MAQ Internship Report SamNarayana

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MAQ Internship Report

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the topics covered during the internship
at MAQ Software,Hyderabad. The internship focused on developing skills in SQL, Azure
DevOps, and Power BI. This report summarizes the key concepts and activities undertaken
during the internship period.

● SQL Overview:

The internship began with an overview of SQL and its essential components. The topics
covered include database backup and restore, constraints, joins, indexes, views, and insert,
update, delete operations. These concepts are fundamental to working with relational databases
and understanding how data is stored, organized, and manipulated.

● Azure DevOps Review:

Following the SQL overview, an overview of Azure DevOps was provided. Azure DevOps is a
set of development tools and services that facilitate collaboration, version control, and project
management. The review covered the features and functionalities of Azure DevOps, including
its integration with source control systems, issue tracking, and continuous integration and

● Power BI Overview:

The internship then shifted focus to Power BI, a powerful business intelligence and data
visualization tool. The overview covered the basics of Power BI, including its purpose, Power BI
Desktop, connecting to databases and files, and the use of Power BI Gateways for data refresh
and on-premises connectivity.

● Power BI Desktop Modelling:

The internship delved into Power BI Desktop modeling capabilities, which involve managing
data relationships, creating calculated columns and measures, optimizing models for
relationships, using calculated tables, implementing time intelligence, and other advanced
modeling techniques.

● Power BI Desktop Visualization:

Next, the focus shifted to Power BI Desktop visualization capabilities. This involved learning
different types of visualizations available in Power BI, working with multiple visualizations,
managing visual relationships, and customizing visual properties such as sorting, positioning,
and alignment. The integration of R-Visuals and date hierarchies was also explored.
● Power BI Service:

The internship covered working with Power BI Service, including creating and managing Power
BI dashboards, uploading reports to the service, configuring dashboard settings, using natural
language queries, sharing dashboards, and accessing dashboards through different devices
and platforms.

● Power BI Administration:

The internship provided an understanding of Power BI administration tasks, including tenant

settings, workspace settings, export and sharing settings, content pack and app settings,
integration settings, custom visuals settings, dashboard settings, developer settings, capacity
settings, embed codes, and organization visuals.

● Power BI Gateways:

The internship covered the deployment and management of Power BI Gateways, which enable
secure and efficient data transfer between Power BI and on-premises data sources. The topics
included guidance for deploying gateways, installation and management of gateways,
integration with Analysis Services, single sign-on (SSO) configuration, and proxy settings.

● Power BI Assignments:

Throughout the internship, various Power BI assignments were provided to apply the knowledge
gained and develop practical skills. The assignments covered a range of topics, including data
modeling, visualization, administration, and DAX functions.

● Project Context of Power BI:

The internship also provided an overview of real-world project contexts where Power BI is
commonly used. Examples of business requirements solved using Power BI were discussed,
along with the most commonly used features and capabilities of Power BI in addressing these

● DAX Functions and Expressions:

The internship included an overview of Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), a formula language
used in Power BI for creating custom calculations and aggregations. The topics covered various
DAX functions and expressions, the use of variables, table relationships, and filtering.
● Row-Level Security (RLS) with Power BI Desktop:

The internship provided an understanding of row-level security (RLS) implementation in Power

BI Desktop, which allows controlling data visibility based on user roles and permissions. The
topics covered setting up security roles, defining filters, and testing the RLS implementation.

● Conditional Formatting in Tables:

The internship covered the application of conditional formatting to tables in Power BI Desktop.
This feature allows visual highlighting and formatting of table cells based on specific conditions,
enabling better data analysis and interpretation.

● Expression-Based Titles in Power BI Desktop:

The internship explored the use of expressions to create dynamic titles for Power BI reports and
dashboards. Expression-based titles allow the inclusion of data-driven information in report
titles, enhancing the overall user experience.

● Weekly Learning Hour:

A dedicated weekly learning hour was allocated each Friday to further enhance knowledge and
skills in SQL, Azure DevOps, and Power BI. The learning hour involved reviewing previous
topics, exploring advanced concepts, and discussing real-world use cases.

● Daily Huddle:

Daily huddles were conducted to discuss progress, address queries, and provide guidance on
assignments and projects. The huddles served as an opportunity for interactive learning and
collaboration within the internship team.

● Introduction to Azure Databricks

Towards the end of thePower BI, an introduction to Azure Databricks was provided. Azure
Databricks is an Apache Spark-based analytics platform that facilitates big data processing and
advanced analytics. The topics covered include notebooks, jobs, libraries, clusters, and
authentication and authorization in Azure Databricks.

● Test Suite, Test Plan, Test Case, Shared Step, Action and Expected Result:

The internship included an introduction to software testing concepts and tools. The topics
covered test suite, test plan, test case, shared step, action and expected result, parameters,
priority, BVT and FVT tags, and their relevance in the software testing process.
● Process and Tools:

The internship also focused on understanding the software development process and the tools
used in project management, version control, and issue tracking. The topics covered the
importance of following a structured process and the effective use of tools to ensure successful
project delivery.

In addition to the topics mentioned earlier, the internship also covered various aspects related to
project delivery processes. These processes are essential for effective software development
and project management. The following topics were explored during the internship:

● Why Agile Methodologies?

Agile methodologies have gained significant popularity in the software development
industry due to their flexibility, adaptability, and iterative approach. Agile methodologies,
such as Scrum , emphasize collaboration, customer satisfaction, and the ability to
respond to changing requirements. They promote shorter development cycles,
continuous feedback, and a focus on delivering value to customers.

● How Do Agile Methodologies Deliver the Benefits?

Agile methodologies deliver several benefits by promoting close collaboration between
development teams, stakeholders, and customers. By breaking down the project into
smaller iterations called sprints, agile methodologies allow for incremental development,
continuous improvement, and faster feedback cycles. This approach enables better
adaptation to changing requirements, improved product quality, and increased customer

● Daily Delivery & Continuous Delivery

Daily delivery and continuous delivery are practices associated with agile methodologies.
Daily delivery refers to the frequent delivery of working software increments, typically at
the end of each sprint. This practice ensures that the project remains on track and allows
for early validation and feedback from stakeholders. Continuous delivery takes the
concept further by automating the deployment and release processes, enabling software
to be released to production at any time. It involves using automated testing, continuous
integration, and deployment pipelines to ensure a smooth and efficient release process.

● Why Azure DevOps?

Azure DevOps is a popular project management and collaboration platform that supports
agile methodologies. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and services for managing
work items, version control, continuous integration and deployment, testing, and project
tracking. Azure DevOps offers seamless integration with other Microsoft products and
services, making it a preferred choice for many development teams.

● Work Items in Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps uses a work item system to manage and track tasks and deliverables
within a project. Work items include epics, features, user stories, and tasks. Epics and
features represent high-level requirements or project goals, while user stories break
down the features into smaller, customer-centric units. Tasks represent the individual
work items that need to be completed to fulfill the user stories.

● Version Control Using Git

Git is a widely used distributed version control system, and Azure DevOps provides
robust support for Git repositories. Version control allows developers to track changes,
collaborate effectively, and maintain a history of code revisions. Git enables branching
and merging, facilitating parallel development and code integration.

● Test Cases
Testing is a critical component of the software development lifecycle, and Azure DevOps
supports the management and execution of test cases. Test cases define the expected
behavior and validate the functionality of the software. Azure DevOps provides tools for
creating and managing test cases, executing them automatically, and tracking the

● Linking of Work Items

Azure DevOps allows for linking work items to establish relationships and dependencies
between different tasks and deliverables. Linking work items helps in tracking progress,
understanding dependencies, and identifying potential bottlenecks. It enables better
collaboration and coordination within the development team.

● Planning & Tracking Work Items

Azure DevOps provides features for planning and tracking work items throughout the
project lifecycle. It allows teams to prioritize and schedule tasks, assign them to team
members, estimate effort, and track progress. The platform provides visibility into work
item status, facilitating effective project management and decision-making.

● Daily Status Email

As part of project communication and reporting, sending daily status emails is a common
practice. These emails provide stakeholders and team members with a summary of
progress, achievements, and any blockers or challenges encountered during the day.
Daily status emails help in keeping everyone informed, fostering transparency, and
ensuring alignment across the project team.
Overall, the internship provided insights into project delivery processes, including the use of
agile methodologies, Azure DevOps, version control, test cases, work item management, and
daily status reporting. These topics are crucial for successful project execution and aligning
development efforts with business goals.

In conclusion, the First month of Internship provided a comprehensive understanding of SQL,

Azure DevOps, Power BI, and Azure Databricks. The internship covered the fundamentals and
advanced concepts of these technologies, along with practical assignments and real-world
project contexts. The knowledge and skills gained during the internship will be valuable for
upcoming career opportunities in data analysis, business intelligence, and software

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