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Section 1

Choose one of the 50 states. New York

What is the population of the state? 19.51 million
How many Representatives do they have? 26
Choose a second state. If your first state is big, try a small state or vice versa.
Your second state. Hawaii
What is the population of the state? 1.43 million
How many Representatives do they have? 2
What difference do you notice in population size and the number of representatives this state has?
Answer in 1-2 complete sentences and be sure to name both states in your analysis.
I notice that a state with more population has more representatives while a state with less population
has less representatives.
Why do different states have different numbers of Representatives? Compare this with what you
know about the Senate, which has 2 senators for each state? Answer in 1-2 complete sentences.
States have different numbers of representatives because they receive representation by the size of
its population while the senate no matter the size has only 2 senators.

Section 2
Now, go to this site. You also may paste this URL into a new tab:
Answer each question in 1-2 complete sentences.

How does reapportionment happen?

The U.S. Constitution requires the federal government to count how many people live in each state
every 10 years, the number of people living in each state changes, the U.S. House seats must
occasionally be redivided. Each member of Congress gets one vote on each bill that is considered, so
states with more seats get more votes.
If the last census was taken in 2020, when will the next census occur?
The next census should occur in 2030 because it is taken every 10 years.
What may happen if a state's population increases? What may happen if it decreases?
If a state’s population increases the state may get more seats in the U.S. House, and if a state’s
population decreases they may lose a seat.

Section 3
Answer in 1-2 complete sentences.

Why is the apportionment process important?

Because it ensure equal representation for everyone.
Section 4
Now, go to this site. You also may paste this URL into a new tab: Read slides 10-17 to answer these
questions. Answer each question in 1-2 complete sentences.

Who redraws the lines?

A select group of state legislators redraw the lines.
What happens if legislators can’t agree on the new lines?
The responsibility gets passed to the courts or a backup commission of some sort.

Section 5
Answer each question in 1-2 complete sentences.

Explain 2 ways that officials can gerrymander a district.

One way is packing a district, is the process of drawing district lines and packing in your opponents
into as few districts as possible. The other way is cracking a district, is the process of taking one
district and cracking it into several pieces.
What effects do gerrymandering methods have on the opposing party?
The method of packing a district has the effect of giving less votes to the opposing party, it decreases
the voter’s strength and influence. The second method called cracking a district denies your opponent
a lot of votes.

Section 6
Answer in 1-2 complete sentences.

Should gerrymandering be allowed? Why or why not?

I don't think it should be allowed, as it manipulates statistics to make a party seem to be more
popular than the other regardless of the actual votes each of the parties got.

Section 7
Go to this site to see the answers to a few frequently asked questions about gerrymandering. You may
also paste this URL into a new tab: Answer
each question in 1-2 complete sentences.

Scroll down to the question "Is political gerrymandering illegal?" (It's question #6.) Read this section
and answer this question: Why isn't it illegal?
It isn’t illegal under the United States Constitution. It is said in the U.S. Supreme Court that the federal
courts have no authority to decide whether partisan gerrymandering goes too far.
Then scroll down two more questions to, "Does this spell the end of all partisan gerrymandering
lawsuits?" Read this section and answer this question: Can someone still sue if they think their state's
map has been drawn unfairly? Explain.
Yes, if someone thinks their state map has been drawn unfairly they can sue.

Section 8
Answer each question in 1-2 complete sentences.
What are 2 possible solutions to gerrymandering?
One possible solution is to leave the process to computers/technology by creating algorithms that
choose the lines by population size and other aspects. Another solution is to give the power to the
people instead of the politicians.
Will these solutions solve the problem? Why or why not?
I think only one of the possible solutions can solve the problem. I believe that the solutions that
leaves the process to computers is a great solution because computers don’t have a preference to any
political party. And I think the second solution could work but also no at the same time because
people can be manipulated by money making it unfair.

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