Job Sheet 13.2.2 SP

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Job Sheet 13.2.

Title: Prepare Session Plan

Performance Objective:
Given one Core Competency of your qualification, you should be able
to draft a session plan following the prescribed template.


Equipment: PC with internet connection

1. Secure TR and CBC for the qualification you are assigned to.
2. Choose a core competency of your qualification.
3. Based on the TR and the CBC Fill-up the template.
4. Copy the contents to be learned by the trainee for the LO from
the Develop Learning Content template.
5. Sequence the contents based on the hierarchy of learning, that is
arranging the content from simple to complex.
6. Select appropriate training delivery methods for the contents.
Provision for the methods for the trainees of different
characteristics and needs should be considered in planning for the
methods to be used. Minimum of two (2) methods per content.
7. Learning activities should be planned based on methods to be used.
8. Be sure to have complete activities for presentation, practice and
feedback for each method used.
9. List down resources to be used.
10. Fill-up the section for the Assessment Method.
11. Fill-up the section for the Teacher’s Self-Reflection of the Session
12.Evaluate your work using the Performance Criteria Checklist before
submitting your work to your trainer. Be sure that all criteria are
complied with.
13. Submit the link of Google Drive Folder Titled: TM1-Surname; Sub folder PTS-
Surname; SP- Surname pdf file in the PTS sub folder.
Assessment Method:
Portfolio Assessment, Performance Criteria Checklist
Performance Criteria Checklist 13.2.2

Trainee’s Name: _________________________ Date: _________________

Trainer: __________________________________
Please tick (✓) the column that best describes your evaluation of each identified
Does your output have the following?

1. Is the qualification title in the session plan the same with

the qualification title of the modules of instruction*

2. Module title indicated is the same with the title of the

modules of instruction of the CBC*

3. Is the nominal duration of the session plan the same

with duration indicated in the modules of instruction of
the CBC*
4. Does the introduction provide emphasis to the importance
and information that relates to the current module*

5. Summary of the learning outcomes in the session plan

the same with the modules of instruction of the CBC*

6. Are the learning contents sequenced by complexity from

simple to complex *

7. Is there a provision of different methods to cater to trainees

with different characteristics *
8. Minimum of two (2) Training Methods was determined per
9. The selected mode of delivery of presentation appropriate for
the trainee’s needs
Ex. Individual Study for remembering; Video
Presentation for comprehension and Demonstration
for application*
10. Practice activity is consistent with presentation*

11. Feedback activity is consistent with presentation and

12. Does the feedback measure the key factors of learning*

13. Required resources was stated to accomplish the activity*

14. Time was determined based on the level of difficulty of the


15. Total duration was consistent with the Course Design of the
16. Assessment Pan was developed*

17. Teacher’s Self-Reflection of the Session was filled with personal

reelection of the trainer based on experience of the session plan.
18. Submitted in the required file type in PTS sub folder

19. Required file name in the PTS sub folder

For satisfactory achievement, you must get 80/100, 5.3 points per criteria.
*critical aspect, must be accomplished

Trainers Name and Signature: Date:

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