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Topic: Importance and implementation of Flashcards in the learning vocabulary in

fourth grade students of primary school at Emmanuel Mongalo y Rubio - Palacagüina,

Madriz in the period from June to August 2021.

* General: yo assess the influence of Flashcards on the acquisition of English
Vocabulary of fourth grade students of primary school at Emmanuel Mongalo y Rubio -
Palacagüina, Madriz.
* Specific: Identify the correct use of Flashcards for acquisition of english vocabulary in
fourth grade students of primary school at Emmanuel Mongalo y Rubio, Palacagüina.
Describe the level of english vocabulary that students can get though the use of

How yo teach english vocabulary using Flashcards with the students of fourth grade of
primary school at Emmanuel Mongalo y Rubio - Palacagüina?

* Presentation. In this stage, the teachers can use various techniques which are
recommended in the previous discussion. However, the teachers have to be careful in
selecting the techniques that they used in teaching activity.

* Practice. In the second stage, the teacher give exercises to the students in order to
practice the subject items being learnt, making completion, matching, words
classification, etc. those are several types of exercise that can be used by the teacher
in this stage.

* Production. In this stage the students are expected to apply the newly learn
vocabulary through the speaking activities or writing activities

This action research work is focus on the use of flashcards as

didactic material to improve the English vocabulary with children from
Fourth Grade of Primary School at Emmanuel Mongalo y Rubio - Palacagüina.
These students received English classes once a week without the support of
resources and activities that motivate and facilitate the learning of the
vocabulary. The current study explored a strategy to facilitate the
improvement of the vocabulary learning. The application of the
investigation point out to answer the question: How do flashcards as part
of the classroom activities solve the limitation of the vocabulary learning.
For all these reasons this action research will provide to the english teacher
and researcher a great way to improve their teaching skills and give to the
community excellent professionals.

Problem Statement
The flashcards learning cards are a tool that favors the acquisition of english
vocabulary in boys and girls of primary, the flashcards as a didactic strategy allows the
process of learning vocabulary in english language . They are well receibed by the
students since they are atract their attention ,their attention they add variety of
vocabulary and also help to improve the retention of what they have learned
One of the keys to learning vocabulary verbs and expressions as possible will assess
the influence and impact that flashcards have caused on the children of the
Emanuel Mongalo and Rubio palacaguina school.

Searching in the repository of the Central University of Ecuador of the
English career , is the thesis carried out by: Eduardo Marcial González Paredes in the
year 2013 with the theme: “Flashcards in the development of the lexicon of English in
students of the tenth year of basic education of the Andrés Bello National School of
the City of Quito, school year 2012 - 2013 ”, concludes:

° The images or drawings captured in the Flashcards used by the teachers significantly
help the learning of the lexicon of the English vocabulary, same which are an important
factor in capturing students' attention and thus contribute to the interactive teaching

° The use of sounds accompanied by flashcards, help the development of the English
vocabulary, since the familiarity of the speaker's voice, with the spelling of the words
are an influencing factor in cognitive recognition of

° The size in the elaboration of the Flashcards plays an important role, since facilitates
an optimal visual field helping to obtain the attention and concentration of the

° Learning with Flashcards denotes a higher level of attention and concentration of

part of the students in whom we find dynamic interactive attitudes participatory,
motivating, and thus it can be determined that this is a very appropriate interschool

° Reviewing with Flashcards helps students to quickly and easily grasp the
vocabulary since we are going back to topics previously covered in class in which this
material was used.
° Flashcards are the best method when memorizing, since with the use of these,
students absorb vocabulary more quickly in addition to store and retrieve information.

Theoretical Framework
Flashcards are a strategy especially for raw data, for example, historical data,
vocabulary, symbols of other languages, etc. "(Aguayo, 2011, p.19). García F. (2010,
cited by Gonzales ), "comments that flash cards are wonderful tools for teaching
because they offer fun and interactive learning games, for all levels of education, or for
all subjects or students" (p. 13), Flashcards help to clarify and keep the mind active,
discover all kinds of skills, help in advanced analysis work, and also in interaction
through: spoken and written games, awaken listening skills in all languages and ages.
Learning a foreign language requires training of the four basic communication skills:
listening, speaking, reading and writing, which are presented as the main objective of
teaching English, in this sense the learning of he vocabulary through the use of flash
cards directly affects the acquisition of the four skills. They develop receptive language
skills, listening and reading, and productive writing and speaking skills. Johnson K
(1998), cited by Gonzales 2013, p.23), states that: Flashcards are a didactic material
commonly used in English classes at the levels of Basic Education and Early Childhood
Education. These serve to introduce new vocabulary and to review and strengthen the
vocabulary already studied. It can be used at the beginning of the session, as a first
contact and point of connection with the previous session and during or at the end of
it to review the vocabulary seen previously (p.23), Flashcards are useful at any time
during the study even more so of a foreign language, denoting the feasibility to carry
out a number of individual, couple or group activities and is highly motivating and
participatory for students.
In the history of education, flashcards have always been a valuable tool when teaching
or transmitting knowledge and although their origin is not exactly known or which
were the schools that led to their use, they have had a great immersion in education
since they simplify the complexity of many subjects as their use is becoming more and
more frequent, specifically in the teaching of the par English language. Kids. García F,
(2010), states that: Flashcards provide enjoyment and above all a lot of fun in the
various interactive games that they provide, they are also designed not only for
children but for all educational levels, in general these cards are designed by the
teacher himself these in turn provide an active mind discovering skills of all kinds as
well as the social development of the child, through role plays, cited in (p.24).
González Paredes (2013), states that: Flashcards are elements of didactic support and
frequently used in school, in each English class at different levels of basic education
and early childhood education, likewise they provide us with help when showing new
vocabulary, which allows to consolidate and revise the vocabulary already studied
(p.26). The verbal language that does not reach clearly where the student is located,
must be replaced by the image since all the resources of visual didactic elaboration
have a high value since they provide meanings to the information that the speakers
capture (Murado JL, 2010.p.32).
Cognitive learning theories that support the use of flashcards Paivio A ..- The theory of
Dual Coding (dual coding theory) (1978) “It indicates that the theory of Dual Coding
was initially proposed by Allan Paivio of the University of Western Ontario, Canada.
The theory proposes that visual and verbal information are processed in the human
mind through different channels creating separate representations for the information
that is processed through each channel. This theory is supported by research evidence
showing that the Memory for some verbal information is enhanced if a relevant visual
element is also present or if the learner can imagine a visual image to accompany the
verbal information. Similarly, verbal information can often be improved when it is
paired with a visual, real or imaginary image. The theory of double encoding or dual
encoding indicates the existence of two channels in the formation of p Verbal and
nonverbal friction of cognition. Cognition is multimodal and is nourished, indistinctly,
by verbal processes and non-verbal realities. Language acquires a unique value,
because it not only intervenes at the verbal level, but also serves to identify and
symbolically represent non-verbal realities. Consequently, within the cognitive system,
two subsystems appear differentiated by their capacity for perception and
representation of images (non-verbal objects) and of verbal representation from
logógenes (logogens). The visual subsystem encodes and processes information
through shapes and images, while the verbal subsystem encodes and processes
information through logical ideas. The information makes it possible to establish
referential or conceptual connections between verbal and non-verbal sources.

Learning a foreign language requires the training of the four basic communication
skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, which are presented as the main
objective of teaching English, in this sense learning vocabulary through language. The
use of flash cards directly affects the acquisition of the four skills. They develop
receptive language skills, listening and reading, and productive writing and speaking
skills. Johnson K (1998), cited by Gonzales 2013, p.23), states that: Flashcards are a
didactic material commonly used in English classes at the levels of Basic Education and
Early Childhood Education. These serve to introduce new vocabulary and to review
and strengthen the vocabulary already studied. It can be used at the beginning of the
session, as a first contact and point of connection with the previous session and during
or at the end of it to review the vocabulary seen previously (p.23), Flashcards are
useful at any time during the study even more than a foreign language, denoting the
feasibility to carry out a number of individual, couple or group activities and is highly
motivating, participatory for students. Verbal language that does not reach clearly
where the student is located, must be replaced by the image since all the visual
didactic elaboration resources have a high value since they provide meanings to the
information that the teachers capture (Murado JL, 2010.p.32).
the english language unis one of the most widely spread languages internationally and,
as such, it becomes a useful tool in the comprehensive training of students, as it allows
them access to information to meet current academic requirements, to develop
efficiently in various life situations by coming into contact with people -who speak
english- from other social and cultural environments, as well as to work in different
contexts. in this sense, the area of english aims to achieve communicative competence
in a foreign language, which will allow you to acquire information on the most recent
and latest scientific and technological advances, whether digital or printed in english,
as well as allowing them access to new information and communication technologies
to expand their cultural addition, they create the conditions and
opportunities for the management of innovative methodologies that strengthen their
autonomy in learning other languages.

Advantages of using flashcards Garcia F, (2010), Taking into account

characteristics and functions of both the teacher and the student, the following
contributions of the use of flashcards are established:

 They provide fun and interactive learning for all levels of education
 They are very inexpensive and can be easily created by teachers, according to
the needs of the students
 They do not present technical problems, since they are easy to handle and
 They help with memory skills, among others. They are very useful for
presenting vocabularies
 Flashcards as teaching resources are a great contribution to education,
especially to learning a foreign language, since, with their easy preparation and
low cost, they have become an ideal resource for teaching English.

Why do we use flashcards in English class?

In general, they are very well received by students, since they are attractive and
attract their attention, add variety and help them better retain what they have
learned. One of the keys to learning a foreign language well is learning as much
vocabulary, verbs and expressions as possible. It is also important to know the
verb conjugations in order to form sentences in combination with the rest of
the vocabulary. Depending on the language we want to learn, we may also
have to learn to write characters that we are not used to in our native
Aguayo (2011) One of the methodological orientations of the Primary Decree
emphasizes the importance of context to help interpret written messages. On
the other hand, it reminds us of the need to previously present oral language to
written form. In this way, we will be able to reduce the interference of the
sound-spelling relationship of the mother tongue. Thus, one of the most
interesting techniques to introduce new vocabulary is through flashcards. With
the drawing of the object and the pronunciation we will be able to carry out
numerous activities until we consider that the new word is already understood.
It is then that we introduce its spelling and complete the learning. Aguayo
(2011) On the other hand, “according to the methodological guidelines, it is
necessary that in all units we integrate activities that include the development
of the four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. So we will see
that, with the help of the flashcards, we can carry out activities to develop each
of them. We will always try to work first the receptive skills than the
productive ones and the oral skills than the written ones.

How do we use flashcards in learning the English

Flashcards are very effective learning cards when it comes to new information.
Each chip is like a card with two faces on the front and back. On the front is the
image that we want to learn. On the reverse. We will write the translation,
pronunciation or writing.Once the cards are ready, we just have to take the set
of cards and starting from the information we have on the back, we must guess
the content on the back. To know if we have been correct or not, we just have
to turn the card and see which is the correct answer. This process can be
repeated as many times as necessary, until we have established the
information in our mind. Likewise, all the cards can be reversed and a review
based on the information on the reverse, to guess the front of them. There are
many ways how we can make use of flashcards or vocabulary cards for learning
the English language that we will see later.
Activities that we can do with flashcards and
vocabulary cardsPresentation of vocabulary (Listening)
We will have a fun box from where we will take the flashcards of each topic,
one by one, to create excitement. When we have gotten the first one we can
ask the students what they think the topic might be about. If they don't guess,
we get another one, and so on until we present all the words. RAISE THE
FLASHCARDS ('lift the flashcard') (Listening) This is another type of exercise to
introduce vocabulary. The children will have their flashcards of a card that they
have previously colored and cut out. The teacher says a word and the children
have to pick up the corresponding flashcard. Children who make a mistake will
be eliminated. Later, when the children have learned the written word, the
teacher can show them the written word and the children will pick up their
corresponding picture. In this way, children relate the word to its meaning (the
image) without the need to translate.
Spaced repetition In addition to the active recall process and metacognition,
flashcards allow another process called spaced repetition. Spaced repetition
consists of spacing the intervals in which the same information is studied again
to increase the chances of remembering that information in the long term.
Going through the information again after a period of time helps create
permanent memories, while learning something intensively in a short time
does not help it stay in memory. Spaced repetition is especially useful when
you want to memorize a large number of different elements permanently, and
therefore it remember using flashcards, you can use one of the following
applications with which to create your own flashcards in minutes.
Active recalll When we use flash cards, our brains are constantly being
stimulated to actively remember information and. Therefore, that information
is stored in our memories more effectively and for a longer time. Practicing
active recall or active recall creates stronger neural connections in the brain.
Metacognition When you create and use flashcards, you take control of your
own learning. You must decide what to put on each card, how often to use
them, and then evaluate how well you know the information on each flash
One of the keys to learning a foreign language well is to learn as many
vocabulary, verbs and expressions as possible. We will evaluate the influence
and impact that flashcards have caused on the children of the Emanuel
Mongalo and Rubio Palacaguina schools.


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