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Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

GAS 121

Instruction: Answer the following on a whole yellow Pad.


TEST I: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise write FALSE. (2pts each)
1. A trend is a directed movement or behavior.
2. Fad is something that covers almost all of human activities such as but
not limited to politics, beliefs, economics, lifestyle, social life.
3. A fad is something, such as an interest or fashion, that is very popular
for a short time.
4. The quick up and down in sales is because trend products usually do
not satisfy a strong consumer need.
5. Trend tend to come and go very quickly.
6. Trends and fads are sometimes used interchangeably, and they are
both important for organizations and people to keep abreast with the
changing environment.
7. A fad is a pattern of behavior demonstrated by a big number of
people within a particular period and that which continuously grow and
evolve overtime

TEST II: Identification. (2pts each)

8. Is one of the crucial elements of a trend which means that a trend has
to have a long-time frame, sometime running for decades.
9. Refers to a trend that is formed from repetitive actions of people.
10. Pertains to people who follow a certain trend which is started by an
individual or a group of people.
11. Refers to the considerable impact or influence of a trend.
12. Refers to the starting point of a trend which can be an idea, a
technology, an event or a person.
13. These trends happen right now and are outright observable.
14. They can last for decades and are so pervasive as to be generally
15. These are “trends that are so general that they affect most areas of
human life─ or, at least, more than one aspect of life or more than one
16. They provide major changes that are perceptible in the societal level
for a longer period.
17. These are “little things that happen all around us all the time.
18. They are usually identified to define an era.

19-22. What generates a trend? Who are involved in creating a trend?
22-27. Why is time frame important in a trend?
28-32. What are the issues and opportunities brought about by trends?
How do we respond during this time of pandemic?

Prepared by:

Ms. Mirasol Jamo, LPT

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