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Summative Assessment # 1: Problem, Hypothesis and Variables

Name: Sean Astraquillo Date: Jan. 24

Grade 7-F CN:3 Teacher: Ms Valenciaga

General Instructions:

absorbency: 100gms of cotton flexibility: plastic rulers pH: baby soap

density: vegetable oil hardness: screen protectors strength: tissue

1. Read through the property/common materials pairing inside the box.

2. Choose which pairing you are most interested in.
3. Make a thorough research about the pairing chosen, focusing on HOW the property is tested.
4. Based on your research, provide the following REQUIREMENTS:
a. Problem
b. Hypothesis
c. Independent Variable
d. Dependent Variable
e. Control Variable
f. Two to three sentence discussion as to how the experiment will be conducted
g. One to two sentence discussion as to why doing this experiment is important
h. Sources cited APA7 style (
5. When done, delete all the instructions, and save in .pdf format
6. Submit in the submissions bin in Schoology
7. Annotate the rubric and submit in the submissions bin as well.

Term III SA1 Template:

absorbency: 100gms of cotton

Topic (pairing)

If the cotton is less absorbent than the other brand.


Hypothesis If the usefulness is limited to its absorbency then brand X would be a better

Independent Dependent Controlled

Variable Variable Variables

Amount of water, temperature, environment of where

it’s being held, speed of when you’re pouring the water
in the container, container, amount of cotton used from
each brand.

How is this

Why is this

Sources in APA7

Problem Formats:

● What is the effect of __________ on ____________?

● Does changing ___________ affect __________ ?

● How does changing ____________ affect __________?

● If I change ___________, will it affect ___________?

Hypothesis Formats:
● If _____________ is related to ______________, then _______________.

● If the ______________ is ______________, then the ______________will __________.

● The ____________ will ____________ when ____________ then ____________.

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