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Task 2. Sharing Your Google Classroom, Give andGet Feedback, Then Answer
the Questions Below
1. Did any students in your group (from the Wiki) not provide feedback before the Due Date? If so,
please provide their full name(s) below – please put their full name (first and last name). This will
help me when grading.
Me, Donald Lewis

2. Post the feedback you received on or before the deadline for feedback responses regarding about
your Google Class below. Hopefully you will have at least a couple of feedback responses but
provide whatever responses you got about your class before the deadline – see course calendar for
the due date. Simply copy/paste the feedback you received and past it below.
I missed the deadline for this assignment so I did not receive any feedback.

3. From the feedback you received, did you gain any insights? In other words, did you learn anything
from the feedback that you use when you have your own Google classroom?

4. Did you experience any problems while inviting students to you view your class and getting
feedback? If so, what problems did you experience?
No I did not.
5. From the video(s) tutorials above, what are some different ways you can invite a student to join
your Google class?
Through emailing them a link to the class or sending

6. What is the stream feature in Google Classrooms? Do a quick Google or Youtube search to find
out about this info if you don’t know.
The ‘Stream’ is essentially the homepage of the classroom where it shows all announcements and assignments.
Also, allows for the students and teacher(s) to communicate via the comment section of certain posts.

7. What kinds of things can you do in the ‘class settings’ area? Not sure? Watch the first tutorial
again and/or play around with the settings button in your own classroom.
I began with getting together the course materials I wanted to use for this assignment, I know my whole plan
encompassed a quiz, an exercise, and a short paper. I feel that was a little ambitious for what we were trying to
practice here. After that, I built my practice exercise and then I built a little quiz that (I think) help build up to the
assignment. Finally, an announcement to explain what I wanted to be done and the specific order, and any other
information I could think of.

8. What potential difficulties could you foresee if you were asked to set up a Google Class for your
own students?
The initial issue with Google Classrooms that I see is that it would be a matter of the students all having
consistent access to some sort of computing device and Wi-Fi. Beyond that, there could be problems
communicating with parents strictly online, simply because some older generations of folks do not have much
experience with these kinds of technologies. For me, it was a learning experience figuring out how to use
Google Classrooms, but I tend to be more old-fashioned and will try not to use technology if I don’t have to. I
know it is important to learn considered how much life/school, in general, has become so reliant on technology


Christy Hendrickson:
Hi Christy,

I enjoyed the math quiz a lot! I really like how you did not supply a number for each answer. I just thought the
visual representation would be very helpful to kindergartners, and it was all stuff they could count on their
hands if need be. The ABC's, I feel, would be difficult to do in an online setting, but having them type out or write
it out is still excellent practice and will help illustrate the different 'looks' of each letter.


PS Also, sorry for not getting back to you sooner!

Aldo B.:
Hi Aldo, 
I would wanna start by saying I really like that you included an icebreaker. In my experience that has always
helped all/most students (including me) feel a little more open when it comes to interacting with classmates or
even asking the teacher for help. Your history quiz is a great idea too if you are trying to gauge where each
individual is at, knowledge-wise. There were 1 or 2 questions that I had to reread because I kinda second
guessed myself. I like the question you were asking none of them were too specific.

Donald Lewis

PS Also, sorry it took me so long to get back to you!

Parker Diffey:
Hi Parker!
I did always look to PE class when we got to play flag football, kickball, ect. just team sports in general. It is just
an enjoyable way for a group of people to enjoy being physically active and have some fun. Your quiz was
perfect for a PE class, kept it short and sweet.

Donald Lewis

PS Sorry it took me so long to get through everything and back to you.

Chloe Bedke:
Hi Chloe!
I want to say you made me think a bit about why I would join the choir. I was in choir for a few years as a kid and
I did enjoy it. I did join the orchestra in Jr. high school, so I have a healthy respect for classical music. Overall, I
enjoyed both of your quizzes and I think being in a choir today would be a blast.

Donald Lewis

PS Sorry I took so long to go through the motions with this project and get back to you.

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