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Community Name Community Qualifying

Code Income

Cedar Valley CV $50,500.00


Spanish Court SC $30,500.000

Rio Grande RG $15,000.00

PEREZ Villas

HOUSING Perez Housing CO. serves as a land

CO. and housing development company that
produces shelter and wide options for
Where quality, comfort and affordability Jamaicans.
Ministry of Housing and Development Housing Allocation Form
Applicant’s Information
1. Name (First) _________________________ (Surname) ___________________________
2. Sex: F ( ) M( )
3. Birth Date: (month)___________ (day)_______________ (year)_____________________
4. E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________
5. Tel: 876___________ Home: ___________________ Work: _______________________
6. Current Home Address: _____________________________________________________
7. Preferred Bank(s): ________________________________________________________
8. Employment Status: Employed ( ) Unemployed ( ) Self-Employed ( )
9. Current Job Position: ______________________________________________________
10. Monthly Income: $_________________
______________________________ ______________________
Signature Date
25 Dominica Dr, Kingston
Phone: (876) 926-1590
E-mail application to perezhousing2011@gmail.com

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