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Thomas D. Hurwitz, M.D.

Michael Howell, M.D.

Imran S. Khawaja, M.B.B.S. Parasomnias: A
Review for Psychiatrists
Abstract: The category of sleep disorders known as parasomnias includes behavioral disturbances occurring during sleep or
states of mixed sleep and wakefulness. They can be minimal and confined to vocalizations or minor movements or of
a magnitude that can lead to serious injury, disruption of relationships, and diagnostic ambiguity. Many can be mistakenly
thought to represent manifestations of psychiatric disorders. Careful evaluation and therapy can prevent inappropriate
psychiatric diagnosis, avoid ineffective treatment, and ameliorate the sleep disorders. Herein, many parasomnias will be
brought to the attention of practicing psychiatrists who can learn to recognize enough of the most important clinical
features to ensure appropriate consultation with a sleep medicine specialist.

INTRODUCTION eating and sexual behavior (3). Clinical significance

is in proportion to disruption of sleep and risk of
Parasomnias are undesirable physical, experiential, injury to patient as well as bed partner.
or behavioral phenomena that occur exclusively The basic premise that underlies parasomnias is
during sleep or are exacerbated by the sleeping state. that REM sleep, NREM sleep, and wakefulness are
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental not always mutually exclusive states and that be-
Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM25) distinguishes havioral and electrophysiological components of
non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep arousal each may dissociate from the parent state and
disorders (sleepwalking, sleep terror types), night- recombine in aberrant form. When components of
mare disorder (formerly known as dream anxiety NREM sleep and wakefulness occur in conjunction,
disorder), and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep there may be variable juxtapositions or oscillations of
behavior disorder (1). The International Classifica- consciousness, memory, motor, and/or autonomic
tion of Sleep Disorders, Second Edition (ICSD22) activation. When skeletal muscle atonia of REM
distinguishes them as disorders of arousal or partial sleep is deficient, complex dream enactment be-
arousal from non-REM sleep, disorders usually havior can be liberated during spells of REM sleep
associated with REM sleep, and other unusual behavior disorder (4). Such admixtures of sleep
parasomnias ranging from sleep-related groaning to phenomena and elements of wakefulness can easily
be confused with primary psychiatric disorders such
as when bizarre motor and/or emotional behavior is
mistakenly interpreted as symptomatic of waking
Author Information and CME Disclosure
Thomas D. Hurwitz, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, Minneapolis VA Medical Center; Minnesota
Regional Sleep Disorders Center at Hennepin County Medical Center; Director, Sleep Medicine Clinic,
Minneapolis VA Health Care System; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota Medical
Michael Howell, M.D., Medical Director, Fairview Southdale Sleep Center; Minnesota Regional Sleep
Disorders Center at Hennepin County Medical Center; Director of Training, University of Minnesota
Sleep Medicine Fellowship; Assistant Professor of Neurology, University of Minnesota Medical School,

Imran S. Khawaja, M.B.B.S., Medical Director, Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center at Hennepin Definition. NREM parasomnias are phenomena
County Medical Center; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota Medical School, that emerge during arousal without complete
Minneapolis, MN awakening from sleep. Not included in DSM25 is
the momentary arousal with confusion, disorienta-
Thomas. Hurwitz, Michael Howell, and Imran Khawaja report no competing interests.
tion, and minimal movement without ambulation
Address correspondence to Thomas D. Hurwitz, M.D., Minneapolis VAMC, 116A, 1 Veterans Dr., or autonomic activation known as confusional arousal.
Minneapolis, MN 55417; e-mail: Sleepwalking (SW) represents motor activation during


an abnormal arousal, usually from deep NREM (1). While not distressing to the amnestic individual,
sleep. Current diagnostic criteria in the DSM25 ST are very troubling to parents and other witnesses.
include: As with SW, the individual is relatively unresponsive
(A) repeated episodes of arising from bed during to attempts by others to provide comfort and conso-
sleep and walking about with blank, staring lation. Often, there can be accompanying motor be-
face, unresponsiveness to others, and awak- havior, including sitting up in bed and possible
ening only with difficulty. progression to SW. SW and ST, often occurring in
There is typically (B) no or little recall of dream combination, represent a continuum of events with
imagery, and exclusively motor or autonomic activation as polar
(C) none for the behavioral episodes. Events are examples (3, 9, 10).
associated with Various predisposing and priming factors fre-
(D) significant distress or impairment in social, quently lead to SW either in isolation or in com-

occupational, or other areas of functioning, bination. Many individuals report that the frequency
(E) no influence of an exogenous substance, nor and severity of SW increases with stressful life
(F), any coexisting psychiatric or medical disorders experiences (11, 12). Cases have been associated
to explain the spells (1). with migraine and thyrotoxicosis, fever, prior sleep
Behaviors can vary from sitting up in the bed deprivation, and central nervous system depressant
(confusional arousal) to full ambulation, and can drugs including alcohol. SW and ST both appear to
include complicated behaviors such as walking, demonstrate familial patterns. In one study, 80% of
running, driving, and eating. These behaviors can sleepwalkers and 96% of patients with ST could
occasionally result in sleep-related injury. When identify a family member who suffered from similar
mental activity is recalled, it is described as dream- phenomena (13). Central nervous system acting
like visual imagery, both less detailed and less bi- polypharmacy is often the setting for prolonged
zarre than traditional REM dream reports. Typically, dangerous behavior such as sleep driving (14, 15).
these behaviors occur over minutes and more rarely Other examples include patients with OSA who are
over an hour or more during the early part of the sleep prescribed sedative-hypnotic medication to assist
cycle, and emerging from the “deeper” stage N3 of with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
NREM sleep, they may derive from any NREM compliance. A similar situation occurs often in
stage. Note that sleep stage scoring was revised in patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) mis-
2007 and stages formerly designated as 3 and 4 of diagnosed as having insomnia and subsequently
NREM sleep have been combined into the single treated with a benzodiazepine receptor agonist
stage now known as N3. Other stages of NREM (BZRA) drug. As patients with RLS have a strong
sleep are now designated as N1 and N2 (2). drive to ambulate, it is not unexpected that agents
This disorder of arousal, like those mentioned that suppress memory and executive function would
below, occurs when there is incomplete transition lead to amnestic sleepwalking behaviors. When SW
from NREM sleep to wakefulness. Phenomena that is associated with sedative hypnotics, it is of par-
deepen sleep and enhance sleep inertia promote ticular importance to reconsider the diagnosis for
NREM parasomnias by impairing otherwise normal which the medication was originally prescribed. In
arousal mechanisms. These include sedative medi- these cases, patients may not have insomnia (for
cations as well as increased homeostatic sleep drive which the sedating agent was prescribed) but rather
such as those following sleep deprivation. Also, another disorder of sleep initiation such as RLS or
disorders causing repeated cortical arousals can a delayed circadian rhythm (3, 9, 10, 15–20).
lead to NREM parasomnias emerging during sleep Epidemiology and Biopsychosocial Under-
fragmentation. These can include exogenous pinnings. Commonly beginning in childhood,
stimuli such as noises, or endogenous factors such SW peaks between 11 and 12 years of age. SW and
as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), periodic limb ST generally subside in later childhood and ado-
movements of sleep (PLMS), gastroesophageal lescence but may continue into, and rarely arise
reflux disorder, other physical illness, or full during adulthood. The prevalence of disorders of
bladder, without any specific psychological meaning arousal has been estimated at 1%26.5% for ST
(3–8). and 5%230% for SW in children and adolescents
Sleep terrors (ST) are spells of abrupt “terror” (21–23). It has been estimated that 2%25% of
arousals from sleep usually initiated with a scream. adults may experience SW (24–26). A large sys-
There is intense fear along with profound auto- tematic telephonic survey of individuals aged 15
nomic arousal including mydriasis, tachycardia, years and older in the United Kingdom documents
tachypnea, and diaphoresis. The remaining diagnostic ST in 2.2% (2.6% for ages 15–24 and 1.0% for
criteria (B–F) are identical to those listed above for SW ages .65), SW episodes in 2.0% (4.9% for FOCUS Winter 2014, Vol. XII, No. 1 17


ages 15–24 and 0.5% for ages .65), and con- paroxetine (50, 51), reboxetine (52), and bupropion
fusional arousals in 4.2% (8.9% for ages 15–24 (53), mood stabilizers and antiepileptics including
and 1.4% for ages .65). In the same population, lithium (54–56), topiramate (57), valproic acid
2.0% of all respondents reported some violent combined with zolpidem (39), stimulants, and
behavior during sleep. Pure ST occurs more fre- antihistamines, often in various combinations (6, 7,
quently in young children, arising in approxi- 18, 58–63). Two other medications associated with
mately 3% of children and less than 1% of adults SW/ST are metoprolol (64) and fluoroquinolone
(24, 27, 28). (65).
Historically, SW has been thought to be associated Nathaniel Kleitman, the “father” of American
with psychopathology in adults (29–33). A study of sleep research, wrote, “all the characteristics of
54 adults with SW/ST from a study of 100 patients somnambulism underline the difference between
with sleep-related injury based upon PSG, psychi- wakefulness and consciousness” (66). This idea is
atric interview, MMPI, Beck Depression Inventory reinforced by a report of single photon emission
(BDI), and SCL-90 (34), includes current DSM–III computed tomography (SPECT) imaging during
axis I diagnoses in only 19/54 (35.2%) cases. Of a polygraphically documented SW episode, dem-
these, 14/19 (37.6%) were mood disorders and 4/ onstrating increased cerebral blood flow (CBF) in
19 (21.1%) alcohol and/or substance use disorders. the anterior cerebellum (vermis) and posterior cin-
These did not appear to be temporally associated gulate cortex when compared with quiet slow wave
with the onset of parasomnias. MMPI data available sleep. There were also large areas of frontal and
for 36 of the 54 adults (66.7%) suggested possible parietal cortical decrements of CBF when compared
personality disorders in only 12 (33.3%) (5). A with normal awake subjects. As anticipated by
retrospective review of 11 cases of ST cites 7/11 Kleitman, SW appears to represent a concurrence of
patients reporting an influence of stress on their increased motor activation and decreased executive
disturbance, though none had a diagnosis of panic function during incomplete, disordered arousals
disorder and the course of the sleep disorders did from sleep (67).
not overlap significantly with any lifetime mood On PSG, there are few diagnostic markers of
or substance use disorders. The authors conclude disorders of arousal in the absence of a spell. Bursts of
that ST are “not simply symptoms of a psychiatric slow EEG waveforms known as hypersynchronous
disorder” (10, 12, 35). Recent epidemiological evi- delta activity are possible indicators of a drive to
dence suggests that there is some association between enhance depth of sleep but are not specific to these
SW, major depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorders (68). Actual episodes of sleepwalking
disorders, though with no established causal rela- or sleep terrors are not observed very often during
tionship (36). PSG. When they occur, they appear as abrupt
Of particular interest to psychiatrists are cases arousals from non-REM sleep, typically but not
of parasomnias related to the use of psychotropic exclusively from stages 3/4. With sleep terrors, there
drugs, in particular sedative hypnotics. One group of may be impressive tachycardia and tachypnea.
investigators noted a high frequency of SW and Muscle activity often obscures the underlying EEG,
other amnestic complex behaviors among psychiatric which can demonstrate diffuse rhythmic delta ac-
patients taking BZRA medication (15, 37, 38). tivity, diffuse delta and theta activity intermixed
These findings are consistent with other reports of with alpha and beta activity, and/or prominent al-
abnormal nocturnal behavior induced by these pha and beta activity. Hence, the EEG during epi-
drugs, especially zolpidem (15, 18, 38–46). These sodes of disorders of arousal can show either the
parasomnia behaviors can be prolonged and include complete persistence of sleep, the admixture of sleep
amnestic nocturnal eating, sexual activity, and even and wakefulness, or complete wakefulness in spite of
sleep-driving. Not unexpectedly, these events have the behavioral manifestations of a mixed state (3, 9,
increased in parallel with the rise in the use of these 10, 69, 70).
sedative-hypnotic agents (15). Note that it is the Case example. A 25-year-old man has a history
short duration of action hypnotics that seem to be of childhood sleep terrors, reporting numerous
associated with this phenomenon, whereas the episodes between the ages of 6 and 10. He would
longer duration benzodiazepines tend to suppress awaken his parents by screaming loudly but be
them. It is likely that these drugs dull the transition unresponsive to their attention and inconsolable
between sleep and wakefulness, permitting behavior about 2 hours after he had initially fallen asleep.
that is unconstrained by executive function in suscep- He would return to sleep after a few minutes and
tible individuals. Other drugs associated with SW and subsequently be totally amnestic for the event. He
ST include the use of neuroleptics such as olanzapine was otherwise healthy with no daytime psychiatric
(47, 48) and quetiapine (49), antidepressants including symptoms. After age 19, he would find himself


Polysomnography of a 25-Year-Old Man With a History of Childhood Sleep

Figure 1.

During this 30-second epoch of polysomnography, there was an abrupt arousal from non-REM stage N3 sleep with moaning, arm flailing movement. Patient was amnestic for this

awakening every few months outside of his bed in his Treatment and outcomes of Sleepwalking/
home and unaware of how he had gotten there. He Sleep Terrors. Sleepwalking and sleep terrors are
began experiencing such events 2–3 times weekly often benign and self-limiting, especially in children,
after starting a new job. He was admitted to the and may require no treatment beyond reassurance
emergency room with a large laceration of his and attention to sleep hygiene. Attention should
right forearm after punching a bedroom window. be paid to safety features of the sleep environment
He recalled only vague dream content with such as placement of dangerous obstacles, accessible
frightening dark animal figures. He felt no pain, windows and stairways, and other dangers. If falls
but was awakened by his wife to discover copious from bed are possible, consider placing the mattress
bleeding. A PSG study was eventually performed on the floor.
and demonstrated an abrupt arousal from stage Reversing the comorbid conditions that pre-
N3 sleep with loud moaning, flailing of upper dispose, prime, and precipitate parasomnias often
extremities, and lower extremity kicking that all dramatically diminishes nocturnal behaviors. Dis-
subsided after 30 seconds with resumed NREM continuing offending agents will typical resolve the
sleep (Figure 1). The use of clonazepam 0.5 mg h. parasomnia, particularly if another underlying con-
s. for 2 months was associated with the elimination dition is identified and treated (15, 17, 71). Iden-
of these spells and the patient also learned a self- tifying and reversing sleep-disordered breathing
hypnotic relaxation-mental imagery exercise that often results in a resolution of NREM parasomnias.
he continues to practice nightly. Remission has In one study, 60 SW patients were studied with
persisted for 1 year. PSG, treated accordingly, and followed for 1 year. FOCUS Winter 2014, Vol. XII, No. 1 19


A high number (N=53) were diagnosed as having 0.25–2.0 mg taken about 30–120 minutes before
sleep-disordered breathing. The majority of patients sleep. When given to 28/54 (51.9%) patients with
had only a mild burden of disease, often not SW/ST, it produced substantial benefit in over 80%
reaching the criteria for OSA, but instead reaching (5). In 1996, a series of 170 patients with mixed
the criteria for upper airway resistance syndrome sleep disorders (69 with SW/ST) were treated with
(UARS); they did not demonstrate daytime sleepi- benzodiazepines, primarily clonazepam (N=136),
ness. However, the results were striking. Only three and followed for clinical response (84). The vast
patients dropped out of the study while of the majority of all patients (86%) reported good control
remaining 50, all reported resolution of SW after after an average follow-up of 3.5 years. We reported
treatment (42 reported CPAP, eight reported upper that clonazepam efficacy was sustained with low risk
airway surgery). These dramatic results suggest that of dosage escalation. A separate clinical case series
treatment of even mild, asymptomatic sleep-disordered reported on six SW patients who were initiated
breathing may result in the resolution of SW (72). on clonazepam. SW was suppressed in five of six
In cases with a low risk of imminent injury, patients (85). The drug may work through the sup-
nonpharmacological therapy with clinical hypnosis pression of cortical arousals, but this is clearly para-
may be preferred. This can be offered initially in doxical when considering the induction of amnestic
combination with medication, which can be grad- nocturnal behaviors by the BZRA drugs (15).
ually withdrawn. Patients are instructed in the in- Conversely, a more recent report claims that
duction of a relaxed, meditative state, with visual clonazepam failed to demonstrate sustained efficacy
imagery of quiet, restful sleep associated with in five SW patients. This investigation carefully
comfort, safety, and reinforcement of a possible but excluded even subtle sleep-disordered breathing.
minimally probable need for physical mobilization. After 1 year, all patients treated with clonazepam
With self-hypnosis utilized before retiring to bed, dropped out of the study and reported a persis-
benefit has been reported in 20/27 (74%) patients tence of SW (72).
who reported significant or very significant im- Distinct from BZD and BZRA drugs, a number of
provement (73). In another study with similar antidepressants have been reported to treat NREM
techniques, 3/6 (50%) SW patients were greatly parasomnias, most commonly ST. One report de-
improved or spell-free after 18 months and likewise scribed two patients with a history of combined ST
for 2/3 (67%) patients after a 5-year follow-up (74). and SW, both of whom failed diazepam therapy but
Progressive muscle relaxation training has also been responded well to imipramine (a tricyclic antide-
utilized (75). In children, the use of anticipatory pressant) (82). The selective serotonin reuptake
awakenings (76), clinical hypnosis (77, 78), and inhibitor (SSRI) paroxetine appears to be particu-
a combination of acupuncture with medicinal herbs larly effective in the treatment of ST. In one report,
have been documented as helpful (79). six patients had a significant reduction if not out-
When NREM parasomnias persist despite the right elimination of ST events. We suggested that
resolution of inducing and exacerbating factors, SSRIs might be uniquely effective for ST through
pharmacological intervention is considered for dis- the effects of serotonin on terror centers in the
orders associated with the risk of injury or distur- midbrain periaqueductal gray matter (86). In con-
bance of the home environment. Evidence for all trast to these successful ST cases, a more recent series
therapies for these disorders is limited to case reports, of SW patients describes eight patients who were
and rare controlled clinical trials with limited sample treated with various serotonergic agents and/or
sizes. Complicating things further are some con- benzodiazepine. After a 1-year follow-up, all eight
tradictory findings in the literature (80). The earliest patients described a persistence of SW (72). Further,
pharmacological agents offered to individuals at there have been reports of paroxetine and sertraline
serious risk of injury were diazepam (81) and imip- allegedly inducing SW (50, 51).
ramine (82). Other agents considered to be anec-
dotally effective include other benzodiazepines,
carbamazepine, doxepin, trazodone (61), and mel-

atonin (83). All pharmacotherapy for parasomnias is Sleepwalking with Sleep-Related Eating. An
currently utilized as “off label,” without formal FDA interesting variant of SW is sleepwalking with sleep-
indications. related eating, usually designated as sleep-related
Intermediate and long-acting agents in the ben- eating disorder (SRED). SRED is characterized
zodiazepine class of sedative hypnotics (BZD) have by episodes of eating during behavioral arousal
become the most commonly reported pharmaco- without clearly established wakefulness. Typically,
logical treatments for NREM parasomnias. Clo- foods high in carbohydrates and fats are ingested,
nazepam has been reported to be effective in doses of and binging is common. Food choices are often


not those ordinarily consumed during daytime sleepwalking and sleep terrors. Most reported cases
hours. Food preparation and consumption can result resolve once the predisposing, priming, and precipitating
in safety concerns with adverse health consequences factors have been addressed. Pharmacotherapy (e.g.,
as inedible and toxic substances have been eaten. clonazepam at h.s.) is typically reserved for recalcitrant
Studies have demonstrated that hunger is noticeably cases (98–100).
absent during feeding episodes. Rather, patients
often describe restless eating, meaning an urge to eat PARASOMNIAS USUALLY ASSOCIATED
in order to fall back asleep. It is important for WITH REM-SLEEP
psychiatrists to query patients receiving monoamine
oxidase inhibitor antidepressants and their families
regarding nocturnal eating or SW/ST because of the
risk of possible hypertensive crisis (87, 88).

As in SW, sedating agents in the setting of RLS Formerly termed dream anxiety attacks, night-
frequently trigger SRED. The most common of- mare disorder is now recognized as a REM sleep
fending medications include the benzodiazepam phenomenon, distinct from NREM ST. As defined
receptor agonists, in particular, zolpidem. In addi- in DSM2V, this is classified as an actual disorder if
tion, sporadic cases have been reported with tricyclic it includes (A) repetitive, extended, extremely dys-
antidepressants, anticholinergics, lithium, triazolam, phoric, and well recalled dreams usually involving
olanzapine, and risperidone (66, 71, 88–91). SRED threats to survival, security, or physical integrity,
demonstrates some overlap with the night eating usually occurring during the second half of the sleep
syndrome (NES is not designated in DSM25), period. (B) Typically, the individual becomes rap-
which is distinguished by evening hyperphagia idly alert and oriented. (C) This disturbance causes
along with fully wakeful nocturnal eating (88, significant distress or impairment of functioning,
92). (D) is not attributable to a substance, and (E), it is
Various forms of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, not adequately explained by coexisting psychiatric
and behavior therapy have proven ineffective for or medical disorders (1). Emotional manifestations
SRED. The first step in treating SRED is to identify of fear, anger, and sadness may predominate.
and treat comorbid sleep disorders, in particular Nightmares occur in 5%28% of adults, more com-
RLS. Of note, effective therapies for SRED are often monly women, and individuals with “type A”
also anti-RLS treatments including dopaminergics personality characteristics (101–103). Nightmares
(pramipexole, carbidopa/levodopa), codeine, and can be induced by a number of drugs including
clonazepam (87, 93). In a series of 44 RLS patients some antidepressants and neuroleptics, amanta-
unexposed to prior use of dopaminergics, the fre- dine, lisuride, clonidine, methyldopa, reserpine,
quency of SRED decreased proportionally with the ciprofloxacin, donepezil, and amiodarone. Dopa-
motor symptoms of RLS during dopaminergic minergic antiparkinsonian drugs and lipophilic
therapy (16). Other reported therapies include beta adrenergic blockers are particularly notable.
combinations of a dopaminergic with bupropion and Conversely, withdrawal from REM suppressing
trazodone (93–95). Monotherapy with the anticon- agents such as tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine
vulsant topiramate has been efficacious in two open- oxidase inhibitors, clonidine, alcohol, and amphet-
label series. It suppresses nocturnal eating in roughly amines may cause nightmares as a result of REM
two-thirds of patients with either the sleepwalking or sleep rebound. It is not uncommon for nightmares to
the idiopathic variant of SRED (96, 97). occur following traumatic experiences, and occa-
Sleepwalking with Sleep-Related Sexual Behavior. sional psychotic episodes may be heralded by their
Sleep-related abnormal sexual behaviors are generally occurrence (3, 104).
regarded as variants of confused arousals and SW. Reported treatments include a cognitive strategy
There is an established and growing literature on known as imagery rehearsal, which treats the disorder
this phenomenon that has also been designated as a sleep disturbance rather than a manifestation of
“sleepsex,” “sexsomnia,” and “atypical sexual behaviors specific psychopathology. Patients are taught to re-
in sleep.” Behaviors during sleep can vary from coital structure the dream scenario into a more acceptable
movements to fondling and attempted or completed experience by rewriting the script as an exercise
intercourse with a bed partner. A recent review has during wakefulness (105). Instruction in lucid
provided the first classification of all reported abnormal dreaming has also been cited in a case report (106).
sexual behaviors associated with sleep disorders, Pharmacotherapy, based largely on experience
including the sexual parasomnias. The majority of with posttraumatic stress disorder, includes a re-
published cases involve young-adult males with rich ported benefit with cyproheptadine and prazosin
histories of NREM sleep parasomnias, such as (107–109). FOCUS Winter 2014, Vol. XII, No. 1 21


REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER atonia of voluntary muscles. This is disrupted in

RBD, and manifested by varying degrees of mus-
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) is now in- cle tone on electromyogram (EMG) monitoring
cluded in the DSM25 classification of sleep dis- of submental (chin), and limb muscles. Increased
orders, characterized by muscular twitching is also seen, even when complex
(A) repeated episodes of arousal during sleep as- behavior is not recorded but documented by history.
sociated with vocalization and/or complex There is often an increase in the percentage of sleep
motor behaviors that time spent in stage REM (.25%), a reduction of the
(B) arise during REM sleep, usually more than 90 REM sleep latency ,75 minutes, and an increase
minutes after sleep onset and more frequent in the actual number of rapid eye movements. There
during the later part of the sleep period when tends to be an increase of stage N3 beyond that
REM periods tend to be longer. These epi- expected for age. A technique for quantitative
sodes are therefore uncommon during day- scoring of motor activation during REM sleep has
time naps. been described in the literature (110–112).
(C) When awakening from the episodes, the in- Epidemiology and Biopsychosocial Under-
dividual is completely awake, alert, and not pinnings. During the decade following the initial
confused or disoriented. description of RBD, approximately half of newly
(D) The overnight sleep study shows REM sleep diagnosed cases appeared to be associated with
without atonia, which could be absent but the central nervous system disorders, ranging among
diagnosis is sustained if there is a history degenerative processes, narcolepsy, vascular dis-
suggestive of RBD and an established di- orders, cerebral astrocytoma, multiple sclerosis, and
agnosis of a synucleinopathy such as Parkin- Guillain-Barré syndrome. With time, the gradual
son’s disease or multiple system atrophy. development of Parkinson’s disease was reported in
(E) The behaviors cause significant distress or 38% of 29 previously idiopathic cases, suggesting
impairment and can be associated with injury a pathophysiological relationship (113). After an-
to the patient or bed partner. other 7 years, the same cohort revealed an increased
(F) The disturbance is not attributable to physi- prevalence of delayed emergence of parkinsonism
ological effects of a substance or another and/or dementia of 65% (114). Recent data now
medical condition, and indicate the eventual development of neurodegenerative
(G), it is not explained by a coexisting psychiatric disorders in 81% of cases (115). Indeed, RBD is now
or medical disorder (1). recognized as “cryptogenic” rather than idiopathic, and
RBD typically involves a prolonged, chronic course appears to be an early component of neurodegenerative
and is identified most frequently in elderly males. disease. More specifically, these are disorders marked
There tends to be a lengthy prodrome in about 25% by deposits of alpha synuclein such as in Parkinson’s
of patients with increased action-packed dream disease, Lewy body disease, and multisystem atrophy
content along with somniloquy and limb-jerking. As (116, 117). Pathophysiology of REM sleep motor
the disorder becomes established, there is a tendency control seems to be localized in the subcoeruleus
for abrupt, often violent movement concordant with region of the pons, which is involved in the
dream content. Dream reports tend to be much more generation of REM sleep components including
vivid than those reported when dream mentation is atonia (118). In cases of various synucleinopathies,
recalled during SW/ST. This is related to the in- RBD prevalence appears to be 19%277%. Conversely,
tensity of REM mentation and to the low arousal in tauopathies such as Alzheimer’s disease, corticobasal
threshold of REM sleep. Patients typically dream of degeneration, progressive supranuclear palsy, and
themselves as defenders, rarely as aggressors. Vio- frontotemporal dementia, RBD is rare and if present
lent dream enactment can result in injury to the usually follows the onset of the neurological condition
patient and/or bed partner whose presence is often (119). In RBD, neuropsychological testing has
incorporated into the dream content. RBD spells revealed dysfunctional visuospatial constructional
are likely to occur during the latter part of the night ability and altered visuospatial learning consistent
when REM sleep tends to be more prolonged and with an impending Lewy body type of dementia.
intense, in contrast to SW/ST, which may occur Anosmia can be an early feature suggesting the
earlier in the course of the night when stage N3 is possibility of synucleinopathy (120).
more likely. RBD is becoming a more frequent disturbance in
PSG is diagnostic of the disorder with fluctuating younger individuals and in females, because of its
levels of skeletal motor (rarely autonomic) activation relationship with the use of antidepressant drugs that
during REM sleep. Normally, alpha motor neurons can cause REM sleep without atonia and frank
are hyperpolarized during REM sleep with resulting oneiric behavior. It is not yet known if this form of


Figure 2. Polysomnography of a 70-Year-Old Man Admitted to the Emergency Room

for Treatment of Injuries Sustained During Sleepa

During this 30-second epoch of polysomnography, there was increased muscle tone in the chin electromyogram as well as upper and lower extremity movement during stage
REM. The technologist entered the room to ensure that the patient would not injure himself if we were to “throw himself out of bed.”

the sleep disorder carries a similar risk of neuro- dream-enactment behavior with varying vivid
degenerative disorders (121). There is a recent report imagery had been occurring a few times weekly
of 100 patients with “idiopathic” RBD associated over the previous 6 months with a longer history
with antidepressant use. Features of prodromal neuro- of action-packed dreaming without injurious
degeneration such as olfactory and color vision def- behavior. His wife continues to share their bed in
icits, mild cognitive impairment, and other markers spite of numerous bruises to her legs from his
were present more than in matched control subjects. kicking. When studied in the sleep laboratory, there
Though having lower risk of neurodegenerative was variable continuation of electromyographic
disorders than typical “idiopathic” RBD, it is pos- submental muscle tone during stage R, with intermit-
sible that drug-related RBD may still have some tent vigorous upper and lower extremity movements
association with underlying neurodegeneration (122). and unintelligible vocalization (Figure 2). These spells
This creates ambiguity because the diagnostic criteria were eliminated with clonazepam 1.0 mg and mela-
above technically disallow a diagnosis of RBD if at- tonin 6 mg at h.s. and have not recurred during
tributable to drug effect. 5 years of follow-up. He has recently described ano-
Case Example. A 70-year-old man was admitted smia and has developed a parkinsonian tremor of
to the emergency room for treatment of right both hands.
metatarsal fractures sustained when he kicked Treatment and Outcomes of REM Behavior
the wall adjacent to his bed at 4 a.m. when Disorder. Thus far, there are no randomized clinical
dreaming vividly of fighting with a large, brown, trial data or any FDA indication for pharmacother-
aggressive dog that was chasing him. This sort of apy of RBD. Most original reports suggested that FOCUS Winter 2014, Vol. XII, No. 1 23


clonazepam was the first line of therapy for RBD. at the offset of sleep. In either case, its occurrence
The highly activated dream and behavioral during sleep-wake transitions is often experienced as
manifestations of the disorder generally respond discomforting or frightening. It is classically found in
to modest doses of 0.5–2.0 mg taken about 30 association with the quintessential dissociation of
minutes before retiring. The mechanism of action REM sleep components in narcolepsy, but it is not
is apparently suppression of phasic motor activity specific for this disorder. It is similar to cataplexy,
and behavioral release rather than restoration of which occurs exclusively with narcolepsy during full
normal REM atonia. While the majority of wakefulness and typically in response to emotional
patients respond to clonazepam at first, long-term arousal such as laughter. Isolated sleep paralysis may
follow up studies are mixed. The results range from occur with a lifetime prevalence of 2.3%240%,
sustained benefit without dose escalation to others depending on the country and study population.
with a high incidence of dose escalation and Unless the history includes hypersomnia or cata-
treatment failure (89, 123–125). In one series, plexy, there is no need for PSG. Treatment is usually
58% of patients on clonazepam reported clinically unnecessary unless there is significant sleep dis-
significant adverse effects with 50% either stopping ruption of subjective distress. In that case, REM-
the agent or reducing the dose (125). Clonazepam is suppressing agents such as fluoxetine or imipramine
particularly problematic in the setting of advanced may be indicated (138).
neurodegenerative disease where its prolonged
duration of action may result in morning sedation OTHER PARASOMNIAS OF INTEREST TO
as well as cognitive and gait impairment (126, 127). PSYCHIATRISTS
Melatonin is now considered to be a first-line
therapy of RBD, with the mechanism of action
apparently involving substantial restoration of
REM atonia (128–130). Importantly, a recent direct
comparison study noted that melatonin (median
6 mg, maximum 25 mg) was equal to clonazepam Dissociative disorders may also occur during the
(median dose 0.5 mg, maximum 3 mg) in treatment sleep period, typically in individuals suffering day-
efficacy and superior in side effect profile. Patients on time syndromes such as dissociative identity disorder
melatonin reported fewer adverse effects, particularly (DID), dissociative amnesia, and unspecified dis-
with respect to falls and injuries as compared with sociative disorder. In one report, 6/21 (27.5%)
clonazepam (131). Pramipexole may be effective in patients with daytime dissociative disorders were
mild cases of RBD particularly those associated with noted to demonstrate nocturnal dissociative epi-
frequent periodic limb movements (PLMs) (132, sodes, and two of them showed a clear transition to an
133). There is anecdotal support for other medi- alter personality (139). In the original published
cations being beneficial in patients who do not re- report, Schenck et al. include only one case of ex-
spond to clonazepam. These include carbidopa/ clusively sleep-related DID without daytime disso-
levodopa, donepezil, quetiapine, clozapine, clonidine, ciation in a 19-year-old male. Other patients with
L-tryptophan, carbamazepine, rivastigmine (134), diurnal dissociative disorders demonstrated noc-
and gabapentin. Though REM-suppressing drugs turnal behaviors resembling SW/ST that can be
such as antidepressants usually cause or worsen prolonged, often with amnesia. If observed during
RBD, there are also some reports of benefit with PSG, these complex, lengthy, and repetitive be-
desipramine and imipramine (111, 119, 122, 128, haviors are clearly seen to follow the development of
129, 135–137). For selected patients with persisting EEG wakefulness in spite of no obvious behavioral
sleep-related injury despite pharmacotherapy, a awakening (140). Therapy is typically that provided
pressurized bed alarm customized with a familiar for the wakeful dissociative disorder.
voice delivering a calming message during vigorous
dream enactment has been reported to reduce RBD
behavior and prevent injury (127).

Catathrenia (nocturnal groaning) is typically a

longstanding, nightly disorder characterized by ex-
Sleep paralysis is essentially the atonia of REM piratory groaning during sleep, especially during the
sleep that has become dissociated and occurring at second half of the night in adults of any age and
times other than the typical periods of REM sleep usually without any other sleep disturbance. PSG
during the night. It can either intrude into light shows recurrent bradypneic episodes occurring more
NREM sleep at sleep onset or persist into awakening often during REM sleep and often appearing in


clusters, in which a deep inspiration is followed by ADDITIONAL VARIETIES

prolonged expiration accompanied by a monoto-
nous vocalization closely resembling groaning.
The prevalence is unknown, but appears to be quite SLEEP-RELATED EPILEPSY
rare. No predisposing factors have been identified
and few of the reported patients have a history of Approximately 10% of epileptic disorders will
any other parasomnia. The main complication is present with exclusively or predominantly sleep-
disrupted sleep for the bed partner or others in related seizures. There is frequently no history of
the same household. Therapy can be challenging; classical generalized tonic–clonic convulsions and
however, some cases have responded to CPAP conventional EEG studies may be inconclusive. All
(149, 150). night PSG studies utilizing a full montage of EEG
leads and continuous audiovisual recording with

technologist observation and written commentary
EXPLODING HEAD SYNDROME (NOT INCLUDED IN are essential. In spite of careful recording, ictal
DSM25) events may be unaccompanied by EEG dysrhyth-
Exploding head syndrome is characterized by the mias, but are frequently responsive to anticonvul-
sudden sensation of a loud noise or sense of a violent, sant therapy. Diagnostic confusion is compounded
though painless “explosion” in the head occurring by atypical, unconventional seizures that can pres-
as the affected person is falling asleep or waking ent as recurrent dreams, nightmares, sleepwalking,
during the night. It is not a headache disorder. The sleep terrors, or psychiatric illness. In particular,
prevalence is unknown. The median age of onset is orbitofrontal seizures may cause bizarre behavior,
58 years, but onsets at all ages have been reported. peculiar clustering, and a tendency to be nocturnal.
Most patients cannot identify precipitating factors. Any sleep-related behavior, even events such as ap-
The course is benign with no reported neurological nea, stridor, coughing, laryngospasm, chest pain,
sequelae. Symptoms often appear to remit spon- arrhythmias, paroxysmal flushing, and localized
taneously. Exploding head symptoms often co- hyperhidrosis may be caused by unconventional
incide with the sleep onset motor phenomena of seizures. They should be considered in the differ-
hypnic myoclonia and may represent a sensory ential diagnosis of any sleep-related behavior that is
variant of those wake-sleep transition phenomena recurrent, inappropriate, and most importantly,
(143, 144). stereotyped (4, 146).



The most common hallucinations emerging in

relation to sleep involve hypnagogic (occurring in the
twilight of sleep onset) and hypnopompic (occurring

on awakening in the morning) hallucinations. These Some primary psychiatric disorders may include
experiences are often components of the narcolepsy symptoms that occur prominently or exclusively in
syndrome that includes sleep paralysis, hypersomnia, association with the sleep period. Though favored or
cataplexy, and disturbed nocturnal sleep. Like sleep precipitated by sleep, they must be distinguished
paralysis, sleep-related hallucinations can occur in from primary sleep parasomnias. Panic disorder is
isolation among otherwise normal individuals. well known in its diurnal form. Up to 69% of
There may be auditory, tactile, or kinetic features, individuals with this disorder have had a sleep-related
and spells are often associated with sleep paralysis panic attack and 33% report recurrent sleep-related
(145). In contrast, the visual hallucinations of sleep- spells. Patients with panic disorder also complain of
related complex partial epileptic seizures are usually more middle and terminal insomnia than do control
brief, stereotyped, and fragmentary. Sleep-related subjects (147, 148). Clinical features of these noc-
migraine with aura at times can be associated turnal spells resemble those of diurnal attacks, and
with complex visual hallucinations, but a headache they arouse the patient who rapidly achieves full
should follow. Complex nocturnal visual halluci- wakefulness with anxiety and subsequent difficulty
nations can be associated with the use of beta- returning to sleep. Patients retain full recall of these
adrenergic receptor blocking medications, dementia events. Published PSG studies have documented
with Lewy bodies, visual loss (Charles Bonnet hal- increased sleep onset latency, decreased sleep effi-
lucinations), and other brain pathology (peduncular ciency (decreased time asleep during monitored
hallucinosis) (145). time in bed), and increased duration between sleep FOCUS Winter 2014, Vol. XII, No. 1 25


onset and the occurrence of the first REM period than insomnia symptoms (170). It is very possible
(increased REM latency), contrary to what has been that objective studies of sleep in PTSD may un-
reported for major depression. When observed in derreport nightmare frequency and severity because
the laboratory, sleep-related panic episodes tend to more severely affected subjects may avoid participa-
occur during transitions from lighter (stage N2) to tion (171).
deeper (stage N3) non-REM sleep (149–152). Di- A striking finding in the PTSD sleep literature is
agnostic caution must be emphasized because of the elevation of auditory arousal thresholds in af-
a myriad of other disorders which can masquerade as fected subjects during NREM as well as REM sleep
nocturnal panic, such as SW/ST, RBD, seizures, (172–175). Kramer interprets these findings as ev-
gastroesophageal reflux, OSA, bruxism, nocturnal idence that in chronic PTSD there is a heightened
asthma, and nocturnal cardiac arrhythmias. responsiveness to internal events while individuals
are less arousable by external stimuli (175). In-
creased depth of sleep may represent a chronic ad-
aptation to trauma. Kaminer and Lavie describe the
Sleep disturbances have figured prominently in diminished dream recall of their better-adjusted Ho-
descriptions of the disorder and have been designated locaust survivors compared with those less well adjusted
as “hallmark[s]” (153). Sleep complaints include (176). The common subjective sleep complaints of
initial insomnia, sleep discontinuity with increased patients may reflect a breakdown of this adaptation but
arousal, limb movements, night terrors, nightmares, with enough resilience to allow intact sleep in a safe,
and even purposeful behavior; sometimes dream neutral environment such as a sleep laboratory.
enactment that can result in injury to a bed partner
who is misperceived as a threat. Earlier PSG studies
describe poor sleep continuity as increased percent-

ages of “lighter” non-REM stages 1 and 2 and de- Rarely, an individual may present for evaluation
creased deeper stages 3 and 4. Nightmares tend to with a factitious parasomnia. There is no reason to
occur less frequently in the laboratory than in the assume that such a disorder could not be chosen
naturalistic environment (154–156). Conflicting for this purpose. Malingering might be expected in
claims have appeared concerning the timing of rapid situations involving litigation, correctional institu-
eye movement (REM) sleep, with reports of di- tions, military settings, and many others. This must
minished REM-latency and a lengthening of this be very carefully considered as a diagnosis by ex-
interval (157–162). Nightmares, occurring during clusion supported by observations, reliable reports,
REM and NREM sleep, tend to be recurrent with or other factors that would support the likelihood of
repetitive imagery of the traumatic event (156). No malingering. The forensic literature includes nu-
study characterizes any definitive, descriptive, poly- merous examples of sleep-related violence, some of
somnographic pattern that would ultimately have which result in exculpation because of the presence of
therapeutic implications. In only two reports, motor a sleep disorder (177–179).
activation during REM sleep suggests the possibility
of RBD (155, 163, 164). Repetitive body move- ASSESSMENT AND DIFFERENTIAL
ments seen in other stages may resemble those seen DIAGNOSIS
in non-posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) pa-
tients with SW/ST and rhythmic movement dis- The most typical parasomnias are benign and require
order (165). Kardiner, in his original descriptions of no evaluation or treatment. The concern they arouse
war neurosis, presents a case that may represent can be addressed through education and reassurance.
nocturnal dissociative disorder (166). Any injurious or more distressing parasomnia warrants
Some studies of Vietnam combat veterans with careful evaluation and may require consultation with an
PTSD have noted a paucity of any specific findings. experienced sleep medicine specialist. Some charac-
As in patients with conditioned, psychophysiological teristics that distinguish various typical parasomnias are
insomnia, sleep laboratory findings can be sub- listed in Table 1.
stantially milder than would be predicted by the An initial history should include age of onset,
history of sleep in the usual home environment estimations of frequency of spells at various periods in
(167–169). Indeed, careful review of sleep-related the course of the disorder, any changes over time,
symptoms of PTSD in Vietnam theater veterans medical and psychiatric history, family history,
in the National Vietnam Veterans Readjustment general sleep history with reference to sleep hygiene
Study has confirmed that frequent nightmares are and observations of respiration, sleep disruption
hallmark symptoms in those with current PTSD and body movements during sleep, apparent pre-
and correlate more with the level of combat exposure cipitating factors including drug/alcohol abuse or


Table 1. Characteristics of Parasomnias

Confusional arousal Sleepwalking Sleep terrors Nightmare RBD
Age of onset Any Childhood Childhood Any Late adult
Time of night Early, any Early Early Late Late
Sleep stage related N3, N2 N3, N2 N3, N2 REM REM
Duration Minutes Momentary 1–20 minutes 5–20 minutes Brief
Ambulation No Yes May occur No May occur
Behavior wakening Fight/Protect Minimal Explore/Flight Vocal/Fearful Abrupt
Autonomic arousal No May occur Yes Yes No
Amnesia Yes Yes Yes No No if awakens

Dream recall No Variable/vague Variable/vague Vivid Vivid
Treatment N/A BZ, TCA, hypnosis BZ, paroxetine, hypnosis Prazosin, Dream Rehearsal BZ, Melatonin

dependence, and prior responses to treatment. neurodegenerative disorders, in particular, Parkinson’s

Description of the spells must include a reference to disease. In the future, when neuroprotective thera-
the typical time of onset in the sleep period, recent pies become available, the diagnosis of RBD may
frequency, specific behaviors with special regard for permit the application of truly preventive medicine
dangers posed to self or other, dream recall, and (Table 1).
degree of amnesia for either dream content or actual
behavior. If available, a bed partner should be SAFETYMEASURES FOR ALL
queried to provide a description of the nocturnal PARASOMNIAS
behaviors. Psychiatric assessment should focus es-
pecially on the presence or absence of mood disorders Because sleep-related behaviors pose risk of injury
as well as drug and/or alcohol abuse or dependence. to the affected individual and others, consideration
When behavioral spells are observed during a PSG should be given to:
study, the diagnosis can be confirmed. In a report of
100 consecutive adult patients with sleep-related 1. Maintenance of good sleep hygiene, such as
injury, diagnoses were established by PSG in 65% avoidance of sleep deprivation, appropriate
of the cases (42.6% of SW/ST, 100% of RBD, sleep schedule, avoidance of stimulants such as
42.9% of dissociative disorders, 100% of nocturnal caffeine after noon, and avoidance of evening
seizures, and 100% of PLMS). Diagnoses were alcohol.
strongly supported in another 26% (48.1% of SW/ 2. Keep obstacles such as bedroom furniture at
ST), accounting for an overall positive yield in PSG a safe distance from the bed and cushioned if
studies of 91%. Confirmatory findings include possible.
behaviors such as moaning, somniloquy, yelling, 3. Consider sleeping on a ground floor if there is
limb movements, gesturing including violent danger of falling on stairs.
movements, finger pointing, sitting up abruptly, 4. Consider placing mattress on the floor if there
looking around in a confused manner, apparently is danger of falling from bed.
hallucinated behavior, and leaving the bed during 5. Keep weapons securely stored.
particular stages of sleep or arousals. Suggestive 6. Consider sleeping separately from bed partner.
findings include excessive abrupt, spontaneous 7. Keep windows closed, locked, and cushioned
arousals from stages of NREM sleep in cases of with shades or curtains if possible.
SW/ST (5, 180). 8. Keep doors, especially with exterior access, closed
While behavioral manifestations of many parasomnia and locked.
disorders can lead to diagnostic confusion, proper
evaluation can lead to gratifying therapeutic results
with a reduction in the risk of sleep-related injury for
sufferers and their bed partners, careful clinical and REFERENCES
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