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Question bank

Core program

Q1-MARK the correct answer with TRUE and the wrong answer with

1- Introverted is more social than extraverted ( F)

2- High degree from psychoticism may cause psychotic disorders (T)
3- Role conflict may cause alienation (F)
4- Subconscious in psychodynamic theory contain from ID and
superego ( F)
5- Regular exercises one of the common ways to manage our stress T
6- According to differential emotional theory our basic emotion in
between 8 to 12 emotions ( T)
7- Social judgment one of the ways we use to solve identity crisis (T)
8- Job satisfaction is one of emotional development in adulthood (F)
9- Cognitive theory suppose that memory has three stages T
10-Eysenk supposes that there are three superfactores for
personality F
11-Social learning theory concern with social behavior T
12-Overt behavior is visible but covert behavior isn’t T
13-Early adulthood start from 30 years F
14- -Psychological behavior refers to the external action only F
15--Emotions theory suppose that our emotions related with attention
16-One of adulthood problems is social anxiety F
17--Classic conditioning theory concern with explain our cognitive
ability (F )
18-According to psychodynamic theory our subconscious mind contain
from ID and super –ego (F)
19-Psychodynamic theory supposes that ID refers to our biological
needs ( T )
20-Role conflict happen in adulthood because of the responsibilities of
this age ( T )
21-Encounter stress is a type of stress related with limited time F
22-Sociability one of neuroticism traits F
23-Reflective person usually has so many mistakes T
24-Encoding is the first stage of memory T
25- According to social learning theory Mediator process influence on our
behavior (T)
26-Sharpening one of the cognitive styles related with memory (T)
27- According to Weiner’s theory internal locus of causality is situational
28-Attribution theories explain our emotions (F)
29-Depression one of adulthood problems (F)

Q2- Choose the correct answer

1-Stress include all of these types EXCEPT

A) Time stress
B) Anticipatory stress
C) Biological stress
D) Acute stress

2- One of adulthood problems is

A) Depression
B) Anxiety
C) Identity crisis
D) Emotional troubles

3- Uncontrolled behavior could be a result of

A) Accumulation of many situations
B) Genetic factors
C) Bad marriage
D) Cognitive Factors

4- Critical thinking consider one of

A) High thinking Skills
B) Core thinking skills
C) Abnormal thinking
D) Analysis thinking

5-According to Eysenk’s theory there are four superfactors of personality

one of them
A) Optimism
B) Suspicion
C) Rationalism
D) Psychoticism

6-Attribution theories explain

A) Personality traits
B) Cognitive believes
C) Different abilities
D) Motivation

7-Bad marriage is
A) Anticipatory stress
B) Situational stress
C) Acute stress
D) Chronic stress

8-The internal locus of causality is a

A) Dispositional
B) Situational
C) Emotional
D) Rational

9-Psychosocial development in adulthood include all these factors

A) Job satisfaction
B) Independency
C) Social communication
D) Aggression

10-Poor self –care one of

A) Emotional signs of stress
B) Psychological signs of stress
C) Behavioral signs of stress
D) Physical signs of stress
11- early adulthood begins in
A) 20 years
B) 30 years
C) 40 years
D) 50 years
11- refers to information processing abilities
A) Fluid intelligence
B) Crystalized intelligence
C) Core thinking skills
D) High thinking skills

12- is high complex contain of thoughts ,emotions ,and dreams

A) Brain
B) Mind
C) Personality
D) Motivation

13- subconsciousness in psychodynamic theory contain from

B) Ego
C) Superego
D) All above

14- it refers to perception of yourself in psychodynamic theory

B) Ego
C) Superego
D) Defense mechanism

15- stimulus and response are main concepts in

A) Cognitive theory
B) Psychodynamic theory
C) Classic conditioning theory
D) Humanistic theory
16- cognitive theory concern with
A) Information processing
B) Perception
C) Memory
D) All above

17- the visible type of behavior like eating foods

A) Covert behavior
B) Overt behavior
C) Uncontrolled behavior
D) All above
18- it’s a cognitive style related with memory

A) Simplicity -complicity
B) Field dependence – field independence
C) Leveling -sharpening
D) Reflective -impulsive

19- according to Eysenic theory there are

A) Three super factors

B) Four super factors
C) Five super factors
D) Six super factors

Q4- Each sentence has a wrong word UNDERLINE the wrong word and

- Cognitive theory suppose that human memory goes through four

Three stages
- Classic conditioning theory was too complicated
- Covert behavior is a visible type of behavior like eating foods
Overt behavior
- One of the emotional signs of stress is worrying
Psychological signs
- Toxic job, and bad marriage are different types of acute stress
Chronic stress
- Levers tend to have more accurate memory
- Cognitive complexity –cognitive simplicity is a cognitive style
related with memory
Leveling –sharpening
- According to Eysenck’s theory there are six basic factors of
Four basic factors
- Evaluation involves close reading of a piece of work
- Critical thinkers must be subjective
- Psychology is the study of brain and behavior
- Behavior refers to action of person response of internal or external
Action or reaction

Q5: Complete the following sentences

1-A response of the body to any demand whether it caused by or result

in, pleasant or unpleasant condition Stress

2- A type of intelligence refers to information processing abilities such as

logical and reasoning Fluid intelligence

3- One of adulthood problems cause as a result of gap between the

society and adult identity crisis

4- Unexpected behavior that occur without thinking such as sudden

closing eye Molecular behavior

5- The study of mind how it works and effects behavior Psychology

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