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Academic Year 2020-2021

Name: Score ___ /25

Level: Primary 4 Date:

Subject: English Topic: Real-life Fiction


1. Read the passage in the Insert and answer the questions that
Instructions: follow.

Section A: Reading

Spend 30 minutes on this


Read the Text in the Insert and answer questions 1 – 16.

1. What did Jim like to do?


2. Why did he run away from home?


3. Where did he go?


4. When did the whole fight start?

5. Which statements are TRUE about the text? Highlight two answers.

Jim didn’t like to study.

Jim loved to eat vegetables.

Jim didn’t listen to his parents.

Jim was very mad at his parents. [2]

6. (a) Do you think it is fair that Jim ran away? Highlight your answer.

Yes No [1 ]

(b) Explain your answer in 6 (a).


7. (a) In line 13, ‘he had no idea where to go,’ suggest what Jim was feeling
in the story.


(b) List two things that Jim heard in the forest.

· ___________________________________________________________[1]

8. Describe the man sitting by the tree.

9. What did Jim’s parents remind him of?


10. Give one word from the story which means ‘option.’


11. Read line 26, ‘was feeling sad for the man.’

Explain in your own words why Jim felt this way towards the man.


12. Underline the subordinate clause in the sentence below.

Even though he looked dirty, he seemed to be a nice old man. [1]

13. Match the underlined word to its class by highlighting with the same colour. The first
one has been done for you.

As he made his way through the forest, he began to get more scared.

verb noun preposition adjective pronoun [2]

14. Write simple sentence or compound sentence accordingly.

I got really mad and I ran away from home.

One day his father left and never returned.

15. Explain the moral of the story.


16. (a) Which genre do you think the story is? Highlight your



real life story [1]

(b) Write one characteristic of the genre you chose in 16(a).


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