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Gigaset DA310 / IM1 en/ A30054-M6528-R101-3-6Z19 / / 31.03.



Gigaset DA310 overview



1 Programmable direct dial keys

2 Insert strip for writing the assignment of pro-
grammable direct dial keys and speed dial keys
3 Speed dial key
4 Set key
5 Redial/Pause key
6 Recall key
7 Mute key
8 Handset volume key
Gigaset DA310 / IM1 en/ A30054-M6528-R101-3-6Z19 / / 31.03.2016


Connecting the telephone

¤ Connect the telephone connector (1) to the main phone socket using the
supplied telephone cable.

¤ Guide the cable through the

cable channel of the handset
cradle: upwards for operating
the phone on the table (2);
2 downwards when mount-
ing the phone on the wall

¤ Connect the
handset to
5 the tele-
1 using the
4 cable (4).

6 3
Wall mounting
¤ Drill two dowel holes into the wall at a distance of 99.4 mm and fix two

Lift out the handset bracket (5) with a screwdriver and clip it into the hand-

set cradle (6).
Hang the telephone on the projecting screw heads.
Please note: The handset bracket must be placed in the cradle with the slan-
ting edge facing forwards (see graphic), as otherwise the handset will not be
properly secured.

Safety precautions u Only connect the connecting

lead to the intended socket.
When installing, connecting and u Only connect approved accesso-
operating the telephone, always ries.
observe the following precautions: u Lay the connecting lead where it
u Only use the jacks and leads sup- will not cause accidents.
plied. u Position the telephone on a non-
slip surface.
Gigaset DA310 / IM1 en/ A30054-M6528-R101-3-6Z19 / / 31.03.2016


u For your safety and protection, Dialling and saving

the telephone may not be used
in the bath or shower rooms (wet numbers
locations). The telephone is not
splash proof. Dialling a number
u Never expose the telephone to c~ Lift the handset, dial
sources of heat, direct sunlight or the number.
other electrical devices.
u Protect your telephone from Last number redial
moisture, dust, corrosive liquids The last number dialled is automati-
and vapours. cally saved.
u Never open up the telephone
Lift the handset, press
the last number redial
u Do not touch the plug contact
with pointed or metallic objects.
u Do not carry the telephone by Speed dialling
the leads.
grammable direct dial keys B and
You can save 4 numbers on the pro-
u If you give your telephone to
someone else, make sure you
10 numbers for speed dial on the
also give them the operating
number keys (0-9) (each with max. 21
Saving number
Setting up the telephone K Press the set key.
for use either ... via direct dial key
Recommended installation of tele- B Press the programma-
phone: ble direct dial key.
u Do not expose the telephone to or ... via speed dial
direct sunlight or other sources
of heat. Press the speed dial
u Operate at temperatures of key.
between +5°C and +40°C. Q ... O Define the speed dial
u Maintain a distance of at least
one metre between the tele- Enter the number for
phone and radio equipment, e.g. the programmable
radio telephones, radio paging direct dial key or speed

equipment or TV sets. dial.
Otherwise, telephone communi- Press the set key.
cation could be impaired.
Dialling a number via
u Do not install the telephone in
programmable direct dial key
dusty rooms as this can limit the
service life of the telephone. Lift the handset, press
u Furniture lacquer and polish can the programmable
be adversely affected by contact direct dial key.
with parts of the unit (e.g. feet). You can extend the dialled number
by entering additional digits.
Gigaset DA310 / IM1 en/ A30054-M6528-R101-3-6Z19 / / 31.03.2016


Dialling a speed dial number Mute

cJ Lift the handset, press You can deactivate the telephone's

Q ... O
the speed dial key. microphone during a call.
Press the speed dial C Press the mute key.
number key. To reactivate microphone: Press the
Notes on saving and deleting mute key again or press any other
programmable direct dial and
speed dial numbers Setting the ringer
* and # are saved regardless You can set the ringer melody and

c K Lift the handset, press

of the set dialling mode but are only volume or turn it off.

dialled with tone dialling mode

( page 5). the set key.
Press the hash key.
Q ... O Press one of the
If the number entered is longer than
21 digits, the saved number is
deleted. number keys, see
Dialling pauses
(0: Ringer off until
entered using I (not at 1st digit).
One or more dialling pauses can be
handset is next lifted).
Press the set key.
Pauses are transferred to the mem-
ory and are necessary for certain Volume

0 I 2368).
extension systems (e.g.:
low medium high
u Dialling a dialling pause within Melody 1
2 3
the first 5 digits: Melody 2 4 5 L
The entire number saved is
Melody 3
dialled, including the
2-second dialling pause.
u Dialling a dialling pause after the
first 5 digits:
Operation on a PABX
The portion of the number saved
Special functions/Recall key
after pressing the I key.
after the pause is only dialled
During an external call, you can

To do this, press the recall key H.

make an enquiry or forward the call.
Adjusting the telephone The subsequent procedure depends
on your PABX.
Setting the handset volume To set the recall key, the telephone’s
The handset volume can be set to flash time must be set consistent
with your PABX. Please refer to the
two levels.
Press the handset vol- operating instructions for your PABX.
ume control key.
The primary volume is reset after
hanging up.
Gigaset DA310 / IM1 en/ A30054-M6528-R101-3-6Z19 / / 31.03.2016


Changing the dialling mode/ Recall key

flash time In public telephone systems, the
The telephone supports the follow- recall key is required to use certain
ing dialling modes: additional services; e.g. for "Call back
on busy".
T2: Tone dialling, flash time 280 ms
T1:Tone dialling, flash time 100 ms You may need to adjust the flash
P: Pulse dialling time of your telephone to the needs
of the public telephone system. To
Depending on your PABX, you may
do this, use the sliding switch on the
need to change your telephone’s
underside of the
dialling mode or the flash time.
telephone( page 5).
To do this, use the slid-
ing switch on the
underside of the Appendix
Temporary tone dialling switching Wipe the unit with a damp cloth or
in "Pulse" position an antistatic cloth. Do not use sol-
To use functions that require tone vents or microfibre cloths.
dialling (e.g. remote control of Never use a dry cloth; this can cause
answering machine), you can set the static.
telephone to tone dialling for the Contact with liquid !
duration of the call without adjust- If the device comes into contact with
ing the switch. liquid:
After the connection is established: 1 Allow the liquid to drain from the
Press the star key. device.
After the connection is broken, the 2 Pat all parts dry. Place the device
setting reverts to pulse dialling. (the keypad facing down) in a
dry, warm place for at least 72
Operation on public hours (not in a microwave, oven
telephone systems 3 Do not switch on the device
again until it is completely dry.
Public telephone systems - in some
When it has fully dried out, you will
cases by special order/request – offer
normally be able to use it again.
you a range of useful additional serv-
In rare cases, contact with chemical
ices (e.g. call divert, call back on busy,
substances can cause changes to the
three-party conference etc.). These
telephone's exterior. Due to the wide
services can be selected using speci-
variety of chemical products availa-
fied key combinations, which your
ble on the market, it was not possible
network provider will notify you of.
to test all substances.
You can save the entire key combina-
tion, including the number of a fixed Questions and answers
call divert destination, to your pro- You lift the handset but you hear
grammable direct dial keys or speed no dialling tone: Is the connecting
dial keys just like a normal number. lead correctly plugged into the tele-
phone and the telephone socket?
The dialling tone is audible but the
telephone will not dial: The con-
Gigaset DA310 / IM1 en/ A30054-M6528-R101-3-6Z19 / / 31.03.2016


nection is OK. Is the dialling mode set Disposal

correctly? All electrical and electronic products
The other party cannot hear you: should be disposed of separately
Mute activated?
from the municipal waste stream via
Regular pulse noises can be heard designated collection facilities
during a call: The connection is appointed by the government or the
receiving metering pulses from the
local authorities.
exchange, which the telephone can-
This crossed-out wheeled
not interpret. Contact your network
bin symbol on the product
means the product is cov-
Protecting our environment ered by the European Directive
Our environmental statement The correct disposal and separate
We at Gigaset Communications collection of your old appliance will
GmbH are aware of our social help prevent potential negative con-
responsibility. That is why we sequences for the environment and
actively take steps to create a better human health. It is a precondition for
world. In all areas of our business - reuse and recycling of used electrical
from product planning and produc- and electronic equipment.
tion to sales and waste of disposal - For more detailed information about
following our environmental con- disposal of your old appliance,
science in everything we do is of please contact your local council
utmost importance to us. Learn more refuse centre or the original supplier
about our earth-friendly products of the product.
and processes online at Authorisation
This device is intended for analogue
Environmental management
phone lines in the UK and on the Irish
system network.
Gigaset Communica- Country-specific requirements have
tions GmbH is certified been taken into consideration.
according to the inter- We, Gigaset Communications GmbH,
national standards declare that this device meets the
ISO 14001 and ISO 9001. essential requirements and other rel-
ISO 14001 (Environment): Certified evant regulations laid down in Direc-
since September 2007 by TüV SÜD tive 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU.
Management Service GmbH.
ISO 9001 (Quality): Certified since A copy of the Declaration of Con-
17/02/1994 by TüV Süd Manage- formity is available at this Internet
ment Service GmbH. address:
If you should encounter any prob-
lems when operating the telephone
connected to a communication sys-
tem with analogue network access,
please contact the network operator
responsible or your dealer.
Gigaset DA310 /IM1 pt / A30054-M6528-R101-4-6Z19 / / 13.04.2016


Issued by
Gigaset Communications GmbH
Frankenstrasse 2a, D-46395 Bocholt

© Gigaset Communications GmbH 2016

All rights reserved. Subject to availability.
Rights of modification reserved.

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