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New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph With

Star and Wheel By DOMINATION As Hyper Decoration On Super Density

Preprint · July 2023

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8161878


1 author:

Henry Garrett



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Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 2

SuperHyperGraph With Star and Wheel By DOMINATION 3

As Hyper Decoration On Super Density 4

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · 6 · Manhattan, NY, USA 7


In this scientific research, (Different Neutrosophic Types of Neutrosophic 9

SuperHyperDOMINATION). Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S be a pair 10

S = (V, E). Consider a Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , . . . , Vs }. Then V 0 is 11

called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION if the following expressions, terms and 12

statements is called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 13

|( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 Vi ∈V 0 Vi ∈V 0
= 00
max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | ∀Vi ∈ VN SHG , ∃Vj ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (Ei0 ) = min[TV 0 (Vi ), TV 0 (Vj )]Vi ,Vj ∈Ei0 ,
IV0 (Ei0 ) = min[IV 0 (Vi ), IV 0 (Vj )]Vi ,Vj ∈Ei0 ,
and FV0 (Ei0 ) = min[FV 0 (Vi ), FV 0 (Vj )]Vi ,Vj ∈Ei0

In this scientific research, new configurations are introduced for the new 14

SuperHyperNotions, namely a DOMINATION and a Neutrosophic DOMINATION. 15

Two different SuperHyperDefinitions were started for them, but research has progressed 16

and SuperHyperNotion, SuperHyperUniform, and SuperHyperClass are well-defined and 17

well-reviewed based on them. Literature review is implemented throughout this research. 18

To shine the light and importance of this research, a comparison between this 19

SuperHyperNotion with other SuperHyperNotions and basic SuperHyperNumbers is 20

presented. Definitions are followed by examples and examples, so clarifications are 21

guided by various tools. Applications are designed to understand the theoretical aspect 22

of this ongoing research. “Cancer diagnosis” are the things that are being researched to 23

explore the challenges that make sense in ongoing research and future research. It is a 24

special case. Cells are viewed in the intended manner. There are different types of them. 25

Some are individual and some are well modeled by groups of cells. All these types are 26

officially called “SuperHyperVertex”, but the relationships between them all are 27

officially called “SuperHyperEdge”. “SuperHyperGraph” and “Neutrosophic 28

SuperHyperGraph” frameworks are selected and selected for research on “Cancer 29

Diagnosis”. Thus, these complex and dense super-hypermodels open avenues for 30

research on theoretical aspects and “cancer diagnosis”. Ways to pursue this scientific 31

research have been considered. It has also been formally collected in the form of several 32

questions and problems. It is useful to define a “neutrosophic” version of 33

DOMINATION. Since there are more ways to get type results a DOMINATION 34

becomes more understandable. In order to master the Neutrosophic DOMINATION, 35

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

there is a need to “re-define” the concept of “DOMINATION mastery”. 36

SuperHyperVertices and SuperHyperEdges are assigned by alphabetical labels. In this 37

method, the position of tags is used to assign values. Suppose a DOMINATION. If the 38

specified table contains “values of vertices, supervertices, edges, hyperedges, and 39

hyperedges belonging to Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph” with key points, it is 40

redefined. ”values of vertices & number of positions in alphabet”, ”Values of 41

SuperVertices&maximum values of its vertices”, ”values of edges&maximum values of 42

its vertices”, ”super edge values&max values of its vertices”, “super edge values” and 43

maximum values of its endpoints”. To get examples and structural examples, I would 44

like to introduce the next SuperHyperClass SuperHyperGraph based on DOMINATION. 45

This is the original. Having the foundation of the previous definition in the 46

SuperHyperClass type would be disciplined. If there is a need to have all 47

DOMINATION until DOMINATION, then it is officially called “DOMINATION”, but 48

otherwise, it is not DOMINATION. There is some explanation for the original definition 49

titled “DOMINATION”. These two examples are further explored and distinguished 50

because they are characterized in the SuperHyperClass disciplinary methods based on a 51

dominant DOMINATION. Because of having DOMINATION, there is a need to 52

“re-define” the concept of “neutrosophic DOMINATION” and “neutrosophic 53

DOMINATION”. SuperHyperVertices and SuperHyperEdges are assigned by 54

alphabetical labels. In this method, the position of tags is used to assign values. 55

Consider a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph. “Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph” is 56

redefined if the desired table exists. And if the desired table exists, a DOMINATION is 57

redefined to a “Neutrosophic DOMINATION”. It is useful to define a “Neutrosophic” 58

version of SuperHyperClasses. Since there are more ways to obtain Neutrosophic type 59

results, a SuperHyper- Neutrosophic DOMINATION becomes more understandable. 60

Consider a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph. If the desired table exists, there are a 61

number of Neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses. So are SuperHyperPath, SuperHyperCycle, 62

SuperHyperStar, SuperHyperBipartite, SuperHyperMultiPartite and SuperHyperWheel. 63

”Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath”, “Neutrosophic SuperHyperCycle”, “Neutrosophic 64

SuperHyperStar”, “Neutrosophic SuperHyperBipartite”, “Neutrosophic 65

SuperHyperMultiPartite” and “Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel”. A graph is 66

SuperHyperUniform if it is a SuperHyperGraph and the number of SuperHyperEdges 67

elements is the same. Consider a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph. There are a number 68

of SuperHyperClasses as follows. It is a SuperHyperPath if there is only one 69

SuperVertex as an intersection between two given SuperHyperEdges with two 70

exceptions. If only one SuperVertex is given as an intersection between two 71

SuperHyperEdges, it is SuperHyperCycle. It is SuperHyperStar and only one 72

SuperVertex as intersection among all SuperHyperEdges. It is SuperHyperBipartite, 73

and only one SuperVertex is given as the intersection between two SuperHyperEdges, 74

and these SuperVertices, which form two distinct sets, have no SuperHyperEdge in 75

common. This is SuperHyperMultiPartite. Only one SuperVertex is given as an 76

intersection between two SuperHyperEdges, and these SuperVertices, which form 77

separate multisets, have no SuperHyperEdge in common. If only one SuperHyperEdge 78

among the given two SuperHyperEdges is a SuperHyperWheel and a SuperVertex has a 79

SuperHyperEdge with any regular SuperVertex. SuperHyperModel suggests specific 80

designs and specific architectures. SuperHyperModel is officially called 81

“SuperHyperGraph” and “Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph”. In this SuperHyperModel, 82

the “special” cells and the “special group” of cells are SuperHyperModeled as 83

“SuperHyperVertices” and the common and desired properties between the “special” 84

cells and the “special group” of cells. SuperHyperModeled as “SuperHyperEdges”. 85

Sometimes, to have a more accurate SuperHyperModel, it is useful to have some degree 86

of determinism, uncertainty, and neutrality, in this case the SuperHyperModel is called 87

“Neutrosophic”. In future scientific research, the foundation will be based on “diagnosis 88

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

of cancer” and the results and definitions will be introduced in redeemed methods. 89

Cancer diagnosis in long-term practice. The specific region is assigned by the model 90

(called SuperHyperGraph) and the long cycle of movement of the cancer is determined 91

by this scientific research. Sometimes the movement of cancer is not easy to detect, 92

because there is certainty, uncertainty and neutrality about the movements and effects 93

of cancer on that area. This event leads us to choose another model [which is said to be 94

the Neutrosophic superhypergraph] in order to have a proper understanding of what 95

happened and was done. There are some specific models, which are well known and 96

have names, and some SuperHyperGeneral SuperHyperModels. The movements and 97

effects of cancer in complex pathways and between complex groups of cells can be 98

visualized with a Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath (-/SuperHyperCycle, SuperHyperStar, 99

SuperHyperBipartite, SuperHyperMultipartite, SuperHyperWheel). The goal is to find 100

the longest DOMINATION or the strongest DOMINATION in those Neutrosophic 101

SuperHyperModels. Some general results are presented for the longest DOMINATION 102

called DOMINATION and the strongest DOMINATION called Neutrosophic 103

DOMINATION. Beyond that in SuperHyperStar, all possible SuperHyperPaths have 104

only two SuperHyperEdges, but it is not enough as having at least three 105

SuperHyperEdges is necessary to form any style of cycle. There is no form of any cycle, 106

but literally, it is the transformation of any cycle. It literally transforms and does not 107

form. A basic introduction to the theory of DOMINATION Neutrosophic, 108

SuperHyperGraphs and Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs is suggested. 109

Keywords: Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph, SuperHyperDOMINATION, Cancer’s 110

Neutrosophic Recognition 111

AMS Subject Classification: 05C17, 05C22, 05E45 112

2 Applied Notions Under The Scrutiny Of The 113

Motivation Of This Scientific Research 114

In this scientific research, there are ideas in the prominent frameworks of motivations. I 115

try to bring motivations in narrative ways. Some Cells have faced attacks from the 116

established situation with cancer attacks in this case, there is some analysis embedded 117

in the case current situations where cells can be labeled as some groups and some 118

groups or individuals are overlabeled, all from behaviors to overcome cancer attacks. In 119

embedded situations, cell individuals and cell groups can be considered as “new groups”. 120

So it encourages us to find suitable SuperHyperModels for more appropriate analysis 121

about this dirty story. I found SuperHyperModels, officially called “SuperHyperGraphs” 122

and “Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs”. In this SuperHyperModel, cells and groups of 123

cells are defined as “SuperHyperVertices” and relationships between individual cells and 124

groups of cells are defined as “SuperHyperEdges”. So this is another motivation for us 125

to do research on this SuperHyperModel based on “cancer diagnosis”. Sometimes, 126

things get worse. The situation has passed certainty and precise style. So it is beyond 127

them. There are three descriptions, i.e., degrees of determination, uncertainty, and 128

neutrality, for any object based on ambiguous forms, i.e., incomplete data, imprecise 129

data, and uncertain analysis. The second model can be considered in the previous 130

SuperHyperModel. This is SuperHyperModel. This is SuperHyperGraph but officially 131

called “Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs”. Cancer is a disease, but the model is 132

supposed to understand what happens in this phenomenon. The special case of this 133

disease is considered and some parameters are used as consequences of the model. Cells 134

are attacked by the disease, but the movement of cancer is in a specific area. Knowing 135

the mind of cancer can help to find some cures for this disease. SuperHyperGraph and 136

Neutrosophic Super-HyperGraph are super-hypermodels used in “cancer diagnosis” and 137

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

both are the foundation of the background of this scientific research. Sometimes cancer 138

has occurred in an area full of cells, cell groups, and embedded styles. In this section, 139

SuperHyperModel proposes based on the links of cancer movements in the form of unity 140

styles with the formation of design and architecture officially called “DOMINATION”, 141

in the themes of specialized terms and common words. Particle for direct object. 142

Applied concepts under the investigation of the motivation of this scientific research. 143

The “SuperHyper” prefix refers to the theme of embedded styles for background 144

discovery for SuperHyperNotions. Cancer diagnosis in long-term practice. The specific 145

region is assigned by the model (called SuperHyperGraph) and the long cycle of 146

movement of the cancer is determined by this scientific research. Sometimes the 147

movement of Cancer is not easy to identify because there is certainty, uncertainty and 148

neutrality about the movements and effects of Cancer in that region. This event leads 149

us to choose another model [said to be Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph]. Easy 150

understanding of what happened and what was done. There are some specific models 151

that are well known and named and some general models. The movements and effects 152

of cancer in complex pathways and between complex groups of cells can be visualized by 153

a neurosophic superhyperpath (-/SuperHyperCycle, SuperHyperStar, 154

SuperHyperBipartite, SuperHyperMultipartite, SuperHyperWheel). The goal is to find 155

DOMINATION or Neutrosophic DOMINATION for SuperHyperModels in it. Some 156

general results are presented. Beyond that in SuperHyperStar, all possible Neutrosophic 157

SuperHyperPaths have only two SuperHyperEdges, but it is not enough as having at 158

least three SuperHyperEdges is necessary to form any style of cycle. There is no form of 159

cycle, but it is literally a form of any cycle. It literally transforms and does not form. 160

Question 2.1. How to define “SuperHyperNotions and to do research” to find the 161

“DOMINATION Rate” of any cell or groups of cells based on fixed cell or fixed group of 162

cells broadly, “DOMINATION Rate” based on fixed groups or fixed cells. Groups of 163

groups of cells? 164

Question 2.2. What are the best descriptions for “diagnosing cancer” in terms of 165

these chaotic and dense super-hypermodels in which embedded concepts are depicted? 166

This motivation to find concepts to use in this dense model is called 167

“SuperHyperGraphs”. So it motivates us to define different types of “DOMINATION” 168

and “neutrosophic DOMINATION” over “superhypergraph” and “neutrosophic 169

superhypergraph”. Then this scientific research has taken more motivations to define 170

SuperHyperClasses and find some connections among this SuperHyperNotion with other 171

SuperHyperNotions. It motivates us to obtain examples and examples to clarify the 172

framework of this scientific research. The general results and some of the results about 173

some of the connections are the ways that the key point of this scientific research, 174

“diagnosis of cancer” is more understandable and clear. 175

The framework of this research is as follows. First, I will introduce the basic 176

definitions to clarify the basics. In the “Introductions” subsection, basic definitions 177

about SuperHyperGraphs and Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph are introduced and 178

discussed in depth. Basic concepts are thoroughly explained and illustrated, and 179

sometimes a literature review is used to make sense of what is to come in the coming 180

sections. The main definitions and their explanations, along with some results on the 181

new concepts, DOMINATION and Neutrosophic DOMINATION, are specified in the 182

sections “DOMINATION” and “Neutrosophic DOMINATION”. In the concept of 183

dealing with results and in DOMINATION to create logic about the continuation of the 184

scientific research, the ideas of SuperHyperUniform and Neutrosophic 185

SuperHyperUniform are introduced and as their consequences, the corresponding 186

SuperHyperClasses are specified to summarize the work done in this section, as “Results 187

on SuperHyperClasses” and “Results on Neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses”. Going back 188

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

to the core concepts, clever steps towards common concepts to extend new concepts in 189

new frameworks, SuperHyperGraph and Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph, in “Results 190

on SuperHyperClasses” and “Results on Neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses” sections. 191

There is the initial scientific research on supergeneral relations and as the final and final 192

part of the theoretical scientific research is available in the section “General results”. 193

Some general SuperHyperRelations are fundamental and are known as fundamental 194

SuperHyperNotions, as in “General results” were extracted and discussed. 195

“DOMINATION”, “Neutrosophic DOMINATION”, “Results on SuperHyperClasses” and 196

“Results on Neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses”. There are curious questions about what 197

has been done about SuperHyperNotions to make sense of the superiority of this 198

scientific research and to discover the word “best” as a description and adjective of this 199

scientific research as presented in the “DOMINATION” section. The keyword of this 200

scientific research was presented in the section “Applications in cancer diagnosis” with 201

two cases and sub-sections “Case 1: Initial steps towards SuperHyperBipartite as 202

SuperHyperModel” and “Case 2: Incremental steps towards SuperHyperMultiperdel as 203

SuperHyper. In the “open issues” section, there is a detailed examination and 204

recognition of what was done in this scientific research and what happened in this 205

scientific research in the form of “questions” and “issues” in order to understand this 206

scientific research in an outstanding style, the advantages and limitations of this 207

scientific research in addition to What has been done in this scientific research is stated 208

in the “conclusion and final remarks” section. 209

3 Neutrosophic Preliminaries Of This Scientific 210

Research On the Redeemed Ways 211

In this section, the basic material in this scientific research, is referred to [Single Valued 212

Neutrosophic Set](Ref. [1],Definition 2.2,p.2), [Neutrosophic Set](Ref. [1],Definition 213

2.1,p.1), [Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG)](Ref. [1],Definition 2.5,p.2), 214

[Characterization of the Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG)](Ref. [1],Definition 215

2.7,p.3), [t-norm](Ref. [1], Definition 2.7, p.3), and [Characterization of the 216

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG)](Ref. [1],Definition 2.7,p.3), [Neutrosophic 217

Strength of the Neutrosophic SuperHyperPaths] (Ref. [1],Definition 5.3,p.7), and 218

[Different Neutrosophic Types of Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdges (NSHE)] 219

(Ref. [1],Definition 5.4,p.7). Also, the new ideas and their clarifications are addressed 220

to Ref. [1]. 221

In this subsection, the basic material which is used in this scientific research, is 222

presented. Also, the new ideas and their clarifications are elicited. 223

Definition 3.1 (Neutrosophic Set). (Ref. [1],Definition 2.1,p.1). 224

Let X be a Eulerian-Path-Cut of points (objects) with generic elements in X denoted by

x; then the Neutrosophic set A (NS A) is an object having the form

A = {< x : TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) >, x ∈ X}

where the functions T, I, F : X →]− 0, 1 [ define respectively the a
truth-membership function, an indeterminacy-membership function, and a
falsity-membership function of the element x ∈ X to the set A with the condition

0 ≤ TA (x) + IA (x) + FA (x) ≤ 3+ .

The functions TA (x), IA (x) and FA (x) are real standard or nonstandard subsets of 225
]− 0, 1 [. 226

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Definition 3.2 (Single Valued Neutrosophic Set). (Ref. [1],Definition 2.2,p.2). 227

Let X be a Eulerian-Path-Cut of points (objects) with generic elements in X denoted by

x. A single valued Neutrosophic set A (SVNS A) is characterized by
truth-membership function TA (x), an indeterminacy-membership function IA (x), and a
falsity-membership function FA (x). For each point x in X, TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) ∈ [0, 1].
A SVNS A can be written as

A = {< x : TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) >, x ∈ X}.

Definition 3.3. The degree of truth-membership,

indeterminacy-membership and falsity-membership of the subset X ⊂ A of
the single valued Neutrosophic set A = {< x : TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) >, x ∈ X}:

TA (X) = min[TA (vi ), TA (vj )]vi ,vj ∈X ,

IA (X) = min[IA (vi ), IA (vj )]vi ,vj ∈X ,

and FA (X) = min[FA (vi ), FA (vj )]vi ,vj ∈X .

Definition 3.4. The support of X ⊂ A of the single valued Neutrosophic set

A = {< x : TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) >, x ∈ X}:

supp(X) = {x ∈ X : TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) > 0}.

Definition 3.5 (Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG)). (Ref. [1],Definition 228

2.5,p.2). 229

Assume V 0 is a given set. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S is a 230

pair S = (V, E), where 231

(i) V = {V1 , V2 , . . . , Vn } a finite set of finite single valued Neutrosophic subsets of V 0 ; 232

(ii) V = {(Vi , TV 0 (Vi ), IV 0 (Vi ), FV 0 (Vi )) : TV 0 (Vi ), IV 0 (Vi ), FV 0 (Vi ) ≥ 0}, (i = 233

1, 2, . . . , n); 234

(iii) E = {E1 , E2 , . . . , En0 } a finite set of finite single valued Neutrosophic subsets of 235

V; 236

(iv) E = {(Ei0 , TV0 (Ei0 ), IV0 (Ei0 ), FV0 (Ei0 )) : TV0 (Ei0 ), IV0 (Ei0 ), FV0 (Ei0 ) ≥ 0}, (i0 = 237

1, 2, . . . , n0 ); 238

(v) Vi 6= ∅, (i = 1, 2, . . . , n); 239

(vi) Ei0 6= ∅, (i0 = 1, 2, . . . , n0 ); 240

(vii) i supp(Vi ) = V, (i = 1, 2, . . . , n); 241

0 0
(viii) i0 supp(Ei ) = V, (i = 1, 2, . . . , n );
0 242

(ix) and the following conditions hold:

TV0 (Ei0 ) ≤ min[TV 0 (Vi ), TV 0 (Vj )]Vi ,Vj ∈Ei0 ,

IV0 (Ei0 ) ≤ min[IV 0 (Vi ), IV 0 (Vj )]Vi ,Vj ∈Ei0 ,

and FV0 (Ei0 ) ≤ min[FV 0 (Vi ), FV 0 (Vj )]Vi ,Vj ∈Ei0
where i0 = 1, 2, . . . , n0 . 243

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 1. The Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a illustrated SuperHyperModeling

on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Here the Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdges (NSHE) Ej 0 and the Neutrosophic 244

SuperHyperVertices (NSHV) Vj are single valued Neutrosophic sets. TV 0 (Vi ), IV 0 (Vi ), 245

and FV 0 (Vi ) denote the degree of truth-membership, the degree of 246

indeterminacy-membership and the degree of falsity-membership the Neutrosophic 247

SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) Vi to the Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) V. 248

TV0 (Ei0 ), TV0 (Ei0 ), and TV0 (Ei0 ) denote the degree of truth-membership, the degree of 249

indeterminacy-membership and the degree of falsity-membership of the Neutrosophic 250

SuperHyperEdge (NSHE) Ei0 to the Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge (NSHE) E. Thus, 251

the ii0 th element of the incidence matrix of Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) 252

are of the form (Vi , TV0 (Ei0 ), IV0 (Ei0 ), FV0 (Ei0 )), the sets V and E are crisp sets. 253

Example 3.6. Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S is a pair 254

S = (V, E) in the mentioned Neutrosophic Figures in every Neutrosophic items. 255

• On the Figure (1), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 256

notion, is up. The Neutrosophic Algorithm is Neutrosophicly straightforward. E1 257

and E3 are some empty Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdges but E2 is a loop 258

Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge and E4 is a Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge. Thus 259

in the terms of Neutrosophic SuperHyperNeighbor, there’s only one Neutrosophic 260

SuperHyperEdge, namely, E4 . The Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex, V3 is 261

Neutrosophic isolated means that there’s no Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge has it 262

as a Neutrosophic endpoint. 263

• On the Figure (2), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 264

notion, is up. The Neutrosophic Algorithm is Neutrosophicly straightforward. 265

E1 , E2 and E3 are some empty Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdges but E4 is a 266

Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge. Thus in the terms of Neutrosophic 267

SuperHyperNeighbor, there’s only one Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge, namely, 268

E4 . The Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex, V3 is Neutrosophic isolated means that 269

there’s no Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge has it as a Neutrosophic endpoint. 270

• On the Figure (3), the SuperHyperNotion, namely, SuperHyperGirth, is up. 271

E1 , E2 and E3 are some empty SuperHyperEdges but E4 is a SuperHyperEdge. 272

Thus in the terms of SuperHyperNeighbor, there’s only one SuperHyperEdge, 273

namely, E4 . 274

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 2. TThe Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a illustrated SuperHyperModel-

ing on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Figure 3. The Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a illustrated SuperHyperModeling

on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 4. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a illustrated Super-

HyperModeling on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

• On the Figure (4), there’s no empty SuperHyperEdge but E3 are a loop 275

SuperHyperEdge on {F } and there are some SuperHyperEdges, namely, E1 on 276

{H, V1 , V3 }, alongside E2 on {O, H, V4 , V3 } and E4 , E5 on {N, V1 , V2 , V3 , F }. 277

• On the Figure (5),there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 278

SuperHyperEdge. 279

• On the Figure (6), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 280

SuperHyperEdge. 281

• On the Figure (7), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 282

SuperHyperEdge. 283

• On the Figure (8), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 284

SuperHyperEdge. 285

• On the Figure (9), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 286

SuperHyperEdge. 287

• On the Figure (10), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 288

SuperHyperEdge. 289

• On the Figure (11), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 290

SuperHyperEdge. 291

• On the Figure (12), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 292

SuperHyperEdge. 293

• On the Figure (13), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 294

SuperHyperEdge. 295

• On the Figure (14), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 296

SuperHyperEdge. 297

• On the Figure (15), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 298

SuperHyperEdge. 299

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 5. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs mentioned as the SuperHy-

perModeling on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Figure 6. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a illustrated Super-

HyperModeling on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 7. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs depicted SuperHyperMod-

eling on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Figure 8. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with dense SuperHyper-

Modeling on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 9. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a messy SuperHyper-

Modeling on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Figure 10. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with highly-embedding-

connected SuperHyperModeling on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 11. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a SuperHyperModel-

ing on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Figure 12. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with highly-multiple-

connected-style SuperHyperModeling on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic
Example (3.6)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 13. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a SuperHyperModel-

ing on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Figure 14. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a SuperHyperModel-

ing on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 15. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with Linearly-Connected

SuperHyperModeling on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Figure 16. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a SuperHyperModel-

ing on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 17. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a Linearly-over-

packed SuperHyperModeling on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example

• On the Figure (16), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 300

SuperHyperEdge. 301

• On the Figure (17), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 302

SuperHyperEdge. 303

• On the Figure (18), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 304

SuperHyperEdge. 305

• On the Figure (19), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 306

SuperHyperEdge. 307

• On the Figure (20), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 308

SuperHyperEdge. 309

• On the Figure (21), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 310

SuperHyperEdge. 311

• On the Figure (22), there’s neither empty SuperHyperEdge nor loop 312

SuperHyperEdge. 313

Definition 3.7 (Characterization of the Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG)). 314

(Ref. [1],Definition 2.7,p.3). 315

Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S is a pair S = (V, E). The 316

Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdges (NSHE) Ei0 and the Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices 317

(NSHV) Vi of Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S = (V, E) could be 318

characterized as follow-up items. 319

(i) If |Vi | = 1, then Vi is called vertex; 320

(ii) if |Vi | ≥ 1, then Vi is called SuperVertex; 321

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 18. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a SuperHyperModel-

ing on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Figure 19. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a SuperHyperModel-

ing on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 20. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a SuperHyperModel-

ing on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Figure 21. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a SuperHyperModel-

ing on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 22. The Connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs with a SuperHyperModel-

ing on Recognition of Cancer in the Neutrosophic Example (3.6)

(iii) if for all Vi s are incident in Ei0 , |Vi | = 1, and |Ei0 | = 2, then Ei0 is called edge; 322

(iv) if for all Vi s are incident in Ei0 , |Vi | = 1, and |Ei0 | ≥ 2, then Ei0 is called 323

HyperEdge; 324

(v) if there’s a Vi is incident in Ei0 such that |Vi | ≥ 1, and |Ei0 | = 2, then Ei0 is called 325

SuperEdge; 326

(vi) if there’s a Vi is incident in Ei0 such that |Vi | ≥ 1, and |Ei0 | ≥ 2, then Ei0 is called 327

SuperHyperEdge. 328

If we choose different types of binary operations, then we could get hugely diverse 329

types of general forms of Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG). 330

Definition 3.8 (t-norm). (Ref. [1], Definition 2.7, p.3). 331

A binary operation ⊗ : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → [0, 1] is a t-norm if it satisfies the following 332

for x, y, z, w ∈ [0, 1]: 333

(i) 1 ⊗ x = x; 334

(ii) x ⊗ y = y ⊗ x; 335

(iii) x ⊗ (y ⊗ z) = (x ⊗ y) ⊗ z; 336

(iv) If w ≤ x and y ≤ z then w ⊗ y ≤ x ⊗ z. 337

Definition 3.9. The degree of truth-membership, indeterminacy-membership

and falsity-membership of the subset X ⊂ A of the single valued Neutrosophic set
A = {< x : TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) >, x ∈ X} (with respect to t-norm Tnorm ):

TA (X) = Tnorm [TA (vi ), TA (vj )]vi ,vj ∈X ,

IA (X) = Tnorm [IA (vi ), IA (vj )]vi ,vj ∈X ,

and FA (X) = Tnorm [FA (vi ), FA (vj )]vi ,vj ∈X .

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Definition 3.10. The support of X ⊂ A of the single valued Neutrosophic set

A = {< x : TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) >, x ∈ X}:

supp(X) = {x ∈ X : TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) > 0}.

Definition 3.11. (General Forms of Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG)). 338

Assume V 0 is a given set. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S is a 339

pair S = (V, E), where 340

(i) V = {V1 , V2 , . . . , Vn } a finite set of finite single valued Neutrosophic subsets of V 0 ; 341

(ii) V = {(Vi , TV 0 (Vi ), IV 0 (Vi ), FV 0 (Vi )) : TV 0 (Vi ), IV 0 (Vi ), FV 0 (Vi ) ≥ 0}, (i = 342

1, 2, . . . , n); 343

(iii) E = {E1 , E2 , . . . , En0 } a finite set of finite single valued Neutrosophic subsets of 344

V; 345

(iv) E = {(Ei0 , TV0 (Ei0 ), IV0 (Ei0 ), FV0 (Ei0 )) : TV0 (Ei0 ), IV0 (Ei0 ), FV0 (Ei0 ) ≥ 0}, (i0 = 346

1, 2, . . . , n0 ); 347

(v) Vi 6= ∅, (i = 1, 2, . . . , n); 348

(vi) Ei0 6= ∅, (i0 = 1, 2, . . . , n0 ); 349

(vii) i supp(Vi ) = V, (i = 1, 2, . . . , n); 350

0 0
(viii) i0 supp(Ei ) = V, (i = 1, 2, . . . , n ).
0 351

Here the Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdges (NSHE) Ej 0 and the Neutrosophic 352

SuperHyperVertices (NSHV) Vj are single valued Neutrosophic sets. TV 0 (Vi ), IV 0 (Vi ), 353

and FV 0 (Vi ) denote the degree of truth-membership, the degree of 354

indeterminacy-membership and the degree of falsity-membership the Neutrosophic 355

SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) Vi to the Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) V. 356

TV0 (Ei0 ), TV0 (Ei0 ), and TV0 (Ei0 ) denote the degree of truth-membership, the degree of 357

indeterminacy-membership and the degree of falsity-membership of the Neutrosophic 358

SuperHyperEdge (NSHE) Ei0 to the Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge (NSHE) E. Thus, 359

the ii0 th element of the incidence matrix of Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) 360

are of the form (Vi , TV0 (Ei0 ), IV0 (Ei0 ), FV0 (Ei0 )), the sets V and E are crisp sets. 361

Definition 3.12 (Characterization of the Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG)). 362

(Ref. [1],Definition 2.7,p.3). 363

Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S is a pair S = (V, E). The 364

Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdges (NSHE) Ei0 and the Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices 365

(NSHV) Vi of Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S = (V, E) could be 366

characterized as follow-up items. 367

(i) If |Vi | = 1, then Vi is called vertex; 368

(ii) if |Vi | ≥ 1, then Vi is called SuperVertex; 369

(iii) if for all Vi s are incident in Ei0 , |Vi | = 1, and |Ei0 | = 2, then Ei0 is called edge; 370

(iv) if for all Vi s are incident in Ei0 , |Vi | = 1, and |Ei0 | ≥ 2, then Ei0 is called 371

HyperEdge; 372

(v) if there’s a Vi is incident in Ei0 such that |Vi | ≥ 1, and |Ei0 | = 2, then Ei0 is called 373

SuperEdge; 374

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

(vi) if there’s a Vi is incident in Ei0 such that |Vi | ≥ 1, and |Ei0 | ≥ 2, then Ei0 is called 375

SuperHyperEdge. 376

This SuperHyperModel is too messy and too dense. Thus there’s a need to have 377

some restrictions and conditions on SuperHyperGraph. The special case of this 378

SuperHyperGraph makes the patterns and regularities. 379

Definition 3.13. A graph is SuperHyperUniform if it’s SuperHyperGraph and the 380

number of elements of SuperHyperEdges are the same. 381

To get more visions on SuperHyperUniform, the some SuperHyperClasses are 382

introduced. It makes to have SuperHyperUniform more understandable. 383

Definition 3.14. Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph. There are some 384

SuperHyperClasses as follows. 385

(i). It’s Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath if it’s only one SuperVertex as 386

intersection amid two given SuperHyperEdges with two exceptions; 387

(ii). it’s SuperHyperCycle if it’s only one SuperVertex as intersection amid two 388

given SuperHyperEdges; 389

(iii). it’s SuperHyperStar it’s only one SuperVertex as intersection amid all 390

SuperHyperEdges; 391

(iv). it’s SuperHyperBipartite it’s only one SuperVertex as intersection amid two 392

given SuperHyperEdges and these SuperVertices, forming two separate sets, has 393

no SuperHyperEdge in common; 394

(v). it’s SuperHyperMultiPartite it’s only one SuperVertex as intersection amid 395

two given SuperHyperEdges and these SuperVertices, forming multi separate sets, 396

has no SuperHyperEdge in common; 397

(vi). it’s SuperHyperWheel if it’s only one SuperVertex as intersection amid two 398

given SuperHyperEdges and one SuperVertex has one SuperHyperEdge with any 399

common SuperVertex. 400

Example 3.15. In the Figure (23), the connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath 401

ESHP : (V, E), is highlighted and featured. The Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet, in the 402

Neutrosophic SuperHyperModel (23), is the notion. 403

Example 3.16. In the Figure (24), the connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperCycle 404

N SHC : (V, E), is highlighted and featured. The obtained Neutrosophic 405

SuperHyperSet, in the Neutrosophic SuperHyperModel (24), is up. 406

Example 3.17. In the Figure (25), the connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar 407

ESHS : (V, E), is highlighted and featured. The obtained Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet, 408

by the Algorithm in previous Neutrosophic result, of the Neutrosophic 409

SuperHyperVertices of the connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar ESHS : (V, E), in 410

the Neutrosophic SuperHyperModel (25), is up. 411

Example 3.18. In the Neutrosophic Figure (26), the connected Neutrosophic 412

SuperHyperBipartite ESHB : (V, E), is Neutrosophic highlighted and Neutrosophic 413

featured. The obtained Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet, by the Neutrosophic Algorithm in 414

previous Neutrosophic result, of the Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices of the connected 415

Neutrosophic SuperHyperBipartite ESHB : (V, E), in the Neutrosophic 416

SuperHyperModel (26), is up. 417

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 23. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath Associated to the Notions in the Example


Figure 24. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperCycle Associated to the Neutrosophic Notions

in the Neutrosophic Example (3.16)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 25. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar Associated to the Neutrosophic Notions in

the Neutrosophic Example (3.17)

Figure 26. Neutrosophic SuperHyperBipartite Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Example (3.18)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 27. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperMultipartite Associated to the Notions in the

Example (3.19)

Figure 28. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (3.20)

Example 3.19. In the Figure (27), the connected Neutrosophic 418

SuperHyperMultipartite ESHM : (V, E), is highlighted and Neutrosophic featured. 419

The obtained Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet, by the Algorithm in previous Neutrosophic 420

result, of the Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices of the connected Neutrosophic 421

SuperHyperMultipartite ESHM : (V, E), in the Neutrosophic SuperHyperModel (27), 422

is up. 423

Example 3.20. In the Neutrosophic Figure (28), the connected Neutrosophic 424

SuperHyperWheel N SHW : (V, E), is Neutrosophic highlighted and featured. The 425

obtained Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet, by the Algorithm in previous result, of the 426

Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices of the connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel 427

ESHW : (V, E), in the Neutrosophic SuperHyperModel (28), is up. 428

Definition 3.21. Let a pair S = (V, E) be a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG)

S. Then a sequence of Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices (NSHV) and Neutrosophic

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

SuperHyperEdges (NSHE)

V1 , E1 , V2 , E2 , V3 , . . . , Vs−1 , Es−1 , Vs

is called a Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath (NSHP) from Neutrosophic 429

SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) V1 to Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) Vs if either 430

of following conditions hold: 431

(i) Vi , Vi+1 ∈ Ei0 ; 432

(ii) there’s a vertex vi ∈ Vi such that vi , Vi+1 ∈ Ei0 ; 433

(iii) there’s a SuperVertex Vi0 ∈ Vi such that Vi0 , Vi+1 ∈ Ei0 ; 434

(iv) there’s a vertex vi+1 ∈ Vi+1 such that Vi , vi+1 ∈ Ei0 ; 435

0 0
(v) there’s a SuperVertex Vi+1 ∈ Vi+1 such that Vi , Vi+1 ∈ Ei0 ; 436

(vi) there are a vertex vi ∈ Vi and a vertex vi+1 ∈ Vi+1 such that vi , vi+1 ∈ Ei0 ; 437

0 0
(vii) there are a vertex vi ∈ Vi and a SuperVertex Vi+1 ∈ Vi+1 such that vi , Vi+1 ∈ Ei0 ; 438

(viii) there are a SuperVertex Vi0 ∈ Vi and a vertex vi+1 ∈ Vi+1 such that Vi0 , vi+1 ∈ Ei0 ; 439

(ix) there are a SuperVertex Vi0 ∈ Vi and a SuperVertex Vi+1

∈ Vi+1 such that 440
0 0
Vi , Vi+1 ∈ Ei0 . 441

Definition 3.22. (Characterization of the Neutrosophic SuperHyperPaths). 442

Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S is a pair S = (V, E). a

Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath (NSHP) from Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV)
V1 to Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) Vs is sequence of Neutrosophic
SuperHyperVertices (NSHV) and Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdges (NSHE)

V1 , E1 , V2 , E2 , V3 , . . . , Vs−1 , Es−1 , Vs ,

could be characterized as follow-up items. 443

(i) If for all Vi , Ej 0 , |Vi | = 1, |Ej 0 | = 2, then NSHP is called path; 444

(ii) if for all Ej 0 , |Ej 0 | = 2, and there’s Vi , |Vi | ≥ 1, then NSHP is called SuperPath; 445

(iii) if for all Vi , Ej 0 , |Vi | = 1, |Ej 0 | ≥ 2, then NSHP is called HyperPath; 446

(iv) if there are Vi , Ej 0 , |Vi | ≥ 1, |Ej 0 | ≥ 2, then NSHP is called Neutrosophic 447

SuperHyperPath . 448

Definition 3.23 (Neutrosophic Strength of the Neutrosophic SuperHyperPaths). 449

(Ref. [1],Definition 5.3,p.7). 450

Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S is a pair S = (V, E). A

Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath (NSHP) from Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV)
V1 to Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) Vs is sequence of Neutrosophic
SuperHyperVertices (NSHV) and Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdges (NSHE)

V1 , E1 , V2 , E2 , V3 , . . . , Vs−1 , Es−1 , Vs ,

have 451

(i) Neutrosophic t-strength (min{T (Vi )}, m, n)si=1 ; 452

(ii) Neutrosophic i-strength (m, min{I(Vi )}, n)si=1 ; 453

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 1. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHy-

perEdges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph Mentioned in the Definition
The Values of The Vertices The Number of Position in Alphabet
The Values of The SuperVertices The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The Edges The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The HyperEdges The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The SuperHyperEdges The maximum Values of Its Endpoints

(iii) Neutrosophic f-strength (m, n, min{F (Vi )})si=1 ; 454

(iv) Neutrosophic strength (min{T (Vi )}, min{I(Vi )}, min{F (Vi )})si=1 . 455

Definition 3.24 (Different Neutrosophic Types of Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdges 456

(NSHE)). (Ref. [1],Definition 5.4,p.7). 457

Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG) S is a pair S = (V, E). Consider 458

a Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge (NSHE) E = {V1 , V2 , . . . , Vs }. Then E is called 459

(ix) Neutrosophic t-connective if T (E) ≥ maximum number of Neutrosophic 460

t-strength of SuperHyperPath (NSHP) from Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex 461

(NSHV) Vi to Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) Vj where 1 ≤ i, j ≤ s; 462

(x) Neutrosophic i-connective if I(E) ≥ maximum number of Neutrosophic 463

i-strength of SuperHyperPath (NSHP) from Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex 464

(NSHV) Vi to Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) Vj where 1 ≤ i, j ≤ s; 465

(xi) Neutrosophic f-connective if F (E) ≥ maximum number of Neutrosophic 466

f-strength of SuperHyperPath (NSHP) from Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex 467

(NSHV) Vi to Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) Vj where 1 ≤ i, j ≤ s; 468

(xii) Neutrosophic connective if (T (E), I(E), F (E)) ≥ maximum number of 469

Neutrosophic strength of SuperHyperPath (NSHP) from Neutrosophic 470

SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) Vi to Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex (NSHV) Vj 471

where 1 ≤ i, j ≤ s. 472

For the sake of having a Neutrosophic notion, there’s a need to “redefine” the 473

notion of “Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph”. The SuperHyperVertices and the 474

SuperHyperEdges are assigned by the labels from the letters of the alphabets. In this 475

procedure, there’s the usage of the position of labels to assign to the values. 476

Definition 3.25. Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (SHG) S is a pair 477

S = (V, E). It’s redefined Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph if the Table (1) holds. 478

It’s useful to define a “Neutrosophic” version of SuperHyperClasses. Since there’s 479

more ways to get Neutrosophic type-results to make a Neutrosophic more 480

understandable. 481

Definition 3.26. Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (SHG) S is a pair 482

S = (V, E). There are some Neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses if the Table (2) 483

holds. Thus Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath , notion, SuperHyperStar, 484

SuperHyperBipartite, SuperHyperMultiPartite, and SuperHyperWheel, are 485

Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath, Neutrosophic SuperHyperCycle, 486

Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar, Neutrosophic SuperHyperBipartite, 487

Neutrosophic SuperHyperMultiPartite, and Neutrosophic 488

SuperHyperWheel if the Table (2) holds. 489

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 2. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHy-

perEdges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph, Mentioned in the Definition
The Values of The Vertices The Number of Position in Alphabet
The Values of The SuperVertices The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The Edges The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The HyperEdges The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The SuperHyperEdges The maximum Values of Its Endpoints

Table 3. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHy-

perEdges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph Mentioned in the Definition
The Values of The Vertices The Number of Position in Alphabet
The Values of The SuperVertices The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The Edges The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The HyperEdges The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The SuperHyperEdges The maximum Values of Its Endpoints

It’s useful to define a “Neutrosophic” version of a Neutrosophic notion. Since there’s 490

more ways to get type-results to make a Neutrosophic notion more Neutrosophicly 491

understandable. 492

For the sake of having a Neutrosophic notion, there’s a need to “redefine” the 493

Neutrosophic notion of “Neutrosophic notion”. The SuperHyperVertices and the 494

SuperHyperEdges are assigned by the labels from the letters of the alphabets. In this 495

procedure, there’s the usage of the position of labels to assign to the values. 496

Definition 3.27. Assume a notion. It’s redefined a Neutrosophic notion if the 497

Table (3) holds. 498

Example 3.28. Referred to the Example (3.6), assume a Neutrosophic 499

SuperHyperGraph (SHG) S is a pair S = (V, E) in the mentioned Neutrosophic Figures 500

in every Neutrosophic items. 501

• On the Figure (1), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 502

SuperHyperGraph (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (4). 503

• On the Figure (2), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 504

SuperHyperGraph (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (5). 505

• On the Figure (3), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 506

SuperHyperGraph (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (6). 507

• On the Figure (4), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 508

SuperHyperGraph (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (7). 509

Table 4. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-

Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.13, 0.13, 0.13) E1 (0, 0, 0)
V2 (0.13, 0.13, 0.13) E2 (0.13, 0.13, 0.13)
V3 (0.15, 0.15, 0.15) E3 (0, 0, 0)
V4 (0.14, 0.14, 0.14) E4 (0.14, 0.14, 0.14)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 5. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-

Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.13, 0.13, 0.13) E1 (0, 0, 0)
V2 (0.03, 0.03, 0.03) E2 (0, 0, 0)
V3 (0.15, 0.15, 0.15) E3 (0, 0, 0)
V4 (0.14, 0.14, 0.14) E4 (0.14, 0.14, 0.14)

Table 6. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-

Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.13, 0.13, 0.13) E1 (0, 0, 0)
V2 (0.11, 0.11, 0.11) E2 (0, 0, 0)
V3 (0.14, 0.14, 0.14) E3 (0, 0, 0)
- - E4 (0.14, 0.14, 0.14)

Table 7. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-

Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.13, 0.13, 0.13) E1 (0.08, 0.08, 0.08)
V2 (0.11, 0.11, 0.11) E2 (0.15, 0.15, 0.15)
V3 (0.05, 0.05, 0.05) E3 (0, 0, 0)
V4 (0.12, 0.12, 0.12) E4 (0.14, 0.14, 0.14)
{F } (0.06, 0.06, 0.06) E5 (0.14, 0.14, 0.14)
{H} (0.08, 0.08, 0.08) - -
{N } (0.14, 0.14, 0.14) - -
{O} (0.15, 0.15, 0.15) - -

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 29. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.2)

4 Main Resultant 510

Definition 4.1. (Different Neutrosophic Types of Neutrosophic 511

SuperHyperDOMINATION). 512

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 513

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , . . . , Vs }. Then V 0 is called Neutrosophic 514

SuperHyperDOMINATION if the following expressions, terms and statements is called 515

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 516

|( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 Vi ∈V 0 Vi ∈V 0
= max
00 ⊆V
|{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | ∀Vi ∈ VSHG , ∃Vj ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00

TV0 (Ei0 ) = min[TV 0 (Vi ), TV 0 (Vj )]Vi ,Vj ∈Ei0 ,

IV0 (Ei0 ) = min[IV 0 (Vi ), IV 0 (Vj )]Vi ,Vj ∈Ei0 ,
and FV0 (Ei0 ) = min[FV 0 (Vi ), FV 0 (Vj )]Vi ,Vj ∈Ei0

Example 4.2. Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S is a pair S = (V, E) 517

in the mentioned Neutrosophic Figures in every Neutrosophic items. 518

• On the Figure (29), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 519

SuperHyperWheel (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (8). 520

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 521

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V3 , V6 }. Then V 0 is called Neutrosophic 522

SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and statements is 523

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 30. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.2)

Figure 31. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.2)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 32. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.3)

Figure 33. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.2)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 34. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.3)

Figure 35. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.2)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 36. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.3)

Figure 37. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.2)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 38. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.3)

Figure 39. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.3)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 40. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.3)

Figure 41. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar Neutrosophic Associated to the Neutro-

sophic Notions in the Neutrosophic Example (4.3)

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 8. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-

Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V3 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24) E3 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V4 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V5 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V6 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V7 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)

called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 524

|( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V3 ,V6 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V3 ,V6 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V3 ,V6 }

= (0.52, 0.52, 0.52) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V1 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V6 ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V1 ), TV 0 (V6 )]V1 ,V6 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V1 ), IV 0 (V6 )]V1 ,V6 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V1 ), FV 0 (V6 )]V1 ,V6 ∈E1 ,
V2 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V6 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V2 ), TV 0 (V6 )]V2 ,V6 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V2 ), IV 0 (V6 )]V2 ,V6 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V2 ), FV 0 (V6 )]V2 ,V6 ∈E1 ,
V7 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V6 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V7 ), TV 0 (V6 )]V7 ,V6 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V7 ), IV 0 (V6 )]V7 ,V6 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V2 ), FV 0 (V6 )]V7 ,V6 ∈E1 ,
V4 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V6 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V4 ), TV 0 (V6 )]V4 ,V6 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V4 ), IV 0 (V6 )]V4 ,V6 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V4 ), FV 0 (V6 )]V4 ,V6 ∈E3 ,
V5 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V6 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V5 ), TV 0 (V6 )]V5 ,V6 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V5 ), IV 0 (V6 )]V5 ,V6 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V5 ), FV 0 (V6 )]V5 ,V6 ∈E3 ,

• On the Figure (30), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 525

SuperHyperWheel (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (9). 526

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 527

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V3 , V5 }. Then V 0 is called Neutrosophic 528

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 9. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-

Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24) E2 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24)
V3 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24) E3 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V4 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V5 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V6 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V7 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)

SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and statements is 529

called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 530

|( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V3 ,V5 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V3 ,V5 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V3 ,V5 }

= (0.73, 0.73, 0.73) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V7 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V1 ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V1 ), TV 0 (V7 )]V1 ,V7 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V1 ), IV 0 (V7 )]V1 ,V7 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V1 ), FV 0 (V7 )]V1 ,V7 ∈E1 ,
V2 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V3 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E2 ) = 0.24 = min[TV 0 (V2 ), TV 0 (V3 )]V2 ,V3 ∈E2 ,
IV0 (E2 ) = 0.24 = min[IV 0 (V2 ), IV 0 (V3 )]V2 ,V3 ∈E2 ,
and FV0 (E2 ) = 0.24 = min[FV 0 (V2 ), FV 0 (V3 )]V2 ,V3 ∈E2 ,
V4 , V6 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V5 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[TV 0 (V4 ), TV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[IV 0 (V4 ), IV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[FV 0 (V4 ), FV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[TV 0 (V6 ), TV 0 (V5 )]V6 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[IV 0 (V6 ), IV 0 (V5 )]V6 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[FV 0 (V6 ), FV 0 (V5 )]V6 ,V5 ∈E3 ,

• On the Figure (31), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 531

SuperHyperWheel (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (10). 532

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 533

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , V3 , V5 }. Then V 0 is called 534

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and 535

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 10. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.19, 0.19, 0.19) E2 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24)
V3 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24) E3 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V4 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V5 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V6 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V7 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)

Table 11. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.19, 0.19, 0.19) E2 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24)
V3 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24) E3 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V4 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V5 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V6 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V7 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)

statements is called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 536

|( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V5 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V5 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V5 }

= (0.92, 0.92, 0.92) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V7 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V1 ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V1 ), TV 0 (V7 )]V1 ,V7 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V1 ), IV 0 (V7 )]V1 ,V7 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V1 ), FV 0 (V7 )]V1 ,V7 ∈E1 ,
V4 , V6 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V5 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[TV 0 (V4 ), TV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[IV 0 (V4 ), IV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[FV 0 (V4 ), FV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[TV 0 (V6 ), TV 0 (V5 )]V6 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[IV 0 (V6 ), IV 0 (V5 )]V6 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[FV 0 (V6 ), FV 0 (V5 )]V6 ,V5 ∈E3 ,

• On the Figure (33), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 537

SuperHyperWheel (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (11). 538

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 539

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , V3 , V5 , V7 }. Then V 0 is called 540

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and 541

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 12. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.19, 0.19, 0.19) E2 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24)
V3 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24) E3 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V4 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V5 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V6 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24) V7 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)

statements is called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 542

|( T (Vi ),
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V5 ,V7 }
I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V5 ,V7 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V5 ,V7 }

= (1.15, 1.15, 1.15) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V4 , V6 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V5 ∈ V 00
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[TV 0 (V4 ), TV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[IV 0 (V4 ), IV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[FV 0 (V4 ), FV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[TV 0 (V6 ), TV 0 (V5 )]V6 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[IV 0 (V6 ), IV 0 (V5 )]V6 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[FV 0 (V6 ), FV 0 (V5 )]V6 ,V5 ∈E3 ,

• On the Figure (35), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 543

SuperHyperWheel (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (12). 544

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 545

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , V3 , V5 , V6 , V7 }. Then V 0 is called 546

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and 547

statements is called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 548

|( T (Vi ),
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V5 ,V6 ,V7 }
I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V5 ,V6 ,V7 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V5 ,V6 ,V7 }

= (1.39, 1.39, 1.39) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V4 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V5 ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[TV 0 (V4 ), TV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[IV 0 (V4 ), IV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.23 = min[FV 0 (V4 ), FV 0 (V5 )]V4 ,V5 ∈E3

• On the Figure (37), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 549

SuperHyperWheel (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (13). 550

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 13. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.19, 0.19, 0.19) E2 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24)
V3 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24) E3 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V4 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V5 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V6 (0.24, 0.24, 0.24) V7 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)

Table 14. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V3 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E3 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V4 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V5 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V6 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V7 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 551

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 , V6 , V7 }. Then V 0 is called 552

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and 553

statements is called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 554

|( T (Vi ),
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 ,V6 ,V7 }
I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 ,V6 ,V7 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 ,V6 ,V7 }

= (1.65, 1.65, 1.65).

Example 4.3. Assume a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S is a pair S = (V, E) 555

in the mentioned Neutrosophic Figures in every Neutrosophic items. 556

• On the Figure (32), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 557

SuperHyperStar (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (14). 558

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 559

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V2 }. Then V 0 is called Neutrosophic 560

SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and statements is 561

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 562

|( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V2 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V2 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V2 }

= (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V1 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V1 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V1 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V1 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V1 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V1 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V1 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
V6 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V6 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V6 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V6 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
V7 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V7 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V7 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V2 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
V4 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V4 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V4 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
IV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V4 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V4 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
and FV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V4 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V4 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
V3 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V3 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V3 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
IV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V3 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V3 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
and FV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V3 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V3 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
V5 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V5 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V5 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V5 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,

• On the Figure (34), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 563

SuperHyperStar (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (15). 564

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 565

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 }. Then V 0 is called Neutrosophic 566

SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and statements is 567

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 15. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V3 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E3 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V4 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V5 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V6 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V7 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)

called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 568

|( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 }

= (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V6 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V6 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V6 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V6 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
V7 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V7 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V7 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V2 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
V4 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V4 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V4 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
IV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V4 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V4 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
and FV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V4 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V4 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
V3 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V3 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V3 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
IV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V3 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V3 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
and FV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V3 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V3 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
V5 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V5 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V5 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V5 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,

• On the Figure (36), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 569

SuperHyperStar (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (16). 570

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 571

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , V3 }. Then V 0 is called Neutrosophic 572

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 16. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V3 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E3 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V4 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V5 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V6 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V7 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)

SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and statements is 573

called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 574

|( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 }

= (0.49, 0.49, 0.49) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V6 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V6 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V6 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V6 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
V7 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V7 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V7 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V2 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
V4 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V4 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V4 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
IV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V4 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V4 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
and FV0 (E2 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V4 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V4 ,V2 ∈E2 ,
V5 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V5 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V5 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V5 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,

• On the Figure (38), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 575

SuperHyperStar (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (17). 576

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 577

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 }. Then V 0 is called 578

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and 579

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 17. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V3 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E3 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V4 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V5 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V6 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V7 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)

Table 18. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V3 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E3 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V4 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V5 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V6 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) V7 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)

statements is called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 580

|( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 }

= (0.72, 0.72, 0.72) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V6 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V6 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V6 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V6 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
V7 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V7 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V7 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V2 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
V5 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V5 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,
IV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V5 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,
and FV0 (E3 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V5 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V5 ,V2 ∈E3 ,

• On the Figure (39), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 581

SuperHyperStar (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (18). 582

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 583

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 }. Then V 0 is called 584

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and 585

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 19. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V3 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E3 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V4 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V5 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V6 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V7 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)

statements is called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 586

|( T (Vi ),
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 }
I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 }

= (0.95, 0.95, 0.95) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V6 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V6 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V6 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V6 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V6 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
V7 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
TV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV 0 (V7 ), TV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V7 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V2 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,

• On the Figure (40), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 587

SuperHyperStar (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (19). 588

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 589

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 , V6 }. Then V 0 is called 590

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and 591

statements is called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 592

|( T (Vi ),
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 ,V6 }
I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 ,V6 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 ,V6 }

= (1.18, 1.18, 1.18) =

= 00max |{ ( T (Vi ), I(Vi ), F (Vi )) | V7 ∈ VSHG \ V 00 , ∃V2 ∈ V 00 :
Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00 Vi ∈V 00
TV (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[TV (V7 ), TV (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,
0 0

IV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[IV 0 (V7 ), IV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,

and FV0 (E1 ) = 0.26 = min[FV 0 (V2 ), FV 0 (V2 )]V7 ,V2 ∈E1 ,

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 20. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar
Vi (TVi , IVi , FVi ) Ei (TEi , IEi , FEi )
V1 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E1 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26) E2 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V3 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) E3 (0.26, 0.26, 0.26)
V4 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V5 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)
V6 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23) V7 (0.23, 0.23, 0.23)

• On the Figure (41), the Neutrosophic SuperHyperNotion, namely, Neutrosophic 593

SuperHyperStar (SHG), is up in the illustration of the Table (20). 594

Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Consider a 595

Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet V 0 = {V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 , V6 , V7 }. Then V 0 is called 596

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION since the following expressions, terms and 597

statements is called Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION criteria holds. 598

|( T (Vi ),
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 ,V6 ,V7 }
I(Vi ), F (Vi ))|
Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 ,V6 ,V7 } Vi ∈V 0 ={V1 ,V2 ,V3 ,V4 ,V5 ,V6 ,V7 }

= (1.41, 1.41, 1.41).

5 Main Result 599

Theorem 5.1. (Main Result and Main Theorem). 600

Assume every Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar has the letter z. The notion on the 601

Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar and Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel coincides. 602

Proof. 603

(i). Let 604

P :

P :

be a longest path taken a connected Extreme SuperHyperStar ESHS : (V, E). There’s 606

a new way to redefine as 607


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 608

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 609

The latter is straightforward. 610

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

(ii). Let 611

P :
V1EXT ERN AL , E1∗ ,

P :
E1∗ , V1EXT ERN AL ,
E2∗ , CEN T ER

is a longest SuperHyperDOMINATION taken from a connected Extreme SuperHyperWheel 613

ESHW : (V, E). There’s a new way to redefine as 614


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 615

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 616

The latter is straightforward. Then there’s at least one Neutrosophic 617

SuperHyperDOMINATION. Thus the notion of quasi isn’t up and the SuperHyperNotions 618

based on Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION could be applied. The unique embedded 619

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION proposes some longest Neutrosophic 620

SuperHyperDOMINATION excerpt from some representatives. The latter is 621

straightforward. 622

Proposition 5.2. Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E).

Assume every Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex has the letter z. The Neutrosophic
SuperHyperDOMINATION set is as follows.


Proof. Let 623

P :
V1EXT ERN AL , E1∗ ,

P :
E1∗ , V1EXT ERN AL ,
E2∗ , CEN T ER

is a longest SuperHyperDOMINATION taken from a connected Extreme SuperHyperWheel 625

ESHW : (V, E). There’s a new way to redefine as 626


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 627

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 628

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

The latter is straightforward. Then there’s at least one Neutrosophic 629

SuperHyperDOMINATION. Thus the notion of quasi isn’t up and the SuperHyperNotions 630

based on Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION could be applied. The unique embedded 631

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION proposes some longest Neutrosophic 632

SuperHyperDOMINATION excerpt from some representatives. The latter is 633

straightforward. 634

Proposition 5.3. Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E).

Assume every Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex has the letter z. The Neutrosophic
SuperHyperDOMINATION number is as follows.
Proof. Let 635

P :
V1EXT ERN AL , E1∗ ,

P :
E1∗ , V1EXT ERN AL ,
E2∗ , CEN T ER
is a longest SuperHyperDOMINATION taken from a connected Extreme SuperHyperWheel 637

ESHW : (V, E). There’s a new way to redefine as 638


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 639

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 640

The latter is straightforward. Then there’s at least one Neutrosophic 641

SuperHyperDOMINATION. Thus the notion of quasi isn’t up and the SuperHyperNotions 642

based on Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION could be applied. The unique embedded 643

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION proposes some longest Neutrosophic 644

SuperHyperDOMINATION excerpt from some representatives. The latter is 645

straightforward. 646

Proposition 5.4. Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E).

Assume every Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex has the letter z. The Neutrosophic
SuperHyperDOMINATION set is as follows.
Proof. Let 647

P :

P :

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

be a longest path taken a connected Extreme SuperHyperStar ESHS : (V, E). There’s 649

a new way to redefine as 650


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 651

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 652

The latter is straightforward. 653

Proposition 5.5. Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E).

Assume every Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertex has the letter z. The Neutrosophic
SuperHyperDOMINATION number is as follows.


Proof. Let 654

P :

P :

be a longest path taken a connected Extreme SuperHyperStar ESHS : (V, E). There’s 656

a new way to redefine as 657


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 658

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 659

The latter is straightforward. 660

Definition 5.6. (Uniform Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar and Uniform Neutrosophic 661

SuperHyperStar). 662

(i). Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Every pair of 663

Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices has the same maximum letter, i.e., 664

Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices mutually has the same maximum letter. A 665

Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E) is called Uniform 666

Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar. 667

(ii). Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Every pair 668

of Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices has the same maximum letter, i.e., 669

Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices mutually has the same maximum letter. A 670

Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E) is called Uniform 671

Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel. 672

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Proposition 5.7. Let an Uniform Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair

S = (V, E). The Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION set is as follows.


Proof. Let 673

P :
V1EXT ERN AL , E1∗ ,

P :
E1∗ , V1EXT ERN AL ,
E2∗ , CEN T ER

is a longest SuperHyperDOMINATION taken from a connected Extreme SuperHyperWheel 675

ESHW : (V, E). There’s a new way to redefine as 676


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 677

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 678

The latter is straightforward. Then there’s at least one Neutrosophic 679

SuperHyperDOMINATION. Thus the notion of quasi isn’t up and the SuperHyperNotions 680

based on Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION could be applied. The unique embedded 681

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION proposes some longest Neutrosophic 682

SuperHyperDOMINATION excerpt from some representatives. The latter is 683

straightforward. 684

Proposition 5.8. Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E).

The Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION number is lower than as follows.


Proof. Let 685

P :
V1EXT ERN AL , E1∗ ,

P :
E1∗ , V1EXT ERN AL ,
E2∗ , CEN T ER

is a longest SuperHyperDOMINATION taken from a connected Extreme SuperHyperWheel 687

ESHW : (V, E). There’s a new way to redefine as 688


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 689

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 690

The latter is straightforward. Then there’s at least one Neutrosophic 691

SuperHyperDOMINATION. Thus the notion of quasi isn’t up and the SuperHyperNotions 692

based on Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION could be applied. The unique embedded 693

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION proposes some longest Neutrosophic 694

SuperHyperDOMINATION excerpt from some representatives. The latter is 695

straightforward. 696

Proposition 5.9. Let an Uniform Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair

S = (V, E). The Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION set is as follows.


Proof. Let 697

P :

P :

be a longest path taken a connected Extreme SuperHyperStar ESHS : (V, E). There’s 699

a new way to redefine as 700


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 701

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 702

The latter is straightforward. 703

Proposition 5.10. Let an Uniform Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair

S = (V, E). The Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION number is lower than as follows.


Proof. Let 704

P :

P :

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

be a longest path taken a connected Extreme SuperHyperStar ESHS : (V, E). There’s 706

a new way to redefine as 707


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 708

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 709

The latter is straightforward. 710

Proposition 5.11. (Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar and Neutrosophic 711

SuperHyperWheel). 712

(i). Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Assume every 713

Neutrosophic CENTER has the letter maximum letter. Then the Neutrosophic 714

SuperHyperVertices don’t have the same maximum letter, are in every 715

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION set. 716

(ii). Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Assume 717

every Neutrosophic CENTER has the letter maximum letter. Then the 718

Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices don’t have the same maximum letter, are in 719

every Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION set. 720

Proof. 721

(i). Let 722

P :

P :

be a longest path taken a connected Extreme SuperHyperStar ESHS : (V, E). There’s 724

a new way to redefine as 725


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 726

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 727

The latter is straightforward. 728

(ii). Let 729

P :
V1EXT ERN AL , E1∗ ,

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA


P :
E1∗ , V1EXT ERN AL ,
E2∗ , CEN T ER

is a longest SuperHyperDOMINATION taken from a connected Extreme SuperHyperWheel 731

ESHW : (V, E). There’s a new way to redefine as 732


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 733

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 734

The latter is straightforward. Then there’s at least one Neutrosophic 735

SuperHyperDOMINATION. Thus the notion of quasi isn’t up and the SuperHyperNotions 736

based on Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION could be applied. The unique embedded 737

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION proposes some longest Neutrosophic 738

SuperHyperDOMINATION excerpt from some representatives. The latter is 739

straightforward. 740

Proposition 5.12. (Embedded Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar and Embedded 741

Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar). 742

(i). Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperStar (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Then 743

CENTER is in every Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION set. 744

(ii). Let a Neutrosophic SuperHyperWheel (SHG) S be a pair S = (V, E). Then 745

CENTER is in every Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION set. 746

Proof. 747

(i). Let 748

P :

P :

be a longest path taken a connected Extreme SuperHyperStar ESHS : (V, E). There’s 750

a new way to redefine as 751


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 752

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 753

The latter is straightforward. 754

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

(ii). Let 755

P :
V1EXT ERN AL , E1∗ ,

P :
E1∗ , V1EXT ERN AL ,
E2∗ , CEN T ER

is a longest SuperHyperDOMINATION taken from a connected Extreme SuperHyperWheel 757

ESHW : (V, E). There’s a new way to redefine as 758


∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL ∈ Ez ≡
∃!Ez ∈ EESHG:(V,E) , {ViEXT ERN AL , VjEXT ERN AL } ⊆ Ez .

The term “EXTERNAL” implies |N (ViEXT ERN AL )| ≥ |N (Vj )| where Vj is 759

corresponded to ViEXT ERN AL in the literatures of Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 760

The latter is straightforward. Then there’s at least one Neutrosophic 761

SuperHyperDOMINATION. Thus the notion of quasi isn’t up and the SuperHyperNotions 762

based on Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION could be applied. The unique embedded 763

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION proposes some longest Neutrosophic 764

SuperHyperDOMINATION excerpt from some representatives. The latter is 765

straightforward. 766

6 Neutrosophic Applications in Cancer’s 767

Neutrosophic Recognition 768

The cancer is the Neutrosophic disease but the Neutrosophic model is going to figure 769

out what’s going on this Neutrosophic phenomenon. The special Neutrosophic case of 770

this Neutrosophic disease is considered and as the consequences of the model, some 771

parameters are used. The cells are under attack of this disease but the moves of the 772

cancer in the special region are the matter of mind. The Neutrosophic recognition of the 773

cancer could help to find some Neutrosophic treatments for this Neutrosophic disease. 774

In the following, some Neutrosophic steps are Neutrosophic devised on this disease. 775

Step 1. (Neutrosophic Definition) The Neutrosophic recognition of the cancer in 776

the long-term Neutrosophic function. 777

Step 2. (Neutrosophic Issue) The specific region has been assigned by the 778

Neutrosophic model [it’s called Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph] and the long 779

Neutrosophic cycle of the move from the cancer is identified by this research. 780

Sometimes the move of the cancer hasn’t be easily identified since there are some 781

determinacy, indeterminacy and neutrality about the moves and the effects of the 782

cancer on that region; this event leads us to choose another model [it’s said to be 783

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph] to have convenient perception on what’s 784

happened and what’s done. 785

Step 3. (Neutrosophic Model) There are some specific Neutrosophic models, 786

which are well-known and they’ve got the names, and some general Neutrosophic 787

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Figure 42. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperBipartite Associated to the Notions of Neutro-

sophic SuperHyperDOMINATION

models. The moves and the Neutrosophic traces of the cancer on the complex 788

tracks and between complicated groups of cells could be fantasized by a 789

Neutrosophic SuperHyperPath(-/SuperHyperDOMINATION, SuperHyperStar, 790

SuperHyperBipartite, SuperHyperMultipartite, SuperHyperWheel). The aim is to 791

find either the Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION or the Neutrosophic 792

SuperHyperDOMINATION in those Neutrosophic Neutrosophic SuperHyperModels. 793

7 Case 1: The Initial Neutrosophic Steps 794

Toward Neutrosophic SuperHyperBipartite as 795

Neutrosophic SuperHyperModel 796

Step 4. (Neutrosophic Solution) In the Neutrosophic Figure (42), the 797

Neutrosophic SuperHyperBipartite is Neutrosophic highlighted and Neutrosophic 798

featured. 799

By using the Neutrosophic Figure (42) and the Table (21), the Neutrosophic 800

SuperHyperBipartite is obtained. 801

The obtained Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet, by the Neutrosophic Algorithm in 802

previous Neutrosophic result, of the Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices of the 803

connected Neutrosophic SuperHyperBipartite ESHB : (V, E), in the 804

Neutrosophic SuperHyperModel (42), is the Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 805

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Table 21. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperBipartite
The Values of The Vertices The Number of Position in Alphabet
The Values of The SuperVertices The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The Edges The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The HyperEdges The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The SuperHyperEdges The maximum Values of Its Endpoints

Figure 43. a Neutrosophic SuperHyperMultipartite Associated to the Notions of

Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION

8 Case 2: The Increasing Neutrosophic Steps 806

Toward Neutrosophic SuperHyperMultipartite as 807

Neutrosophic SuperHyperModel 808

Step 4. (Neutrosophic Solution) In the Neutrosophic Figure (43), the 809

Neutrosophic SuperHyperMultipartite is Neutrosophic highlighted and 810

Neutrosophic featured. 811

By using the Neutrosophic Figure (43) and the Table (22), the Neutrosophic 812

SuperHyperMultipartite is obtained. 813

The obtained Neutrosophic SuperHyperSet, by the Neutrosophic Algorithm in 814

previous result, of the Neutrosophic SuperHyperVertices of the connected 815

Neutrosophic SuperHyperMultipartite ESHM : (V, E), in the Neutrosophic 816

SuperHyperModel (43), is the Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION. 817

Table 22. The Values of Vertices, SuperVertices, Edges, HyperEdges, and SuperHyper-
Edges Belong to The Neutrosophic SuperHyperMultipartite
The Values of The Vertices The Number of Position in Alphabet
The Values of The SuperVertices The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The Edges The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The HyperEdges The maximum Values of Its Vertices
The Values of The SuperHyperEdges The maximum Values of Its Endpoints

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

9 Neutrosophic Applications in Cancer’s 818

Neutrosophic Recognition 819

Cancer is a neutrosophic disease, but the neutrosophic model is supposed to understand 820

what is going on in this neutrosophic phenomenon. The special case of neutrosophic 821

disease is considered and some parameters have been used as consequences of the model. 822

Cells are subject to attack by the disease, but the movements of the cancer in the 823

specific area is a matter of mind. Neutrosophic diagnosis of cancer can help in finding 824

some Neutrosophic cures for this Neutrosophic disease. 825

In the following, several Neutrosophic stages are designed for this disease. 826

Step 1. (Neutrosophic Definition) Neutrosophic diagnosis of cancer in long-term 827

Neutrosophic performance. 828

Step 2. (Neutrosophic Issue) The specific region is assigned by the Neutrosophic 829

model (called Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph) and the long Neutrosophic cycle of 830

movement of cancer is identified by this scientific research. Sometimes the 831

movement of cancer is not easy to detect, because there is certainty, uncertainty 832

and neutrality about the movements and effects of cancer on that area. This event 833

leads us to choose another model [which is said to be the Neutrosophic 834

superhypergraph] in order to have a proper understanding of what happened and 835

was done. 836

Step 3. (Neutrosophic Model) There are some specific Neutrosophic models that 837

are well known and have names and some general Neutrosophic models. Cancer 838

neurtosophic movements and effects in complex pathways and between complex 839

groups of cells can be visualized by a SuperHyperPath (-/SuperHyperCycle, 840

SuperHyperStar, SuperHyperBipartite, SuperHyperMultipartite, 841

SuperHyperWheel). The goal is to find dominant neutrosophic DOMINATION 842

models or dominant sDOMINATION models. 843

10 Wondering Open Problems But As The 844

Directions To Forming The Motivations 845

In what follows, some “problems” and some “questions” are proposed. 846

The SuperHyperDOMINATION and the Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION are defined 847

on a real-world application, titled “Cancer’s Recognitions”. 848

Question 10.1. Which the else SuperHyperModels could be defined based on Cancer’s 849

recognitions? 850

Question 10.2. Are there some SuperHyperNotions related to SuperHyperDOMINATION 851

and the Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION? 852

Question 10.3. Are there some Algorithms to be defined on the SuperHyperModels to 853

compute them? 854

Question 10.4. Which the SuperHyperNotions are related to beyond the 855

SuperHyperDOMINATION and the Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION? 856

Problem 10.5. The SuperHyperDOMINATION and the Neutrosophic SuperHyperDOMINATION 857

do a SuperHyperModel for the Cancer’s recognitions and they’re based on 858

SuperHyperDOMINATION, are there else? 859

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Problem 10.6. Which the fundamental SuperHyperNumbers are related to these 860

SuperHyperNumbers types-results? 861

Problem 10.7. What’s the independent research based on Cancer’s recognitions 862

concerning the multiple types of SuperHyperNotions? 863

11 Conclusion and Closing Remarks 864

In this section, closing and concluding remarks are presented. The drawbacks of this 865

scientific research are shown. Some advantages and disadvantages of this scientific 866

research are highlighted. 867

This scientific research uses some approaches to further understand the Neutrosophic 868

SuperHyperGraphs. In this effort, two SuperHyperNotions are defined on the 869

DOMINATION. For this reason, in the second definition, the original definition of the 870

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph is redefined on the position of the alphabets. Based on 871

the new Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph definition, the new SuperHyperNotion, 872

Neutrosophic DOMINATION, finds a suitable background to implement some results 873

on. Some SuperHyperClasses and some Neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses are the 874

subjects of this scientific research on modeling areas that are subject to cancer attacks 875

in order to recognize this disease as mentioned under the title “Cancer Diagnosis”. To 876

formalize the SuperHyperNotion, DOMINATION, SuperHyperClasses and new 877

SuperHyperClasses instances are introduced. Some general results are summarized in 878

the DOMINATION and Neutrosophic DOMINATION sections. Clarifications, examples, 879

and literature reviews go all the way. In this scientific research, the literature review has 880

met the lines containing concepts and results. SuperHyperGraph and Neutrosophic 881

SuperHyperGraph are super-hypermodels in “cancer diagnosis” and both are the 882

foundation of the background of this scientific research. Sometimes cancer has occurred 883

in an area full of cells, cell groups, and embedded styles. In this section, 884

SuperHyperModel proposes SuperHyperNotions, formally called “DOMINATION”, 885

based on the connections of Cancer’s movements in the longest and strongest styles with 886

the formation of design and architecture, in terms of terms and whispering words. . The 887

“SuperHyper” prefix refers to the topic of embedded styles to explore the background of 888

SuperHyperNotions. In the table (23), the advantages and ways of this scientific

Table 23. A look at this scientific research and beyond

Advantages Limitations
1. Redefining the Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph 1. General Results


3. Neutrosophic DOMINATION 2. Other SuperHyperNumbers

4. modeling cancer diagnoses

5. SuperHyperClasses 3. SuperHyperFamilies
research are specified, pointed out and expressed. 890

12 Background 891

There are some scientific researches covering the topic of this scientific research. In what 892

follows, there are some discussion and literature reviews about them. 893

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

The seminal paper and groundbreaking article is titled “New Ideas In Recognition of 894

Cancer And Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph As Hyper Tool On Super Toot” in Ref. [1] 895

by Henry Garrett (2023). In this research article, a novel approach is implemented on 896

SuperHyperGraph and neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph based on general forms with 897

introducing used neutrosophic classes of neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph. It’s published 898

in prestigious and fancy journal is entitled “Current Trends in Mass Communication 899

(CTMC)” with ISO abbreviation “Curr Trends Mass Comm” in volume 2 and issue 1 900

with pages 32-55. 901

The seminal paper and groundbreaking article is titled “Some Super Hyper Degrees 902

and Co-Super Hyper Degrees on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs And Super Hyper 903

Graphs Alongside Applications in Cancer’s Treatments” in Ref. [2] by Henry Garrett 904

(2023). In this research article, a novel approach is implemented on SuperHyperGraph 905

and neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph based on fundamental notions and using vital tools 906

in Cancer’s Treatments. It’s published in prestigious and fancy journal is entitled 907

“Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics(JMTCM)” with 908

ISO abbreviation “J Math Techniques Comput Math” in volume 2 and issue 1 with 909

pages 35-47. The research article studies deeply with choosing directly neutrosophic 910

SuperHyperGraph and SuperHyperGraph. It’s the breakthrough toward independent 911

results based on initial background and fundamental SuperHyperNumbers. 912

The seminal paper and groundbreaking article is titled “A Research on Cancer’s 913

Recognition and Neutrosophic Super Hypergraph by Eulerian Super Hyper Cycles and 914

Hamiltonian Sets as Hyper Covering Versus Super separations” in Ref. [3] by Henry 915

Garrett (2023). In this research article, a novel approach is implemented on 916

SuperHyperGraph and neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph based on fundamental notions 917

and using vital tools in Cancer’s Recognition. It’s published in prestigious and fancy 918

journal is entitled “Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational 919

Mathematics(JMTCM)” with ISO abbreviation “J Math Techniques Comput Math” in 920

volume 2 and issue 3 with pages 136-148. The research article studies deeply with 921

choosing directly neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph and SuperHyperGraph. It’s the 922

breakthrough toward independent results based on initial background and fundamental 923

SuperHyperNumbers. 924

The seminal paper and groundbreaking article is titled “Neutrosophic 1-Failed 925

SuperHyperForcing in the SuperHyperFunction to Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs 926

on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Beyond ” in Ref. [4] by Henry Garrett (2023). 927

In this research article, a novel approach is implemented on SuperHyperGraph and 928

neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph based on fundamental SuperHyperNumber and using 929

neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses of neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph. It’s published in 930

prestigious and fancy journal is entitled “Journal of Mathematical Techniques and 931

Computational Mathematics(JMTCM)” with ISO abbreviation “J Math Techniques 932

Comput Math” in volume 2 and issue 6 with pages 221-307. The research article studies 933

deeply with choosing directly neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph and SuperHyperGraph. 934

It’s the breakthrough toward independent results based on initial background and 935

fundamental SuperHyperNumbers. The seminal paper and groundbreaking article is 936

titled “Super Hyper Dominating and Super Hyper Resolving on Neutrosophic Super 937

Hyper Graphs and Their Directions in Game Theory and Neutrosophic Super Hyper 938

Classes” in Ref. [5] by Henry Garrett (2022). In this research article, a novel approach 939

is implemented on SuperHyperGraph and neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph based on 940

fundamental SuperHyperNumber and using neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses of 941

neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph. It’s published in prestigious and fancy journal is 942

entitled “Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational 943

Mathematics(JMTCM)” with ISO abbreviation “J Math Techniques Comput Math” in 944

volume 1 and issue 3 with pages 242-263. The research article studies deeply with 945

choosing directly neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph and SuperHyperGraph. It’s the 946

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

breakthrough toward independent results based on initial background and fundamental 947

SuperHyperNumbers. The seminal paper and groundbreaking article is titled 948

“neutrosophic co-degree and neutrosophic degree alongside chromatic numbers in the 949

setting of some classes related to neutrosophic hypergraphs” in Ref. [6] by Henry 950

Garrett (2023). In this research article, a novel approach is implemented on 951

SuperHyperGraph and neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph based on general forms without 952

using neutrosophic classes of neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph. It’s published in 953

prestigious and fancy journal is entitled “Journal of Current Trends in Computer 954

Science Research (JCTCSR)” with ISO abbreviation “J Curr Trends Comp Sci Res” in 955

volume 2 and issue 1 with pages 16-24. The research article studies deeply with 956

choosing neutrosophic hypergraphs instead of neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph. It’s the 957

breakthrough toward independent results based on initial background. The research 958

article studies deeply with choosing neutrosophic hypergraphs instead of neutrosophic 959

SuperHyperGraph. It’s the breakthrough toward independent results based on initial 960

background. In some articles are titled “0039 — Closing Numbers and Super-Closing 961

Numbers as (Dual)Resolving and (Dual)Coloring alongside (Dual)Dominating in 962

(Neutrosophic)n-SuperHyperGraph” in Ref. [7] by Henry Garrett (2022), “0049 — 963

(Failed)1-Zero-Forcing Number in Neutrosophic Graphs” in Ref. [8] by Henry Garrett 964

(2022), “Extreme SuperHyperClique as the Firm Scheme of Confrontation under 965

Cancer’s Recognition as the Model in The Setting of (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs” 966

in Ref. [9] by Henry Garrett (2022), “Uncertainty On The Act And Effect Of Cancer 967

Alongside The Foggy Positions Of Cells Toward Neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperClique 968

inside Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs Titled Cancer’s Recognition” in Ref. [10] by 969

Henry Garrett (2022), “Neutrosophic Version Of Separates Groups Of Cells In Cancer’s 970

Recognition On Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [11] by Henry Garrett (2022), 971

“The Shift Paradigm To Classify Separately The Cells and Affected Cells Toward The 972

Totality Under Cancer’s Recognition By New Multiple Definitions On the Sets 973

Polynomials Alongside Numbers In The (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperMatching Theory 974

Based on SuperHyperGraph and Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph” in Ref. [12] by Henry 975

Garrett (2022), “Breaking the Continuity and Uniformity of Cancer In The Worst Case 976

of Full Connections With Extreme Failed SuperHyperClique In Cancer’s Recognition 977

Applied in (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [13] by Henry Garrett (2022), 978

“Neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperStable as the Survivors on the Cancer’s Neutrosophic 979

Recognition Based on Uncertainty to All Modes in Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs” in 980

Ref. [14] by Henry Garrett (2022), “Extremism of the Attacked Body Under the 981

Cancer’s Circumstances Where Cancer’s Recognition Titled (Neutrosophic) 982

SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [15] by Henry Garrett (2022), “(Neutrosophic) 1-Failed 983

SuperHyperForcing in Cancer’s Recognitions And (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs” in 984

Ref. [16] by Henry Garrett (2022), “Neutrosophic Messy-Style SuperHyperGraphs To 985

Form Neutrosophic SuperHyperStable To Act on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognitions In 986

Special ViewPoints” in Ref. [17] by Henry Garrett (2022), “Neutrosophic 1-Failed 987

SuperHyperForcing in the SuperHyperFunction To Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs 988

on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition And Beyond ” in Ref. [18] by Henry Garrett 989

(2022), “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperStable on Cancer’s Recognition by Well- 990

SuperHyperModelled (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs ” in Ref. [19] by Henry Garrett 991

(2022), “Neutrosophic Messy-Style SuperHyperGraphs To Form Neutrosophic 992

SuperHyperStable To Act on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognitions In Special ViewPoints” 993

in Ref. [15] by Henry Garrett (2022), “Basic Notions on (Neutrosophic) 994

SuperHyperForcing And (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling in Cancer’s Recognitions 995

And (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [20] by Henry Garrett (2022), 996

“Neutrosophic Messy-Style SuperHyperGraphs To Form Neutrosophic SuperHyperStable 997

To Act on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognitions In Special ViewPoints” in Ref. [21] by 998

Henry Garrett (2022),“(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s Recognitions 999

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Featuring (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperDefensive SuperHyperAlliances” in Ref. [22] by 1000

Henry Garrett (2022), “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperAlliances With SuperHyperDefensive 1001

and SuperHyperOffensive Type-SuperHyperSet On (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph 1002

With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s Recognitions And Related 1003

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperClasses” in Ref. [23] by Henry Garrett (2022), 1004

“SuperHyperGirth on SuperHyperGraph and Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph With 1005

SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s Recognitions” in Ref. [24] by Henry Garrett (2022), 1006

“Some SuperHyperDegrees and Co-SuperHyperDegrees on Neutrosophic 1007

SuperHyperGraphs and SuperHyperGraphs Alongside Applications in Cancer’s 1008

Treatments” in Ref. [25] by Henry Garrett (2022), “SuperHyperDominating and 1009

SuperHyperResolving on Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs And Their Directions in 1010

Game Theory and Neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses” in Ref. [26] by Henry Garrett 1011

(2022), “SuperHyperMatching By (R-)Definitions And Polynomials To Monitor 1012

Cancer’s Recognition In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [203] by Henry 1013

Garrett (2023), “The Focus on The Partitions Obtained By Parallel Moves In The 1014

Cancer’s Extreme Recognition With Different Types of Extreme SuperHyperMatching Set 1015

and Polynomial on (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [204] by Henry Garrett 1016

(2023), “Extreme Failed SuperHyperClique Decides the Failures on the Cancer’s 1017

Recognition in the Perfect Connections of Cancer’s Attacks By SuperHyperModels 1018

Named (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [205] by Henry Garrett (2023), 1019

“Indeterminacy On The All Possible Connections of Cells In Front of Cancer’s Attacks 1020

In The Terms of Neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperClique on Cancer’s Recognition called 1021

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [206] by Henry Garrett (2023), “Perfect 1022

Directions Toward Idealism in Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition Forwarding 1023

Neutrosophic SuperHyperClique on Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [209] by 1024

Henry Garrett (2023), “Demonstrating Complete Connections in Every Embedded 1025

Regions and Sub-Regions in the Terms of Cancer’s Recognition and (Neutrosophic) 1026

SuperHyperGraphs With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperClique” in Ref. [210] by Henry 1027

Garrett (2023), “Different Neutrosophic Types of Neutrosophic Regions titled 1028

neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperStable in Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition modeled in 1029

the Form of Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [213] by Henry Garrett (2023), 1030

“Using the Tool As (Neutrosophic) Failed SuperHyperStable To SuperHyperModel 1031

Cancer’s Recognition Titled (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [216] by Henry 1032

Garrett (2023), “Neutrosophic Messy-Style SuperHyperGraphs To Form Neutrosophic 1033

SuperHyperStable To Act on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognitions In Special ViewPoints” 1034

in Ref. [217] by Henry Garrett (2023), “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperStable on Cancer’s 1035

Recognition by Well-SuperHyperModelled (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs” in 1036

Ref. [218] by Henry Garrett (2023), “Neutrosophic 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in the 1037

SuperHyperFunction To Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs on Cancer’s Neutrosophic 1038

Recognition And Beyond ” in Ref. [219] by Henry Garrett (2022), “(Neutrosophic) 1039

1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in Cancer’s Recognitions And (Neutrosophic) 1040

SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [220] by Henry Garrett (2022), “Basic Notions on 1041

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperForcing And (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling in Cancer’s 1042

Recognitions And (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs” in Ref. [221] by Henry Garrett 1043

(2022), “Basic Neutrosophic Notions Concerning SuperHyperDominating and 1044

Neutrosophic SuperHyperResolving in SuperHyperGraph” in Ref. [232] by Henry 1045

Garrett (2022), “Initial Material of Neutrosophic Preliminaries to Study Some 1046

Neutrosophic Notions Based on Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge (NSHE) in Neutrosophic 1047

SuperHyperGraph (NSHG)” in Ref. [233] by Henry Garrett (2022), and [4–233], there 1048

are some endeavors to formalize the basic SuperHyperNotions about neutrosophic 1049

SuperHyperGraph and SuperHyperGraph alongside scientific research books 1050

at [234–363]. Two popular scientific research books in Scribd in the terms of high 1051

readers, 4728 and 5721 respectively, on neutrosophic science is on [364, 365]. 1052

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Some scientific studies and scientific researches about neutrosophic graphs, are 1053

proposed as book in Ref. [364] by Henry Garrett (2023) which is indexed by Google 1054

Scholar and has more than 4728 readers in Scribd. It’s titled “Beyond Neutrosophic 1055

Graphs” and published by Dr. Henry Garrett. This research book covers different types 1056

of notions and settings in neutrosophic graph theory and neutrosophic 1057

SuperHyperGraph theory. 1058

Also, some scientific studies and scientific researches about neutrosophic graphs, are 1059

proposed as book in Ref. [365] by Henry Garrett (2023) which is indexed by Google 1060

Scholar and has more than 5721 readers in Scribd. It’s titled “Neutrosophic Duality” 1061

and published by Dr. Henry Garrett. This research book presents different types of 1062

notions SuperHyperResolving and SuperHyperDominating in the setting of duality in 1063

neutrosophic graph theory and neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph theory. This research 1064

book has scrutiny on the complement of the intended set and the intended set, 1065

simultaneously. It’s smart to consider a set but acting on its complement that what’s 1066

done in this research book which is popular in the terms of high readers in Scribd. 1067

See the seminal scientific researches [1–3]. The formalization of the notions on the 1068

framework of notions in SuperHyperGraphs, Neutrosophic notions in 1069

SuperHyperGraphs theory, and (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs theory at [4–233] 1070

alongside scientific research books at [234–363]. Two popular scientific research books 1071

in Scribd ,in the terms of high readers, 4728 and 5721 respectively, on neutrosophic 1072

science is on [364, 365]. 1073

References 1074

1. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1075

SuperHyperGraph As Hyper Tool On Super Toot”, Curr Trends Mass Comm 1076

2(1) (2023) 32-55. ( 1077

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tool-on-super-toot.pdf) 1079

2. Henry Garrett, “Some Super Hyper Degrees and Co-Super Hyper Degrees on 1080

Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs And Super Hyper Graphs Alongside 1081

Applications in Cancer’s Treatments”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(1) 1082

(2023) 35-47. ( 1083

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graphs-and-super-hyper-graphs-alongside-a.pdf) 1085

3. Henry Garrett, “A Research on Cancer’s Recognition and Neutrosophic Super 1086

Hypergraph by Eulerian Super Hyper Cycles and Hamiltonian Sets as Hyper 1087

Covering Versus Super separations”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(3) 1088

(2023) 136-148. ( 1089

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eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf) 1091

4. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in the 1092

SuperHyperFunction to Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs on Cancer’s 1093

Neutrosophic Recognition and Beyond ”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(6) 1094

(2023) 221-307. ( 1095

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use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros.pdf) 1097

5. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Co-degree and Neutrosophic Degree alongside 1098

Chromatic Numbers in the Setting of Some Classes Related to Neutrosophic 1099

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

Hypergraphs”, J Curr Trends Comp Sci Res 2(1) (2023) 16-24. (doi: 1100

10.33140/JCTCSR.02.01.04) 1101

6. Henry Garrett, “Super Hyper Dominating and Super Hyper Resolving on 1102

Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs and Their Directions in Game Theory and 1103

Neutrosophic Super Hyper Classes”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 1(3) 1104

(2022) 242-263. (doi: 10.33140/JMTCM.01.03.09) 1105

7. Garrett, Henry. “0039 — Closing Numbers and Super-Closing Numbers as 1106

(Dual)Resolving and (Dual)Coloring alongside (Dual)Dominating in 1107

(Neutrosophic)n-SuperHyperGraph.” CERN European Organization for Nuclear 1108

Research - Zenodo, Nov. 2022. CERN European Organization for Nuclear 1109

Research, 1110 1111

8. Garrett, Henry. “0049 — (Failed)1-Zero-Forcing Number in Neutrosophic 1112

Graphs.” CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Feb. 1113

2022. CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research, 1114 1115 1116

9. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperClique as the Firm Scheme of 1117

Confrontation under Cancer’s Recognition as the Model in The Setting of 1118

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 2023010308 (doi: 1119

10.20944/preprints202301.0308.v1). 1120

10. Henry Garrett, “Uncertainty On The Act And Effect Of Cancer Alongside The 1121

Foggy Positions Of Cells Toward Neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperClique inside 1122

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs Titled Cancer’s Recognition”, Preprints 2023, 1123

2023010282 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0282.v1). 1124

11. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Version Of Separates Groups Of Cells In 1125

Cancer’s Recognition On Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 1126

2023010267 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0267.v1). 1127

12. Henry Garrett, “The Shift Paradigm To Classify Separately The Cells and 1128

Affected Cells Toward The Totality Under Cancer’s Recognition By New 1129

Multiple Definitions On the Sets Polynomials Alongside Numbers In The 1130

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperMatching Theory Based on SuperHyperGraph and 1131

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph”, Preprints 2023, 2023010265 (doi: 1132

10.20944/preprints202301.0265.v1). 1133

13. Henry Garrett, “Breaking the Continuity and Uniformity of Cancer In The 1134

Worst Case of Full Connections With Extreme Failed SuperHyperClique In 1135

Cancer’s Recognition Applied in (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 1136

2023, 2023010262,(doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0262.v1). 1137

14. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperStable as the Survivors on the 1138

Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition Based on Uncertainty to All Modes in 1139

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 2023010240 (doi: 1140

10.20944/preprints202301.0240.v1). 1141

15. Henry Garrett, “Extremism of the Attacked Body Under the Cancer’s 1142

Circumstances Where Cancer’s Recognition Titled (Neutrosophic) 1143

SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 2023010224, (doi: 1144

10.20944/preprints202301.0224.v1). 1145

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

16. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in Cancer’s 1146

Recognitions And (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 1147

2023010105 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0105.v1). 1148

17. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Messy-Style SuperHyperGraphs To Form 1149

Neutrosophic SuperHyperStable To Act on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognitions 1150

In Special ViewPoints”, Preprints 2023, 2023010088 (doi: 1151

10.20944/preprints202301.0088.v1). 1152

18. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in the 1153

SuperHyperFunction To Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs on Cancer’s 1154

Neutrosophic Recognition And Beyond ”, Preprints 2023, 2023010044 1155

19. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperStable on Cancer’s Recognition by 1156

Well- SuperHyperModelled (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 1157

2023010043 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0043.v1). 1158

20. Henry Garrett, “Basic Notions on (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperForcing And 1159

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling in Cancer’s Recognitions And 1160

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 2023010105 (doi: 1161

10.20944/preprints202301.0105.v1). 1162

21. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Messy-Style SuperHyperGraphs To Form 1163

Neutrosophic SuperHyperStable To Act on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognitions 1164

In Special ViewPoints”, Preprints 2023, 2023010088 (doi: 1165

10.20944/preprints202301.0088.v1). 1166

22. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s Recognitions 1167

Featuring (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperDefensive SuperHyperAlliances”, Preprints 1168

2022, 2022120549 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202212.0549.v1). 1169

23. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperAlliances With SuperHyperDefensive 1170

and SuperHyperOffensive Type-SuperHyperSet On (Neutrosophic) 1171

SuperHyperGraph With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s 1172

Recognitions And Related (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperClasses”, Preprints 2022, 1173

2022120540 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202212.0540.v1). 1174

24. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperGirth on SuperHyperGraph and Neutrosophic 1175

SuperHyperGraph With SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s Recognitions”, 1176

Preprints 2022, 2022120500 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202212.0500.v1). 1177

25. Henry Garrett, “Some SuperHyperDegrees and Co-SuperHyperDegrees on 1178

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs and SuperHyperGraphs Alongside Applications 1179

in Cancer’s Treatments”, Preprints 2022, 2022120324 (doi: 1180

10.20944/preprints202212.0324.v1). 1181

26. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperDominating and SuperHyperResolving on 1182

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs And Their Directions in Game Theory and 1183

Neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses”, Preprints 2022, 2022110576 (doi: 1184

10.20944/preprints202211.0576.v1). 1185

27. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1186

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperPerfect Search As Hyper Perf On Super 1187

Perfidy”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8104836). 1188

28. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Perfidy By Hyper Perf Of 1189

SuperHyperPerfect Search In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1190

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8104857). 1191

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

29. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1192

SuperHyperGraph By Reverse Strict Dimension Dominating As Hyper Dimple 1193

On Super Dimity”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8092796). 1194

30. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Dimity By Hyper Dimple Of Reverse 1195

Strict Dimension Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1196

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8092766). 1197

31. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1198

SuperHyperGraph By Unequal Dimension Dominating As Hyper Dimple On 1199

Super Dimity”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8088438). 1200

32. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Dimity By Hyper Dimple Of Unequal 1201

Dimension Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1202

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8088387). 1203

33. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1204

SuperHyperGraph By Strict Dimension Dominating As Hyper Dimple On Super 1205

Dimity”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8084436). 1206

34. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Dimity By Hyper Dimple Of Strict 1207

Dimension Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1208

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8084420). 1209

35. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1210

SuperHyperGraph By Reverse Strict Connective As Hyper Conceit On Super 1211

Con”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8080100). 1212

36. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Con By Hyper Conceit Of Reverse Strict 1213

Connective In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, 1214

Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8080068). 1215

37. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1216

SuperHyperGraph By Unequal Connective Dominating As Hyper Conceit On 1217

Super Con”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8078445). 1218

38. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Con By Hyper Conceit Of Unequal 1219

Connective Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1220

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8078543). 1221

39. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1222

SuperHyperGraph By Strict Connective Dominating As Hyper Conceit On 1223

Super Con”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8076416). 1224

40. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Con By Hyper Conceit Of Strict 1225

Connective Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1226

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8076399). 1227

41. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1228

SuperHyperGraph By Reverse Dimension Dominating As Hyper Dimple On 1229

Super Dimity”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8072171). 1230

42. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Dimity By Hyper Dimple Of Reverse 1231

Dimension Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1232

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8072267). 1233

43. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1234

SuperHyperGraph By Equal Dimension Dominating As Hyper Dimple On Super 1235

Dimity”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8067384). 1236

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

44. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Dimity By Hyper Dimple Of Equal 1237

Dimension Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1238

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8067409). 1239

45. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1240

SuperHyperGraph By Dimension Dominating As Hyper Dimple On Super 1241

Dimity”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8061927). 1242

46. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Dimity By Hyper Dimple Of Dimension 1243

Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, 1244

Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8062016). 1245

47. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1246

SuperHyperGraph By Reverse Connective Dominating As Hyper Conceit On 1247

Super Con”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8057696). 1248

48. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Con By Hyper Conceit Of Reverse 1249

Connective Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1250

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8057753). 1251

49. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1252

SuperHyperGraph By Equal Connective Dominating As Hyper Conceit On 1253

Super Con”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8052893). 1254

50. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Con By Hyper Conceit Of Equal 1255

Connective Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1256

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8052925). 1257

51. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1258

SuperHyperGraph By Connective Dominating As Hyper Conceit On Super 1259

Con”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8051346). 1260

52. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Con By Hyper Conceit Of Connective 1261

Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, 1262

Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8051360). 1263

53. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1264

SuperHyperGraph By United Dominating As Hyper Ultra On Super Units”, 1265

Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8025707). 1266

54. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Units By Hyper Ultra Of United 1267

Dominating In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, 1268

Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8027275). 1269

55. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1270

SuperHyperGraph By Zero Forcing As Hyper ford On Super forceps”, Zenodo 1271

2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8017246). 1272

56. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super forceps By Hyper ford Of Zero Forcing In 1273

Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, 1274

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8020128). 1275

57. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1276

SuperHyperGraph By Matrix-Based As Hyper mat On Super matte”, Zenodo 1277

2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7978571). 1278

58. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super mat By Hyper matte Of Matrix-Based In 1279

Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, 1280

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7978857). 1281

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

59. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1282

SuperHyperGraph By Dominating-Edges As Hyper Dome On Super Eddy”, 1283

Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7940830). 1284

60. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Eddy By Hyper Dome Of 1285

Dominating-Edges In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1286

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7943578). 1287

61. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1288

SuperHyperGraph By Edge-Gap As Hyper Gape On Super Gab”, Zenodo 2023, 1289

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7916595). 1290

62. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Gab By Hyper Gape Of Edge-Gap In 1291

Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, 1292

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7923632). 1293

63. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1294

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Type-Cycle-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On 1295

Super Nebulous”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7904698). 1296

64. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulous By Hyper Nebbish Of 1297

Eulerian-Type-Cycle-Neighbor In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1298

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7904671). 1299

65. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1300

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Type-Cycle-Decomposition As Hyper 1301

Decompress On Super Decompensation”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 1302

10.5281/zenodo.7904529). 1303

66. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Decompensation By Hyper Decompress Of 1304

Eulerian-Type-Cycle-Decomposition In Cancer’s Recognition With 1305

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 1306

10.5281/zenodo.7904401). 1307

67. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1308

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Type-Cycle-Cut As Hyper Nebbish On Super 1309

Nebulous”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7871026). 1310

68. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulous By Hyper Nebbish Of 1311

Eulerian-Type-Cycle-Cut In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1312

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7874647). 1313

69. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1314

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Cycle-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On Super 1315

Nebulous”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7857856). 1316

70. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulous By Hyper Nebbish Of 1317

Eulerian-Cycle-Neighbor In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1318

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7857841). 1319

71. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1320

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Cycle-Decomposition As Hyper Decompress On 1321

Super Decompensation”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7855661). 1322

72. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Decompensation By Hyper Decompress Of 1323

Eulerian-Cycle-Decomposition In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1324

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7855637). 1325

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

73. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1326

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Cycle-Cut As Hyper Eulogy On Super EULA”, 1327

Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7853867). 1328

74. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super EULA By Hyper Eulogy Of 1329

Eulerian-Cycle-Cut In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1330

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7853922). 1331

75. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1332

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Type-Path-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On Super 1333

Nebulous”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7851519). 1334

76. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulous By Hyper Nebbish Of 1335

Eulerian-Type-Path-Neighbor In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1336

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7851550). 1337

77. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1338

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Type-Path-Decomposition As Hyper Decompress 1339

On Super Decompensation”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7839333). 1340

78. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Decompensation By Hyper Decompress Of 1341

Eulerian-Type-Path-Decomposition In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1342

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7840206). 1343

79. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1344

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Type-Path-Cut As Hyper Eulogy On Super 1345

EULA”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7834229). 1346

80. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super EULA By Hyper Eulogy Of 1347

Eulerian-Type-Path-Cut In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1348

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7834261). 1349

81. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1350

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Path-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On Super 1351

Nebulous”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7824560). 1352

82. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulous By Hyper Nebbish Of 1353

Eulerian-Path-Neighbor In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1354

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7824623). 1355

83. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1356

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Path-Decomposition As Hyper Decompress On 1357

Super Decompensation”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7819531). 1358

84. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Decompensation By Hyper Decompress Of 1359

Eulerian-Path-Decomposition In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1360

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7819579). 1361

85. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1362

SuperHyperGraph As Hyper Tool On Super Toot”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 1363

10.5281/zenodo.7812236). 1364

86. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1365

SuperHyperGraph By initial Eulerian-Path-Cut As Hyper initial Eulogy On 1366

Super initial EULA”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7809365). 1367

87. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1368

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Path-Cut As Hyper Eulogy-Path-Cut On Super 1369

EULA-Path-Cut”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7809358). 1370

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

88. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super EULA By Hyper Eulogy Of 1371

Eulerian-Path-Cut In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1372

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7809219). 1373

89. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1374

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian-Path-Cut As Hyper Eulogy On Super EULA”, 1375

Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7809328). 1376

90. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1377

SuperHyperGraph By Hamiltonian-Type-Cycle-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On 1378

Super Nebulous”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7806767). 1379

91. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulous By Hyper Nebbish Of 1380

Hamiltonian-Type-Cycle-Neighbor In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1381

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7806838). 1382

92. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1383

SuperHyperGraph By Hamiltonian-Type-Cycle-Decomposition As Hyper 1384

Decompress On Super Decompensation”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 1385

10.5281/zenodo.7804238). 1386

93. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Decompensation By Hyper Decompress Of 1387

Hamiltonian-Type-Cycle-Decomposition In Cancer’s Recognition With 1388

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7804228). 1389

94. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1390

SuperHyperGraph By Hamiltonian-Type-Cycle-Cut As Hyper Hamper On Super 1391

Hammy”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7799902). 1392

95. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Hammy By Hyper Hamper Of 1393

Hamiltonian-Type-Cycle-Cut In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1394

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7804218). 1395

96. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1396

SuperHyperGraph By Hamiltonian-Cycle-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On Super 1397

Nebulous”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7796334). 1398

97. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1399

SuperHyperGraph By Hamiltonian-Cycle-Decomposition As Hyper Decompress 1400

On Super Decompensation”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7793372). 1401

98. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1402

SuperHyperGraph By Hamiltonian-Cycle-Cut As Hyper Hamper On Super 1403

Hammy”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7791952). 1404

99. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Hammy By Hyper Hamper Of 1405

Hamiltonian-Cycle-Cut In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1406

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7791982). 1407

100. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1408

SuperHyperGraph By Hamiltonian-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On Super 1409

Nebulous”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7790026). 1410

101. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulous By Hyper Nebbish Of 1411

Hamiltonian-Neighbor In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1412

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7790052). 1413

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

102. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1414

SuperHyperGraph By Hamiltonian-Decomposition As Hyper Decompress On 1415

Super Decompensation”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7787066). 1416

103. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Decompensation By Hyper Decompress Of 1417

Hamiltonian-Decomposition In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1418

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7787094). 1419

104. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1420

SuperHyperGraph By Hamiltonian-Cut As Hyper Hamper On Super Hammy”, 1421

Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7781476). 1422

105. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Hammy By Hyper Hamper Of 1423

Hamiltonian-Cut In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1424

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7783082). 1425

106. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic 1426

SuperHyperGraph By Trace-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On Super Nebulous”, 1427

Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7777857). 1428

107. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulous By Hyper Nebbish Of 1429

Trace-Neighbor In Recognition of Cancer With (Neutrosophic) 1430

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7779286). 1431

108. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1432

SuperHyperGraph By Trace-Decomposition As Hyper Decompress On Super 1433

Decompensation”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7771831). 1434

109. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Decompensation By Hyper Decompress Of 1435

Trace-Decomposition In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1436

SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7772468). 1437

110. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1438

SuperHyperGraph By Trace-Cut As Hyper Nebbish On Super Nebulous”, 1439

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20913.25446). 1440

111. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Tract By Hyper Track Of Trace-Cut In 1441

Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, Zenodo 2023, 1442

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7764916). 1443

112. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1444

SuperHyperGraph By Edge-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On Super Nebulous”, 1445

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11770.98247). 1446

113. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulous By Hyper Nebbish Of 1447

Edge-Neighbor In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, 1448

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12400.12808). 1449

114. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1450

SuperHyperGraph By Edge-Decomposition As Hyper Decompress On Super 1451

Decompensation”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22545.10089). 1452

115. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Decompensation By Hyper Decompress Of 1453

Edge-Decomposition In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1454

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29544.34564). 1455

116. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1456

SuperHyperGraph By Edge-Cut As Hyper Edify On Super Eddy”, ResearchGate 1457

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11377.76644). 1458

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

117. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Eddy By Hyper Edify Of Edge-Cut In 1459

Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 1460

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23750.96329). 1461

118. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1462

SuperHyperGraph By Vertex-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On Super Nebulous”, 1463

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31366.24641). 1464

119. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulous By Hyper Nebbish Of 1465

Vertex-Neighbor In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1466

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34721.68960). 1467

120. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1468

SuperHyperGraph By Vertex-Decomposition As Hyper Decompress On Super 1469

Decompensation”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30212.81289). 1470

121. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Decompensation By Hyper Decompress Of 1471

Vertex-Decomposition In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1472

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18468.76169). 1473

122. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1474

SuperHyperGraph By Vertex-Cut As Hyper Vertu On Super Vertigo”, 1475

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24288.35842). 1476

123. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Vertigo By Hyper Vertu Of Vertex-Cut In 1477

Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 1478

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32467.25124). 1479

124. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1480

SuperHyperGraph By Stable-Neighbor As Hyper Nebbish On Super Nebulous”, 1481

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31025.45925). 1482

125. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulizer By Hyper Nub Of 1483

Stable-Neighbor In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1484

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17184.25602). 1485

126. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1486

SuperHyperGraph By Stable-Decompositions As Hyper Stain On Super Stagy”, 1487

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23423.28327). 1488

127. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Stale By Hyper Stalk Of 1489

Stable-Decompositions In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1490

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28456.44805). 1491

128. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1492

SuperHyperGraph By Stable-Cut As Hyper Stain On Super Stagy”, 1493

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23525.68320). 1494

129. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Stale By Hyper Stalk Of Stable-Cut In 1495

Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 1496

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20170.24000). 1497

130. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1498

SuperHyperGraph By Clique-Neighbors As Hyper Nebbish On Super Nebulous”, 1499

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36475.59683). 1500

131. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nebulizer By Hyper Nub Of 1501

Clique-Neighbors In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1502

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29764.71046). 1503

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

132. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1504

SuperHyperGraph By Clique-Decompositions As Hyper Decompile On Super 1505

Decommission”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18780.87683). 1506

133. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Decompensation By Hyper Decompress Of 1507

Clique- Decompositions In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1508

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27169.48487). 1509

134. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1510

SuperHyperGraph By Clique-Cut As Hyper Click On Super Cliche”, 1511

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26134.01603). 1512

135. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Cliff By Hyper Cling Of Clique-Cut In 1513

Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 1514

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27392.30721). 1515

136. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1516

SuperHyperGraph By Space As Hyper Spin On Super Spacy”, ResearchGate 1517

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33028.40321). 1518

137. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1519

SuperHyperGraph By List- Coloring As Hyper List On Super Lisle”, 1520

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21389.20966). 1521

138. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Lith By Hyper Lite Of List-Coloring In 1522

Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 1523

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16356.04489). 1524

139. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1525

SuperHyperGraph By Space As Hyper Sparse On Super Spark ”, ResearchGate 1526

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21756.21129). 1527

140. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Solidarity By Hyper Soul Of Space In 1528

Cancer’s Recognition With (Extreme) SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, 1529

(doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30983.68009). 1530

141. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1531

SuperHyperGraph By Edge-Connectivity As Hyper Disclosure On Super 1532

Closure”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28552.29445). 1533

142. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Uniform By Hyper Deformation Of 1534

Edge-Connectivity In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1535

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10936.21761). 1536

143. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1537

SuperHyperGraph By Vertex-Connectivity As Hyper Leak On Super Structure”, 1538

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35105.89447). 1539

144. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super System By Hyper Explosions Of 1540

Vertex-Connectivity In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1541

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30072.72960). 1542

145. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1543

SuperHyperGraph By Tree-Decomposition As Hyper Forward On Super Returns”, 1544

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31147.52003). 1545

146. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Nodes By Hyper Moves Of 1546

Tree-Decomposition In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1547

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32825.24163). 1548

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

147. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1549

SuperHyperGraph By Chord As Hyper Excellence On Super Excess”, 1550

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13059.58401). 1551

148. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Gap By Hyper Navigations Of Chord In 1552

Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 1553

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11172.14720). 1554

149. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1555

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyper(i,j)-Domination As Hyper Controller On 1556

Super Waves”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22011.80165). 1557

150. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Coincidence By Hyper Routes Of 1558

SuperHyper(i,j)-Domination In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1559

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30819.84003). 1560

151. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1561

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperEdge-Domination As Hyper Reversion On 1562

Super Indirection”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10493.84962). 1563

152. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Obstacles By Hyper Model Of 1564

SuperHyperEdge-Domination In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1565

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13849.29280). 1566

153. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1567

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperK-Domination As Hyper k-Actions On Super 1568

Patterns”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19944.14086). 1569

154. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Harmony By Hyper k-Function Of 1570

SuperHyperK-Domination In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1571

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23299.58404). 1572

155. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1573

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperK-Number As Hyper k-Partition On Super 1574

Layers”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33103.76968). 1575

156. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Gradient By Hyper k-Class Of 1576

SuperHyperK-Number In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1577

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23037.44003). 1578

157. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1579

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperOrder As Hyper Enumerations On Super 1580

Landmarks”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35646.56641). 1581

158. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Analogous By Hyper Visions Of 1582

SuperHyperOrder In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1583

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18030.48967). 1584

159. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1585

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperColoring As Hyper Categories On Super 1586

Neighbors”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13973.81121). 1587

160. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Relations By Hyper Identifications Of 1588

SuperHyperColoring In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1589

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34106.47047). 1590

161. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Contradiction By Hyper Detection of 1591

SuperHyperDefensive In Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Neutrosophic 1592

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13397.09446). 1593

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

162. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1594

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperDimension As Hyper Distinguishing On Super 1595

Distances”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31956.88961). 1596

163. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Locations By Hyper Differing Of 1597

SuperHyperDimension In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1598

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15179.67361). 1599

164. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1600

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperDominating As Hyper Closing On Super 1601

Messy”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21510.45125). 1602

165. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Missing By Hyper Searching Of 1603

SuperHyperDominating In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1604

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13121.84321). 1605

166. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1606

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperConnected As Hyper Group On Super Surge”, 1607

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11758.69441). 1608

167. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Outbreak By Hyper Collections Of 1609

SuperHyperConnected In Cancer’s Recognition With (Neutrosophic) 1610

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31891.35367). 1611

168. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1612

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperTotal As Hyper Covering On Super Infections”, 1613

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19360.87048). 1614

169. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Extremism By Hyper Treatments Of 1615

SuperHyperTotal In Cancer’s Recognition with (Neutrosophic) 1616

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32363.21286). 1617

170. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Isolation By Hyper Perfectness Of 1618

SuperHyperPerfect In Cancer’s Recognition with (Neutrosophic) 1619

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23266.81602). 1620

171. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1621

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperPerfect As Hyper Idealism On Super Vacancy”, 1622

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19911.37285). 1623

172. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition And Neutrosophic 1624

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperJoin As Hyper Separations On Super Sorts”, 1625

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11050.90569). 1626

173. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super connections By Hyper disconnections Of 1627

SuperHyperJoin In Cancer’s Recognition with (Neutrosophic) 1628

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17761.79206). 1629

174. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Mixed-Devastations By Hyper Decisions 1630

Of SuperHyperDuality In Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Neutrosophic 1631

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34953.52320). 1632

175. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition As (Neutrosophic) 1633

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperDuality As Hyper Imaginations On Super 1634

Mixed-Illustrations”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33275.80161). 1635

176. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Cancer’s Recognition As (Neutrosophic) 1636

SuperHyperGraph By Path SuperHyperColoring As Hyper Correction On Super 1637

Faults”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30182.50241). 1638

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

177. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Reflections By Hyper Rotations Of Path 1639

SuperHyperColoring In Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Neutrosophic 1640

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33459.30243). 1641

178. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas As Hyper Deformations On Super Chains In 1642

Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph By 1643

SuperHyperDensity”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13444.60806). 1644

179. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas As Hyper Ignorance By SuperHyperDensity On 1645

Super Resistances In Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Neutrosophic 1646

SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.16800.05123). 1647

180. Henry Garrett, “New Research On Cancer’s Recognition and Neutrosophic 1648

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian SuperHyperCycles and Hamiltonian Sets As 1649

Hyper Covering Versus Super separations-VI ”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 1650

10.13140/RG.2.2.29913.80482). 1651

181. Henry Garrett, “New Research On Cancer’s Recognition and Neutrosophic 1652

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian SuperHyperCycles and Hamiltonian Sets As 1653

Hyper Covering Versus Super separations-V ”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 1654

10.13140/RG.2.2.33269.24809). 1655

182. Henry Garrett, “New Research On Cancer’s Recognition and Neutrosophic 1656

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian SuperHyperCycles and Hamiltonian Sets As 1657

Hyper Covering Versus Super separations-IV ”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 1658

10.13140/RG.2.2.34946.96960). 1659

183. Henry Garrett, “A Research On Cancer’s Recognition and Neutrosophic 1660

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian SuperHyperCycles and Hamiltonian Sets As 1661

Hyper Covering Versus Super separations-III ”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 1662

10.13140/RG.2.2.14814.31040). 1663

184. Henry Garrett, “A Research On Cancer’s Recognition and Neutrosophic 1664

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian SuperHyperCycles and Hamiltonian Sets As 1665

Hyper Covering Versus Super separations-II ”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 1666

10.13140/RG.2.2.15653.17125). 1667

185. Henry Garrett, “A Research On Cancer’s Recognition and Neutrosophic 1668

SuperHyperGraph By Eulerian SuperHyperCycles and Hamiltonian Sets As 1669

Hyper Covering Versus Super separations-I ”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 1670

10.13140/RG.2.2.25719.50089). 1671

186. Henry Garrett, “New Ideas On Super Disruptions In Cancer’s Extreme 1672

Recognition As Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph By Hyper Plans Called 1673

SuperHyperConnectivities”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 1674

10.13140/RG.2.2.29441.94562). 1675

187. Henry Garrett, “Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition As Neutrosophic 1676

SuperHyperGraph By SuperHyperConnectivities As Hyper Diagnosis On Super 1677

Mechanism”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17252.24968). 1678

188. Henry Garrett,“Cancer’s Recognition and (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph By 1679

the Criteria of Eulerian and Hamiltonian Type-Sets As Hyper Modified Cycles 1680

On Super Mess”, ResearchGate 2023,(doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16652.59525). 1681

189. Henry Garrett,“Eulerian and Hamiltonian In Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition 1682

and Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph On Super Interactions By Hyper Extensions 1683

of Cycles”, ResearchGate 2023,(doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34583.24485). 1684

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

190. Henry Garrett,“SuperHyperGirth Type-Results on extreme SuperHyperGirth 1685

theory and (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs Toward Cancer’s extreme 1686

Recognition”, Preprints 2023, 2023010396 (doi: 1687

10.20944/preprints202301.0396.v1). 1688

191. Henry Garrett,“Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs Warns Hyper Landmark of 1689

neutrosophic SuperHyperGirth In Super Type-Versions of Cancer’s neutrosophic 1690

Recognition”, Preprints 2023, 2023010395 (doi: 1691

10.20944/preprints202301.0395.v1). 1692

192. Henry Garrett,“The Constructions of (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs on the 1693

Cancer’s Recognition in The Confrontation With Super Attacks In Hyper 1694

Situations By Implementing (Neutrosophic) 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in The 1695

Technical Approaches to Neutralize SuperHyperViews”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 1696

10.13140/RG.2.2.26240.51204). 1697

193. Henry Garrett,“(Neutrosophic) 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing As the 1698

Entrepreneurs on Cancer’s Recognitions To Fail Forcing Style As the Super 1699

Classes With Hyper Effects In The Background of the Framework is So-Called 1700

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 1701

10.13140/RG.2.2.12818.73925). 1702

194. Henry Garrett,“Super Actions On The Types of Hyper Levels In The Sensible 1703

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGirth On Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and 1704

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 2023,(doi: 1705

10.13140/RG.2.2.26836.88960). 1706

195. Henry Garrett,“SuperHyperGirth Approaches on the Super Challenges on the 1707

Cancer’s Recognition In the Hyper Model of (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraph”, 1708

ResearchGate 2023,(doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36745.93289). 1709

196. Henry Garrett,“Extreme SuperHyperClique as the Firm Scheme of 1710

Confrontation under Cancer’s Recognition as the Model in The Setting of 1711

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 2023010308 (doi: 1712

10.20944/preprints202301.0308.v1). 1713

197. Henry Garrett,“Uncertainty On The Act And Effect Of Cancer Alongside The 1714

Foggy Positions Of Cells Toward Neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperClique inside 1715

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs Titled Cancer’s Recognition”, Preprints 2023, 1716

2023010282 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0282.v1). 1717

198. Henry Garrett,“Neutrosophic Version Of Separates Groups Of Cells In Cancer’s 1718

Recognition On Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 2023010267 1719

(doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0267.v1).). 1720

199. Henry Garrett, “The Shift Paradigm To Classify Separately The Cells and 1721

Affected Cells Toward The Totality Under Cancer’s Recognition By New 1722

Multiple Definitions On the Sets Polynomials Alongside Numbers In The 1723

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperMatching Theory Based on SuperHyperGraph and 1724

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph”, Preprints 2023, 2023010265 (doi: 1725

10.20944/preprints202301.0265.v1). 1726

200. Henry Garrett,“Breaking the Continuity and Uniformity of Cancer In The 1727

Worst Case of Full Connections With Extreme Failed SuperHyperClique In 1728

Cancer’s Recognition Applied in (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 1729

2023, 2023010262,(doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0262.v1). 1730

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

201. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperStable as the Survivors on the 1731

Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition Based on Uncertainty to All Modes in 1732

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 2023010240 (doi: 1733

10.20944/preprints202301.0240.v1). 1734

202. Henry Garrett, “Extremism of the Attacked Body Under the Cancer’s 1735

Circumstances Where Cancer’s Recognition Titled (Neutrosophic) 1736

SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 2023010224, (doi: 1737

10.20944/preprints202301.0224.v1). 1738

203. Henry Garrett,“SuperHyperMatching By (R-)Definitions And Polynomials To 1739

Monitor Cancer’s Recognition In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs”, 1740

ResearchGate 2023,(doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35061.65767). 1741

204. Henry Garrett,“The Focus on The Partitions Obtained By Parallel Moves In 1742

The Cancer’s Extreme Recognition With Different Types of Extreme 1743

SuperHyperMatching Set and Polynomial on (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, 1744

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18494.15680). 1745

205. Henry Garrett,“Extreme Failed SuperHyperClique Decides the Failures on the 1746

Cancer’s Recognition in the Perfect Connections of Cancer’s Attacks By 1747

SuperHyperModels Named (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, ResearchGate 1748

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32530.73922). 1749

206. Henry Garrett,“Indeterminacy On The All Possible Connections of Cells In 1750

Front of Cancer’s Attacks In The Terms of Neutrosophic Failed 1751

SuperHyperClique on Cancer’s Recognition called Neutrosophic 1752

SuperHyperGraphs”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15897.70243). 1753

207. Henry Garrett,“Extreme Failed SuperHyperClique Decides the Failures on the 1754

Cancer’s Recognition in the Perfect Connections of Cancer’s Attacks By 1755

SuperHyperModels Named (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, ResearchGate 1756

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32530.73922). 1757

208. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in Cancer’s 1758

Recognitions And (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 1759

2023010105 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0105.v1). 1760

209. Henry Garrett,“Perfect Directions Toward Idealism in Cancer’s Neutrosophic 1761

Recognition Forwarding Neutrosophic SuperHyperClique on Neutrosophic 1762

SuperHyperGraphs”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30092.80004). 1763

210. Henry Garrett,“Demonstrating Complete Connections in Every Embedded 1764

Regions and Sub-Regions in the Terms of Cancer’s Recognition and 1765

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperClique”, 1766

ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23172.19849). 1767

211. Henry Garrett, “Basic Notions on (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperForcing And 1768

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling in Cancer’s Recognitions And 1769

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 2023010105 (doi: 1770

10.20944/preprints202301.0105.v1). 1771

212. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Messy-Style SuperHyperGraphs To Form 1772

Neutrosophic SuperHyperStable To Act on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognitions 1773

In Special ViewPoints”, Preprints 2023, 2023010088 (doi: 1774

10.20944/preprints202301.0088.v1). 1775

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

213. Henry Garrett,“Different Neutrosophic Types of Neutrosophic Regions titled 1776

neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperStable in Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition 1777

modeled in the Form of Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs”, ResearchGate 2023, 1778

(doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17385.36968). 1779

214. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in the 1780

SuperHyperFunction To Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs on Cancer’s 1781

Neutrosophic Recognition And Beyond ”, Preprints 2023, 2023010044 1782

215. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperStable on Cancer’s Recognition by 1783

Well- SuperHyperModelled (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, Preprints 2023, 1784

2023010043 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202301.0043.v1). 1785

216. Henry Garrett, “Using the Tool As (Neutrosophic) Failed SuperHyperStable To 1786

SuperHyperModel Cancer’s Recognition Titled (Neutrosophic) 1787

SuperHyperGraphs”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28945.92007). 1788

217. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Messy-Style SuperHyperGraphs To Form 1789

Neutrosophic SuperHyperStable To Act on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognitions In 1790

Special ViewPoints”, ResearchGate 2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11447.80803). 1791

218. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperStable on Cancer’s Recognition by 1792

Well-SuperHyperModelled (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, ResearchGate 1793

2023, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35774.77123). 1794

219. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in the 1795

SuperHyperFunction To Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs on Cancer’s 1796

Neutrosophic Recognition And Beyond ”, ResearchGate 2022, (doi: 1797

10.13140/RG.2.2.36141.77287). 1798

220. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in Cancer’s 1799

Recognitions And (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, ResearchGate 2022, (doi: 1800

10.13140/RG.2.2.29430.88642). 1801

221. Henry Garrett, “Basic Notions on (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperForcing And 1802

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling in Cancer’s Recognitions And 1803

(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperGraphs”, ResearchGate 2022, (doi: 1804

10.13140/RG.2.2.11369.16487). 1805

222. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s Recognitions 1806

Featuring (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperDefensive SuperHyperAlliances”, Preprints 1807

2022, 2022120549 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202212.0549.v1). 1808

223. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s Recognitions 1809

Featuring (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperDefensive SuperHyperAlliances”, 1810

ResearchGate 2022, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19380.94084). 1811

224. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperAlliances With SuperHyperDefensive 1812

and SuperHyperOffensive Type-SuperHyperSet On (Neutrosophic) 1813

SuperHyperGraph With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s 1814

Recognitions And Related (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperClasses”, Preprints 2022, 1815

2022120540 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202212.0540.v1). 1816

225. Henry Garrett, “(Neutrosophic) SuperHyperAlliances With SuperHyperDefensive 1817

and SuperHyperOffensive Type-SuperHyperSet On (Neutrosophic) 1818

SuperHyperGraph With (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s 1819

Recognitions And Related (Neutrosophic) SuperHyperClasses”, ResearchGate 1820

2022, (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14426.41923). 1821

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

226. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperGirth on SuperHyperGraph and Neutrosophic 1822

SuperHyperGraph With SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s Recognitions”, 1823

Preprints 2022, 2022120500 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202212.0500.v1). 1824

227. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperGirth on SuperHyperGraph and Neutrosophic 1825

SuperHyperGraph With SuperHyperModeling of Cancer’s Recognitions”, 1826

ResearchGate 2022 (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20993.12640). 1827

228. Henry Garrett,“Some SuperHyperDegrees and Co-SuperHyperDegrees on 1828

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs and SuperHyperGraphs Alongside Applications 1829

in Cancer’s Treatments”, Preprints 2022, 2022120324 (doi: 1830

10.20944/preprints202212.0324.v1). 1831

229. Henry Garrett, “Some SuperHyperDegrees and Co-SuperHyperDegrees on 1832

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs And SuperHyperGraphs Alongside Applications 1833

in Cancer’s Treatments”, ResearchGate 2022 (doi: 1834

10.13140/RG.2.2.23123.04641). 1835

230. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperDominating and SuperHyperResolving on 1836

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs And Their Directions in Game Theory and 1837

Neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses”, Preprints 2022, 2022110576 (doi: 1838

10.20944/preprints202211.0576.v1). 1839

231. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperDominating and SuperHyperResolving on 1840

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs And Their Directions in Game Theory and 1841

Neutrosophic SuperHyperClasses”, ResearchGate 2022 (doi: 1842

10.13140/RG.2.2.23324.56966). 1843

232. Henry Garrett, “Basic Neutrosophic Notions Concerning SuperHyperDominating 1844

and Neutrosophic SuperHyperResolving in SuperHyperGraph”, ResearchGate 1845

2022 (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29173.86244). 1846

233. Henry Garrett, “Initial Material of Neutrosophic Preliminaries to Study Some 1847

Neutrosophic Notions Based on Neutrosophic SuperHyperEdge (NSHE) in 1848

Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph (NSHG)”, ResearchGate 2022 (doi: 1849

10.13140/RG.2.2.25385.88160). 1850

234. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperPerfect Search In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1851

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8104880). 1852

235. Henry Garrett, “Reverse Strict Dimension Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. 1853

Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8092816). 1854

236. Henry Garrett, “Unequal Dimension Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1855

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8090194). 1856

237. Henry Garrett, “Strict Dimension Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1857

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8086310). 1858

238. Henry Garrett, “Reverse Strict Connective In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1859

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8080167). 1860

239. Henry Garrett, “Unequal Connective Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1861

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8078574). 1862

240. Henry Garrett, “Strict Connective Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1863

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8076449). 1864

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

241. Henry Garrett, “Reverse Dimension Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1865

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8072310). 1866

242. Henry Garrett, “Equal Dimension Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1867

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8067469). 1868

243. Henry Garrett, “Dimension Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1869

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8062076). 1870

244. Henry Garrett, “Reverse Connective Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1871

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8057817). 1872

245. Henry Garrett, “Equal Connective Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1873

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8052976). 1874

246. Henry Garrett, “Connective Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1875

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8051368). 1876

247. Henry Garrett, “United Dominating In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1877

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8027488). 1878

248. Henry Garrett, “Zero Forcing In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1879

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8020181). 1880

249. Henry Garrett, “Matrix-Based In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1881

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7978921). 1882

250. Henry Garrett, “Collections of Math II”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1883

10.5281/zenodo.7943878). 1884

251. Henry Garrett, “Dominating-Edges In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1885

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7943871). 1886

252. Henry Garrett, “Edge-Gap In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1887

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7923786). 1888

253. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Type-Cycle-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1889

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7905287). 1890

254. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Type-Cycle-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. 1891

Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7904586). 1892

255. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Type-Cycle-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1893

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7874677). 1894

256. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Cycle-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1895

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7857906). 1896

257. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Cycle-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1897

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7856329). 1898

258. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Cycle-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1899

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7854561). 1900

259. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Type-Path-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1901

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7851893). 1902

260. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Type-Path-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1903

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7848019). 1904

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

261. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Type-Path-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1905

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7835063). 1906

262. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Path-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1907

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7826705). 1908

263. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Path-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1909

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7820680). 1910

264. Henry Garrett, “Eulerian-Path-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1911

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7812750). 1912

265. Henry Garrett, “Hamiltonian-Type-Cycle-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1913

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7812142). 1914

266. Henry Garrett, “Hamiltonian-Type-Cycle-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. 1915

Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7810394). 1916

267. Henry Garrett, “Hamiltonian-Type-Cycle-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1917

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7807782). 1918

268. Henry Garrett, “Hamiltonian-Cycle-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1919

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7804449). 1920

269. Henry Garrett, “Hamiltonian-Cycle-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. 1921

Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7793875). 1922

270. Henry Garrett, “Hamiltonian-Cycle-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1923

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7792307). 1924

271. Henry Garrett, “Hamiltonian-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1925

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7790728). 1926

272. Henry Garrett, “Hamiltonian-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1927

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7787712). 1928

273. Henry Garrett, “Hamiltonian-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1929

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7783791). 1930

274. Henry Garrett, “Trace-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1931

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275. Henry Garrett, “Trace-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1933

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7773119). 1934

276. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperDuality”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1935

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277. Henry Garrett, “Trace-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1937

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7766174). 1938

278. Henry Garrett, “Edge-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1939

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279. Henry Garrett, “Edge-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1941

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7758601). 1942

280. Henry Garrett, “Edge-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1943

10.5281/zenodo.7754661). 1944

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

281. Henry Garrett, “Vertex-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1945

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7750995) . 1946

282. Henry Garrett, “Vertex-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1947

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7749875). 1948

283. Henry Garrett, “Vertex-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1949

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7747236). 1950

284. Henry Garrett, “Stable-Neighbor In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1951

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7742587). 1952

285. Henry Garrett, “Stable-Decompositions In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1953

Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7738635). 1954

286. Henry Garrett, “Stable-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1955

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7734719). 1956

287. Henry Garrett, “Clique-Neighbors In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1957

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7730484). 1958

288. Henry Garrett, “Clique-Decompositions In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry 1959

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289. Henry Garrett, “Clique-Cut In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1961

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7722865). 1962

290. Henry Garrett, “Space In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1963

10.5281/zenodo.7713563). 1964

291. Henry Garrett, “Space In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1965

10.5281/zenodo.7709116). 1966

292. Henry Garrett, “Edge-Connectivity In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1967

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293. Henry Garrett, “Vertex-Connectivity In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1969

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7706063). 1970

294. Henry Garrett, “Tree-Decomposition In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1971

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7701906). 1972

295. Henry Garrett, “Chord In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1973

10.5281/zenodo.7700205). 1974

296. Henry Garrett, “(i,j)-Domination In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1975

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297. Henry Garrett, “Edge-Domination In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 1977

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298. Henry Garrett, “K-Domination In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1979

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299. Henry Garrett, “K-Number In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1981

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300. Henry Garrett, “Order In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1983

10.5281/zenodo.7668648). 1984

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

301. Henry Garrett, “Coloring In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1985

10.5281/zenodo.7662810). 1986

302. Henry Garrett, “Dimension In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 1987

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303. Henry Garrett, “Cancer In SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1989

10.5281/zenodo.7653233). 1990

304. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperWheel ”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1991

10.5281/zenodo.7653204). 1992

305. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperMultipartite”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1993

10.5281/zenodo.7653142). 1994

306. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperBipartite”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1995

10.5281/zenodo.7653117). 1996

307. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperStar ”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1997

10.5281/zenodo.7653089). 1998

308. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperCycle”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 1999

10.5281/zenodo.7651687). 2000

309. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperPath”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2001

10.5281/zenodo.7651619). 2002

310. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperDomination”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2003

10.5281/zenodo.7651439). 2004

311. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperDominating”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2005

10.5281/zenodo.7650729). 2006

312. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperConnected ”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2007

10.5281/zenodo.7647868). 2008

313. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperTotal ”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2009

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314. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperPerfect”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2011

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315. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperJoin”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2013

10.5281/zenodo.7641880). 2014

316. Henry Garrett, “Path SuperHyperColoring”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2015

10.5281/zenodo.7632923). 2016

317. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperDensity”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2017

10.5281/zenodo.7623459). 2018

318. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic SuperHyperConnectivities”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2019

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7606416). 2020

319. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperConnectivities”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 2021

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7606416). 2022

320. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperConnectivities”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2023

10.5281/zenodo.7606404). 2024

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

321. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic SuperHyperCycle”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2025

10.5281/zenodo.7580018). 2026

322. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperCycle”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2027

10.5281/zenodo.7580018). 2028

323. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperCycle”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2029

10.5281/zenodo.7580018). 2030

324. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperCycle”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2031

10.5281/zenodo.7579929). 2032

325. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic SuperHyperGirth”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2033

10.5281/zenodo.7563170). 2034

326. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperGirth”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2035

10.5281/zenodo.7563164). 2036

327. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperGirth”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2037

10.5281/zenodo.7563160). 2038

328. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperGirth”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2039

10.5281/zenodo.7563160). 2040

329. Henry Garrett, “Overlook On SuperHyperGirth”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2041

10.5281/zenodo.7563160). 2042

330. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic SuperHyperMatching”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 2043

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7557063). 2044

331. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperMatching”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2045

10.5281/zenodo.7557009). 2046

332. Henry Garrett, “Overlook On SuperHyperMatching”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 2047

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7539484). 2048

333. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperClique”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2049

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7523390). 2050

334. Henry Garrett, “Extreme Failed SuperHyperClique”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 2051

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7523390). 2052

335. Henry Garrett, “Overlook On Failed SuperHyperClique”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2053

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7523390). 2054

336. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperClique”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2055

10.5281/zenodo.7574952). 2056

337. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic SuperHyperClique”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2057

10.5281/zenodo.7574992). 2058

338. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperClique”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2059

10.5281/zenodo.7523357). 2060

339. Henry Garrett, “Overlook On SuperHyperClique”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2061

10.5281/zenodo.7523357). 2062

340. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperStable”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2063

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7504782). 2064

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

341. Henry Garrett, “Extreme Failed SuperHyperStable”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 2065

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7504782). 2066

342. Henry Garrett, “Overlook On Failed SuperHyperStable”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2067

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7504782). 2068

343. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic SuperHyperStable”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2069

10.5281/zenodo.7499395). 2070

344. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperStable”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2071

10.5281/zenodo.7499395). 2072

345. Henry Garrett, “Overlook On SuperHyperStable”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2073

10.5281/zenodo.7499395). 2074

346. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Failed SuperHyperForcing”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2075

2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7497450). 2076

347. Henry Garrett, “Extreme Failed SuperHyperForcing”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 2077

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7497450). 2078

348. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic SuperHyperForcing”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 2079

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7494862). 2080

349. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperForcing”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2081

10.5281/zenodo.7494862). 2082

350. Henry Garrett, “Overlook On SuperHyperForcing”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 2083

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7494862). 2084

351. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic SuperHyperAlliances”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 2085

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7493845). 2086

352. Henry Garrett, “Extreme SuperHyperAlliances”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2087

10.5281/zenodo.7493845). 2088

353. Henry Garrett, “Overlook On SuperHyperAlliances”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 2089

(doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7493845). 2090

354. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperMatching”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2091

10.5281/zenodo.7539484). 2092

355. Henry Garrett, “Failed SuperHyperClique”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2093

10.5281/zenodo.7523390). 2094

356. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperClique”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2095

10.5281/zenodo.7523357). 2096

357. Henry Garrett, “Failed SuperHyperStable”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2097

10.5281/zenodo.7504782). 2098

358. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperStable”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2099

10.5281/zenodo.7499395). 2100

359. Henry Garrett, “Failed SuperHyperForcing”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2101

10.5281/zenodo.7497450). 2102

360. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperForcing”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2103

10.5281/zenodo.7494862). 2104

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA
Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

361. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperAlliances”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2105

10.5281/zenodo.7493845). 2106

362. Henry Garrett, “SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2107

10.5281/zenodo.7480110). 2108

363. Henry Garrett, “Neut. SuperHyperEdges”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2109

10.5281/zenodo.7378758). 2110

364. Henry Garrett, “Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2111

10.5281/zenodo.6320305). 2112

365. Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Duality”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 2113

10.5281/zenodo.6677173). 2114

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · · Manhattan, NY, USA

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