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Excel formulae

POWER OF ^ =D3^J10


OR = (D3+G3)


Absolute Reference & Relative Reference

E3 IS Absolute

=Count and CountA : The count function will only Count the cells.

=Countif(Range,Criteria) This function will count the cells which contains a
specific criteria from the range

= COUNTIF($B$3:$B$21,”Director”)


IF : condition

=if(d5>=10 “ very exp”)

NESTED IF :This is a logical if condition in another IF condition

Ex: IF(C3>=10, “VERY EXP”,

IF(C3<5. “NOT EXP”)))

LOOKUP: This will look up the value present in the sheet

LOOKUP is used to look up a value using data in the first row or the first column of a range of cells
and returns a relative value
HLOOKUP HLOOKUP is a function that performs a horizontal look up of data. This should be used
when the values that you wish to compare your data with are stored in a single row.


VLOOKUP VLOOKUP is a function that performs a vertical look up of data

XLOOKUP XLOOKUP is a new function in Excel that can be used to perform either a horizontal or a
vertical look up of data. This is similar to HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP, but is more powerful and flexible
than either of these.

Chp 6 : important diagram

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