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AFTER THE RIFT DECIMATED THE UNIVERSE, ►When checking mission boards or contacting a

resources got LOT more scarce. In the Deep Void, all superior officer, roll d6 to access missions.
the factions are out for blood. Great time to be a merc. 1–2 Find 1 risky mission. Barely worth the payout.
Problem is.. a new threat just joined the fight, turning 3–4 Find 1 lucrative mission. Risky, but worth it.
whole legions into ghoulish thralls. Time to clean up.. 5–6 Choose between 2 missions. More at higher.

►If you upgrade your ship/mech with xenotech (₡20),

activate it and roll here to see what it does.
1 Awakens d20 ancient ships scattered across galaxy 1 (III) declared martial law. I. Civilians.
2 Doubles ship interior space w/o outward changes 2 (II) is invading the city. 1 Argis, racer, serious
3 (II) surround, need evac. 2 Borg, tech, eerie
3 Enables active-camouflage (visual & baseline scan)
4 Befriend & betray (III). 3 Frix, muscle, sexy
4 Enables entire ship to morph shape and color at will
4 Lance, doctor, rude
5 Enables quantum phase-shift: short-term intangibility 5 Capture & turn in (III).
5 Rall, cook, smiley
6 Enables ramming boost: slam into the nearest body 6 Chase (II) down on cycles. 6 Zam, magnete, tense
7 Enables stealth-nebula: deploy smokecloud from ship 7 Detonate (any)’s HQ.
8 Exact clone of the ship appears. There’s two now 8 Find the truth about (any). II. Armies.
9 Free (any)’s hostages. 1 Aximus, cyber-crew
9 Hibernation pods with max cryo-time of 60,000 yrs
Get captured by (I). 2 Blik’s crew, losers
10 Quantum battery: turns any material into ship fuel 10
3 Fissa, shining armor
11 Quickleap: Jumps home in seconds from anywhere 11 Go undercover as (II)
4 Pax, traitors for hire
12 Self-destructs, but you go somewhere else... 12 Guard (I) until the match. 5 Telmis, techcreatures
13 Send a 3-word message to yourself 24 hrs in the past 13 Guard Elle Grant from (II). 6 Zerium, droptroopers
14 Ship auto-lands on secret planetary waypoint nearby 14 Isolate & take out (III).
15 Lead (II)’s coup d'etat. III. Military Targets.
15 Ship fills up with strange liquid (for aquatic species)
Locate (I) in the club. 1 Cpt. Hulm, monster
16 Ship immediately becomes semi-sentient. Greets you 16
2 Gcl. Jhust, contagious
17 Ship is locked in this location forever, indestructible 17 Protect (any)’s homeworld.
3 Lt. Kazin, hotshot pilot
18 Starmap to an outpost with a scummy alien bar 18 Steal a memory from (I). 4 Pvt. Harx, telekinetic
19 Uploads petabytes of lost info from ancient society 19 Steal __ from (I) covertly. 5 Sgt. Grizer, pro-sniper
20 War plans for a powerful faction. They’ll be after this 20 Take out (III) from rooftop. 6 Vix. Olbin, old veteran

►Colonies, bases, planets. ►Twists (add on bad luck or anytime)

1 Asper Canyon, city on a red planet, beautiful crystals 1 “Actually, test out this xenotech part first…”
2 Beta 1, asteroids, collection of outposts, flight academy 2 Advanced faction warship arrives, crew dead
3 Blagorin, cold planet, cold war, factions plot endlessly 3 Ancient ship arrives, begins auto-dock procedure.
4 Colonies of Rangit, world-ring of cities, paramilitaries 4 Bystander pays you more to escort them to safety.
5 Craterhel SS, Gorinian deathship, stalks & patrols 5 Bystanders turn out to be an enemy faction.
6 Deep Void, only shipwrecks and empty space for kilo’s 6 Client loses their nerve: “Abort!” But it’s too late...
7 Drag-tunnel, sequence of jump rings the propel you thru 7 Defense systems activate, auto-turrets everywhere.
8 Essard, rocky planet, bases/cities tunnelled underground 8 “Eliminate any other parties involved.”
9 Haggon’s bar, in open space, front for selling arms 9 Entire facility/city goes into high-tech lock-down
10 Iss, grassy wet jungle, deadly wildlife, ancient fortress 10 Highly toxic rainfall begins. Wall/ceiling is melting.
11 Jes Base, science outpost, sells arms to many sides 11 “If anyone sees you, they’ll call in the legion.”
12 LM-QD, asteroid trading post, dark market missions 12 New faction arrives, with a very specific target
13 Malsriggin, planet of very defensive/untrusting species 13 No atmosphere in this part of the planet.
14 Ousoria, planet of valleys, rich estates, mission brokers 14 Reinforcements arrive… and are shot out of the sky.
15 Quessin, moon, harvests resources of its gas giant 15 Solar eclipse begins. Those things start to appear
16 Remains of the disintegrated Larraxian homeplanet 16 Somebody catches an impossible virus
17 SK9, “Xeimos’ Moon,” a resource-rich battleground 17 Target has triple the forces we thought.
18 Sugoria, over-populated, dense city, waste, mass transit 18 Target steals your/an ally’s ship and escapes.
19 Vastion, royal city, golden crystals, alien weaponry 19 Turns out the target was an undercover agent.
20 Wotan, asteroid space-station, bars of diff factions 20 Voidhunters appear, trying to steal an artifact
Deep Void Missions is a hack of 2400 by Pretendo Games. Cover by Valeri Pizhanski (CC BY-SA 2.0.) Cropped, textured, logo.
PLAY: Players describe what their characters do. The ►Choose your character’s specialty. ►Take a vidlink (smartphone), and ₡3. Items cost ₡1 ►Invent or roll for personal details and pronouns.
GM advises what is impossible and requires extra steps. or ₡2^ each, +1 per upgrade. Don’t bother tracking
ACE FIGHTER: Piloting (d8), Inspiring People (d8). SURNAME
If there’s danger or risk, players roll skill dice. micro-credit transactions (e.g., knife, meal).
Take a ship, flightsuit, -₡3 and 1 detriment.
1 Acker 6 Frank 11 Kafka 16 Qadir
ROLLING: Roll a d6 skill die—higher with a relevant skill, EUGEN AGENT: Genetic augmentation grants you ARMOR: Vest (break 1x for defense, compartments), 2 Black 7 Gee 12 Lucius 17 Slade
or d4 if hindered by injury or circumstance. If helped by high-durability (break 2x for defense), Mach Strength full body armor (bulky, break up to 3×), flightsuit 3 Cruz 8 Haak 13 Moebius 18 Ursa
circumstance, roll an extra d6; if helped by an ally, they (d8), Hyper-Senses (d8). You’re a perfect organism. (break 1x for defense, O2 supply), battle armor^ (as 4 Dallas 9 Ignus 14 Naivia 19 Wynn
roll their skill die and share the risk. Take highest roll. full body armor, but airtight, thrust-boots), stealth 5 Ellen 10 Joshi 15 Pratt 20 Xalla
LEGIONNAIRE: Your legion fatigues grant spaceflight
armor^ (break 2x for defense, active camo).
1–2 Disaster strikes. Situation worsens. Success may and other powers. Increase (d8) any 2 otherworld CALLSIGN
be impossible. If risking death, you die. skills. Legionnaires report to Larraxian Master GUN MODS: Any gun can be upgraded with redsight,
1 Alpha 6 Empress 11 Neutron 16 Tezora
Intelligence and have set jurisdiction. auto, hardlight gunshield, collapsible, scope, remote-
3–4 Setback. Success comes with cost or unintended 2 Athena 7 Foxtrot 12 Orion 17 Thruster
destruct, remote-fire precise barrel, laser bayonet.
consequence (e.g., hindrance, alarms sound, etc). MECH-RIDER: Take a mech-suit (airtight and huge). 3 Bravo 8 Hanzer 13 Phoenix 18 Wolfpack
Piloting (d8), Electronics (d8). Pick 2 skill boosts (d8) LAUNCHER: Grenade^ (choose any of fragmentation, 4 Comet 9 Isis 14 Quusal 19 Xeimos
5+ Success prevents risk, but may not always grant
you gain while in your mech-suit. Gain 1 detriment. fashbang, smoke, EMP), bulky, dangerous. Upgrade 5 Delta 10 Lunari 15 Razor 20 Zero
what you plan on. Higher the roll, the better.
with seeking rockets, ammo quick-swap, C-4 (sticks). GARB
RICH SOCIALITE: Take a ship, and addicted to vices.
If what you attempt is impossible, you at least get a
SPACE MARINE: You never remove your battle armor. PISTOL: Upgrade with call-to-hand, silenced, mods. 1 Aviator jacket 11 Leather jacket
step closer or set up an advantage.
Shooting (d10), Zero-Grav (d8). Gain 1 detriment. 2 Bulky metal plates 12 Neon visor
RIFLE: Bulky, accurate at longer range. Upgrade with
LOAD: Carry as much as makes sense, but more than 3 Canisters & pouches 13 Officers uniform
TROUBLESHOOTER: Corporate-trained spy bought by anti-material, gatling (mount and spray), gun mods.
one bulky item may hinder you at times. 4 Cargo pants 14 Ombré raincoat
govt’s. Stealth (d8), Medicine (d8). Take a face-
SHOTGUN: Bulky, large spray, messy. Upgrade with 5 Chic waistcoat 15 Ombré scarf
ADVANCEMENT: After a mission, increase a skill shifting module or case of fake faction badges.
smoke launcher, sawed-off (larger/messier), mods. 6 Chrome helmet 16 Padded gloves
(none→d8→d10→d12). If low-paying, each
VOIDHUNTER: Xenotech (d10). +₡2 and 1 detriment. 7 Fireproof jumpsuit 17 Thermal poncho
crewmember gains ₡1. If lucrative, gain d4 credit (₡) TOOLS: Flame thrower^ (bulky), low-G thrusters, med
instead. If you destroyed many lives, +1 infamy. This 8 Flak jacket 18 Utility pack
►Choose you character’s origin. scanner, repair tools, survey pack (climbing gear, flare
can impact future bad luck (e.g. karma, revenge-takers). 9 Infantry sweater 19 Vivid Skin-tight suit
ANDROID: Take synth skin (looks humanoid) or case gun, mapper, tent; bulky), plasmatorch, tech slicer (1 10 Ivory astro-suit 20 White longcoat
DEFENSE: Say how one of your items breaks to turn a (break 1x for defense). 2 general skills, 1 detriment. use), med-kit (1 use), multitool, targeting drone^,
hit into a brief hindrance. Broken gear is useless until infrared eye, toxin filters, stimulant boost (1 use). HOW YOU BURN CREDITS BETWEEN MISSIONS
repaired (₡d4 in a city/ship/station with tech facilities). HUMANOID: Apply 3 general skill boosts as you like.
►Personal ships cost ₡5. Upgrades cost ₡3. 1 Armor replacements 6 Gun vending-machines
OTHERWISE: Name your species. Apply 2 otherworld 2 Blackshot tables 7 Pay off sibling’s debt
HARM: Hindrance and injury heals in time. Use medicine
skills or use the SPECIES page from 2400 Xenolith. SHIPS: Escape pod (fits 4, long-distance beacon), 3 Buying info on Dreg 8 Shiny new ship parts
or med-kit to speed it up. If killed, make a new character
Fightership (fits 2, armed), Dropship (fits 4, shields), 4 Designer formalwear 9 Time-slowing drugs
to be introduced ASAP. Favor inclusion over realism. ►Choose skills (when prompted), or make some up.
Cruiser (fits 4, comfy room), Shuttle (fits 8), Hauler 5 Getting neon tattoos 10 VR vacations
SQUAD: During a mission, you can assign a squad GENERAL: Close-Combat, Connections, Deception, (fits 2, cargo hold), Scoutship (fits 2, hi-speed),
Electronics, Explosives, Hacking, Intimidation, Inspiring GUN DECOR
leader. If they present a plan/orders and all agree on it, Stealth Skipper (fits 2, hi-evasion, jammer), Roamer
all squadmates get +1 to their first roll during plan. If no People, Medicine, Persuasion, Piloting, Reading People, (fits 2, navigates space & surface), Satellite (fits 4, 1 Animal keychain 4 Glowing neon stripes
squad leader assigned, someone can start spouting Science, Shooting, Sniping, Stealth, Tracking. orbits only, comfy room), Submersible (fits 2, 2 Camo gun skin 5 Ombré gun skin
orders during an emergency, to gain the same bonus. navigates space & liquids), Research Pod (fits 2, 3 Codes // runes 6 Your callsign & emblem
OTHERWORLD: AI Advice, Alluring, Constructs, Energy
Example duties: piloting, sensors, engineering, boarding sciences tools, advanced sensors, shields).
Projection, Fields, Frightening, Shifting Shape, Science, SHIP DECOR
GMING: Start with how the characters align (e.g., team, Spaceflight, Xenolinguistics, Xenotech, Xeno-Weapon. SHIP/MECH UPGRADES: turrets, jump drive (enables
1 ALLIANCE Decal 11 Hologram starmaps
opposing sides, mercs, etc.). If a fighter squadron, give hyperlight), bomber (added damage to larger
►Choose detriments (when prompted), or make one up. 2 Ancient hieroglyphs 12 Larraxian Emblem
everyone a free ship (or upgrade). Lead the group in vessels), shields (break 1x for defense), cargo hold,
Add 1 of your own accord to gain skill boost or +1₡. 3 Barcode (links infosite) 13 Massive laser damage
setting lines for content and safety. Manipulate or secret compartments, science tools, EV suits, boost 4 Bubble segments 14 Neon racing stripes
pause time as needed, even if you need to skip/ret-con/ Addicted to vices, AWOL, Been in the game way too engines (max sub-light), maneuvering thrusters (help 5 Chrome servos 15 “Property of KORRUS”
replace scenes. Present problems: questions you don’t long, Deep in debt, Hunted by one/all faction(s), Last/ evasion), laser cutter, EMP torpedos, size upgrade 6 Constellations 16 Skull and bones
have the answer to. Move the spotlight to give everyone first of your kind, Must be re-charged once per orbit, (double capacity), advanced sensors (life signs, 7 Dorsal flames 17 Spikes and spines
time to shine. Test periodically for bad luck (e.g., run out Must protect ___ with your life, Only look out for #1, tactical), scanning probes, attack drone, untraceable, 8 Faded and rusty 18 So. Many. Decals.
of ammo, into guards) — roll d6: (1–2) trouble now or Outlandish tech you don’t understand, Parasitic force faction codes (real/fake), techsync station (mental 9 Flags and ribbons 19 Violet void cloud
(3–4) signs of trouble. ‘Rules’ are only suggestions. eats you from the inside, Should be dead, Total rookie. interface), cryo-pods, design ship section with GM. 10 Glitching readouts 20 Vintage pin-up model

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