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conventional farming relies on chemical intervention to combat pests and

weeds and supply plant nutrition. Synthetic insecticides, herbicides, and
fertilizers are included while Organic farming which is a type of farming
system that restores soil, ecosystem, and human health wich uses
environmentally friendly methods of controlling weed, pest, and diseases in
plants .using natural produce fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides etc. Rather
than using synthetic inputs like chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and
herbicides, organic farmers rely on natural processes, biodiversity, and
cycles that are tailored to local conditions but mostly in today's era farmers
rely on using synthetic, more are practicing inorganic farming rather than
being organic .


 Recognize some of farmers who practice inorganic farming.

 Know more about using synthetic products such as fertilizers,
herbicides, pesticides/insecticides
 Differentiate inorganic farming to organic farming


Name: Levirato Medina



Address:Brgy Bulagsong Catanauan, Quezon


1. What type of farm that the farmer has?

 Inorganic
2. How many years he or she has been in the farming business?
 31 years

3. What type of crop does the farmer usually produce?

 The crop that he usually produce is Rice

4. What type of seed the farmer uses in planting (hybrid or not)?

 The type of seed that he uses is Ordinary , (RC 480) an inbred rice seed

5. Did they try to plant different types of seeds aside from their usual
a. If yes, are there any differences when it comes to growth,
resistance from pests/ diseases, and yield?
 aside from rice which is he's usual seed that he plants he also intercrop balatong
6. If yes explain the differences which are better when it comes to:
a. Growth
 in terms of growth rice takes longer to grow (takes 110days) than Mung-beans
(takes only 3months)
b. Resistance to pest diseases
 rice is more susceptible to pests ,there are more pests in rice while in Mung-beans
only bugs (atangya)
c. Yield
 high-yield on nsic Rc 480 rice
7. When it comes to fertilization what type of fertilizer does the farmer
use is it organic or inorganic type of fertilizer? Explain the effect on
plant growth.
 inorganic fertilizers for him the effect of synthetic fertilizers on plant growth is good but on
soil it is not good. hes aware that those some fertilizer has a mix of gypsum a sulfate mineral
,excellent source of sulfur for plant nutrition aside on its good effect on plant growth
According to him these can hardens the soil

8. If the farmers tried to use both (organic and inorganic) types of

fertilizer are there any differences when it’s to growth and yield?
 he didn't try to use organic fertilizer only inorganic

9. Which fertilizer is the farmer considered the best type of fertilizer

organic or inorganic?
 for him organic is better than inorganic fertilizers
10. When it comes to controlling pests and diseases what practices does
the farmer apply/ used? Explain why?
If the farmer uses pesticides what type of pesticide/ insecticide
does the farmer use, is it organic or synthetic? Then explain the
 he sprays synthetic such as karate and applaud the effect is it kills insects and pests
a. If the farmers used both synthetic and organic does have any
differences when it comes to controlling diseases and pests?
11. Did the farmers aware of the disadvantages of using conventional
fertilizers, and synthetic pesticides/ insecticides/ herbicides in the
environment and humans?
a. If yes, why does the farmer still choose to use these types of
fertilizers, and pesticides/ insecticides/ herbicides?
 hes aware of the disadvantages of using conventional fertilizers, and synthetic
pesticides/ insecticides/ herbicides in the environment and humans but he still
choose to use those synthetic chemicals because for him it is easy to access on
market also the crops grows quickly with the help of synthetic .in addition he also
said this can help him to quickly harvest and earn money from his crop



Name:Ronald Patubo



Address:Brgy Bulagsong Catanauan, Quezon


1. What type of farm that the farmer has?

 Inorganic farming
2. How many years he or she has been in the farming business?
 15years
3. What type of crop does the farmer usually produce?
 Rice
4. What type of seed the farmer uses in planting (hybrid or not)?
 The type of seed is inbred (RC18,216,480)
5. Did they try to plant different types of seeds aside from their usual seed?
a. If yes, are there any differences when it comes to growth, resistance from pests/ diseases,
and yield?
 YES, aside from seeds of rice ,according to him he also plants eggplant
6. If yes explain the differences which are better when it comes to:
 when it comes to growth rice is faster growing compared to eggplant
b.Resistance to pest diseases
 both are prone to pest ,but Spraying of eggplant is more often than rice
 based on income, more was earned from vegetables than from rice . only 1 cropping on rice
but in eggplant it continues for up to 6 months, so more can be harvest and
yield increases.
7. When it comes to fertilization what type of fertilizer does the farmer
use is it organic or inorganic type of fertilizer? Explain the effect on
plant growth.
 inorganic fertilizer, according to him the effect on plant growth is good by the use of
inorganic fertilizer the plant can grow quickly
8. If the farmers tried to use both (organic and inorganic) types of
fertilizer are there any differences when it’s to growth and yield?
 he didn't try to use organic fertilizer only inorganic
9. Which fertilizer is the farmer considered the best type of fertilizer organic or inorganic?
 for him, he believes organic is much good than any synthetic fertilizer
10. When it comes to controlling pests and diseases what practices
does the farmer apply/ used? Explain why?
a.If the farmer uses pesticides what type of pesticide/ insecticide does the farmer use, is it
organic or synthetic? Then explain the effect.
 he only uses synthetic such as karate and other pesticide/insecticide for worm
b. If the farmers used both synthetic and organic does have any differences when it comes to
controlling diseases and pests?
11. Did the farmers aware of the disadvantages of using conventional
fertilizers, and synthetic pesticides/ insecticides/ herbicides in the
environment and humans?
 yes, he is aware on the disadvantages of using conventional fertilizers, and synthetic
pesticides/ insecticides/ herbicides in the environment and humans
a.If yes, why does the farmer still choose to use these types of fertilizers, and pesticides/
insecticides/ herbicides?
 despite of using some of types of fertilizers, and pesticides/ insecticides/ herbicides he is
continuing to use those these kind because for him it is easy to access on market


Name:Abad Morales



Address:Brgy Bulagsong Catanauan, Quezon


1. What type of farm that the farmer has?

 Inorganic farming
2. How many years he or she has been in the farming business?
 33 year
3. What type of crop does the farmer usually produce?
 Rice 402
4. What type of seed the farmer uses in planting (hybrid or not)?
 hybrids
 It's depends on what the municipal give to the farmers
5. Did they try to plant different types of seeds aside from their usual seed?
Yes they planted Banana and coconut, luya

a. If yes, are there any differences when it comes to growth, resistance from pests/ diseases,
and yield?
 Ginger and rice has a lots of difference the rice is planned into a low land where there is a
water irrigation and it last for 3 months before it harvest. While the genger si planted into a
dry land. They also used more pesticide to rice compared to ginger.
6. If yes explain the differences which are better when it comes to:
 when It comes to growth palay is much faster than the ginger cause it's just take 3 months
to harvest
b.Resistance to pest diseases
 They are both same the only difference is the ginger sometimes is morally corrapted. Then
when it comes to rice it needs more pesticide because they are attack rice specially when it's
starting to have a rice grain.
 When it comes to yield farmers are hesitant to plant rice because pesticide and fertilizer are
so expensive now and also the labor. So they say that they don't get that much of income.
7. When it comes to fertilization what type of fertilizer does the farmer use is it organic or
inorganic type of fertilizer? Explain the effect on plant growth.
 Farmer use Inorganic because it is convenient to them.
8. If the farmers tried to use both (organic and inorganic) types of fertilizer are there any
differences when it’s to growth and yield?
 They used inorganic, but they say that organic fertilizer are much better because it doesn't
affect the environment and it is much Healthier than inorganic chemical. But the reason why
they don't use organic is because it takes a long process because if they do that they have to
collect and decompose leaves, or get chicken manure. so they say it has a lot of process to
make if they will go for an organic farming.
9. Which fertilizer is the farmer considered the best type of fertilizer organic or inorganic?
 They said organic is better because it's healthier for health because it doesn't have any
10. When it comes to controlling pests and diseases what practices does the farmer apply/ used?
Explain why?
 They spray pesticide that are available in the agricultural store because it is convenient
a.If the farmer uses pesticides what type of pesticide/ insecticide does the farmer use, is it
organic or synthetic? Then explain the effect.
 They said they used synthetic in thier crops. The effect of this they got a higher yeild.
b. If the farmers used both synthetic and organic does have any differences when it comes to
controlling diseases and pests?
11. Did the farmers aware of the disadvantages of using conventional fertilizers, and synthetic
pesticides/ insecticides/ herbicides in the environment and humans?
a.If yes, why does the farmer still choose to use these types of fertilizers, and pesticides/
insecticides/ herbicides?
 one of the farmer reasons is that to harvest quickly from his crop and quickly sell it on
market ,he's aware but he has a goal to earn fast from his crop



Name:Aquilina Natividad



Address:Brgy Bulagsong Catanauan, Quezon



1. What type of farm that the farmer has?

 Inorganic

2. How many years he or she has been in the farming business?

 15 years

3. What type of crop does the farmer usually produce?

 bitter gourd

4. What type of seed the farmer uses in planting (hybrid or not)?

 Hybrid (galaxy F1 hybrid ampalaya)

5. Did they try to plant different types of seeds aside from their usual seed?
a. If yes, are there any differences when it comes to growth, resistance from pests/ diseases, and yield?

 Yes,Asidefrom the ampalaya seeds that they plant, they also plants seeds of an eggplant

6. If yes explain the differences which are better when it comes to:

a. Growth

 When it comes to growth Eggplant grows faster and lives longer compared on raising bitter
gourd which takes a long time before being available

b. Resistance to pest diseases-

 Even though the bitter gourd is hybrid it has more pests compared to eggplant

c. Yield-

 the yield depends on the variety that the farmers plant and since their usual seed is hybrid more
is being harvest in ampalaya

7. When it comes to fertilization what type of fertilizer does the farmeruse is it organic or inorganic type
of fertilizer? Explain the effect onplant growth.

 Inorganic fertilizer , the effect is that it is easy to use , fast acting and very effective on plant

8. If the farmers tried to use both (organic and inorganic) types offertilizer are there any differences
when it’s to growth and yield?

 Also Didn't tried to use organic only inorganic that's why the farmer doesn't know the difference
when it's to growth and yield

9. Which fertilizer is the farmer considered the best type of fertilizer organic or inorganic?

 InOrganic one of her reason is that it is easy to use

10. When it comes to controlling pests and diseases what practices does the farmer apply/ used? Explain
 When it comes to controlling pests and diseases the practice that the farmer only do is applying
and spraying some pesticide/insecticide like slam and nordox(fungicide for the leaf rust)

a. If the farmer uses pesticides what type of pesticide/ insecticide does the farmer use, is it organic or
synthetic? Then explain the effect.

 synthetic,it helps to take care of the vegetables by using pesticide against insects or pests that
attack and affect the plant. where it helps to gain or harvest quickly

b. If the farmers used both synthetic and organic does have any differences when it comes to controlling
diseases and pests?

11. Did the farmers aware of the disadvantages of using conventional fertilizers, and synthetic
pesticides/ insecticides/ herbicides in the environment and humans?
a. If yes, why does the farmer still choose to use these types of fertilizers, and pesticides/ insecticides/

 aware of the disadvantages of using conventional fertilizers, and synthetic pesticides/

insecticides/ herbicides in the environment and humans but still choose to use these types of
fertilizers, and pesticides/ insecticides/ herbicides because she knows the right way of using
it .using synthetic the plant grows quickly and quickly produces fruit. also convenient for her to
used .


Name: sherlito O. De Chavez

Age: 41 yrs old

Sex: Male

Address: Brgy tagbacan ilaya Catanauan Quezon


1. What type of farm that the farmer has?

 Inorganic farm
2. How many years he or she has been in the farming business?
 he has been farming for 22 years
3. What type of crop does the farmer usually produce?
 rice, eggplant,
4. What type of seed the farmer uses in planting (hybrid or not)?
 When it comes to rice they prefer using a non hybrid. Because they used certified seeds
from farmers association. And then when it comes to eggplant they used hybrid seeds
because it has a good quality that they needed to produce more and high quality
product. And also it grow faster than other seeds that is not hybrids
5. Did they try to plant different types of seeds aside from their usual seed?
a. If yes, are there any differences when it comes to growth,
resistance from pests/ diseases, and yield?
 Yes, they do because sometimes Rice sales is based on what the buyers and consumers
are looking for. So they used different varieties of seeds. It's depends on what is suitable
for their farm. And we're they will have more income. Like for example RC 18 this
variety has a good quality and great production rate. but this variety are often attack by
pest. Which leads to the reduction of what they are harvesting.
6. If yes explain the differences which are better when it comes to:
 when the quality of the seed is good the growth is fast because of this, it grows faster, is
not attacked by pests and is able to survive
b.Resistance to pest diseases
 yes, when the quality of the seed is good, it is not affected by diseases or attacked by
pests and we also use pest control products to make our crops more productive.
 more is harvested than the indigenous seeds that are relatively less harvested because
they are easily affected by disease or are prone to disease
7. When it comes to fertilization what type of fertilizer does the farmer
use is it organic or inorganic type of fertilizer? Explain the effect on
plant growth.
 synthetic fertilizer will make it easier for the plant to grow when
we put it in and it will be easier for farmers to get it and buy
it.when synthetic fertilizer is used, it is more profitable
8. If the farmers tried to use both (organic and inorganic) types of
fertilizer are there any differences when it’s to growth and yield?
 have never used organic fertilizer so we don't know which is the difference in the result
when using organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer
9. Which fertilizer is the farmer considered the best type of fertilizer organic or inorganic?
 the inorganic fertilizer because we use it more often and it is the usual and effective
plant fertilizer
10. When it comes to controlling pests and diseases what practices
does the farmer apply/ used? Explain why?
a.If the farmer uses pesticides what type of pesticide/ insecticide does the farmer use, is it
organic or synthetic? Then explain the effect.
 we use synthetic because when there are many pests we immediately apply a killer to
control the spread because our income will be reduced when our crops are damaged. if
in effect it can kill pests quickly because we really choose a killer for destructive insects
to reduce it and prevent damage from spreading
b. If the farmers used both synthetic and organic does have any differences when it comes
to controlling diseases and pests?
11. Did the farmers aware of the disadvantages of using conventional
fertilizers, and synthetic pesticides/ insecticides/ herbicides in the
environment and humans?
a.If yes, why does the farmer still choose to use these types of fertilizers, and pesticides/
insecticides/ herbicides?
 We know the effect it has on the environment. But we still use
synthetic because it is effective and quick to obtain. Many
people will buy synthetic chemicals that we use in our plants.
that's why I can't use organic, it's hard to know what kind of
insect it can kill or if it can make the plant grow fast

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