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2424: THE WILDS is a hack of 2400 by Pretendo Games, using the system and layout by Pretendo 
Games. Cover and art by BEEPLE (CC BY 4.0). Cropped, logo added, hue tinted. 
PLAY: Players describe what their characters  ► Pick a specialty and 3 skills. Or 2 different  ► Take any suit now, and ₡2. Most items cost  ► Roll or invent optional details. 
do. The GM advises what is impossible or  specialties. Or create from another module.  ₡1 each. Ignore micro-credit transactions.  HOW’D YOU END UP OUT HERE? 
requires extra steps. If there’s danger or risk, 
AUTO-CITIZEN: Gain metal chassis (break 2x)  SUITS: ₡2, bulky, O2, break 2x for defense. 
players roll skill dice (d6 or increased).  1  AWOL from the war  6  Research expedition 
and info database. Increase Electronics (d8).  Armor suit (+1 weapon), Data logistics suit  2  Crashlanded, frak  7  Sending ₡ to family 
ROLLING: Roll a d6 skill die—higher with a  (DLS, scan servo, vid screen), EXO-suit (double 
EMPATH: Sense surface emotions innately  3  Exiled from home  8  This is my home 
relevant skill, or d4 if hindered by injury or  and Telekinesis (d10, strength of both arms).  arm strength, hold +1 bulky), Exploration suit  4  On the way home  9  Wanted on 5 worlds 
circumstance. If helped by circumstance, roll  (TORCHlight, jump boots, flares), Hostile 
an extra d6; if helped by an ally, they roll their  FAR VENDOR: No competition out here. Take  5  Prefer it out here  10  Work best alone 
a walker drone packed w/ wares. Pick rideable  environment suit (HVS, withstand extreme 
skill die and share the risk. Take highest roll. 
or very fast. Negotiating (d8), Appraisal (d8).  temp/pressure), Sleek suit (stylish, not bulky).  ► Anytime you arrive on a planet, the Moderator 
1–2 Disaster strikes. Situation worsens.  Upgrade ₡1: break +1x or other suit’s bonus.  will tell you its unique conditions. Or they may 
Success may be impossible. If risking  FRONTIER RACER: Take a Roamer (wheels,  let you test your luck and roll here: 
death, you die.   1-seat, fast, compartments) and goggles.  TOOLS: Auto-tools, auto-tent, bio-scanner, 
charges (flash, frag, smoke, tracking), cooler,  PLANETARY BIOMES (common issue) 
3–4 Setback. Success comes with cost or  GORB HUNTER: Your job is to keep the Death 
Gorbs away from cities. And escort idiots...  clawbar, tele-receiver, geo-scanner, grappler, 
unintended consequence (e.g., hindrance,  heater, jump boots, scope lens, sparktorch.  1  Atmosphere-less Regalith. (Zero-grav) 
alarms sound, etc).  Tracking (d8), Shooting (d8). Take a weapon.  2  Dense forest / woodlands. (Navigating) 
HARVESTER: You grew up in the farmlands.  WALKER DRONE: ₡1+X, can tether to you, pick  3  Fluorescent jungles. (Hostile flora) 
5+ Success evades risk, but may not always  X aspects: Carry 2 bulky or non-bulky items, 
grant what you plan on. Higher, the better.  Labor (d8), Animals (d8), Engineering (d8).  4  Irradiated wreckage, ruins. (Radiation) 
attacks threats, scanners, you can ride on top,  5  Mountainous rock, fog, (Climbing) 
If what you attempt is impossible, you at least  HI-COFFER: Gain ₡4 and luxurious tastes. 
spare 02 tank, converts materials to food/  6  Orange desert, dunes, oases (Heat, dry) 
get a step closer or set up an advantage.  LINGUIST: You're a translator and know many  water, info index, extremely fast, light source.  7  Tropical beaches, reefs (Swimming) 
LOAD: Carry as much as makes sense, but  languages. Convincing (d10), De-escalation (d8)  8  Tundra and snowy forest (Cold, wet) 
WEAPONS: Pistol, rifle (bulky), gatling cannon 
more than one bulky item may hinder you.  MARSHALL: You're the only law round these  (₡2, bulky), plasma machete, sniper (₡2, very  9  Underground caves, rocky (Darkness) 
parts. Shooting (d8), Intimidation (d8). Take a  far), burst gun (bulky), tranq pistol (stun, tiny).  10  Valleys and farmland (Hostile fauna) 
ADVANCEMENT: After a job, increase a skill 
holo-crest of authority and non-bulky weapon. 
(None→d8→d10→d12). The crew as a whole  ► Vehicles are all-terrain and cost ₡5 or ₡9’.  PLANET ECCENTRICITIES 
gains d6 credits (₡). Anyone who clashed with  OUTWORLD SOLDIER: Shooting (d10). Take a 
higher-ups or authorities gains +1 Infamous.  bulky weapon -- It doesn’t count as bulky.  WALKERS: Chopper (2-seat, mount, fast),  1  90% of planet surface is submerged 
Grizzly (2-seat, climbs), Lifter (1-seat, arms).  2  Abandoned transit system throughout 
INFAMY: At 2 Infamous, you have a record. At  SCOUT: Stealth (d8), Running (d8), Navigation 
(d8). Take a broad range tele-receiver.  WHEELS: Mammoth’ (5-seat, airtight, armored),  3  All water sources contain deadly bacteria 
6, you’re Wanted. You can negotiate it down by 
Mobile lab unit’ (2-seat, airtight, lab), Mono-  4  All water sources are blood red 
doing jobs for the authorities. Or own it.  SOLE SURVIVOR: You never remove your 
wheel (1-seat, screens, fast), Rover (2-s, fast).  5  Atmospheric gas is poisonous to inhale 
DEFENSE: Say how one of your items breaks to  helmet. They don’t wanna know what’s under-  6  Diamond-like growths are common 
turn a hit into a brief hindrance. Broken gear is  neath. Climbing (d8), Extreme weather (d8).  TREADS: Cargo-hauler’ (2-seat, large  7  Flora grows extremely fast, overtakes tech 
useless until repaired (₡d4 in a shop or lab).  cargospace), Drill (1-seat, diamond-tip), Tank’  8  Frequent acid and radiation storms 
TRAILBLAZER: Convincing (d10). A weapon. 
(2-seat, airtight, turrets, armored).  9  Gas giant skies, barely any oxygen 
HARM: Hindrance and injury heal eventually.  TECHNOLOGIST: Your work will one day save 
Medicine speeds it up (Engineering for droids).  lives. Sciences (d8), Technology (d8). Take a  MOBILE HQ: ₡12, airtight, pick: wheels, legs, or  10  Glowing sediment all over the place 
If killed, make a new character to re-introduce.  hand sensor (with an info database).  treads. Pick two: laboratory, alert beacon,  11  Ground seems to always be wet 
cargospace, high above ground, living quarters,  12  Hostile fauna extremely common  
MODERATION: Lead the group in setting lines  XENO-BOTANIST: Botany (d8), Medicine (d8). 
armored, turrets, 2 suits. ₡2 per upgrade.  13  Lava flows freely over environment 
for content and safety. Manipulate or pause  Sample collection tools and specimen cases.  14  Perpetual night, animals bioluminescent 
time as needed, even if you need to skip/  DEPLOYMENT UNIT: ₡12. Once activated, 
VAGABOND: Never stop moving. Deception  15  Perpetual twilight covers the surface 
ret-con/replace scenes. Present problems:  deploys an airtight, immobile room. Choose 1 
questions you don’t have the answer to. Move  (d8), Reading Environments (d8). A weapon.  16  Rampant earthquakes and rock slides 
aspect from Mobile HQ. Combine multiple to  17  Rampant mudflows and quicksand 
the spotlight to give everyone time to shine.  ► Choose or invent skills (if prompted).  create an outpost, facility, or even city. 
Test periodically for bad luck (e.g., run out of  18  Rations spoil faster than usual 
Acrobatics, Convincing, Deception, Disguising,  19  Rocks have the appearance of liquid metal 
ammo, into authorities) — roll d6: (1–2) sudden  ► Outposts take weeks to deploy, months to 
Driving, Electronics, Engineering, Hand-to-hand, 
trouble now or (3–4) signs of trouble.    build from scratch. Value: ₡50+.    20  Sunlight is boiling hot, the sun is too close 
Intimidation, Labor, Medicine, Running, Stealth   
►To search outposts or terminals, roll d6. 
1–2 Find 1 dangerous Journey. 
3–4 Find 1 risky but lucrative Journey. 
5–6 Choose between 2 or more Journeys.  BAD LUCK EXAMPLES  FAUNA NATURES 
1  Engines overload / explosion  1  Avian, bird  4  Mammal, fur 
► JOURNEYS are jobs people pay Travellers for  2  Amphibious  5  Marine, fish 

► Sometimes you’ll come across other brave  2  Flat tire / vehicle disrepair 
travellers in the distant wilds. Add 1+ of these  so they don’t have to brave the wilds  3  Crustacean, insect  6  Reptile, scales 
3  Hostile fauna detected  
Locations to your planet. The fewer you add, the  themselves. Individuals or organizations. 
4  Run out of ammunition  FAUNA SHAPES 
more barren and isolated the planet feels.  Find these in towns, outposts or any terminal  5  Run out of 02   1  Bovine, taurus  6  Rodentia 
that can reach the network. They range from  6  Run out of rations  2  Canine, feline  7  Saur, lizard 
URBANIZED LOCALES  seemingly pointless to lives on the line.   7  Suit life support failure   3  Corvid, ptero  8  Serpentine 
1  Abandoned luxury resort and casino 
Beacon Terminals can even be found in  8  Tech runs out of power  4  Equine  9  Simian 
2  Abandoned shuttle depot, transit cars  isolated regions as well. Survey teams set  9  Temp DROPS or sudden storm  5  Mastodon  10  Ursine 
3  Barrier wall around a facility, spaceport  these up to map and explore the universe --  10  Termites/vermin invade devices  FAUNA ATTRIBUTES 
4  Convent, religious practice, aid for travellers   so what you find might be old or ramshackle. 
5  Crashsite turned fort, makeshift buildings  ► Moderation subjects to keep in mind.  1  8 legs  11  Legless 
1  Ambush and arrest bounty hunters  2  Beak  12  Long tail 
6  Energy farm, solar fields, maintenance techs  SPICE OF LIFE: Cycle out threats to offer 
2  Build an outpost and survive for 2400 hours  3  Bipedal  13  Luminous 
7  Exotic vacation resort, luxurious hotel  variety. If you've been facing off against 
3  Capture outlaws hiding out in the hills  4  Camouflage  14  Noisy 
8  Frontier farmland, small town, social spaces  poachers and outlaws for a while -- toss in an 
4  Courier the raw resources to their buyer  5  Compound eyes  15  Pincers 
9  Growing colony city, lots of construction  avalanche or monstrous animal attack! 
5  Courier the vital documents to their owner  6  Dense fur/hair  16  Plantlike 
10  Habitat preserve, stringent preservation laws 
6  Defend fauna from poachers and vandals  SURVIVAL: There are all kinds of threats to use  7  Dozen legs  17  Spines 
11  Monastery, religious pilgrims, statues 
7  Destroy nature-disrupting machinery depot  in this setting, ranging anywhere from: person v.  8  Hard shell  18  Stinger 
12  Moving corporate palace, marketplace  9  Horns  19  Stripes 
8  Escort ___ safely until 2400 hours  person, person v. environment, person v. 
13  Military fort, galley, armory, nearby threats 
9  Evac a group from dangerous territory  society, versus self, etc. It's a survival game --  10  Large  20  Very small 
14  Mining outpost, refineries, convoys in & out 
10  Find a buyer and sell __ at Destination  so test their grit in as many ways as you can.  MENTALITIES (HOSTILE) 
15  Only early infrastructure, one or 2 buildings 
11  Find & rescue lost group from Urban Locale  REMOTENESS: The planets in this setting are  1  Angrily dispatches its prey, eats ravenously 
16  Outpost in disrepair, sporadic supply drops 
12  Infiltrate Urban Locale and obtain ___  unfit for large-scale cities or they’re just early in  2  Drops from above on humanoids, envelopes 
17  Outposts every so often, fuel, information 
13  Mine vital resources, deliver to Urban Locale  development. They won’t have much in the way  3  Eat anything that puts up a fight 
18  Remote flight academy, lots of open space 
14  Much-needed supply drop at Destination  of civilization. Sometimes you might get the  4  Kills for sport to show dominance 
19  Scientific research facility, experiments 
15  Offer aid to Urban Locale from deadly fauna  feeling you know everyone in the area. Other  5  Protect their young fiercely and territorially 
20  Tech hub facility, only AI interfaces 
16  Procure and return with [element sample]  times, you’ll find a sprawling city or two,  6  Sleep forever, if woken: goes into a rage 
PLANETARY TWISTS  17  Retrieve __ from Urban Locale dead or alive  separated by long stretches of wilderness.  7  Stalk prey through the wild, strike suddenly 
1  Arc-Ship arrives with a new colony group  18  Return fauna back to its home habitat  8  Swarms anything that comes near enough 
CONNECTABILITY: While, this module is for 
2  Corporate ships arrive to mine resources  19  Steal secret intel about __ from Urban Locale  9  Tracks anything that smells good nearby 
wilderness... For urban areas, you can toss in 
3  Planet moves to new stage in its life cycle  20  Trap invasive species, return it to its home  content from any 24XX module as added info.  10  Waits, attacking humanoids once close 
4  Planet’s moon is mysteriously destroyed  
5  Planetwide pulse drains all devices of power 
1  Ancient labyrinth  11  Massive debris field  and plants as expendable or without value.  1  Create nests or traps to catch small prey 
6  Secret enclave on the planet is revealed  
2  Blue flower valley  12  Odd-material ruins  Dangerous fauna is simply a common trope in  2  Dig holes or catacombs through the area 
7  Sudden eclipse changes sky and environs  
3  Bridge over magma  13  Old flagship wreck  survival fiction. Content in this module ONLY  3  Drink and graze in safety, will flee if startled 
8  Travelling city-ship visits, trading wares 
4  City within a crater  14  Shuttle spaceport  refers to defending oneself from fauna should  4  Graze on flora, too large/brave to be startled 
9  Urbanized Locales war with each other 
5  Cobalt tar pits  15  Thick poison cloud  they attack you for their own reasons. It does  5  Loudly/brightly draw attention from mates 
10  Urbanized Locale attacked by galactic army 
6  Crystalline caverns  16  Underground city  not support or promote poaching or  6  Play, chase each other, make messes 
7  Deep red spore field  17  Underwater tech lab  environmental exploitation. For sci-fi colonies,  7  Race through the environment in herds 
2424: THE WILDS is a hack of 2400 by Pretendo 
8  Fungus greenhouse  18  Vehicle junkyard  tread carefully on this subject to respect real-  8  Search for grubs and prey in the flora 
Games. It uses the system of layout first 
9  Giant mountain arch  19  War-ravaged zone  world destruction colonization has caused.   9  Take haphazard action, moving in circles 
created by Pretendo Games. 
10  Horridian Beastnest  20  Water transit tubes  10  Wait, catching prey once it comes close 
Cover and art by BEEPLE. (CC BY 4.0).    Thanks a lot! Contact:   

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