is
available for personal (non-commercial), commercial, and enterprise. More details
about the pricing can be found here:
The license cost of Binary Ninja sits between Hopper Disassembler and IDA.
The official website can be found here:
Tools for mobile application reverse engineering 117

• JEB Decompiler: A reverse engineering platform to perform disassembly,

decompilation, debugging, and analysis of code and document files, manually or
as part of an analysis pipeline. JEB Decompiler also comes in a community version
that can be used for non-commercial use. The license comes in three types – JEB
Android, JEB Pro, and JEB Floating. More details about the pricing can be found at
The official website can be found here:

Important Note
The preceding list of open source and commercial reverse engineering tools
is not an exhaustive list. These are just the most commonly used and famous
reverse engineering tools available.

When it comes to reverse engineering of mobile applications, the choice of tool depends
majorly on the following factors:

• The type of mobile application to be reverse engineered – iOS, Android, or both.

• What is the purpose of reverse engineering? This can be for any of the following

‚ Bypassing one or more security controls in the application

‚ Understanding logic behind some specific part of the application
‚ Finding security issues in the application related to code quality, the security
controls implemented, and so on.
‚ Analyzing strings and static content stored inside the application package and
application binary
‚ Exploit writing
• Is it required to patch the binary and create the app with modified code?

We now know about the commonly used open source and commercial reverse
engineering tools. Let's also understand the capabilities required from these tools during
a penetration test.
118 Open Source and Commercial Reverse Engineering Tools

Case study – reverse engineering during a

penetration test
One of the primary reasons for reverse engineering a mobile application during
a penetration test is to analyze whether the source code has any sensitive information
hardcoded, which can further be used by a malicious actor. Other reasons might be
bypassing security controls such as SSL pinning, root/jailbreak detection, and role-based
client-side access control. However, depending on the type of application and pentest,
you might have to spend more effort in performing a more in-depth analysis of a reverse
engineered application.
Let's look at one of the case studies. During the penetration test of a FinTech application,
it was noticed that the application sent some critical requests to uniquely generated URL
endpoints. These endpoints were unique for every request, and in fact, they were getting
generated right before the HTTP(s) request was generated. In order to find the way this
application generates these URLs, we could do one of the following:

• Reverse engineer the application to find the logic (or function) of how these URLs
are generated.
• Perform runtime instrumentation to analyze the application while it is running. In
this method, we inject a piece of code inside the running process of the application
and then analyze its behavior. One of the commonly used tools to perform runtime
instrumentation is Frida (

On disassembling the application binary and analyzing the logical flow during that
specific step, it was revealed that the application creates an SHA-256 hash of the user's ID
and session ID. This hash is then used as a part of the URL, such as the following:

1. User ID: 53e726ce-954f-4291-9968-063521b87483

2. Session ID: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1
3. SHA-256 hash: FFDC52D453CF836BAC761D7463B85A7AB6EF4DB
4. Final unique URL: https://[RedactedDomainName]/user/admin/
escalate/ FFDC52D453CF836BAC761D7463B85A7AB6EF4DB511366A
Case study – reverse engineering during a penetration test 119

5. Final HTTP(s) request:

POST /user/admin/escalate/ FFDC52D453CF836BAC761D
7463B85A7AB6EF4DB511366A27684734E7154C461A HTTP/1.1
Host: ://[RedactedDomainName]
Cookie: session= eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15;
rv:96.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/96.0
Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Length: 276
Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Te: trailers
Connection: close


Important Note
The SHA-256 hash is created from the id=53e726ce-
MO8ySR-20 string. You can use any hash creator tool to create this hash.
120 Open Source and Commercial Reverse Engineering Tools

The previous implementation suggests that it was intended to hide the actual URL and
only allow the request with a valid hash to access the endpoint. The hash is also calculated
on the application server and matched with the hash in the request, and then internally
redirected to the correct URL. Once it was confirmed that the actual URL is rather static,
a content discovery fuzzing of the endpoint was done. This revealed that the internal URL
was in fact exposed publicly also. Here, an assumption was made by the developer as well
as the DevOps team that no one will be communicating with the actual URL, and hence,
no one really validated whether the actual URL was accessible directly or not.
Solving a challenge such as this requires good disassembling, search, and de-obfuscation
features in a reverse engineering tool. Open source tools such as Ghidra and Radare2 can
very well be used to solve this.
The reverse engineering capabilities required during a penetration test might differ from
that during malware analysis. In a penetration test, reverse engineering is generally
done to solve a piece of a puzzle or to explore some functionality. However, during
malware analysis, reverse engineering is done to explore every piece of an application and
understand all hidden features and code. Let's have a look at a malware analysis case study.

Case study – reverse engineering during

malware analysis
Another field of work that requires more advanced reverse engineering skills is malware
analysis. Malware researchers spend days and weeks looking at disassembled and
decompiled binaries to deduce the application flow. Let's take another case study.
During the analysis of a malware mobile app, it was noticed that the application somehow
modifies its behavior depending on factors such as country, language, and applications
installed. For a device in the United States, with the English language, and that had
financial/banking apps, the application would try to read messages and the transaction
history. However, on a different device in a different country, and with dating apps
installed, it would try to inject ads in the traffic of other apps. Such a change in behavior
cannot be noticed if the application is only used on one device.
However, a good analysis of the disassembled application binary and its associated
libraries revealed this behavior of the application. During this analysis, IDA Pro was used
for its features such as reference search, populating current code states to a database, and
pseudo code. Other tools, such as Binary ninja, can also provide some of these features.
In this case, basic disassembling and search features might not be enough, and hence, we
might have to choose a more advanced and capable reverse engineering tool. Also note
that, in this case, the associated library files were also reverse engineered.
Summary 121

There are numerous such cases when a more advanced feature is required in a reverse
engineering tool or the tools need to support different types of architectures. Interface
choice is also a big reason why some might prefer one tool over another.

This chapter talked about some commonly used open source and commercial reverse
engineering tools. We also discussed some case studies to understand what type of
features and capabilities would be required in a tool to solve the problem. For the majority
of tasks done during a penetration test, basic disassembling and debugging are needed,
so an open source reverse engineering tool would be enough for such a requirement.
However, for more advanced features and capabilities, we would have to go with a
commercial reverse engineering tool such as IDA Pro or Hopper. It is also important to
feel comfortable with the graphical interface (or visual mode) that each of these tools have.
That's another reason why someone prefers one reverse engineering tool over another. For
the reverse engineering of mobile applications, the important features/capabilities that the
tools must have are the disassembly and assembly of OSx and dex files, decompilation,
graphing, patching of the binary files, and string search.
Tools such as Ghidra and Radare2 can very well perform the aforementioned tasks.
Another important point is that the Android application binaries can be reverse
engineered easily, in comparison to the iOS application binary. This is basically because
the dex files can be converted to Java code, using a decompiler such as JADX.
In the next chapter, we will look at some of the ways we can use automated scanners,
which can also perform a bit of reverse engineering. This might be useful when you have
a huge list of applications to reverse engineer and only want to find some basic things
in those apps – for example, I am looking for a specific string in a hundred different
applications, or I am interested in only checking for some binary protections on hundreds
of mobile app binaries. Such tests can be easily automated using open source tools. We
will look more closely into this in the next chapter.
Automating the
Reverse Engineering
During a penetration test or malware analysis, reverse engineering is generally performed
on one binary (or application) at a time because the aim of reverse engineering is to
analyze a single application. However, there can be cases when you need to quickly
analyze a lot of applications for some generic details. For example, you want to find out
whether a specific method is being used in any of the applications you are working on, or
you want to find out whether a specific string (or strings) is a part of any of the available
application binaries.
In such cases, it would be really helpful if you could automate these tasks. A static analysis
is often the very first step during a black box penetration test of a mobile application. The
static analysis helps to quickly analyze the application based on the reverse engineered
code, extract strings, analyze the binary for some basic protections, and can also perform
a quick malware analysis. So, let's have a look at how we can automate some part of the
static reverse engineering using open source tools as well as some scripting.
124 Automating the Reverse Engineering Process

In this chapter, we will be covering the following topics:

• Using an open source tool to automatically perform a static analysis of Android and
iOS applications
• Understanding a case study to automate a few reverse engineering tasks
• Writing scripts to automatically perform a few tasks on binaries

Technical requirements
We will be using the Ubuntu virtual machine setup, which we used in the previous
chapter. In this chapter, we will be using Docker inside the Ubuntu virtual machine to run
Mobile Security Framework.

Automated static analysis of mobile

The first step during a black box penetration test is to gather as much information as
possible about the target. In the case of a mobile application penetration test (black box),
a static analysis of the application package (Android Application Package (APK) or iOS
application archive (IPA)) is done to get a basic idea about the application, as well as to
analyze it for some low-hanging vulnerabilities and missing security controls. Let's have a
look at things that a static analysis tool can check on an application:

• Extract details about the application from the application's manifest (for Android)
or PLIST (for iOS) files.
• Analyze the binary for protections such as Automatic Reference Counting (ARC),
code signing, and Position Independent Executable (PIE).

Important Note
ARC is used for automatic memory management in iOS apps. This is done by
handling the reference count of objects at the time of compilation.
The PIE flag is used in iOS application binaries to protect against Address
Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) by randomizing the application object's
location in the memory for every application restart.
Automated static analysis of mobile applications 125

• Reverse engineer the application binary to extract Java code (for Android apps),
classes (for iOS apps), strings, and so on
• Analyze the binary for the use of insecure APIs.

These are some of the initial test cases to be performed, and a lot of this can be done by
analyzing the reverse engineered binary. The most famous tool used for static analysis of
mobile applications is Mobile Security Framework (MobSF). Let's set up MobSF and
perform automated reverse engineering on SecureStorage iOS and Android applications.

MobSF is an open source security assessment framework for mobile applications. It
supports mobile app binaries (APK, XAPK, IPA, and APPX) along with zipped source. We
are going to have a look at the use of MobSF in quickly reverse engineering and analyzing
the reverse engineered binaries.
The MobSF GitHub repository can be found here:

Setting up MobSF
As per the official documentation, we can set up this tool on a Linux virtual machine
either by cloning the repository and then running the file or using a Docker

Important Note
MobSF requires Xcode command-line tools for IPA analysis, which can only
work on Mac, Linux, and Docker containers.

Let's set up MobSF using the Docker container and analyze the SecureStorage application.
To do so, we first need to install Docker on our Ubuntu virtual machine. The steps to
do so can be found on the official Docker website:
126 Automating the Reverse Engineering Process

To install Docker Engine, you can follow these steps:

1. To set up the repository, use the following code:

# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg \

2. Next, add Docker's GPG key:

# curl -fsSL
gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-

3. Set up the stable repository:

# echo \
"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/
usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https:// \
$(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.
list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

4. Update the apt package index:

# sudo apt-get update

5. Install Docker Engine:

# sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Once Docker Engine has been installed, you can verify whether it's running properly by
using the following command:

# sudo docker run hello-world

Automated static analysis of mobile applications 127

The following screenshot shows the output of the preceding command:

Figure 7.1 – Running the hello-world container on Docker

Once we have the container ready, we can now download a prebuilt Docker container and
run it directly.

Running the MobSF Docker container

A prebuilt Docker container can be found on Docker Hub. To download and run the
container, use the following code:
Downloading the container from Docker Hub:

# sudo docker pull opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf

128 Automating the Reverse Engineering Process

Here's the output:

Figure 7.2 – Downloading the MobSF container

Run the following on the container on port 8000:

# sudo docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 opensecurity/


The output is shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 7.3 – Running the MobSF container

Automated static analysis of mobile applications 129

Once this is done, you should be able to access the MobSF dashboard at

Figure 7.4 – The MobSF dashboard

Now that we have the MobSF tool running, we can perform a static analysis of iOS and
Android apps.

Performing a static scan on SecureStorage

Once we have MobSF running, simply drag and drop IPA or APK to complete the static
analysis. Once the scan is complete, you will be presented with a report.

Static analysis of APK

During a static analysis of APK, MobSF performs the following tasks:

1. Decompiling and extracting content such as hardcoded certificates/key stores

2. Converting AXML to XML
3. Extracting and analyzing manifest data
4. Creating the Java code
5. Converting DEX to SMALI
6. Extracting strings
130 Automating the Reverse Engineering Process

As you can see, a lot of these tasks are the same as the ones we performed during our
manual reverse engineering of the Android application. Once the analysis is done, we
can use the MobSF dashboard to download the reverse engineered JAVA code, strings,
AndroidManifest file, and more for a manual analysis. MobSF also performs an
automated analysis of the extracted content and provides us with a report containing all
the information (including any security issues discovered).

Static analysis of IPA

During the IPA analysis, MobSF performs the following tasks:

1. Extracting the IPA

2. Analyzing the Info.plist file
3. A Mach-O analysis of the binary
4. Dumping classes from the binary
5. Binary analysis

Once the analysis is done, we can download the reverse engineered entities, such as
strings, classdump, and Info.plist.
MobSF also performs a quick check on the binary for some protections.

Figure 7.5 – IPA binary analysis

Case study one – automating reverse engineering tasks 131

Note that this is the same information that we collected during the manual reverse
engineering of the SecureStorage binary using Radare2 in Chapter 5, Reverse Engineering
an iOS Application (Developed Using Swift).
The REST APIs in MobSF can also be used to further automate the process of static
analysis of the applications.
Using MobSF, we have automated some part of the basic reverse engineering that we
did manually in Chapter 3, Reverse Engineering an Android Application, and Chapter 4,
Reverse Engineering an iOS Application. However, this is in no way an alternative to a deep
manual analysis of the reverse engineered binary implemented during a penetration test
or malware analysis.
However, using a tool such as MobSF can be extremely helpful while performing an
analysis of a large number (>5) of applications in a quick timeframe. The automation
reduces the overhead time.
Let's understand this using a case study.

Case study one – automating reverse

engineering tasks
During a research project, we need to analyze how secure modern mobile applications are
and what percentage of these applications do not follow some best security practices of
binary protection, such as a stack canary and a PIE flag.
In order to complete such research on a wide range of IPAs, we would need to automate
the process of binary analysis and reverse engineering. This is where using a tool such as
MobSF can be very productive. Here is how we performed such checks on more than 500

1. We stored all IPAs at one location.

2. We then used the MobSF REST APIs to automate the static analysis of binaries one
by one:

‚ By uploading the file: api/v1/upload

‚ By scanning the uploaded file: /api/v1/scan
132 Automating the Reverse Engineering Process

3. Once the analysis is done, a JSON format of the report could be fetched and
analyzed to find the value of checks we are interested in:

‚ By generating the JSON report: api/v1/report_json

We then grepped the JSON report for our interesting values.

Figure 7.6 – Extracting the JSON report

Once we have the report in JSON format, we can quickly hunt for specific data that we are
looking for, such as the status of binary protection. There can be a lot of other scenarios
where you might need to perform some part of reverse engineering on a huge number of
applications (or binaries). If the test case falls under the list of automated scanners such
as MobSF, then you can use it. However, sometimes, the test case is very specific, and you
can't run a static scan and compare reports.

Case study two – automating test cases to find

security issues
During an audit, we noticed that all mobile applications developed by a specific team
used a list of common secrets and hardcoded values in the code. As it was also a black
box penetration test, we did not have any source code but had a list of 10+ Android
applications to test. We wanted to find out how many of these applications have the same
secrets and hardcoded accounts inside the application code. One way of doing this could
have been by manually extracting strings from each of these application binaries and then
searching for them. But we automated this part a little bit by following these steps:

1. Extracting all dex files from the APKs, using the unzip utility
2. Running strings on all dex files and saving the result in different text files
3. Grepping through all the text files containing strings to search for our specific

A simple script to automate this would look like this:

#For all files in the directory (all APKs are in this
Case study two – automating test cases to find security issues 133

for file in *.apk

echo "Extracting $file" #Printing the name of file
mkdir classes."$file" #Creating a directory with app name
unzip "$file" -d classes."$file"/ '*.dex' #extracting the
content of APK in temp directory

#mv temp/classes* "classes.$file" #Moving all dex files to

the new directory
#Running string on each dex file and saving the output to a
single strings.txt file

find classes."$file"/ -iname '*.dex' -exec strings "{}"

>classes."$file"/strings.txt \;

Important Note
The preceding script might also create directories with the names classes. ( is the bash script in the same directory) and classes.
temp (temp is the folder being created). To remove these directories, add the
following two lines in the bash script:
rm -rf
rm -rf classes.temp

The preceding script will automate the process of extracting dex files from a group of
APKs and will then extract strings from all dex files from the same APK and save them
in the strings.txt file (in each APK directory). Once we have the strings for all APKs,
the bash script can be extended to search for a specific string in those sets of strings.
txt files.
This is another case study of how you can automate some part of the reverse engineering
process using a custom bash script.
134 Automating the Reverse Engineering Process

This chapter talked about some case studies and gave some examples when automating
the reverse engineering process that might be helpful. Remember that reverse engineering
can be extremely in depth depending on what you are trying to achieve with it. Finding
hardcoded strings, class names, and more are the simpler tasks done through reverse
engineering. However, there can be a lot of complex challenges for which an in-depth,
manual analysis and reverse engineering might be required.
Automating all such requirements is not always possible. But it is usually a good idea
to automate the part of your work that you will need to perform again and again – for
example, extracting strings and classes from mobile application binaries.
That's it for this chapter. In the next and final chapter of this book, we will summarize
what we have discussed, what more can be explored in order to enhance your knowledge,
and what should be the way ahead.
Software reverse engineering, in simple terms, is the art of taking apart an application or
software to understand its internal workings. The way a piece of software/code functions
depends upon several factors such as the programming language, the CPU architecture
it is built for, and programming practices. The process of reverse engineering as well as
analyzing the reverse engineered software, depends on the type of architecture it was
developed for, the type of programming language, and so on.
For mobile application reverse engineering, the initial phase requires an understanding of
an application package structure, how it is developed, the programming language, binary
format, the application package type, and so on. With this knowledge, we start the process
of reverse engineering; in the case of an Android app, we use JADX because we know that
Java code can be extracted from dex files. However, for an iOS app, we disassemble the
binary using a disassembler tool such as Ghidra.
To explore deeper inside the reverse engineered binary, we would need to have a better
understanding of assembly language, architecture, native libraries, other programming
languages, and so on.
This book focuses on teaching how to get started with reverse engineering iOS and
Android applications. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. So, let's discuss what more
there is to learn, and how to get more expertise in the field of Android and iOS application
reverse engineering.
136 Conclusion

Excelling in Android application reverse

engineering – the way forward
This book has covered the very basics of getting started with understanding how an
Android application is developed, its internals, and how to reverse engineer an Android
Package (APK).
Depending upon the objective you are trying to achieve with reverse engineering,
sometimes, only decompiling the APK will give you the answer, but sometimes, you might
have to go steps ahead and analyze the Smali or Java code.
Android applications can also contain native libraries. These are the code compiled for
a specific architecture, mainly for intensive tasks. From a malware analysis point of view,
it becomes critical to reverse engineer the native libraries as well because malicious code
could also have been hidden inside these libraries. But to be able to reverse engineer the
compiled code, one would need to have an understanding of assembly language, ARM and
x86 architecture details, and so on. Here are a few things to learn if you want to excel in
the art of reverse engineering Android applications:

• Learn the ARM assembly

• Learn more about binary reverse engineering
• Learn about Android native libraries
• Learn about the dynamic loading of Dalvik Executables in Android apps
• Learn about runtime instrumentation using tools such as Frida

The preceding list is provided to help you see the way ahead in learning more about
Android application reverse engineering. A lot of learning eventually comes with practice,
so as you work on reverse engineering different applications, you will eventually learn more
binary reverse engineering skills, how developers usually write the program flow, and so on.

Excelling in iOS application reverse

engineering – the way forward
This book has covered details such as IPA architecture, contents, binary formats,
disassembling the iOS application binary, navigating through the disassembled code, and so
on. As we know, iOS applications do not have Java bytecode but instead have the compiled
binary. So, the only way to understand the functioning of an iOS application is through
understanding the disassembled binary. Excelling in iOS application reverse engineering
also requires a lot of other skills than those that have been discussed in this book.
Utilizing reverse engineering skills 137

Here are a few things to learn if you want to excel in the art of reverse engineering iOS

• Learn more about binary reverse engineering

• Learn about Mach-O and dynamically loaded code
• Learn about runtime instrumentation using tools such as Frida

Utilizing reverse engineering skills

As a mobile application penetration tester, malware researcher, exploit writer, and so on,
you will often be required to reverse engineer different types of applications. As discussed
in the previous chapters of this book, mobile application reverse engineering can be
helpful in a lot of ways:

• Bypassing security controls such as certificate pinning and root/jailbreak detection

• Analyzing the application flow and bypassing any runtime security control, such as
input encryption
• Analyzing mobile malware applications
• Performing security assessment of an application
• Finding security issues in code or an application package
• Modifying the behavior of an application and repacking it

In more than 500+ black-box mobile application penetration tests that I have performed
so far, reverse engineering is the first step. It gives a great insight into how an application
is created, some basic details, and low-hanging vulnerabilities (if any) – for example,
hardcoded sensitive details in application code is a very common security issue discovered
during penetration tests. To find such a security issue, I have a list of common keywords
that can be searched in the extracted strings from the application binary. Often, reverse
engineering provides great insights into some hidden functionalities as well. Let's have
a look at one such case study.
138 Conclusion

Exposing unreleased features in an application

through reverse engineering
Mobile applications are getting new updates almost every day now. Developers need to
keep up with the speed of new releases, and to do so, production mobile apps often also
have code for some unreleased features. A very common feature is a hidden debug menu
or a hidden configuration/analytics menu.
While analyzing a reverse engineered mobile application, it was noticed that a major part
of code was available that did not have any UI for normal users. However, on tapping
a few times on the logo on the About us screen, a hidden screen is shown, which asks for
a password.
This hidden screen gives access to some debug/internal config features of the application,
enabling you to disable the license check, bypass all access control checks, and so on.
This can be a goldmine of security issues if found in a production application. The only
way to discover these types of features is through reverse engineering and analyzing the
disassembled binary or decompiled Java code.
As discussed in Chapter 7, Automating the Reverse Engineering Process, automating some
parts of reverse engineering is also very useful, especially when a review is to be done on
a huge number of applications.

Being able to reverse engineer an application and understand (as well as modify) its
internal working is a great superpower to have. We discussed how mobile applications are
developed, the basics of reverse engineering mobile applications, how reverse engineering
can be useful during security assessment, as well as malware analysis, and how to
automate some parts of reverse engineering.
The path to learning does not stop here, as this is just the start of what is possible with
reverse engineering. With this, I will end this book here, and I hope you all will have a lot
of fun reverse engineering mobile applications to find and fix security issues.
A Dalvik executable files 7
lib 7
Address Space Layout Randomization
(ASLR) 124
res 7
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 58
resources.arsc 7
Android application
code obfuscation 59-62
modifying 59
forward and reverse engineering
recompiling 59
processes 12
application binary
fundamentals 7-12
disassembling 71
Android application development 40-43
Ghidra, using 71-78
Android Application Package (APK)
Hopper Disassembler, using 78-81
about 42, 124, 136
application binary disassembled
static analysis 129, 130
reviewing, manually for
Android application reverse engineering
security issues 81-84
about 43-46, 136
assembly language 5
unreleased features, exposing in 138
auto analysis process 75
Android Debug Bridge (ADB) 40
automated static analysis, of
Android malware 59
mobile applications
Android Runtime (ART) 42
about 124
Android Studio
MobSF 125
download link 8
static scan, performing on
hello world application, creating 8-11
SecureStorage 129
APK, components
Automatic Reference Counting
AndroidManifest.xml 7
(ARC) 124
assets 7
140 Index

B disassembler 5
disassembling 5
baksmali 29, 48 Docker Engine, on Ubuntu
binary installation link 125
used, for extracting strings 69-71
binary format 65, 66
Binary Ninja
about 116 fastboot 40
reference link 116 forward and reverse engineering processes
Binary Ninja pricing in Android application 12
reference link 116 frida-ios-dump 95
bytecode 42 frida-ipa-dump 95

code obfuscation Ghidra
about 59 about 31, 32, 115
in Android apps 59-62 using 71-78
codesign 85
commercial tools
about 115, 117
Binary Ninja 116 Hopper
Hopper 116 about 116
IDA 116 disassembled binary 6
JEB Decompiler 117 reference link 116
Hopper Disassembler
D using 78-81

Dalvik bytecodes 42
Dalvik Executable (DEX) 8
debugging 6 IDA
decompilation 5 about 116
decompiler 5 reference link 116
DEX files IDA Free 116
converting, to smali 48-52 IDA license types
Digital Rights Management (DRM) 66 reference link 116
disassembled binary IDA price list
in Hopper 6 reference link 116
Index 141

IDA versions JADX tool 47, 115

reference link 116 Java source code
integrated development extracting 47
environment (IDE) 64 Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 8, 41
iOS JEB Decompiler
hello world application, creating 14-20 about 117
iOS app development 64, 65 reference link 117
iOS application JEB Decompiler pricing
fundamentals 12-20 reference link 117
reverse-engineering process 20 just-in-time (JIT) compiler 41
iOS application archive (IPA)
about 124
static analysis 130, 131
iOS application package, components Mach object file format (Mach-O) 65
executable 13 Mac-only tools
Info.plist 13 codesign 85
resource files 13 otool 85
iOS application reverse engineering using, for iOS app reverse
about 66-69, 136, 137 engineering 85, 86
application binary disassembled, malware analysis
reviewing manually for mobile application reverse engineering
security issues 81-84 tools, analyzing 120
application binary, disassembling 71 Mobexler virtual machine
Mac-only tools 86 about 34
Mac-only tools, using 85 use case, example 34, 36
strings, extracting from binary 69-71 mobile application reverse
iOS App Signer engineering tools
reference link 67 about 114
iOS App Store Package (IPA) 12 analyzing, in malware analysis 120
iOS architecture analyzing, in penetration test 118, 120
overview 13 commercial tools 115, 117
open source tool 115
J Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)
about 125
JADX - Dex-to-Java decompiler setting up 125-127
about 27, 28 MobSF Docker container
use case, example 28 running 127-129
142 Index

N Radare2 framework
about 115
Native Development Kit (NDK) 40 installing 96, 97
Non-Executable Stack (NX) 109 reference link 115
strings, extracting from
O binary with r2 100
strings, extracting from binary
Objective C with rabin2 99
versus Swift application 88, 90-92 symbols, extracting from
Objective C and Swift binary 100-106, 108, 109
difference between, from reverse using 97, 99
engineering perspective 92-95 Radare2 framework, tools
open source tools rabin2 97
about 115 radare2 97
Ghidra 115 rasm2 97
JADX 115 reference link 97
Radare2 framework 115 reverse apktool
operation code (opcode) 72 about 25, 26
otool 85 use case, example 26
reverse engineering
P debugging process 6
decompilation process 5
penetration test disassembling process 5
mobile application reverse engineering fundamentals 5, 6
tools, analyzing 118, 120 of Android applications 43-46
reverse engineering, used to find of iOS application 20
security issues 52-58 using, to find security issues during
Position Independent penetration test 52-58
Executables (PIE) 124 reverse engineering of mobile
ProGuard 60 applications tools
about 23, 24
R apktool 25, 26
Ghidra 31, 32
Radare 33 JADX - Dex-to-Java decompiler 27
Radare2 Mobexler virtual machine 34
reference link 95 Radare 33
smali/baksmali 29
strings 30
Index 143

reverse engineering skills strings

utilizing 137 about 30
reverse engineering tasks extracting, from binary 69-71
automating 131, 132 use case, example 30
Swift application
S versus Objective C 88, 90-92
Swift application reverse engineering
SecureStorage about 95
about 43, 46, 65 Radare2 framework, installing 96, 97
static scan, performing 129 Radare2 framework, using 97, 99
SecureStorage (Objective-C version)
application package
reference link 65
security issues test cases
application binary disassembled, automating, to find security
reviewing manually 81-84 issues 132, 133
finding, by test cases
automation 132, 133
SHA-256 hash 119
about 29, 48
DEX files, converting to 48-52
software development kit (SDK) 40, 64
software reverse engineering (SRE) 31
stack canary 109
static scan
performing, on SecureStorage 129
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