Banyuwangi Is The Eastern Tip of Java Island

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Banyuwangi is the eastern tip of Java Island, directly adjacent to the Bali Strait.

Geographical conditions that condition parts of the Banyuwangi region to be part of the
trajectory of various cultures. This cultural trajectory makes the people of Banyuwangi
heterogeneous. More or less influence the cultural development of the people of
Banyuwangi in a dynamic, harmonious and symbiotic way of mutualism. The success of this
cultural interaction has made Banyuwangi an object of warm and dialogical conversation.
Various achievements have been obtained with good order and cooperation among the
community and policy makers. Banyuwangi carries various predicates. Among others :
1. Banyuwangi is a cultural paradise.
2. Banyuwangi city of bananas.
3. Banyuwangi rice barns.
4. Banyuwangi miniature Indonesia and.
5. Banyuwangi gets the nickname “Sunrise of Java”.

The indicators that support these various titles are the existence of the people of
Banyuwangi in traditional, populist and modern forms of art and culture. Especially the
preservation of traditional arts and culture which is maintained by adjusting to changing
times as part of a tropical country.

One of the cultural assets the people of Banyuwangi, especially Osing, is that various
traditional ceremonies are still being held. The implementation of traditional ceremonies in
Banyuwangi is actually the same as traditional ceremonies held in other parts of the world,
which are based on the environment, beliefs, livelihoods and needs of the local community.
Banyuwangi as an agricultural region, which is the incarnation of the remnants of the
Belambangan kingdom which comes from the word "Blambang-blambang (= Javanese
language "abundant)" means an area that contains many sources of water springs, so that
the land is fertile and the yield is abundant. This abundant result is then manifested by
expressions of gratitude in the form of carrying out ceremonies which are full of
sacredness. How we have to acknowledge the intelligence of our ancestors who wanted to
continue to protect springs, local and socio-cultural seed sources that are grounded by
wrapping them into a single unit of traditional ceremonies which have been maintained
until now.

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