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New Approaches to Nitriding

What you should know ,about this process now.

he process of nitrid-

D ing has been used to

case harden gears for
years, but the science
and technology of the process
have not remained stagnant.
New approache have been
developed which are definite-
ly of interest to the gear
designer. These include both
new materials and new pro-
cessing techniques.
A list of the desired prop-
erties of a treat
combination desired for high
performance gearing should
contain the following:
• High load carrying
,capabilities, alloy steel parts also have a very hard, wear-resistant
• High resistance to scoring improved corrosion resis- case could be produced, but
and wear" tanceand are more resistant for many applications it Was
• Good low and higbcyele to softening from heating .. necessary to remove the
endurance, And, most important, because extremely brittle hard surface
• Good impact resistance, the process is performed at layer. Then in the 194Os, Dr.
• Low distortion during relatively low temperatures Carl Floe at MIT developed a
processing, and doesn't involve quench- two-stage nitridiag process
• Predictable size change, ing. both distortion and size that significantly reduced thjs
• Low cost, change are very low and pre- brittle white layer. During
• Easy availability. drctable, In most appHcations. this same period, the Ger-
Ni.trided! alloy steel. can gear teeth are used .38 nitrid- mans developed a nitriding
meet many of these require- ed, Therefore, whenlhe total process, glow discharge
ments. The thin. hard case it manufacturing cost is consid- nitriding, whlchemployed an Two 1371. S !l.P'. ,gl.r' just atter
Initdding. They will blllledl in ,.
forms ishi.gbly resistant to ered, nitridiog can be more electrically generated plas- 1310lI0HP marini' driv.,.
both scoring and wear. The economical than. carburizing ma . .After Wodd War D, both
base material can be core- if operations such as press General Electric in the U.S.
treated! whigh strength levels, quenching or finish grinding and Kleckner in Germany
and the residual compressive are eliminated. further refined this process,
stresses generated! in the case Early History and bythe mid-1970s plas- iii· Iht prtsfdml of~
produce excellent long-life The first patent for ttitrid- ma, or ion nitriding, had Cincinnati Steel TrlJllting
fatigue properties; however, ing dates back to 1913. become a viable option for Company. CinciMllIi,On:
because the case depths are About ten years later, the many applications, Mr; Wolf has bun ,/l presen-
shallower, nitrided gears can- aluminum anoy steel called Contemporary Ntitriding ter ,at socitty of
not be loaded as heavily as NitraUoy was developed by Many different nitriding Mat!ufac1lJring Enginurs
earbarized gears. Nitrided techniques are available today.
MAACHIAP'Rlt 1U1 163

SPII!RAL BEVEL 'GE'ARS Th basic process, howev-

er, is relatively imple .. The
material is heated to 900-
I WO°F in an active nitrogen-
rich atmosphere. held for a
sufficient time for the nitrogen
to diffuse to the desired depth,
then slow-cooled.
The case produced in
alloy steel. contains two
zones. At the surface is a
very hard compound zone A Iload o~ 1I;8arl beingl removedl
referred to as the white layer. from I gs nitride,. -
In conventional gas nitriding. manner. During the longer

Spirall & Straight BevellGear Manufacturing. this layer con ists of am.ix- econd stage, dissociated
ICommen~ial t'Dai.·cf,aft ,quality gearing. ture of gamma. prime and ammoaia (H2 + N2) is
Spur. he'lieat splinedshahs, intemal &. external. epsilon iron nitrides .. mil ion employed to reduce the
shaved & ground gears. Spiral bevel grinding. nitriding. the tructure of this aitriding potential of the
zone can be controlled to atmosphere.
Mil!+452D8. Mil-STD·45662.
SPC produce a single phase layer Today techniques are
of either gamma prime or available which use pure
epsilon iron nitride. Below nitrogen blended with other
the compound zone is the gases to achieve the desired
'& T'IlIlL INC. diffusion zone containing :nitriding potentia] during dif-
.26069 Groesbeck Hwy. precipitated alloy nitrides. ferent tages of the nitriding
Warrell, MI48089
Both its depth and properties proce s. In this way, the opti-
are greatly dependent on the mum case properties can. be
concentration and type of obtained for the application
nitride-forming elements in involved. For example, with
the steel. Primarily the e are contemporary multi-stage
aluminum, chromium. vana- nitriding we canprecisely
dium, molybdenum and tita- control the white layer thick-
nium, In general, the higher ness to a finite WBOImtor, if
theaUoy content, the higher desired, completely eliminate
the ca e hardness. However, it without incorporating post-
higher alloy contents retard processing procedures.
the nitrogen diffusion rate, Similar results canal .0 be
which slows the case depth obtained using modern ion
development and, thus, re- nitr:iding techniques. In ion
quires longer cycle times to nitriding, the processing is
achieve a given case depth. done in a special vacuum
Put it in the' IQuestion ,I Answer Most gas nitriding per- furnace which has been
section on formed on gears has been backfilled with nitrogen, An
The 'GeHlr Industry H'ome IP',age™.. done' using the two-stage electrical voltage between
Floe process. During tile first the work andthe surround-
O'ne of the hottest departments on stage, pure ammonia (NH3) ing vessel ionizes the gas
the GlHpTM is the 0. & .As. is u ed as the furnace atmos- around the work, supplying
Launch your q,uestion into cyberspace phere.This dissociates into Ithe na cent nitrogen needed
and let your peers answer it. hydrogen and nitrogenal the for nitriding. Although initial.
surface of the steel, produc- work with finer pitched
- -- --

ing nascent or atomic nitro- gear often produced non-

gen (N), which reacts with uniform results, these prob-
Just log on at
and diffuses into tile steel. lems have been largely over-
It's the best spot for gearing on the Internet Note that molecular nitrogen come, and Ibe ion proee is
(N2) will not react in thi s being successfully employed
in the gear industry. For most When processing parts to
work, however, gas nitriding be nitrided, one must ensure
is the popular choice.
MatenaE SelecUon.
Most alloy steels can be
that all decarburized material
has been removed first. This
means thal as-forged webs

i ,

nitrided, Since the chrome- and other such areas should

containing 4140/4145 grade either be fully machined,
is widely available and Ire- masked to prevent nitriding
spends very well. it is widely or carbon-restored during
used for gear applications. core treating, Another pro-

for higher case hardnesses cessing consideration is the
and core strengths, the spe- removal of machining stress-
cial nitriding steels such as es prior to finish machining
the German 3 ]CrMoV9, and nitriding, It is sometimes
Nitralloy ] 35M or a custom necessary to stress relieve
grade should be used. Table [ complex. critical parts in the
lists the composition of sev- semi-finished condition to
eral materials used for nitrid- minimize their movement
ed gearing and the surface during nitriding,
hardnesses that can be ob- While most nitrided gears
tained with them. are placed into service as
Core treating by quench nitrided, finishing operations
and tempering to a marten- can be performed after harden-
sitic structure prior to mach- ing. For example, tooth grind-
ining is very important This ing to remove 0.002-0.005"
creates the desired COf"C prop- per flank is used to produce
erties and also improves the large high-performance gears
response of the nitriding to AGMA Class 15 specs. For
process, producing higher improved endurance life, shot
case hardnesses, Several fac- peening can be employed if
tors must be considered, the white layer is controlled to
however, when determining a (},'0(}05" maximum during
the desired core hardness. nitriding. 0
The tempering temperature
should be at least 50"f over Acknowledgement: A ver-
the nitriding temperature to sion of this article was pre-
prevent changes duting sented at the SME seminar.
nitriding, Since as the core "The Heat Treating and
hardness increases, machin- Hardening of Gears, " Feb.
abil ity decreases and the 27. 1996. Livonia, Ml. Used
ability to produce stress-free with permission of SME. Update y,ourreference library.
parts becomes more difficult,
the most commonly used
range for 4140 steel is 36-34
Order one article • ,oneissue
HRC. However, for heavily • ,afull year.
loaded parts where the higher
alloyed steels are employed, -':0 see eur Index o,fArticles,
it is not uncommon to use
visit Gear Teohnologyonline at
core hardnesses in the 36-40 Ten Us WhIt Yoa Think ...
HRC range. One advantage If you found this article of hnp://
interest and/or useful.
of ion nitriding is that it can please circle 21D.
be performed at reduced tem- Fm'price linformation and availability,
For mora information about
peratures, allowing the use of
ClacI.aIII S1aeI Treating Co.. contact us at (841) 431~'6604.
lower tempering tempera- circle 211.
tures during core treating.

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