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Chapter 1:


This unit will help the student to demonstrate understanding of the process and delivery
in providing quality home repairs and maintenance, electrical and carpentry jobs, and family
resources management.


Students will know:
 basic concepts and principles in simple home repairs
 work simplification techniques
 home safety precautions to be observed
 basic tools and equipment for simple home repairs
 types of simple home repair and maintenance
a. masonry
b. plumbing

Lesson 1: Basic Concepts and Principles in Simple

Home Repairs


We are living in an era where there is proliferation of built-in and disposable

products. When something malfunctions, for instance, people, especially homeowners, almost
always have the inclination to replace that something with a new, working one rather than devote
time to repair it. This inclination means additional expense, waste of limited resources, and the
problem of mounting garbage. This is where home repair and maintenance comes in.

Home repairs and maintenance involves identifying home-related problems and finding
solutions to these problems. You can do simple home repairs. Nonetheless, remember that
although many home repairs are do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, some still need the assistance of
qualified people.

Home repair is different from home improvement. Repairs are often simple replacements
of worn-out parts/components or reinforcements of certain things to make them more functional
and lengthen their usability. Improvements aim to enhance an existing structure or fixture for
practical and aesthetic purposes.

Classification of Home Repairs and Maintenance

Home repairs and maintenance are classified according to the following:

1. Carpentry jobs
 Wooden window frames
 Metal window frames

 Sticking doors
 Door hinges and locks
 Flush paneling
 Sliding doors
 Leaking roof
 Gutter repair

2. Masonry
 Solid floors and walls
 Hollow floors and walls

3. Plaster repairs
 Walls
 Ceilings

4. Furniture repairs
 Tables
 Chairs
 Drawers and cabinet doors
 Upholstery jobs

5. Electrical repairs
 Meters
 Fuses
 Wirings and plugs
 Light bulbs and lamps
 Electrical appliances

6. Plumbing
 Leaking faucet
 Clogged sink
 Clogged toilet bowl

Home Repair Tools

Home repair tools can be classified into different groups according to their uses:
1. Cutting tools are tools that cut such as wood and metal saw and utility knife or cutter.
2. Driving tools are tools that thrust, push, and manipulate like a hammer, screwdriver, and
nail set.
3. Holding tools are tools that grip, clench, grasp, clutch, and clasp. These are the pliers,
wrench, vise grip, pipe wrench, and C-clamp.

4. Measuring and marking tools are use for accuracy and precision like a tape measure,
pencil, ruler, try square, steel tape measure, slotted blade, chalk line reel, T-square, and
bio quick square tool.
5. Miscellaneous tools are tools like plunger or plumber's force cup, putty knives, plumber's
snake or drain auger, and oilstone used for sharpening other tools.

Basic Materials Needed for Home Repair

In addition to tools, the following materials are needed in performing home repair works:

1. Nails of different kinds and sizes

2. Bolts
3. Lubricants
4. Fuses
5. Solder and soldering paste
6. Sand paper and steel wool
7. Tacks
8. Screws with round and flat heads
9. Nuts and rubber washers
10. Glues and cement

Work Simplification
Work simplification is the making of daily tasks easier to reduce strain, or to decrease the
amount of energy required to complete an activity. It aims to achieve the objective of a task by
working in a manner that is least expensive in terms of effort, money, and time. It modifies work
to reduce the physical and psychological stress of the body. Work simplification can be very
useful for people who wish to remain independent for as long as possible even for those with
chronic health condition. Work simplification techniques range from the most basic technique
like lengthening a short handle on a dustpan to avoid
bending when using such to using a high-tech gadget like an automated
can opener.

Principles of Work Simplification

The main objective of simplifying household chores is to save time, money, and energy.
People's lifestyles have changed. Today, due to changing economic conditions, homemakers are
compelled to work to augment family income. So as not to sacrifice a homemaker's role at home,
he or she may follow these simple principles of work simplification:

1. Remove infrequently used items from the work area to eliminate clutter.
2. Store heavy items within easy reach.
3. As much as possible, avoid lifting or carrying heavy objects.
4. Always assume the best posture.

5. Make sure to return all utensils and equipment to the proper storage place after use.
6. Items that are frequently used should be stored near the work area.
7. Allow enough time to perform any task to avoid stress.
8. Use the best and appropriate tools.
9. Make both hands work.

Eliminating Clutter and Organizing a Household

There are many things at home that you find difficult to part with. Some of these things
are not even used at all. This is the reason why you may have a problem of space and storage.
Here are some practical suggestions on how to eliminate clutter in your home.
1. Dispose unused clothing and accessories.
2. Group clothing and accessories according to occasion and use.
3. Focus more on reorganizing those areas that are prone to clutter like closets, kitchen
drawers and cupboards, bookshelves, and study tables.

There are things that can be used to help you store and organize
household items like food jars, storage boxes, and multi-cabinet drawers. You can even use clean
shoe boxes as closet organizers.

For organizing and identifying items in your kitchen, try to store them according to
purpose or frequency of use, then arrange them by weight, size, and shape. Storing various food
or supplies in alphabetical order can also be very helpful. You can also label household and
kitchen items by using regular household materials or special labelling products.
For mails, bills, and documents, try some of these organizational hints:

1. Read, sort, and file all new papers once a week or at a regularly set time.
2. Have a specific drawer or a basket on top of a counter to hold your mails.
3. Use file folders in different colors or sizes or in/out stacking trays to sort your mails.
4. Use a safety deposit box at your bank or give duplicates of important documents to a
family member.
5. Keep important documents like birth certificates, school records, and insurance policies
in a locked, fireproof box or cabinet.

Safety Precautions at Home

Safety is the prime concern of any home. A lot of safety hazards abound at home.
Although many of them can be avoided by simply using your common sense, it is important to
seriously consider putting in place household safety precautions and safety rules to help protect
your family. Here are some simple rules to make sure that each member of the family is safe:

1. In the kitchen
 Keep combustible materials at least three feet away from the stove.
 Place in locked cabinets lighters, stove igniters, match- boxes, and cleaning

 Refrain from leaving sharp objects in the sink or counter top. Store sharp objects
in secure locations and out of children’s reach.
 Unplug any appliances or electrical kitchen gadgets if not in use.
2. In the bathroom
 Use nonskid bathroom mats on the flooring.
 Keep bathroom floor dry at all times.
 Keep soap, shampoo, and heater away from children's reach.
3. In the bedroom
 Avoid smoking.
 Refrain from using sharp edged furniture.
 Extension cords should not be tucked under a carpet or rug.
4. In the living room
 Refrain from using sharp edged furniture.
 Cover electrical outlets that are not in use.
 Keep electrical fixtures away from curtains.
5. For stairs
 Keep stairs clean, dry, and free from clutters.
 Ensure that stairs are well-lit.
 Use hand rails to move up and down the stairs.

Key Points

 Home repair and maintenance involves identifying home-

related problems and finding solutions to these problems.
 Repairs are often simple replacements of worn-out parts or
components or reinforcements of certain things to make them more functional and
lengthen their usability.
 Work simplification can be described as the making of daily
tasks easier to reduce strain, or to decrease the amount of energy required to complete an

Lesson 2: Masonry Job

Masonry is considered one of the oldest professions in the history of construction. As
such, it is regarded as a traditional skill in high demand. In ancient times, skilled masons erected
stone buildings and complex engineering works although it was done slowly and the methods
changed little over the centuries. Most masonry jobs are done by hand. In the early twentieth
century, measures were taken in developed countries to improve masonry work.


Masonry is the building of structures from
individual units laid in and bound together by a
mortar. A mortar is a mixture of quicklime or
cement combined with sand and water.
This is used for binding together stones, bricks,
marbles, granites, limestones, cast
stones, concrete blocks, glass
blocks, and tiles-all of which are the common
materials of masonry construction. Most
types of masonry will not require
painting, thus reducing the life
cycle cost. Most are also heat resistant
and can provide good fire protection.
Masonry is a generally highly durable form of construction. However, the durability of
the overall masonry work is highly dependent on the materials used, the quality of the mortar,
and the workmanship. Masonry is commonly used for the walls and floorings of a house or

Types of Masonry
There are three main types of masonry that are used for different
applications depending upon what is being built: veneer, solid, and brick.

1. Veneer masonry is used for decorative purposes. This type of masonry uses numerous
pieces that are fitted around another structure.
2. Solid masonry does not need any kind of supportive structure or reinforcements. Such
walls can easily be destroyed because there are no reinforcements.
3. Brick masonry is the most popular type and is perfect for any kind of wall. It is durable
and can withstand strong earthquakes.

The discussions on replacing a tile and cementing a pathway

involve masonry.

Replacing a Tile
You might see cracks in your sink tile or bathroom. If the damage is minimal, you need
not replace the tile. Just take hold of some mixing paint that match the color of your tile then fill
it into the crack and allow it to dry.

For a badly damaged tile, on the other hand, you will have to
remove and replace it. Follow these simple steps.

1. Place a rag over the damaged tile and shatter it with a hammer. Hit the tile in the center to
avoid damaging adjacent tiles.
2. Chisel any projections off the bedding and scrape off old adhesive with a putty knife.
3. Remove dust and debris that might get in the way of the replacement tile.
4. Try out the replacement tile to make sure it does not project above floor level.
5. Spread adhesive on the back of replacement tile and set it in place.
6. Fill the grout lines with grout after adhesive has dried off.
7. Wipe the tile with damp sponge to clean off area.

Cementing a Pathway
What follows are steps on how to cement a pathway.

A. Preparation

If the soil where you plan to lay a path is firm and compacted,
lay the concrete directly on the ground. Dig out grass and weeds, level off bumps with a spade
and roll the ground to provide smooth, 19 hard base. If the soil is soft or lose, first put down a
layer of gravel and use a roller to compact the ground before cementing the area by removing
extra soil to allow for this.
When the base is ready, set up the formwork. This is a frame
to hold the concrete in place while hardening. These are the steps:

1. Hammer in pegs on the outside of the formwork at about 1m intervals.

2. Drive nails through the forms into the pegs leaving no gaps between boards, otherwise
concrete may flow out.

B. Mixing the Concrete by Hand

1. Prepare the needed materials: Water bucket, shovel, fine aggregate (sand), course
aggregate (gravel), and cement.
2. Mix cement and sand then add gravel. Turn the mix over, forming a new heap, at least
three times, shoveling from the base.
3. Form a crater in the middle of the heap and partly fill it with water. Use these proportion:
 1 bucket of cement
 2 buckets of sand
 3 buckets of gravel
 ¾ bucket of water (generally
4. Shovel the dry mix from around the outside of the heap into the crater until the water has
been absorbed. Take care not to let the wall collapse. Now turn the whole heap until it is
evenly moist.
5. Form a new crater if more water is needed. As a general rule,
use the smallest amount of water that will give a workable mix.

C. Pouring the Concrete Mix

1. Pour the concrete mix into the formwork. Using rake or shovel, spread the mix evenly.
2. Tamp the concrete to compact it and give the slab a level surface by using a heavy plank.
Two passes should suffice.
3. Insert expansion joints every 3 m using an 8 mm softwood board.
4. Brush across the slab with a stiff broom if you prefer a rougher surface. For smooth
surface, finish with a wooden float.
5. Cover newly laid concrete with damp sack cloth. Curing takes four days in warm

Key Points
 Masonry is considered one of the oldest professions in the history of construction.
 Masonry job is the building of structures from individual units laid in and bound together
by mortar.
 Laying a cement foundation is not easy but it is very durable.

Lesson 3: Plumbing Job

Water leaks from pipes, toilets, or elsewhere in the bathroom can lead to big problems
if they are not resolved immediately. Merely wiping water leaking at the base of your toilet can
easily cause damage to floors below the visible region.
Plumbing problems need your immediate attention not only to save water and avoid a
high water bill but also to prevent any possible damage to your home. Most of plumbing repairs
are either faucet leaks or clogged drains.


Types of faucets
Repairing leaking faucets may seem difficult at first but once you learn the basics,
modern faucets are easy to fix. In fact, the only difficult part is finding the right replacement
parts. Hence, it is necessary for you to know the different kinds of faucets in the market.
1. A compression faucet is the oldest type of faucet. It is found in most homes but it already
has updated versions. It is the least expensive but is the most prone to leak and
maintenance. It has double handles – one for cold water, the other for hot water.

2. A ball faucet is typically installed and utilized for kitchen sinks. This is the first type of
faucet that does not have a rubber or neoprene washer. It is identified by its single handle
that moves over a rounded ball-shaped cap right above the base of the faucet spout. The
disadvantage of a ball faucet is the fact that it is prone to leakage more than the other
3. A cartridge faucet comes in single or double handle types. You can operate this faucet by
pushing the stem cartridge up and down to adjust water volume and moving it left and
right to adjust temperature.
4. A disc faucet is the latest development in modern faucet technology. It has a wide
cartridge housing two ceramic discs that slide over each other to control water flow and
mixing temperature.

Basic for All faucets Repairs

If you want to repair your faucet or you need to have it fixed by a plumber, you need to
determine its type. This way, it will be easy to come up with the best repair solution. Follow
these basics for all faucets:
1. Check faucet and pipes to determine where the leak is coming from.
2. Turn off water supply from main source.
3. Cover the sink drain.
4. Remove the different parts of the faucet.
5. Inspect the interior part for worn-out gasket, washer, or mineral deposits.
6. Clean the surface with clean cloth or soak in vinegar to remove mineral deposits.
7. Reassemble the faucet.

Unclogging a Sink Drain

A kitchen sink drain becomes clogged due to objects that are accidentally dropped or
accumulated food particles and grease. Buildup
of hair and soap curds can clog a bathroom sink drain. You can avoid obstruction buildup by not
abusing your kitchen drain line. Scrape away excess food particles or anything that can clog the
drain before performing your dishwashing chores. If greasy or fatty elements go down the drain,
pour hot water to dissolve such. Never remove your sink strainer while the sink is in use.

Immediately pay attention to the sink if you notice that water starts
to drain sluggishly. Clogged sink drain is one of the most common plumbing problems but it is
also one of the easiest to solve. You just need a cup plunger that is commonly used for sinks,
lavatories, and tubs.

Key Points
 Plumbing problems need immediate attention to save water, avoid a high water bill and
prevent any possible damage to your home.

Electrical and Carpentry Jobs


Have you ever experienced arriving home only to find out you have no electrical power
but your neighbors have? Or have you ever experienced seating on a chair and suddenly, one leg
gets broken? These are all household maintenance problems that can easily be solved. This
chapter will provide you with practical guides on how to troubleshoot simple electrical and
carpentry problems.
Lesson 1: Electrical Job


Countless house fires are caused by poor wiring techniques, substandard materials, faulty
extension cords, or defective electrical appliances. The trouble
and the trap lie in the apparent simplicity of electrical work. Small mistakes can cause quick and
severe consequences. Poor wiring techniques, busted electrical outlets, or even defective light
bulbs can cause shock hazards that may not be evident until the accident happens.
It is very dangerous to do any electrical repair or installation when you have little
knowledge on how to perform it. Hence, it is essential to follow strictly certain electrical codes to
avoid accidents.
First of all, you should have the appropriate tools in performing electrical repair jobs like
replacing an electrical outlet and light switch. These are some of the basic tools and materials
you need-screwdrivers, cutter, and wire cutter.

Replacing and Electrical Outlet

Have you ever tried plugging your charger in one of your electrical outlets only to find
out that the electrical receptacle is not working? There is a possible explanation: it is totally
damaged because of improper use like sticking a paper clip or hairpin into it or plugging in an
appliance causing a short circuit. Regardless of how the damage occurred, the electrical outlet
should be repaired immediately.

Replacing a light Switch

When an old light switch no longer works or is damaged, it should be replaced.
Replacement is usually very easy, requiring only 10 minutes. Always replace a switch with the
same type.
For safety, always turn off power at the circuit breaker or safety box. Post a note that
work is being done to avoid someone turning back on. Test the circuit by using a tester to be
certain that the power there is no power. Always use insulated tools for added safety. After all
these safety preparations are in place, you are now ready to replace your light switch. Follow
these simple steps:

1. Remove the cover plate.

2. Remove the retaining screws at the top and bottom of the switch.
3. Pull the switch straight out from the box.
4. Note the position of the wires and transfer them over to the corresponding terminals on
the new switch. If the wire is stranded, twist the strands together. Create a "U" shaped
loop of bare wire about 1.9 cm (.75 in) long.
5. Hook the loop under the terminal screw counterclockwise so that tightening the screw
pulls the wire tightly under it.

6. Wrap electrical tape around the switch so that the exposed terminal screws are covered.
This is a safety precaution to reduce the risk of short circuits or electrical shocks.
7. Gently fold the wires into the box as you push in the switch.
8. Secure the switch at the top and bottom with the retaining screws.
9. Replace the cover plate.
10. Turn on the power and test the switch.

Key Points
 Countless house fires are caused by poor wiring techniques, substandard
materials, faulty extension cords, or defective
electrical appliances.
 It is very dangerous to do any electrical job when you have
little knowledge on how to perform it.

Lesson 2: Carpentry Job


Carpentry is a trade that can be gratifying for it involves repair and creation of tangible
objects. To produce good carpentry jobs, you have to develop the right skills, use appropriate
tools, and execute correct processes. You also have to put your heart into your work.
The basic classifications of carpentry tools are the hand and power
1. Hand tools, such as pliers, long nose, cutters, chalk line reel, and paintbrush, are powered
by a hand.
2. Power tools, such as power drill, screwdriver bits, and test meter, are powered by an

To be a good carpenter, you should start by knowing the basic tools and
how to use these tools.

Door Repairs
Doors cause so many problems that sometimes seem difficult to eliminate– dry hinges,
loose hinges, hinge mortises cut too deep, a locked door that will not open, among others. Except
for structural shifting, which can wrack a doorway and a warped door generally needing a
replacement, each of these problems can be remedied.

A. Lubricating a Squeaky Door

If you have squeaky, grating, or floppy door hinges, it is about time to lubricate them.
You can follow these simple steps:

1. Examine the hinges for rust or objects that are inserted within.
2. Apply sewing machine oil by tripping the nozzle of the oiler on the upper portion of each
hinge pin. Make sure it does not overflow.
3. Do the same for the other hinge pins.
4. Try opening and closing the door to test if there is still a squeaking sound.

B. Tightening Loose Door Hinges

Door hinges should be checked and the screws tightened every few years. To remedy
loose hinges, all you need is a screwdriver.

1. Try to tighten the screws. Ask somebody to lift the latch side or use a flat block of wood to
raise it. If the screws tighten securely, you are done. If they slip in their holes, continue.
2. Find some longer flat head screws of about the same diameter as the originals. Test to see if
they grab good wood. If the screws work, replace them all and you are done. If the screws jam or
do not get a good bite, continue.
3. To reinforce the screw holes, pull the hinge pins, remove the door, and remove hinges from
the jamb.
4. Coat wooden matches with wood glue and tap them into all oversize holes.
5. Oil the hinges.
6. After the glue has dried, position the hinges and carefully mark the center of each hole with a
nail. Drill a new hole for the screw, then reattach the hinges and rehang the door.

C. Fitting a Door Lock

While it is simple to install door locks, it is sometimes difficult to choose the right door
lock to fit a specific door. Selecting a door knob that does not fit the size for your door will make
it difficult or impossible to install. This may prevent the lock from functioning correctly. Choose
a suitable lock that will fit the type and size of your door.

The first thing to do is to choose the lock. Here are tips you can consider:

1. Identify whether the door is right or left handed and check where the hinges are located.
2. Choose a lock designed to fit the thickness of your door.
3. Study the distance between the edge of the door and the center line of the bore hole for the
4. Install the lock based on the installation instructions.
5. Screw the strike plate in place and test the lock to make sure it works.

D. Fixing a Locked Door That Will Not Open

Part of your home security measure is to always lock the door. It becomes a nuisance
when the lock malfunctions and becomes stuck. This demands immediate repair. The simplest
way to open a locked door is to use a thin, sturdy object like an old credit card or ID card.
Attempt to access the angle side of the door latch and push it into the door's recess. You have to
realize, however, that not all locked doors can be opened this way. You need a trained carpenter
to unlock doors in certain circumstances.

Upholstery as a Carpentry Work

Upholstery is used mostly for pieces of furniture intended for seating or resting the body.
The bed is not included here since bed mattresses are not considered upholstery. The most
common type of cover for upholstery is fabric and leather.
You can partially or fully upholster furniture. Dining chairs, stools, and
high chairs are partially upholstered while a sofa, couch, or love seat can
be fully upholstered. The main reason why furniture are upholstered is to
provide comfort. Upholstery lends new life and look to old furniture.

Upholstering a Foot Stool

You can upholster a foot stool using few basic tools like a measuring
tape, fabric or leather, cotton lining, scissors, 0.64 cm (.25 in) thick foam, hammer, rugby, and
staple gun.
It is an inexpensive project and anyone can do it. Follow these
simple steps:

1. Measure the surface of the foot stool.

2. Cut the fabric or leather about 15.24 cm (6 in) on all sides.
3. Cut a piece of foam about the same size as the surface of the stool.
4. Apply rugby on the surface of the stool and apply the foam on top.
5. Cut the cotton lining 5.08 cm (2 in) wider on all sides than your foot stool. Apply adhesive
over the foam's surface and place the lining over it. Smoothen to ensure adhesion. There should
be no wrinkles or bubbles.
6. Lay out the fabric and center the foot stool on the fabric.

7. Fold the edge of one side of the fabric and gently pull it over the back of the stool. Staple the
fabric into place. Repeat on the opposite side. Repeat the same steps for the remaining two sides.
Hammer down any staples that do not go in all the way.

Repairing Holes in Leather Furniture

1. Determine the extent of the damage of the leather furniture by checking its size and depth.
2. Melt some crayons that match with the shade of the leather. This works best with synthetic
3. Place the melted crayon to patch the hole.
4. Blend immediately using an applicator stick and spread the crayon flat. Do this quickly before
it hardens.

Varnish is a popular finishing for almost all types of wood. It provides

shiny, smooth protective covering for furniture, fancy woodworks, and baseboards. Varnish
provides radiant beauty to the wood and can be mixed with glaze to create various textures and
patterns. It is translucent and is mainly used for wood finishing.
The work area for varnishing should be spacious enough to allow free circulation of air.
The area should not also be exposed to direct sunlight because this will cause varnish to dry
faster than it should be.
If you wish to revarnish an already varnished wood, you need to
check first its condition. Scrape off old varnish by using a paint stripper.

Varnishing Tips

Applying varnish on wood consists of these two parts: preparing the surface and applying

A. Preparation of Surface

1. Remove all dust and dirt from the surface and in between cracks or holes.
2. Fill cracks and holes with wood putty.
3. Sand the surface to make it smooth.

B. Application or Varnish

1. Apply the first coating and let it dry. Make sure that the brushing stroke follows the grain of
the wood. It should not show brush marks.
2. Rub down with sand paper.
3. Apply the second coating. Let it dry . Then again, do step number 2.
4. A third coating can be applied for durable finish.
5. Be careful when applying varnish t avoid forming fume or air bubbles.
6. Keep brushes and containers clean.

Key Points

 Carpentry is a trade that can be gratifying for it involves repair and creation of
tangible objects.
 Being a good carpenter starts with knowing the basics and this includes knowing
how to use your tools.

Lesson 3: Appliance Repair Job


Repair of a broken home appliance is expensive especially if its warranty has expired.
This can really strain your budget. You can consider fixing it yourself, but since most appliances
are electrical in nature, you have to remember three things.
The first is to take hold of the user's manual of the particular appliance. This will provide
you with the right information about it like its parts and serial numbers. Most manuals come with
troubleshooting guidelines. The manual also provides information on where to buy the parts and
contact numbers to call.
The second is to ready the needed tools for repair. Many home appliances thereby
requiring special-sized tools. (Photograph by Lawrence Biarcal) have small nuts and screws
thereby requiring special-sized tools.
The third is the safety measures you have to follow: make sure that the appliance is
completely powered down, unplugged, or devoid of batteries.

Troubleshooting a Desk Electric fan

Electric desk fan uses a motor to drive fan blades to circulate air. All you need is a
screwdriver, wire stripper, WD-40 lubricant and paper towels to absorb oil, or remove dirt and
dust that settled inside the motor area.

Here are the simple steps to follow to troubleshoot a desk electric fan:

1. Unplug the cord of the electric fan from wall outlet.

2. Detach the safety cover from the front of the fan.

3. Using a paper towel, wipe the front and back parts of the blades and the motor shaft.
4. Unscrew the motor housing from the back of the fan.
5. Check if the two electric wires are secured firmly to the contacts on the motor.
6. Remove accumulated dust using a paint brush and apply WD-40 lubricant to the drive shaft.
7. Tighten broken or loose motor wires.
8. Replace the motor housing and tighten the contact screws.

Repairing Scratches on a Refrigerator

Refrigerators can easily depreciate from being moved from one place to another or even
from everyday use. Since this large appliance takes up a significant amount of floor space, it can
be a target of incidents like getting dents or scratches due to contacts with sharp objects or
accidental bumps when moving it to another place.
Some scratches are superficial but some are pronounced. Sometimes these areas with deep
scratches can start to rust. To repair these scratches, you can follow the following steps:
1. Check the scratches if they are merely light surface scratches or if they are deeper.
2. Clean the exterior of the refrigerator with mild soap and water then wipe to completely dry.
3. Apply appliance touch-up paint for surface-based scratches. Commercial scratch filler can be
used for more pronounced scratches.
4. Decide whether to sand it lightly once the filler dries up.
5. Apply an appropriate color of paint over the filled scratches.

Key Points
 Repair of a broken home appliances is expensive especially if the warranty
has expired.
 Since most appliances are electrical in nature, you have to remember these
things: take hold of the user’s manual of the particular appliance, ready the
needed tools for repair.

Family Resources Management

Managing family resources means making the most and the best of the available
resources of the home and family to realize family values and ensure the achievement of the
family goals. These available resources may be human and nonhuman.
A happy and successful home depends upon the members of the family pooling their
resources and willingly sharing their responsibilities. This will highly depend on the ability of
the husband and the wife to motivate all the members of the family to cooperate.

Lesson 1: Family Resources


Resources are anything that can help you accomplish your goals. Every family has
resources but the kind and amount of resources vary from one family to another depending on
several factors like the ones listed below.

1. Available resources of the family. These are the human and material resources. Human
resources are those shown by members of the family such as abilities, talents, skills, knowledges,
energies, attitudes, and health. Material resources, on the other hand, refer to objects, things, or
possessions that you use daily to satisfy your needs and wants. Knowing these resources and
learning how to use them to attain the goals of the family will greatly help in the management of
the home.
2. Activities of the members of the family. The choice/duties to be given to each member should
fit the schedule of activities of these members so they can be successfully carried out with the
least conflict with regard to time, energy, and relationship with other members.
3. Priorities of the family. These include the goals and objectives in life. These priorities are the
ones that guide a family in the management of its activities; and the family's direction is always
toward these priorities.
4. The values, attitudes, and habits of the family. Values are the things the family considers
worthy. They are the family's cherished ideals. The different attitudes are the family's way of
facing situations and circumstances. Habits of the family are the customary practices of doing
things at home.
5. Conditions in the community. Since the family is a part of the community, some of its
activities, particularly social obligations, are considerations that must be included in the plan for
managing family resources.

Kinds of Family Resources

Family members need to decide on the activities they wish to do to maximize and at the
same time save on the use of family resources. It is an accepted fact that resources are scarce and
limited. Making right choices is very crucial so that family goals are realized. Trade-offs among
resources, for example, money versus time, can be done.
There are instances when events happen beyond your control. Situations like these
oftentimes compete with family goals and demand the use of family resources. A good home
manager should anticipate these things to happen, that is why it is important to find resource
combinations that save on the scarce resource and make more plentiful use of other resources.
For example, if the breadwinner gets ill and needs long hospitalization, other members of the

family like the children can save on their school allowances and share in performing household

Family Income
There are various sources of family income like salaries of the members of the family,
income from land use of land owned by the family, grants and scholarships, allowances, and
honoraria. Sources of family income can also be in the form of goods and services received by
the family. Family income is divided into money income and real income.
1. Money Income. The family gets paid for the work done. Money income can be in the form of
salary, pensions, wages, dividends, interests, royalties, vacations, profits, benefits, and rents. The
income is used to buy goods and services required for daily living. There are different forms of
money income. These are the following:
a. Cash are the coins and bills made by the government and given a certain value.
b. A check is a piece of paper that serves as your payment when you purchase something.
You write the amount that you will pay on the paper and it serves as a promise that the money
you owe is in your bank account and gives the store or person receiving the check the right to
collect the money.
c. A gift check is a certificate with a printed amount on it. It is given instead of cash as a gift
to a person. This is good as cash when you use it to pay for anything you buy.
d. A credit card identifies the holder to have his or her purchases billed on a charge account.
This is issued only to persons who have the capacity to pay their bills. You are borrowing money
when you use a credit card so be very careful with your purchases.
2. Real or Nonmoney Income. This is defined by Paulena Nickell and Jean Muir Dorsey (1950)
as the flow of goods and services used or available for any given period of time. This has two
types: direct and indirect.
a. Direct real income consists of material goods and services available to the family without the
use of money. Examples are produce from your flower or vegetable garden, and fruits from your
backyard. It also includes knowledge and services rendered by family members like cleaning the
house, cooking the family meals, and laundering clothes. The community provides another form
of direct real income for family use through its public libraries, schools, parks, markets, etc.
b. Indirect real income consists of material goods and services made available after an exchange
is made. For example, money is exchanged for commodities and services. Sometimes,
commodities and services are traded for other goods.

The main objective of money management is for the holistic development of the family
members, enhancement of their happiness and health by making the best use of the income of the

Family Expenses
Expenses are the things that you buy or pay for. There are different expenses of the family
that satisfy the needs and wants of family members. Below are the types of expenses you should
consider when budgeting your family income.
1. Fixed expenses are expenses you are obliged to pay regularly like rent payments,
installment payments, insurance premiums, taxes due, or pledges to church or charitable
2. Variable or flexible expenses are expenses that will vary in cost, depending on the family's
current needs. These vary from month to month and the family can make adjustments to fit the
3. Expenses that are paid for you by your employer are special expenses not listed in your
budget and vary from one person to the other. These are expenses from your pay check like
withholding tax, GSIS or SSS, Pag-IBIG Fund, etc.
4. Emergency expenses are those expenses of unexpected events like gifts for special
occasions or monetary aid for a bereaved family.

Household Accounts
One of the salient features in managing family finances is record keeping because it helps
you plan better the management of family resources. Careful and consistent record keeping will
also lessen family financial problems.
Household accounts are short-term records showing the income and expenditures of the
family. These include the cash income and expenses incurred by the family daily. There are
different systems or methods of keeping household accounts.
1. Record Sheet System. By using loose sheets with columns, you can immediately write
down the income and expenses of the family. This should be placed in an area in the house that is
very accessible for immediate record keeping.
2. Envelope System. There are two types of envelope system.
a. The Cash Payment System. Place money in several envelopes. Each item of expenditure
has its own envelope. Write the amount and the item name on the top of the envelope. This is

normally used for families receiving daily or weekly income. This is simple and convenient for
cash transactions.
b. The Pure Sheet Accounting System. A large envelope either single or double is used. All
bills are placed inside the envelope and recording is done at a convenient time. The outside cover
of the envelope is used for summarizing recordings. If there is not enough space, an extra sheet
of paper can be used.
3. Notebook System. A loose-leaf or bound notebook can be used for keeping household
accounts. The loose-leaf may have an advantage because a new leaf can easily be added and an
old one replaced.
4. Card-File System. Cards are arranged according to the different items of expenditures.
Another name for this system is one- man system.

Supplementing Family Income

There are times when families find it difficult to make both ends meet. There are variety of
circumstances that cause such. One is when the family spends more than what it earns,
Generating extra income for the family depends on the skills, knowledge, abilities, and talents of
each member. Activities where the family can earn supplementary income include sewing,
baking, crafting, gardening, or even setting up a day care center in the neighborhood. For family
members stay overtime at work or have part-time jobs.

Key Points

 Managing family resources means making the most and the best of the
available resources of the home and family to realize family values and
ensure the achievement of family goals.
 There are different expenses of the family that satisfy the
needs and wants of family members.
 One of the salient features in managing family finances is record keeping
because it helps to plan better the management of family resources.

Lesson 2: Budgeting Family Resources

Spending the family income is one important aspect of home management. The general
welfare of the family is affected to a great extent by the ability of the members to manage their
income. Decisions as to how the family should use the income to satisfy their needs and wants
are concerns of every family member. Good income management member.

Importance of a Family Budget

It is a good idea to keep a simple account of your expenses and savings so that you
always know how much money you have on hand. Planning expenses enables one to establish
priorities. Budgeting within one's income is one of the most important things in home
management and in maintaining a happy, satisfying family life.
A budget is a planned spending of the income or money of the family. Expenses cover
the needs and wants of the family. Needs are things essential for survival like food, clothing, and
shelter. Wants are nonessential things you can forego or set aside for the moment. These wants
add comfort and luxury to your life. A budget considers the total income and expenditures from
all sources. The advantages of having a family budget are as follows:
1. It helps the family analyze errors in spending and suggest possible ways to correct them.
2. It aids the family to live within its available income.
3. It serves as a reminder to the family of current and future needs and wants.
4. It increases efficiency and eliminates wastage.
5. It gives more comfort and direction in achieving family goals. It fosters openness,
cooperation, and unity among family members.
6. It fosters openness, cooperation, and unity among family members.
A budget balance and guides spending for you to achieve your goals. It will help your
family plan your purchases so that you can balance your short-range and long-range goals. It will
prevent unwise spending. A budget also gives a feeling of security by providing the amount for

savings, emergencies, and unexpected happenings. A workable budget should be flexible to
allow for unexpected expenses.
In making the budget, each family member should share in making decisions regarding
the use of money so that each personal need will be given consideration. Involving the children
in making the family budget will give them an idea of how much is needed to keep the home
running efficiently.

Elements of a Family Budget

A family budget differs from one family to the other. Nonetheless, all families need to
provide for their basic needs. In preparing the family budget, consider the following: goals,
income, expenses, and savings.
These are the components of a family budget:

1. Food. This item has the biggest share in the family income since the health and life of the
family depends on it. Budget for food depends on the family size, ages of the members, their
health conditions, and their food preferences. In addition to this, prevailing economic conditions
may affect the prices of food in the market. If the prices are high, the expenses for food may
double and if prices are low, food expenses will be less. In most cases, food makes a dent in the
family resources.
2. Shelter. To protect the family from the harsh elements of nature and dangerous elements in the
environment, a house is needed. Owning or renting
a house will greatly determine the amount print spent by the family on this item. The location of
the house will also affect the budget for other items like transportation. If the family is renting,
the location can also affect the rate of rent. The size and type of shelter can also affect the budget
for household maintenance.
3. Clothing. The budget for this item will highly depend on the age, type of activity or
occupation, and lifestyle of family members.
4. Education/Advancement. The budget for this item will depend on the goals to most families
and most of the time, parents sacrifice other of the family. Education is an important goal to
needs just so this item can be met.
5. Health Needs. It follows that when members of the family are sickly, more money is spent on
medicines, vitamins, hospitalization, and doctor's fees. A baby in the family will require a regular
checkup while older members who may be prone to illnesses often require the attention of a
doctor. To save on this family members should strive to be healthy.
6. Maintenance Expenses. Bills for electricity, water, and fuel are included in this item.
Household repairs and cleaning materials and implements are also included here.
7. Miscellaneous Expenses. Although the family can forgo this item, it helps promote happiness,
comfort, and satisfaction among members. This includes recreational activities like movies,
television, travel, toys, and electronic gadgets.
Scrapping these items will depend on the family's income.

8. Savings. This should be a part of the budget plan. This item can be in the form of investments,
insurance, pre-need plans, or bank savings. If the family can put aside 10 percent of their income
every month, then this can answer for any emergency need or unforeseen expenses of the family.

Key Points
 Spending the family income is one important aspect of home management.
 In budgeting each family member should share in making decisions regarding the use of
money so that each personal need will consider.
 In preparing the family budget, consider the following: goals, income, expenses and
 After each monthly budget, the family budget should be checked if there is balance
between expenditures and income.

Lesson 3:



Bayquen, C.V. Industrial Chemical Processes-Food Industries.Manila: UST Publishing House,

Brown, Bobbi. Bobbi Brown Beauty Evolution. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., 2002

Cairns, Shirly and Margaret McBride. Bookkeeping: A Practical Approach. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1998.


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