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LMCE1042 AM Slot Dialogue Writing Assessment (25%) Breakthrough English

Dialogue Writing Assessment (25%)

LMCE1042 Breakthrough English
Sem. 1, Sesi 2021-2022

1. This assessment is to be carried out individually.
2. Based on the question below, write out a complete dialogue involving both roles.
3. You are NOT allowed to discuss the dialogue with anyone, but you are free to use a dictionary.
4. You are given 3 hours to complete the assessment.
- This includes the time to write the dialogue, as well as to submit it.

Please immediately inform your Instructor

if you have internet connection problems
that may delay your submission.

Format: Please use:

1. Microsoft Word file.
- use your name and matric number as the title of the file.
- For example: Farah Hani Adlan – A12345
2. Times New Roman font, size: 12.
3. Single spacing – please do NOT change the spacing in the template!
3. The length of the dialogue must be between 3-4 pages long.
- (each page is about 8% worth, out of 25%)

Please use the answer template provided. Insert your own lines to as many as you may need.

- Upload your dialogue on UKMFolio (under Dialogue Writing Assessment Submission – 25%).

LMCE1042 AM Slot Dialogue Writing Assessment (25%) Breakthrough English


Role 1 – Son/Daughter Role 2 – Father/Mother

You found a kitten outside of your house, and Your son/daughter found a kitten outside your
you are thinking of taking care of it. However, house, and he/she is thinking of taking care of it.
your father/mother does not like cats. You go You do not like cats. Your son/daughter comes
and see your father/mother and ask him/her and sees you to ask for your permission to keep
whether you can keep it. You want to keep the the cat. He/she gives reasons why he/she would
cat because you are lonely, it can reduce your like to keep the cat. Listen to his/her explanation.
stress, etc. Your parent is worried that taking Explain to him/her the disadvantages of keeping a
care of the cat will distract you from your cat such as requires a lot of responsibilities
studies and school activities. He/she highlights (feeding the cat, cleaning, toilet training it, etc),
that keeping a cat requires a lot of expensive (cat food, medical costs, litter sand,
responsibilities and money. Respond to his/her etc) and the cat hair can cause asthma. You worry
worries. You believe you can do it and it will be that keeping a cat will affect your son/daughter's
a good training for you to become a better studies and school activities. Discuss with your
person. Explain to him/her how you are going to son/daughter and decide whether he/she can
pay for the expenses. Tell him/her other keep the cat.
benefits of having a cat (such as leftover food
can be given to the cat and etc) so that he/she
will allow you to keep the cat. Discuss with your
father/mother and decide whether to keep the

LMCE1042 AM Slot Dialogue Writing Assessment (25%) Breakthrough English

Dialogue Writing Assessment – 25%

Sem 1, Sesi 2021-2022
Matric No: A186022
Set: 9
Role 1’s name: Lisa Role 2’s name: Mom

Lisa Hi mom, I’m just back from school.

Mom Hello dear, how was your day ?
Lisa Today was so great. At school I had do sport activities with friends.
Mom Wow! Do you enjoy it?
Lisa Of course! I being a leader.
Mom Ouch, you so brave girl. Good job Lisa!
Lisa Oh mom, I had seen a cute kitten outside our house.
Mom It’s wild kitten.
Lisa No mom, I think it’s wayward.
Mom Just ignore it. Soon it’s will appear.
Lisa But mom, I fill pity.
Mom Why?
Lisa It’s look like very hungry.
Mom Oh, don’t worry it’s will back to his house later.
Lisa But mom, I think I want to keep it.
Mom No can’t it already have his owner.
Lisa I think his owner throw away. I want give his name Mochi.
Mom Lisa, do you know that I don’t like a kitten?
Lisa No worries mom, I will keep Mochi outside the house.
Mom But Lisa, it’s will affect your studies.
Lisa Hmmm please mom. I feel lonely without the siblings.
Mom If you feel lonely, you can watch movie with me.
Lisa If I have Mochi, it will help me to release stress on study.
Mom Lisa, I worry if you don’t have enough time to handle it.
Lisa I will manage my time mom.
Mom You will feed it every morning Lisa.
Lisa It’s fine, before I go to school, I will do it.
Mom Hahaha, everyday you rushing because of wake up late.
Lisa Hehehe, I will set the alarm earlier soon.
Mom Lisa, do you know that if you keep it, you will clean his faces?
Lisa Yes mom, no worries I will do it.
Mom If Mochi sick? What will you do?
Lisa I will send Mochi to the clinic.
Mom You will don’t enough time to study later.
Lisa I will try to do my best mom.
Mom So, if Mochi get fever, do you still want to keep it outside the house?
Lisa Hehehe, I will keep it inside the house until Mochi good.
Mom Where do you want to keep it?
Lisa Can I keep it in my room?
Mom Big no Lisa, its hair can cause asthma. Do you know about it?
Lisa Oh, I see.

LMCE1042 AM Slot Dialogue Writing Assessment (25%) Breakthrough English

Mom Yes Lisa, many disadvantages if you keep Mochi.

Lisa Hmm please mom.
Mom Lisa, keeping a cat have a lot of responsibilities.
Lisa For example?
Mom The cost so expensive.
Lisa What cost?
Mom The cost to buy Mochi food.
Lisa Oh, I will use my own money. Don’t worry mom. I will use half of my school
money to buy the food.
Mom No Lisa, it’s bad idea.
Lisa Hmmm.
Mom You have a lot of activities at school Lisa.
Lisa I can manage it.
Mom How?
Lisa I will do timetable for school and Mochi also.
Mom On Monday, you have tuition in the evening, right?
Lisa Yes mom.
Mom So, what time you coming home?
Lisa At 7pm.
Mom On Tuesday?
Lisa Emm, Tuesday I have club activities.
Mom At 5pm you coming home, right?
Lisa Yes.
Mom See you don’t have enough time to handle Mochi.
Lisa I can take care Mochi after school time.
Mom So, study time?
Lisa I will stay up until 1am every day.
Mom No Lisa, this year you will sit for SPM. You must focus on study.
Lisa Hmmm, but I sure I can manage my time.
Mom If you don’t have enough money to buy Mochi food, what will you do?
Lisa I can give Mochi leftover food.
Mom Mm, okay.
Lisa Mom, I think if I keep Mochi I can be a better person.
Mom How?
Lisa I will know how to handle a pet.
Mom Other else?
Lisa Emm, I can be a person that have good timetable.
Mom Wait a second, give me time to think it.
Lisa Okay mom, I really hope I can take care of Mochi.
Mom Lisa, I think Mochi need more attention.
Lisa Why?
Mom Mochi is still a kitten.
Lisa I can give a good attention to Mochi.
Mom Mochi need a vitamin to grow healthy.
Lisa I can give it.
Mom Do you know the price of that vitamin?
Lisa No mom.
Mom It’s very expensive.
LMCE1042 AM Slot Dialogue Writing Assessment (25%) Breakthrough English

Lisa I can use my saving money.

Mom It’s not enough.
Lisa Hmmmm, please mom. I really want to take care of Mochi.
Mom I worry it will affect your life.
Lisa Why?
Mom Because it not easy to handle a kitten.
Lisa I will try my best mom.
Mom But I think your dad have asthma.
Lisa I will keep Mochi outside the house.
Mom What if your dad asthma getting worst?
Lisa I can handle Mochi.
Mom How?
Lisa I will buy cage for Mochi.
Mom Mochi will not comfortable in small space.
Lisa I will get Mochi out every weekend.
Mom So, on weekend you will not study?
Lisa No mom, I will study in morning until afternoon.
Mom It will not enough time to cover your studies.
Lisa I will continue study at night.
Mom Do you very sure you can manage your time?
Lisa Yes, definitely.
Mom Wait, I will call your dad to get his permission too.
Lisa Okay mom, I hope mom and dad can allow me to take care of Mochi.
Mom I had called your dad just now.
Lisa So, how? I excited to know.
Mom I have good news.
Lisa Wow! Really?
Mom Dad said you can keep Mochi with us.
Lisa Yeayyyyy! Thankyou mom and dad. I really grateful to hear this.
Mom But mom and dad had discussed to make some conditions.
Lisa What is it?
Mom You must keep the cage clean every day.
Lisa Okay I can do it.
Mom Besides that, you also need to make sure Mochi did not come inside the house.
Lisa Okay mom, I will play with Mochi outside the house.
Mom If Mochi sick, you must tell mom and dad as soon as possible.
Lisa Why?
Mom Mom and dad want to prevent the bacteria.
Lisa Okay mom, I will sure Mochi in a good health.
Mom Now, you need to buy Mochi’s food.
Lisa Alright mom.
Mom Please put Mochi inside the box. Your dad will buy a cage.
Lisa Oh, it’s great. Thankyou mom and dad.
Mom Welcome! I will do anything for you my dear.
Lisa Thankyou for trusting me to take care of Mochi.
Mom Promise me you will do your best.
Lisa Okay, I sure. I go buy Mochi’s food right now.
Mom Alright, take care dear.
Lisa Love you mom and dad.
LMCE1042 AM Slot Dialogue Writing Assessment (25%) Breakthrough English

Mom Love you too, Lisa.

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