DionesMelissaJane IT4J Ms - Toni

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Diones, Melissa Jane C.

BSIT – 4J 201811049
1. Discuss common network security threats
- There are various widespread threats to network security, including; Malware is the
term for malicious software that aims to harm a network or computer system or
provide unauthorized access to it. Phishing: In phishing assaults, fraudsters pretend
to be a reliable organization in order to deceive victims into disclosing personal
information like passwords or credit card details. DDoS assaults: Distributed Denial of
Service attacks entail flooding a system or network with too much traffic, making it
unavailable to authorized users. Insider threats: These are dangers to network
security posed by staff members, independent contractors, or other authorized users
who abuse their access to the system for nefarious ends. Weak authentication and
password security: Using passwords that are too easy or obvious might expose
networks to brute force attacks. In conclusion, common network security threats can
have serious and wide-ranging effects on networks, including operation disruption,
illegal data access, infrastructure damage, monetary and legal repercussions, and
loss of client trust. To reduce these threats and safeguard the availability,
confidentiality, and integrity of the network and its resources, it is crucial to
implement strong network security measures.

2. Explain how these threats work and damage they can cause
- Networks may suffer significant repercussions as a result of common network
security vulnerabilities, including operational disruptions and financial and legal
liability. Operations may be disrupted by malware infections or Distributed Denial of
Service (DDoS) assaults, which may make networks or systems inaccessible to
authorized users and cause downtime, productivity loss, and significant revenue loss.
Another issue is infrastructure damage to networks. Servers, routers, switches, and
firewalls can sustain physical or logical harm from malware or DDoS attacks. This
might affect network connectivity, result in data loss, and necessitate expensive
equipment repairs or replacements, all of which would have an effect on operations
and finances. The repercussions of network security breaches can be severe in terms
of both money and law. Due to cleanup costs, legal obligations, and potential
litigation from affected parties, organizations may suffer financial losses.
Organizations may lessen the risk and impact of common network security threats,
secure their networks and data, maintain customer confidence, and ensure business
continuity by using a multi-layered approach to network security.
3. Provide 5 examples of recent high – profile network security breaches
- SolarWinds Supply Chain Attack (2020)
- Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack (2021)
- Microsoft Exchange Server Vulnerability Exploits (2021)
- Facebook Data Breach (2019)
- Equifax Data Breach (2017)

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