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Submitted by:
Isleta, Jhon Jericho M.
Marbella, Genesis Joy I.
Mendoza, Arabelle L.
Submitted to:
Ms. Rose Ann Gerona
Lettuce is commonly known as lechugas which is native to Southern Europe and Western Asia. In
the Philippines lettuce is considered as one of the most important salad crops and also used as
garnishing for other food preparations. Today, June 8, 2023. We went to the field to transplant our
lettuce, first we removed the weeds because there were already too many weeds. The soil was first
plowed and gently raked so that we would not have difficulty in transplanting our lettuce. After
we mulched and mowed around the plot, we took our lettuce seedlings to move them. The lettuce
that we planted in the seedling tray was not enough to fill our plot, so we took the remaining
seedlings of water spinach and mustard because we will not reach the deadline if we plant lettuce
again so we thought to fill it up of other crops left by other groups so that we can plant the whole
plot of our crop.

After we planted, we watered it so it wouldn't wither. and then Jericho removed the weeds around
the plot so that the plants we planted would not be deprived of nutrients.

We know that one of our enemies when it comes to planting crops is pests and weeds because they
have a huge impact on our plants. it is possible to die or it may affect the growth and yield of our

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