Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured

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1) Statement of cost of goods manufactured.

2) Cost of goods schedule

3) Income statement

Beneficios= Ganancias
Ingresos= Costos totales= fijos/variables

 Precio debe ser estrictamente positivo/mayor a 0

 Asignacion eficiente de recursos
 Asignar costos de forma eficiente
 Optimizar costos
 Presupuestos existen de corto (-1 año) a largo plazo (+1 año)

 EFECTO ESTACIONARIO / EFECTO ESTACIONAl = Solo tienen meses de mayores operaciones

 Clave de control presupuestal = Toma de deciciones
 Control presupuestal = Sirve para llegar a las metas.
 Presupuesto de costos de produccion, ventas, materia prima, compras.
 1º paso son las ventas.
 Metodo de monte carlo: crear datos, puede llegar a coincidir o no, si no coincide los presupuestos
estan mal.

About budgetary control:

1) Considering of the future, so that the plans, draw, allow, obtaining the maximum utility according to
the conditions that arise.
2) Coordination of all activities to achieve this gual.
3) To assure the financial liquidity of the company.
4) To establish a contol to know if the plans are carried out and to determine the direction taken in
relation to the established objetives.

Mercado de dinero = Bonos

Mercado de capital = Acciones

Basic rules for budgeting:

1) Determine the magnitude of the entity within the industrial of commercial breach in order to place it
within the general bussiness traswork.
2) The study the annual or period international growth of the entity in compoison with other bussiness
of the brench or wich it begging
3) Determine the diferences between the enthy´s situation and the general business conditions

Stages of budget management:

1) Forescat
2) Planning
3) Organization
4) Coordination or integration
5) Mnagement
6) Control

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