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Manila Adventist College

School of Nursing

NCM 107 Care of Mother, Child, Adolescent (Well Clients)

Name: __________________________________________ Section _________________ Date _____________

1. While on duty at AMCM delivery room, a primigravida delivered a baby boy with an apgar score of 6 and 8. You
followed all the steps in newborn care to ensure that the baby will not go into hypothermia. Which of the following
conditions is heat loss by conduction?

a. an airconditioning unit in the room

b. newborn soaked with amniotic fluid at birth
c. cap was removed from the head
d. a cold weighing scale used to take the baby’s weight.
2. Baby boy Robles was delivered and the doctor wants to know the apgar score at 1 minute after birth. The following
are your assessment findings: pinkish all over, heart rate 96 bpm, weak cry but coughs when suctioned with bulb
syringe, and there is some flexion of both upper and lower extremities. What is your apgar score.
a. 9
b. 6
c. 8
d. 7
3. A preterm baby was delivered via primary CS because of Cephalopelvic disproportion. At 5 minutes after birth, the
baby looks cyanotic all over, flaccid, weak cry with some grimace. When you listened to the heartbeat, it is faint at 90
bpm. What is the apgar score?
a. 5
b. 6
c. 3
d. 2
4. What will be the apgar score of a baby with the following assessment findings: Lusty cry, bluish limbs, there is some
flexion of extremities, sneezes when suctioned, with heart rate of 110 beats per minute?
a. 10
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
5. Which of the following 5 minute apgar score needs reassessment after 5 minutes?
a. 4 -6
b. 7 – 8
c. 7 – 9
d. 10
6. Nurse Rhea is taking care of a newborn. Based on her assessment, the baby has fine and fuzzy hair, the anterior
transverse crease is present in the sole, both ears are pliable and has no cartilage, 2 nodules are seen in the breast and
few rugae in the scrotum is present. Based on this findings, what is the age of gestation?
a. 34 weeks
b. 37 weeks
c. 38 weeks
d. none of the above
7. Baby Girl Bentor was born meconium stained. Which assessment is true with meconium stained babies?
a. skin is scaly but soft
b. skin is soft and pinkish
c. skin is soft but greenish
d. skin is mottled.
8. A full term baby was roomed in with the mother. The nurse observes that the baby moves the tongue , mouth and
head when the mouth is stroked. What reflex is this?
a. Tonic neck reflex
b moro reflex
c. rooting reflex
d. gag reflex
9. As a nurse, you know that rooting reflex is normal until what age?
a. 6 months
b. 7 months
c. 4 months
d. 12 months
10. The mother is afraid to hold and cuddle her baby. Which of the following is the best statement of the nurse?
a. It is just ok, anyway she’s too small for you to hold.
b. No problem, the baby sleeps 22 hours a day.
c. Your baby is delicate and no need for touch.
d. Tell me when you are ready, your baby recognizes your touch.
11. The following happens during the first period of reactivity EXCEPT:
a. awake and active
b. long periods of sleep
c. infant – maternal bonding
d. elevated vital signs
12. You are taking care of Baby Thompson. On the third day, you observed the skin to be yellowish. The mother is
worried and ask you of her baby’s condition. Your best response is:
a. I need to call the doctor to tell your baby is jaundiced.
` b. It is ok, it is just the reflection of the yellow light in your room.
c. No need to worry. That jaundice is normal.
d. That is because your baby is meconium stained
13. Babies with pathologic jaundice needs to be treated with phototherapy. When exposed under bilirubin lights, which
of the following should be observed?
a. Measure the intake and output of the baby.
b. remove the baby’s clothes but cover the eyes and scrotum
c. change position every 2 hours
d. all of the above
14. Which of the following is NOT true with Anterior fontannel?
a. closes at 3 to 4 months
b. closes at 12 – 18 months
c. diamond shaped
d. Is a soft spot on the infant’s head
15. You are planning for the discharge of a 1 week old baby. You noticed pinpoint white papules on the baby’s face and
nose. As a neonatal nurse you know that it is”
a. erythema toxicum
b. lanugo
c. milia
d. telangiectasia

16. For 5 points Discuss briefly steps in newborn care based on EENC.

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