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List 1


1. False.
Counterexample : Let x be −1. x is an integer and x ∈ Z. x is not bigger than 0.
Thus the statement is False.


3. True.
Consider the negate of the statement.

¬∀x(x2 is even → x is even ) ≡ ∃x(x2 is even ∧ x is odd )

Assume that the statement is True. Let x be an even number. In this case the
statement immediately will be False since x is not odd.
Let x be an odd number, then x2 will be odd, So again the statement will be False.
Considering the two cases above, implies that the negate of the statement is False
again. So, the statement is True.


5. True,
Let x be an arbitrary integer. Let r be the remainder of x divided by 2 (r can only be
either 0 or 1).

(a) if r = 0 : Then x is of format of 2k it means that x is even. Thus, the statement

is True.
(b) if r = 1, thus, x is of format of 2k 0 + 1. That means x is odd. Thus, the statement
is True.

Therefore, for any number x ∈ Z, it’s either even or odd. Thus, the statement is true.
Thus, the statement is True.


7. False,
Consider the negate of the statement.

¬∀x(x is even ∧ x is odd ) ≡ ∃x(x is odd ∨ x is even )

Let x = 1, Since x is odd the negate of the statement is True. Therefore, the statement
itself is False.

9. False,
Counterexample : Let x = 1 and y = 0. x, y ∈ Z. However, 1 ≮ 0.
11. False,
Suppose that the statement is True. Let x be any good candidate that the statement is
True for that x. Take y = x − 1. Then, x ≮ x − 1. Contradiction, Thus the statement
is False.
13. False,
Counterexample : Let x = 1, y = 2, then xy = 2 and it’s even. However x is not.
Therefore, the first part of the statement is True and the second part is False. True →
False ≡ False.
15. False,
Suppose that the statement is True. Let x be the candidate such that the statement
is True for any y.
(a) Let x be an odd number : Take an even number for y. Since xy is even but x is
not, the statement is False. True → False ≡ False
(b) Let x be an even number : Assign an odd value to y. Since xy is even but y is
not, the statement is False. True → False ≡ False
Therefore, no good candidate exists for x. Contradiction! The statement is False.
17. True,
Consider the negate of the statement.
¬∀x∀y(xy is even → (x is even or y is even )) ≡ ∃x∃y(xy is even ∧(x is odd and ∧y is odd ))
Suppose that the negate of the statement is True. In order to statement to be True,
both x, y has to be odd, otherwise, (x is odd and ∧y is odd ) will be false and it makes
the whole statement False. Now, if both x, y are being odd, it results in xy being odd.
That also makes the statement False. Thus, the negate of the statement is False.
Therefore, the statement is True.
19. True,
Take an even value for x. Despite the value of y, xy will be even and, Since x is even,
(x is even or y is even) is True. Therefore True → True, is True.

21. False,
Counter example. Let x = −2, y = −3. Hence, xy = 6 > 0 and x + y = −5 which is
less than zero. Thus, T ∧ F ≡ False.


23. False,
Suppose that there exists an x such that the statement is True for any y. Take y = 0,
consequently, xy = 0 ≯ 0. Despite that x + y is greater than zero or not the statement
will be False since we are taking ”and”. Therefore, such x does not exists. Thus, the
statement is False.


25. False,
Counterexample. Let x = 0, y = 0, then, xy ≯ 0 and x + y ≮ 0. F ∨ F ≡ F


27. False,

(a) If x = 0, take y = 1. xy = 0 ≯ 0 and x + y = 1 ≮ 0. F ∨ F ≡ F

(b) If x = 1, take y = 0. xy = 0 ≯ 0 and x + y = 1 ≮ 0. F ∨ F ≡ F
(c) If x > 1 or x < 0, take y = −x + 1. x + y = 1 ≮ 0. Since the second part is False
and we are taking ”or” the statement will be False.

All cases are False, so the statement is False.


29. False,
Counterexample, Let x = 6 and y = 6. Both x and y are multiples of 3. However, we
have 3x + 2y = 30 which is even.


31. True,
Take x = 3. Let y be an arbitrary multiple of 3. Therefore, y = 3k for some integer k.
Therefore, we have

3x + 2y = 3 · 3 + 2(3k) = 9 + 6k = 2(3k + 4) + 1.

Therefore, 3x + 2y is odd by definition.


33. False,
Counterexample : Let x = 2, y = 1. x > y, but x2 = 4 ≮ 1 = y 2 .
T →F ≡F


35. True,
Let x = −1.

(a) If y ≤ −2 : y ≤ −2 ≤ −1 = x and y 2 ≥ 4 ≥ 1 = x2 . Thus, T → T ≡ T

(b) If y ≥ −1 : x ≯ y. Since the first part of the implication is False, despite the
value of second part the statement will be True.

Since both cases were True. Such a x exists.


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