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1. An art which deals with the identity and location of the offender and provides evidence of guilt through
criminal proceedings. – CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION
CEC- Confession and Admission – Eyewitness – Circumstantial
PHYSICAL EVIDENCE- CAT- Corpus Delicti (body of the crime) – Associative (link) – Tracing (locate)
2. a. Right to remain silent b. The right to have a competent and independent counsel, preferably of his own
choice who shall at all times be allowed to confer privately with the person arrested, detained, or under
custodial investigation c. If such person cannot afford the service of his/her counsel, he must be provided with
a competent and independent counsel by the investigating officer d. Shall be allowed visits by or conferences
with any members of his immediate family- REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7438 - RIGHTS OF THE PERSON
3. A clandestine observation of persons, places or vehicles for purposes of obtaining information. –
4. These are information and material (matter), the unauthorized disclosure of which would cause exceptionally
grave damage to the nation, politically, economically or from a security aspect. - TOP SECRET (green)
5. These Information and material (matter), the unauthorized disclosure of which would endanger national
security, cause serious injury to the interest or prestige of the nation or of any governmental activity or would
be of great advantage to a foreign nation. – SECRET (red)
6. These are information and material (matter) the unauthorized disclosure of which, while not endangering the
national security, would be prejudicial to the interest or prestige of the nation or any governmental activity, or
would cause administrative embarrassment or unwarranted injury to an individual or would be of advantage to
a foreign nation. – CONFIDENTIAL (blue)
7. These are information and material (matter), which require special protection other than that determined to
8. GENERAL VIEW OR LONG-RANGE- photograph of the overall scene. It will depict the location of the
Distance: From the doorway to the room and other corners of the room.
MID-RANGE PHOTOGRAPH –shows the nature of the crime. (Distance: 8 or 10 ft. from the victim)
CLOSE-UP PHOTOGRAPH –shows the details of the crime. (Distance: 5 ft. or less from the subject/ object)
9. It is the graphic representation of the scene of the crime with complete measurements of the relative
distances of relevant object and conditions obtaining therein. - CRIME SCENE SKETCH
Triangulation Method - An object is located by drawing two straight lines from two fixed points creating a
triangle; the object is in an angle formed by the line.
Rectangular Method – This method uses two walls in a room as fixed points, from which distances are
measured at right angle to the object.
Baseline or Coordinate Method - A sketching method that makes measurements along from a single
reference line called a baseline, which can be established by using a length of string, chalk line, or some
other convenient means.
Compass Point Method – A sketching method that requires a protractor or some method of measuring
angles between two lines.
Cross Projection Method - A sketching method in which the ceiling appears to open up like a lid of hinged
box, with the four walls opening outward. Measurements are then indicated from a point on the floor to the
Azimuth/Polar Coordinates –This is best suited for large pen areas where there might not be any reference
points by using a handheld GPS (global positioning system).
Strip Search/ Line Method - In this method, the area is blocked out in the form of a rectangle. The three (3)
Searchers A, B, and C, proceed slowly at the same pace along paths parallel to one side of the rectangle.
Double Strip Search Method/ Grid - The double strip or grid method of search is a modification of the Strip
Search Method. Here, the rectangle is traversed first parallel to the base then parallel to a side. It is useful for
large crime scene, particularly outdoor scenes.
Spiral/Circular/Concentric Search Method - In this method, the three searchers follow each other along the
path of a spiral, beginning on the outside and spiraling in toward the center.
Zone Search Method/Quadrant/Area or Sector - In this method, one searcher is assigned to each
subdivision of a quadrant, and then each quadrant is cut into another set of quadrants.
Wheel Search Method/Pie, Radial, Ray or Spoke - In this method of search, the area is considered to be
approximately circular. The searchers gather at the center and proceed outward.
a. Contusion – extravasation of blood -blunt instrument.
b. Hematoma – newly formed cavity.
c. Abrasion –removal of the epithelial layer of the skin brought about by the friction against hard, rough object.
d. Incised wound –sharp edged instrument.
e. Stab wound – sharp edged, sharp-pointed instrument.
f. Punctured wound – penetration of a sharp pointed weapon
g. Lacerated wound – tearing of the skin due to forcible contact of a blunt instrument. / irregular or jagged
12. Is a conversation with a purpose, motivated by a desire to obtain certain information from the person being
interviewed as to what was done, seen, felt, heard, tasted, smell or known. – INTERVIEW
13. is the skillful questioning of a hostile person suspecting of having committed an offense or a person who is
reluctant to make a full disclosure of information in his possession which is pertinent to the investigation-
14. Confession – It is the direct acknowledgement of guilt arising from the commission of a crime. A
statement of the suspect directly acknowledging his guilt.
Admission – A self-incriminatory statement by the subject falling short of an acknowledgment of guilt. - It
is the acknowledgement of fact or circumstance without accepting guilt.
15. Which statement is true when an investigator looks for signs of death by livor mortis? – The first sign is
the greenish skin discoloration appearing on the right lower abdomen about the second or third day
after death.
16. The place where the suspect either commits an illegal act or leaves physical evidence of such an act is? –
Crime Scene
17. What is not correct regarding treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents? – The Dangerous Drugs
Board shall order the confinement of a drug dependent who refuses to apply under the voluntary
submission program.
18. Which not a condition precedent before an arrested person may be required to undergo a laboratory
examination within 24 hours? – The person is showing psychological drug addiction.
19. What is the appropriate term in determining the drugs and crime relationship especially when drug use and
crimes are common aspects of deviant behavior and lifestyle or increased exposure to situations that
encourage crime? – Drug-related offenses
20. Which is not considered as drug trafficking pursuant to the applicable provisions of RA 9165? - Use,
abstinence, consumption, addiction
21. The powerful stimulant in a form of a white, powdery substance extracted from coca leave is called? –
22. In a large majority of the vehicular accidents, the most important defect in human element is attributed -
23. Inner lanes of four-lane, two-way roads are designed for- Fast Moving Vehicles
24. Pursuit operation is conducted when the driver is- unaware that he violated traffic law and fails to stop
when signaled to do so.
25. The investigator of hit-and-run cases should prove that the- Suspect was driving the vehicle
26. What is best observed when requesting a driver’s license and/or vehicle registration certificate? - Place
your body directly in front of the door or window of the vehicle.
27. At a major fire in a factory, a number of compressed gas cylinders containing carbon dioxide are
threatened by the flames. What is correct to say about the situation? – The cylinders may explode and
injure the firefighters.
28. While responding to fire, fire officers do not talk with the firefighter driving the apparatus. The primary
reason for this is to- ensure that the driver is able to concentrate and safely get the apparatus to the fire.
29. Firefighters should not use water on live electrical equipment because- There is a danger of conducting
electricity and endangering the firefighter.
30. What is the mechanical device strategically located in an installation or in a street where the fire hose will
be connected? - Fire Hydrant
31. Which is not a description of materials or compounds that are easily set on fire? – Corrosive
32. The fire suppression activity that is meant to mitigate or reduce the impact of fires by means of research
and development, production and testing of mitigating systems is- FIRE SAFETY
33. Cybercrime is an activity done using computers and internet. We can say that it is an unlawful act wherein
the computer either as a tool or target or both.
34. Cyber threat intelligence is just as cutting-edge as it sounds: it’s a type of cybersecurity solution that
seeks to provide valuable intel that helps any business stay ahead of threats with ease.
Steps: 1. Direction 2. Collection 3. Processing 4. Analysis 5. Dissemination 6. Feedback
35. Cybercrime warrants are judicial orders that involve the following acts relevant to computer data:
A. The keeping of data that is protected from deterioration B. Disclosure of confidential data or information C.
Monitoring and listening of the content of communications D. Search, seizure, and/or examination E. Custody
and destruction of computer data- These are in connection with RA No. 10175 which also known as the
“Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012”
36. Environmental law, also known as environmental and natural resources law, is a collective term
describing the network of treaties, statutes, regulations, common and customary laws addressing the effects of
human activity on the natural environment.
37. OPERATIONAL REPORTS include those relating to the reporting of police incidents. investigation, arrests,
identification of persons, and a mass of miscellaneous reports necessary to the conduct of routine police
38. Record of daily events occurring within the territory/jurisdiction of a given police unit or command.- POLICE
39. INCIDENT REPORT is a formal document that details the facts related to an incident.
40. POLICE ISSUANCE is a term for authorized source of written communication sent from higher offices to
MEMORANDUM- matters to be remembered
CIRCULARS- distributed to a large number of people- requires compliance, but temporary in duration
a. General Circular- for both PNP and public- ex. Firearm Ban
b. PNP- Memorandum Circular- for PNP personnel only- continuing effect until cancelled or amended
c. Office Circulars- for PNP Directorates and offices only, not for those in the field
d. Command Memorandum Circular- guidelines to a particular activity- temporary in duration, only
issued by Command group and Signed by Chief, PNP.
ORDER- it requires compliance to specific office, officials, or personnel mentioned.
CIVILIAN LETTER- used when PNP communicates to offices outside the government.
41. Binding written documents that serve as means for putting into effect legal proceedings, court orders and
notices. – LEGAL FORMS
42. Meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself with respect to the other. – CONTRACT
43. ELEMENTS OF A VALID CONTRACT- 1. Consent of Contracting Parties 2. Object that is subject matter
of the contract 3. Cause of Obligation which is established.
44. Transfer and assignment of any property right or interest from one person or entity to another.
45. It grants its holder the ownership of a piece of real estate or other assets, such as an automobile. It
transfers the title of an asset to new owner. – DEED
46. Written, out-of-court statement taken before a notary public or any person authorized to administer an oath.
47. Issued when there are reasonable grounds to believe that crimes has been committed, evidence will be
obtained essential to conviction of suspect or there are no readily available means to obtain evidence. –
48. Document made by the Searching police officer addressed to the court stating that the search warrant was
successfully served. – COMPLIANCE OF SEARCH WARRANT
49. The witness writes out the facts about which she has knowledge that are relevant to the case, signing the
document and swearing under penalty of perjury that it is true. – AFFIDAVIT OF WITNESS
50. Sworn statement prepared by someone who wishes to file a legal complaint. Becomes the basis for the
case, providing basic info about the facts of the matter outlining the nature of the case. – COMPLAINT
51. How many meters for the tail light to be seen? – 100 METERS
52. Before making an attempt to turn right or left, or changing your lane, turn on your signal lights or make a
hand signal at least ___ before making such movement – 100 FEET
53. You observed in the suspect the following: sweating, color change, dry mouth, pulse and breathing. In your
analysis, what does this manifest? – IT MANIFEST PHYSIOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS OF GUILT
54. The search warrant that the police officer needs must be obtained from the_____. – COURT
55. Before the police officer may be allowed to search the person’s home, he/she is required to secure a___. -
56. For the purpose of applying the law regarding custodial investigation, mere invitation is considered
as_____. -CUSTODY
57. How would you classify the Scene of the Crime Operation approach in organizing crime scene search? –
58. Refers to that part of the traffic way over which motor vehicles pass and measured from one shoulder to
another shoulder- ROADWAY
59. Which of the following are the two methods of reasoning that assist critical thinking, and which are peculiar
to the investigative process?- INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE
60. When a witness describes to the investigator what he/she sees, smells, hears, tastes and touches, it is
considered as___ evidence. -TESTIMONIAL
61. The investigation technique is effective but also risky since the operative conceals his true identity, adopts
and assume a role to obtain information is____ assignment.- UNDERCOVER
62. With all the talent of an investigator, the value of physical evidence is greatly reduced by the human failure
to____ it. -APPRECIATE
63. Physical evidence can indeed show how committed the crime. Which of the following us the most important
before it is sent to the laboratory for analysis? – TAGGING
64. A physician who is trained to determine the cause of death of a person is a____. – PATHOLOGIST
65. The examination of the quantitative analysis of the unknown substance is the primary responsibility
66. Whether or not the evidence is admissible is ultimately to be determined by the___. – COURT
67. The withdrawal symptoms produced by a drug are manifested by____. - SYMPTOMS WHICH ARE
68. Drug addicts when under the influence of drugs are menace to the community because they____. – FEEL
69. Which is not correct regarding treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependents? - THE DANGEROUS
70. The best example of drug-related offenses wherein the commission of the offenses is motivated by the
need to support drug use is____. – STEALING TO HAVE MONEY
71. Which is not considered as drug trafficking pursuant to the applicable provisions of RA 9165? - USE,
72. Select the signs intended to warn road users of the danger that lies ahead and its nature. –
74. Because of the metallic nature of this flammable material, this fire can be best extinguished by using dry
powder ABC chemical, baking soda or sand. This is a ____ fire. –CLASS D
75. The systematic examination of all facts relating to conditions, actions, and physical features associated
with motor collision is_____. - TRAFFIC ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION

76. Fire is an example of what type of chemical reaction? – OXIDATION-REDUCTION

77. The burning of a building used as offices of the government or any its agencies was burned, it is classified
78. The motive of the arsonists who enjoys the actual fire setting or the fire suppression activities is___. –
79. What is this kind of fire suppression activity manifested by the readiness of the people by means of fire
drills especially in schools, hospitals, and tall buildings? -FIRE PREVENTION
80. Observation of places or areas from a fixed point -STAKEOUT
81. These are volatile substances that produce chemical vapors that can be inhaled to produce a psychoactive
or mind-altering effect. – INHALANTS
82. One made outside the court and cannot sustain a conviction unless corroborated by evidence of corpus
83. When there are two vehicles approaching in an intersection at the same time, which one should give the
84. Overtaking is possible when the other lane is clear of incoming vehicle- SINGLE WHITE
85. ABSOLUTELY NO OVERTAKING- Overtaking is extremely dangerous- DOUBLE WHITE OR YELLOW
86. When the phrase says “subscribed and sworn to before me this date ____ by ______” is referring to? -
87. Fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details
by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. -PHISHING
88. Interrogation techniques wherein two agents are employed. One, a relentless investigator, who is not going
to waste any time because he knows that the subject is guilty while, on the other hand, one is obviously a kind-
89. In rules of right of way, when a vehicle is traversing a “thru-highway”, its driver should ______ before
crossing. -BE AT FULL STOP
90. DANGEROUS DRUGS BOARD- policy-making and strategy-making body on drug prevention and control-
Head- Chairman, Rank- Secretary
PDEA- enforcing body – Head- Director Rank- Undersecretary
91. CONCENTRIC FRACTURE- point of entry/SAME side where the force is applied, RADIAL FRACTURE-
point of exit/ opposite the side where the force is applied
92. Marks left on the roadway by tires when the brakes were applied strongly, hence the wheels locked, and
not free to rotate. -SKID MARKS
93. When a driver illegally unloads a passenger in the middle of a highway, he is committing ______ .-
94. No person shall drive any motor vehicle upon a highway at such a speed as to endanger the life, limb and
property of any person, nor at a speed greater than will permit him to bring the vehicle to a stop within the
assured clear distance ahead. If he violates this provision of RA 4136, he is committing _______. -
95. When there are two or more vehicles approaching the intersection almost at the same time, one is
travelling along the national road and the other is in the secondary road. Who has the right of way? - VEHICLE
96. This can be carried out on the following levels: imparting knowledge concerning traffic safety, training and
practice in the actual application of traffic safety and developing traffic safety morality. -TRAFFIC SAFETY
97. The operation utilized by drug syndicates to conceal their activities is____ operation. -CLANDESTINE
98. The modern-day form of slavery is___. -HUMAN TRAFFICKING
99. In traffic accident, the touching between traffic units involved in the collision is___. – INITIAL CONTACT
100. What should an investigator do upon finding broken glass shards in a possible point of entry or exit in a

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